[Python-Dev] Re: Problems with dict subclassing performance

2021-08-16 Thread Federico Salerno
"Pretendere" in Italian means "to demand", it's a false friend with the 
English "pretend". I don't know whether Marco is Italian (the false 
friend might also be there between Spanish or whatever other romance 
language he speaks and English, for all I know). From a native Italian 
speaker's perspective, what he meant was very clear to me, but it's also 
clear that an English speaker with no experience of Italian would not be 
expected to understand the meaning necessarily.

Either way, from an outsider's perspective this whole bickering over 
such a small thing seems unfit for a list where adults talk about 
technical details. It seems to me that someone should swallow their 
pride and let this thread drop once and for all, it's not bringing 
anything useful or relevant.

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 647 Accepted

2021-04-08 Thread Federico Salerno
I vaguely remember reading some discussion about Annotated and, for what 
little it's worth, I disagree with the consensus.

For now all that comes to mind is either stuffing the information in 
docstrings (which would be kind of an involution, seeing as that was the 
way for annotating type before type annotations), or changing the name 
of the type to something more obvious at a glance. Something like 
Typeguards["param", T], if arbitrary strings could be included, which 
would have to correspond to parameter names. This would give a few extra 
- Multiple parameters could be annotated per function if needed (e.g. 
def my_function(param1, param2) -> Typeguards["param1", T, "param2", 
U]). An alternative syntax could be Typeguards[["param1", T], ["param2", U]]
- Functions with additional parameters that the function uses but which 
are not typeguarded could be used, and there would be no ambiguity as to 
which parameter is affected by the typeguard: def my_function(param1: 
Any, param2: bool) -> Typeguards["param1", T]

Personally, I like the idea of functions that /happen/ to restrict the 
type of a variable without it necessarily being their only or primary 
goal; this would enable those.

Possible alternative names: Ensures["param1", T], Ensure["param1", T], 
IsType["param1", T]. It's important to remember that jargon creates a 
potential hurdle to comprehension, so simpler language should, in my 
opinion, always be preferred.

Side-note: | is being introduced for union types in type annotations. 
Could it be an idea to add a & as well, to signal side-effects of the 
function that do not interfere with the return value? A function could 
then have a signature like:

- def my_function(param1, param2) -> bool & Typeguards["param1", T]
- def my_function(param1) -> int & Typeguards[T]  # Only one param, so 
"param1" is optional

I realise it would make signatures (optionally!) longer and arguably 
uglier, but the latter is mostly a matter of personal taster and of 
getting used to, which is always there when new features are introduced. 
I remember := being controversial, but it grew on me over time.

I hope there's at least something worth considering in the above ideas.

On 07/04/2021 21:59, gu...@python.org wrote:
But it isn't a "side effect". It is a distinct concept that is 
important to the type checker.

Note that in TypeScript this also doesn't look like a boolean -- it 
uses a unique syntax that has to be learned:

function isCustomer(partner: any): partner is Customer {
    . . .

Arguably the TS syntax is more easily intuited without looking it up, 
but TS has a certain freedom in its syntactic design that we don't 
have for Python: new *syntax* has to be added to the Python parser and 
can't be backported, whereas new *types* (like `TypeGuard[T]`) can 
easily be backported via typing_extensions.py.

We have really tried, but we did not come up with anything better than 
the current PEP.

FWIW you might be interested in Annotated (PEP 593), which can be used 
to indicate various attributes of a type annotation. Before you 
suggest that we adopt that instead of PEP 647, we considered that, and 
the consensus is that that's not what Annotated is for (it's intended 
for conveying information to tools *other* than the type checker, for 
example schema checkers etc.).

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido )
/Pronouns: he/him //(why is my pronoun here?)/ 

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 647 Accepted

2021-04-07 Thread Federico Salerno
I don't have any decent proposal at the moment but I think coming up 
with a way to annotate side-effects of functions (including 
typeguard-ness) could come in handy. If we anticipate needing that, 
perhaps it would be beneficial to come up with that feature before 
implementing this PEP, lest we end up with something that could have 
benefitted from it but was released just before it.

Though personally I like the PEP and have no qualms about having to 
learn that TypeGuard is "a bool with a side-effect"; I don't think it's 
a problem in the first place, there are less obvious, more complicated 
things in Python that I couldn't just intuit at a glance.

