[Steven D'Aprano st...@pearwood.info  responding to Paul Sokolovsky] wrote:
> > Let us be clear: failed matches do not affect
> > surrounding
> > namespaces unless you declare capture variables as global or
> > nonglobal. They might affect the current namespace, but not
> > surrounding namespaces. Failed matches will not leak out to
> > surrounding namespaces.
> > The problem is that intuitively (just like with "for"),

> "case a, b if a != b:" opens a new namespace for "a" and "b". That's why
> I talk about "surrounding namespace". Then if a particular case
> matching succeeds, weak of us (myself including) expect "a" and "b"
> to magically appear outside the "case" too. But if the case didn't
> match, nope, I don't expect "a" and "b" to appear there, it's not
> intuitive at all ;-).

I'm getting a bit confused over when people mean "the PEP currently says" vs 
"the implementation probably should" vs "the PEP should additionally require" 
vs "the PEP should instead say".

To be more specific, I'm not sure what is intended for the 2nd or 3rd case 
below, which reuse a variable "bound" by the first (failed) match.  Nor am I 
sure whether it matters that the first match fails on the guard predicate, 
instead of immediately on the match.
    case (a, b, c) if f():  # assume f() returns false

    case (a, b) if a == c:  # is a still bound from case above?  Is that 

    case (d = a):  # is a still bound from case above?  Is that 
implementation-dependent?  Is it even still possible to put restrictions in 
before the guard clause, like d=4?

My previous belief was that this was implementation defined, because the cases 
could be processed in parallel, so that the first case might not have finished 
by the time variable a was needed in the later cases.  My reading of PEP 634 
suggests that there is a linearization, but only of the guards, so ... now I am 
not sure.

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