On 06/04/2021 22:31, Barry Warsaw wrote:

but this also isn’t quite accurate, and we were concerned that this might be 
highly inconvenient in practice.  In a sense, the type guard-ness of the 
function is an attribute about the function, not about the parameters or return 
type, but there is no way to currently express that using Python or type 
checking syntax.

-Barry (on behalf of the Python Steering Council)
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[Python-Dev] Yet another idea for pattern matching syntax

2020-11-19 Thread Federico Salerno
I'm sorry, I've been skipping around the discussion a bit, but I'm fairly
certain this suggestion hasn't been proposed yet.

It's perhaps a bit too different from what has been proposed thus far but
maybe that's exactly what's needed to convince the minds, since as far as I
see it most of the parties who have an opinion on marking either
assignments or lookups would at this point have changed their mind, if they
were going to at all.

What about declaring the identifiers that are going to be lookups in
Something like:

match obj with some_var, something:
case x, some_var:
# here x binds, but some_var is a lookup

I'm just throwing it out there because it occurred to me that this may
solve the aesthetic issues while being clear on what identifier has what
role. I'm sorry if this ends up just being more noise.
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[Python-Dev] Re: Who is target reader of tutorial?

2020-11-06 Thread Federico Salerno
I think it's important to remember that many novice programmers today learn
python as their first language.
While i don't think the python tutorial is the right place for teaching how
to program, i also think it would be best if it didn't make too many
assumptions on the reader's knowledge.
When it comes to the basics, assuming one already knows another language
isn't very beneficial anyway, in my opinion. If all one is looking for is a
table comparing a known thing with its python equivalent, there are many of
those on the internet already and in much more compact form.
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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 642: Constraint Pattern Syntax for Structural Pattern Matching

2020-11-03 Thread Federico Salerno
Re: symbol for lookup

Whatever happened to the proposal of using . as prefix?

If memory serves, the main objection was about it being hard to see, but is
it really? We use fixed width fonts for a reason, and there are other
places a dot is quite critical (has any php programmer ever mistaken a .=
for a = ?) without it's size ever causing issues.

I think . is visible enough while being aesthetically inoffensive. Am i
missing some problem or important past objection to it?
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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 idea: "match case object" to represent match patterns

2020-07-18 Thread Federico Salerno

On 18/07/2020 11:09, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 10:58:17AM +0200, Federico Salerno wrote:

We don't, after all,
confuse function calls for references to a function, or vice-versa.

Beginners do. Frequently. Sometimes it is quite a hurdle for them to
learn to write `function()` instead of `function`.

And even experienced developers sometimes forget to put parentheses
after file.close, or at least we used to before context managers.

(I know I did. I don't think I'm alone.)

I consider myself far from being an experienced developer, but I cannot 
in all honesty say I'm likely to forget parens after file.close any more 
than after any function call. Perhaps it comes down to being used to 
some other language I have never worked with.

I can see why beginners would find the distinction between func and 
func() to be challenging at first, but that is something that subsides 
relatively often. Most likely way before one needs to be aware of the 
intricacies of a complex feature such as pattern matching, considering 
Python, contrary to e.g. Rust or functional languages, is not built 
around that concept and has survived without it thus far. Pattern 
matching would be useful and nice, but not essential to the point that a 
beginner would have to learn it before getting a solid grasp on how 
functions are called or referenced.

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 idea: "match case object" to represent match patterns

2020-07-18 Thread Federico Salerno

On 18/07/2020 02:10, Guido van Rossum wrote:
[...] it was quickly pointed out by my co-authors that this doesn't 
fly, because when the parser sees `case other_3d_point:` it doesn't 
know whether you meant this as a capture pattern (binding the variable 
`other_3d_point`) or as a pattern object.

This could be solved. One option would be to make pattern objects 
callable, such that when you write:

my_pattern = MatchCase("something")

match stuff:
    case my_pattern():

my_pattern() is used as a pattern object, and a single identifier like 
my_pattern is interpreted, as expected by the current version of the 
PEP, as a capture. I believe this is not subtle enough to be confusing 
to anyone who learns the feature as a whole. We don't, after all, 
confuse function calls for references to a function, or vice-versa.

Also with your proposal the compiler would not be able to tell that x, 
y and z are local variables, because they are only mentioned inside 
string literals.
I was hoping the implementation of MatchCase could take care of this. I 
suppose it would require MatchCase to have access to locals() everywhere 
it's called; would this be a problem?

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 version 2 (Structural Pattern Matching)

2020-07-16 Thread Federico Salerno

On 16/07/2020 19:00, Rhodri James wrote:

On 16/07/2020 17:37, Steve Holden wrote:

While I understand the point of view that says that match ... :
should encapsulate a sequence of indented suites, it seems to me that
match/case/case/.../else has a natural affinity with
try/except/except/.../finally/else, and nobody seems to think that the
excepts should be indented. Or the finally. And naturally the match/else
case are at the same indentation level, just as for/else, while/else and
try/finally. So why, exactly, should case be indented?

If we did:

    case :

then having an indented section which must be a single expression 
would be unique in Python syntax.


match :
    case :

would be the one place in Python where you end a line with a colon and 
**don't** indent the following line.

It seems relevant to mention that before Python's unique syntax for a 
ternary operator (x = something if something else default_value), you 
would never find an if or else without a colon and an indented block, 
and the order (value, condition, default) is different than what is 
usually found in other languages (condition, value, default). That 
hasn't stopped Python from implementing the feature in its own way and I 
don't see why this PEP should be different, since Python is not other 
languages and match suites are not other suites.

I could easily see people being confused when the slew of statements 
they would inevitably decide they must be able to put there, and soon 
we'd have cats and dogs living together and the downfall of 
civilisation as we know it.

Writers of simple formatters and the like (such as Python-mode in 
Emacs) would curse your name, etc, etc.
Tools should adapt to the language, not the other way around. If things 
had to be done the way they had always been done, without any change, 
for fear of people not being used to it, we wouldn't even have Python at 
all. People learn and adapt. It seems like a small price to pay in 
exchange for consistency and removal of ambiguity, considering people 
will still have to learn the new feature one way or another.

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[Python-Dev] PEP 622 idea: "match case object" to represent match patterns

2020-07-16 Thread Federico Salerno
Recent discussion on the store vs. load syntax issues of PEP 622 
prompted a (yet unripe) idea that could hopefully spur some progress.

What if cases required some sort of MatchCase (name pending) object 
which could be preconstructed by the user if needed, but also inferred 
on the fly if absent? I think an example would clarify what I mean. 
Consider the following block (with & to mark "load" just for 
demonstration purposes):

match some_point:
    case Point(x, y, _) if x > y:
    print(f"Tridimensional point with x > y")
    case Point(_, _, _):
    print("Some other 3D point.")
    case Point(_, _y) as pt:
    print(f"{pt} has y=={my_y}.")
    case Point(10, _):
    print("Some bidimensional point with x==10.")
    case Point(_, y):
    print(f"Bidimensional point with {y=}.")
    case _:
    print("Something else.")

This is admittedly simple enough that it wouldn't require what I'm about 
to show, but it does require marking my_y in some way to prevent it from 
being interpreted as a "store" identifier, or to namespace it for the 
same reason. Now consider the following refactor:

3d_point = MatchCase("Point(x, y, z)")
other_3d_point = MatchCase("Point(_, _, _)")
point_with_my_y = MatchCase("Point(_, {})", my_y)  # syntax with {} is 

other_2d_point = MatchCase("Point(_, y)")

match some_point:
    case 3d_point if 3d_point[0] > 3d_point[1]:
    # 3d_point exposes x, y, and zwith the names given
    #  in the declaration, as well as numerically,
    #  through __getitem__ or perhaps also through attributes
    #  like .args and .kwargs.
    case other_3d_point:
    # other_3d_point[0] through [2] are available, while
    #  other_3d_point["_"] == other_3d_point[2] because it's the last
    #  one that was given. Presumably the programmer wouldn't care 
about it.

    case point_with_my_y as pt:
    # pt still exposes positional arguments like pt[0], pt[1] or 

    #  as well as pt["_"] (== pt[0] in this case), but pt[1] has no
    #  equivalent in pt.kwargs because no name was given.
    case Point(10, _):
    # Python would construct its own MatchCase here and behave as 

    case other_2d_point:
    print(f"Bidimensional point with y={other_2d_point['y']}.")
    case _:

Every case above could be constructed in the same way as in the example 
without MatchCase, except for point_with_my_y, which contains a lookup: 
every identifier inside the match is interpreted as "store" unless it's 
namespaced; the others are included for demonstration purposes.

As seen in case Point(10, _), patterns that contain no "load" 
identifiers can be written without using MatchCase instances. In effect, 
its usage would be a sort of "plug-in" for when complex or verbose 
functionality is needed, allowing to load identifiers or encode patterns 
for readability and/or reuse through the match block.

The value of the identifiers to load would be read at MatchCase 
instantiation and internally converted to a constant value.

Guard clauses could optionally be included in the MatchCase 
instantiation. If both it and the case: provide guards, they are anded 

If deemed appropriate, a special meaning could be given to MatchCase() 
(no arguments, or with "" or even any falsy value as argument) to 
represent the default case to appease those who don't like _.

Note that the above examples assume at least _ (and possibly any 
identifier) can be repeated. My proposed MatchCase idea is compatible 
with the possibility of disallowing repeated identifiers, while still 
allowing them in MatchCase()'s first argument with the behaviour seen in 
the other_3d_point case.

The constructor MatchCase could be either provided as a builtin or in a 
stdlib module that must be imported. I think the latter would be more 

Any specific syntax or name presented above (MatchCase, the {}s in its 
first argument, the names of the MatchCase.args and MatchCase.kwargs 
attributes) is debatable.

I hope I haven't missed any important point that would make the above 
demonstration invalid. Any thoughts?

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 version 2 (Structural Pattern Matching)

2020-07-14 Thread Federico Salerno

On 13/07/2020 19:17, Guido van Rossum wrote:
I find it debatable that we should have this at all, since there are 
other interpretations possible, and honestly I doubt that it’s a 
common use case. That’s why we’re holding off.

Fair enough. All it would do would be save code in a guard condition 
after all.

Thanks for offering, but we’ve got that under control.

I wasn't trying to imply otherwise. :)
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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 version 2 (Structural Pattern Matching)

2020-07-13 Thread Federico Salerno

On 13/07/2020 12:28, Henk-Jaap Wagenaar wrote:
No, that would not be impossible but fraught with problems. This is 
discussed in the PEP:


The PEP goes into no detail of what these problems (or "number of 
subtleties") are, but it does mention how

we decided to make repeated use of names within the same pattern an 
error; we can always relax this restriction later without affecting 
backwards compatibility
which does hint at the fact that the problems are not insurmountable 

All in all not an urgent feature, but it would be nice to have from the 
get-go if there is agreement and it is doable.

@PEP authors: Incidentally, I am eager to start contributing and see 
this PEP advance—if there's anything I can do, including possibly 
non-code "dirty work" please let me know.
I was thinking of collecting all the objections and points of contention 
of the PEP and the current progress on each in one place so that the 
pros and cons can be evaluated more clearly. Would that be useful?

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 version 2 (Structural Pattern Matching)

2020-07-13 Thread Federico Salerno

On 13/07/2020 00:20, Guido van Rossum wrote:
The need for a wildcard pattern has already been explained -- we 
really want to disallow `Point(x, y, y)` but we really need to allow 
`Point(z, _, _)`. Generating code to assign the value to `_` seems odd 
given the clear intent to *ignore* the value.

Would it be impossible for the parser to interpret Point(x, y, y) as 
"the second and third arguments of Point must have the same value in 
order to match. Bind that value to y"? Since the value has to be the 
same, it doesn't matter whether y binds to the first or the second (or 
the nth) instance of it.

That said, in time and with all the arguments brought to the table, I 
personally came to accept special-casing _, although I don't especially 
like it. From my point of view, the biggest issue to solve is the load 
vs. store decision and its syntax.

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 version 2 (Structural Pattern Matching)

2020-07-12 Thread Federico Salerno

On 12/07/2020 11:38, Larry Hastings wrote:
In that case, I'd like to make a specific pitch for "don't make '_' 
special".  (I'm going to spell it '_' as it seems to be easier to read 
this way; ignore the quotes.)

IIUC '_' is special in two ways:

1) we permit it to be used more than once in a single pattern, and
2) if it matches, it isn't bound.

If we forego these two exceptions, '_' can go back to behaving like 
any other identifier.  It becomes an idiom rather than a special case.

Drilling down on what we'd need to change:

To address 1), allow using a name multiple times in a single pattern.

622 v2 already says: [...]

If we relax it now, then we don't need '_' to be special in this way.  
All in all this part seems surprisingly uncontentious.

To address 2), bind '_' when it's used as a name in a pattern.

This adds an extra reference and an extra store.  That by itself seems 

The existing implementation has optimizations here.  If that's 
important, we could achieve the same result with a little dataflow 
analysis to optimize away the dead store.  We could even special-case 
optimizing away dead stores /only/ to '_' and /only/ in match/case 
statements and all would be forgiven.

Folks point out that I18N code frequently uses a global function named 
'_'.  The collision of these two uses is unfortunate, but I think it's 
survivable.  I certainly don't think this collision means we should 
special-case this one identifier in this one context in the /language/ 


  * There's no installed base of I18N code using pattern matching,
because it's a new (proposed!) syntax.  Therefore, any I18N code
that wants to use match/case statements will be new code, and so
can be written with this (admittedly likely!) collision in mind.
I18N code could address this in several ways, for example:
  o Mandate use of an alternate name for "don't care" match
patterns in I18N code, perhaps '__' (two underscores).  This
approach seems best.

In keeping with this change, I additionally propose removing '*_' as a 
special token.  '*_' would behave like any other '*identifier', 
binding the value to the unpacked sequence.  Alternately, we could 
keep the special token but change it to '*' so it mirrors Python 
function declaration syntax.  I don't have a strong opinion about this 
second alternative.

+1 to everything

One consideration: if you /do/ use '_' multiple times in a single 
pattern, and you /do/ refer to its value afterwards, what value should 
it get? Consider that Python already permits multiple assignments in a 
single expression:

(x:="first", x:="middle", x:="last")

After this expression is evaluated, x has been bound to the value 
"last".  I could live with "it keeps the rightmost".  I could also 
live with "the result is implementation-defined".  I suspect it 
doesn't matter much, because the point of the idiom is that people 
don't care about the value.

I'd expect it to bind to the last one. If that's in any way problematic, 
in order to prevent oblivious misuse, referencing an identifier that was 
bound more than once should raise an exception. But as you say, it 
doesn't really matter.

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[Python-Dev] Re: Python-Dev Digest, Vol 204, Issue 75

2020-07-12 Thread Federico Salerno

On 11/07/2020 19:29, Jim J. Jewett wrote:
To me, "else:" has a slightly different meaning than "case _:" case _: 
essentially a default, ensuring that the match logic is complete. 
else: OK, the subject of this match failed, here is our fallback 
logic. Whether this distinction is important enough to express in code 
is another question, as is whether or not anyone but me would follow 
this "obvious" convention. So I'm not convinced the difference 
justifies the existence a second syntax. But I'm also not sure it 
doesn't, particularly if that distinction were given in the PEP and in 
documentation for the match statement. -jJ

Could you construct two examples to prove behaviour would be different 
between the two? To me the two meanings seem too similar to make a 
difference in code.

On 12/07/2020 00:31, Guido van Rossum wrote:

Hm... Just the fact that people have been arguing both sides so 
convincingly makes me worry that something bigger is amiss. I think 
we're either better off without `else` (since the indentation of `case 
_` cannot be disputed :-), or we have to revisit the reasons for 
indenting `case` relative to `match`. As MRAB said, it's a case of 
picking the least inelegant one.

Let me add that the parser can easily deal with whatever we pick -- 
this is purely about human factors.
That is a good point. I don't think there would be any particular 
objection to allowing one case to catch anything that wasn't caught 
before—the issue is with making _ (or any other particular symbol) 
special for the occasion, or at the very least none of those proposed 
thus far has been universally accepted.

Was anything beside _ and ... proposed? What if case object(): or case 
any: did that instead? The former is already used to a similar meaning 
in the context of a match block, the latter would be very obvious to any 
reader and, since it's already a builtin, few would think shadowing it 
for use as a store-identifier would be a good idea.

On 11/07/2020 21:13, Eric Nieuwland wrote:
This could also resolve the discussion on indentation of the ‘case’ 
parts and the placement of the default matching:
match  [as ]:  case  
[]:  … [else: ] within the preparation 
statements it would then be allowed to use undefined variables as 
receivers of matched parts.

This is intriguing, but I do share Greg Ewing's doubt: what happens if 
you need no preparation? Personally I'd accept if the line could be 
omitted altogether, but I understand many others are opposed to having 
the line following a colon be indented at the same level, and likewise I 
don't think the idea of having to write pass (or ...) explicitly when no 
preparation is needed will be well received.

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 version 2 (Structural Pattern Matching)

2020-07-11 Thread Federico Salerno

On 11/07/2020 00:57, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:

The PEP itself in "rejected" ideas makes an argument against it:
indented stuff after a line ending with ":" must be a *statement*. It 
would be totally nuts for that to be something else, e.g. an expression:

Good point.

That of course leads us to the obvious idea:
match a: case 1:     ... case 2:     ... else:     ... Of course, PEP 
smartly has an argument against that too, in the vein of "after line 
ending with ':', there should be an indent suite (list of 
statements)". But that's where it goes sideways.

Exactly. I think not identing what comes after match a: comes with far 
more advantages than disadvantages. In fact, if the only "real" issue is 
that anything after : must be indented, I'd say it is vastly outweighed 
by the issues not doing it would solve.

Would the parser allow us to write the above without the colon, thus 
avoiding the aforementioned objection?

And if the above snippet looks weird to anybody, it's only because of 
all the "case" business. There wouldn't be such a problem if it was 
instead: match a: | 1:     ... | 2:     ... |:     ... The above 
ML-like syntax should be perfect for almost everyone, ... except the 
PEP authors, because they have it in "rejected ideas" either.

I don't know, that doesn't look very pythonic based on the preference 
Python makes for words over symbols. I don't think there's any problem 
with using case, it's the expectations many have for what should come 
around it that creates issues.

On 11/07/2020 12:49, Greg Ewing wrote:

I can't think of one at the moment, but I don't think you
should dismiss tradition so easily.

I don't mean to dismiss it, but I wouldn't want it to get in the way of 
a change if there are good reasons to go against tradition. This seems 
like one of these cases to me.

One of the arguments used
to justify significant indentation in Python is that "you're
going to indent it for readability anyway, so the compiler
might as well take notice of it".

For the most part, Python indentation follows what people
would naturally do even if they didn't have to. So I think it's
worth looking at what people typically do in other languages
that don't have mandatory indentation.


or like this:

   switch (x) {
   case 1:
   case 2:

This suggests to me that most people think of the cases as being
subordinate to the switch, and the default being on the same level
as the other cases. 

I think that last one would be perceived as ok if it weren't for the 
brackets: everyone naturally indents any set of brackets' contents. I 
wouldn't normally mind cases being indented extra relative to "match" if 
not for two points:

1. Python relies heavily on indentation. It's likely for a match block 
to appear in a place that is already well indented, *and* it is also 
likely to often include further levels of indentation. It would be 
preferable not to require two levels at a minimum every time a match 
block is needed.

2. Unless the default case is signalled with an ad-hoc keyword like 
default (which I personally would like), it seems a wildcard symbol like 
the controversial _ is needed to pair with case. Going against tradition 
and setting only one indentation level would solve this issue, while 
still allowing (I think) any programmer to indent the default case extra 
if they so wish.

If none of this is convincing, I do believe the matter is easier than it 
appears, because few would be confused by else being at the same level 
as each other case.

Alternatively, what if (gasp!) both were allowed as synonyms? I'm sure 
one of the two would eventually settle as conventional, and there is no 
possible ambiguity. I know it goes against the "one obvious way to do 
it" precept but it's clear that there is no obvious way here at all, so, 
¿porque no los dos?
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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 version 2 (Structural Pattern Matching)

2020-07-10 Thread Federico Salerno

On 10/07/2020 12:33, Greg Ewing wrote:

A thought about the indentation level of a speculated "else" clause...

Some people have argued that "else" should be at the outer level,
because that's the way it is in all the existing compound statements.

However, in those statements, all the actual code belonging to the
statement is indented to the same level:

    if a:
    elif b:

    Code all indented to this level

But if we were to indent "else" to the same level as "match",
the code under it would be at a different level from the rest.

    match a:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    ^   ^
    |   |
    Code indented to two different levels

This doesn't seem right to me, because all of the cases, including
the else, are on the same footing semantically, just as they are in
an "if" statement.

I feel all those who aren't directly arguing against it are working off 
the assumption that it is needed for match and case to have different 
levels of indentation, but is this really true? Is there anything (bar 
tradition or other subjective arguments) that speaks in favour of this, 
especially in light of the fact that having the same indentation level 
would also solve other problems?

A few emails ago I proposed something like this (and I'm probably only 
the last one to do so amongst many), but if anyone made an argument 
against it I must have missed it:

case 1:
case 2:

(The a on a separate line being arguable.)

I think it would look neater, be reminiscent of the if/elif/else syntax 
we're all familiar with, and solve the issue of where to indent the else.

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 version 2 (Structural Pattern Matching)

2020-07-09 Thread Federico Salerno

On 09/07/2020 01:27, Ethan Furman wrote:

On 07/08/2020 10:44 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

So namespaced variables only...  is there a recommendation on 
handling global() and local() type variables?

Okay, some off-list discussion clarified that for me:

- easiest way is to use a guard

    def foo(x, spam):
    match x:
    case Point(p, q, context=c) if c == spam:
    # Match
I like this one. Doesn't it also solve the issue of store vs. load? 
Everything is stored but the guard clause can look-up.
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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 version 2 (Structural Pattern Matching)

2020-07-09 Thread Federico Salerno

On 08/07/2020 12:30, Rhodri James wrote:
Any name used as a pattern is a catch-all.  The only difference 
between "case dummy:" and "case _:" is that "_" doesn't bind to the 
thing being matched, but "dummy" does bind to it. 

I meant catch-all as in "case _:" (or "else:"). I apologise for the lack 
of clarity.

On 08/07/2020 17:02, Guido van Rossum wrote:

There’s one other issue where in the end we could be convinced to
compromise: whether to add an `else` clause in addition to `case
_`. In fact, we probably would already have added it, except for one
detail: it’s unclear whether the `else` should be aligned with `case`
or `match`. If we are to add this we would have to ask the Steering
Council to decide for us, as the authors deadlocked on this question.
Thanks for the write-up. What were the arguments in support of aligning 
else with case? I expect it has to be with aesthetics, but for what 
concerns semantics, it seems to me that "match...else", interpreted as 
"no match was found" would make the most sense; aligning it with case 
would look like the else has to do with whatever case was last.
Unless both match and all cases are on the same indentation level. Here 
an example:

case "some constant":
    # ...
case x if x == guard_clause:
    # ...
    # ...

I know at least Elm indents the match variable on a separate line.

On 08/07/2020 19:44, Tim Peters wrote:

One microscopic point:


(if `.x` is unacceptable, it’s unclear why `^x` would be any

As Python's self-appointed spokesperson for the elderly, there's one
very clear difference:  a leading "." is - literally - one microscopic
point, all but invisible.  A leading caret is far easier to see, on a
variety of devices and using a variety of fonts.  Indeed, I missed the
leading dot in ".x" in your email the first two times I read that

But a caret is harder to type.  So here's an off-the-wall idea:  use
an ellipsis. If you're still using a maximal-munch lexer, ellipsis
followed by an identifier is currently a syntax error.  "...x" is far
easier to see than ".x', easier to type than "^x", and retains the
mnemonic connection that "something is a named load pattern if and
only if it has dots".

+1 on a simple dot being hard to see.

Alternative idea: if we really ought to have a mark for references¹, why 
not use the & symbol, which already signifies something like "reference" 
in C(++) and Rust?

¹: I know marking "store" instead of "load" has been suggested before; 
I'm still on the fence on which I prefer but I would even accept marking 
both (with = and == respectively, for example).

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622: Structural Pattern Matching -- followup

2020-07-08 Thread Federico Salerno

On 07/07/2020 16:31, Henk-Jaap Wagenaar wrote:
I used to be in this "camp", however, a (I think valid) point was 
raised that "else:" is not a (full) alternative. Due to the 
restriction on repeated names (e.g. Point(x, x) is illegal), if you 
want to "throw away" intermediate matches, you will have to either 
have to come up with new names (Point(unused_1, unused_2)) or use the 
"_" as currently instituted (Point(_, _)) and "else:" does not cover 
that insofar as I can tell.

Personally I think using _ as throwaway name is perfectly fine, as it is 
in the rest of Python. The only exception would then be that _ is 
allowed to be repeated, whereas other identifiers aren't. I'd be ok with 

What I don't like is the use of _ as catch-all, which is different and 
not interdependent with its use as throwaway.

On 08/07/2020 07:26, Steven Barker wrote:

To sum up, I feel like using constructor and keyword-argument syntax 
to access attributes is an abuse of notation. I'd much prefer a new 
syntax for matching classes and their attributes that was not so 
likely to be confusing due to imperfect parallels with class construction.


Ideally something like Datetime.year=x would be in my opinion clear at a 
glance (and reference vs. assignment could be accomplished simply by 
having == for reference and = for assignment), but it's problematic when 
it comes to mentioning multiple attributes.

A couple ideas:

1. Datetime[year=x, months==3, days==SOME_CONST]

2. (Datetime.year=x, months==3, days==SOME_CONST)

3. Datetime.year=x .months==3 .days==SOME_CONST

4. Datetime.year=x, .months==3, .days==SOME_CONST

With no class, this would perhaps favour usage of = and/or == before 
names to resolve the reference vs. assignment dispute.

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622

2020-07-07 Thread Federico Salerno

On 03/07/2020 21:55, Rob Cliffe wrote:
    I don't like the .name syntax (grit on Tim's monitor; does not 
suggest the meaning).  Nor am I keen on "expressions" being 
interpreted differently after 'case' than elsewhere in Python.  But I 
don't know what syntax (where necessary) to suggest.
    I'm not keen on special treatment of the '_' variable, and would 
prefer to be able to use 'else:' after 'match'.


I think using else would be sensible since it has similar behaviour in 
the rest of Python and it would immediately make sense to anyone seeing 
the syntax for the first time (provided they understood what the rest of 
the match block does).
If objections were moved against it I seem to have missed them (in my 
defence, the discussion on PEP622 has been quite fragmented and I 
haven't been on this list for very long).

I also don't like the .name syntax and for what little it's worth, I 
personally would have a hard time getting used to it if it were adopted.
Has anyone proposed introducing ` ` quotes for this purpose? They could 
enclose references without ambiguity and could even be used elsewhere in 
Python to enclose identifiers, for example to allow spaces and symbols 
in them (which I wouldn't regard as particularly good style, but it may 
still come in handy). They are used in MySQL, bash and Markdown to 
enclose expressions or identifiers, so I feel no experienced programmer 
would have a hard time wrapping their head around it. Though I'd 
understand if it were problematic for Python's parser.

Another option would be to wrap references in {} in a similar way to 
what happens in fstrings.

Another option still could be to wrap references in quotes, like 
strings, and require use of str("some string") to catch literal strings, 
but I don't know if I like this myself.

Either way, I seem to prefer symmetric marks to signal references; I 
don't know if anyone else shares this sentiment.

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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 622 (match statement) playground

2020-07-03 Thread Federico Salerno


Is there a reason, after all, why we should mark constant patterns as 
special, and not the opposite?

On 02/07/2020 19:10, Walter Dörwald wrote:

On 1 Jul 2020, at 18:54, Brandt Bucher wrote:

Walter Dörwald wrote:
This looks strange to me. In all other cases of variable lookup the 
global variable z would be found.

The next case assigns to z, making z local to whereis. This is 
consistent with python's existing scoping rules (for example, try 
rewriting this as the equivalent if-elif chain and you'll get the 
same error). It sounds like you want to add "global z" to the top of 
the function definition.

whereis(23) however works.

This branch is hit before the unbound local lookup is attempted.

OK, understood.

However I still find the rule "dotted names are looked up" and 
"undotted names are matched" surprising and "case .constant" ugly.

A way to solve this would be to use "names at the top level are always 
looked up".

With this the constant value pattern:

case .name:

could be written as:

case name:

The capture pattern (of which there can only be one anyway) could then 
be written as:

case object(name):

instead of

case name:

Or we could use "matches are always done against a match object", i.e. 
the code from the example would look like this:

    from dataclasses import dataclass

    class Point:
    x: int
    y: int

    z = 42

    def whereis(point):
    w = 23
    match point as m:
    case Point(0, 0):
    case Point(0, m.y):
    case Point(m.x, 0):
    case Point():
    print("Somewhere else")
    case w:
    print("Not the answer")
    case z:
    print("The answer")
    case object(z):
    print(f"{z!r} is not a point")


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