
I wrote two scripts based on the work of INADA-san's work to (1)
download the source code of the PyPI top 5000 projects (2) search for
a regex in these projects (compressed source archives).

You can use these tools if you work on an incompatible Python or C API
change to estimate how many projects are impacted.

The HPy project created a Git repository for a similar need (latest
update in June 2021):

There are also online services for code search:

* GitHub: https://github.com/search
* https://grep.app/ (I didn't try it yet)
* Debian: https://codesearch.debian.net/

(1) Dowload


Usage: download_pypi_top.py PATH

It uses this JSON file:

>From this service:

At December 1, on 5000 projects, it only downloads 4760 tarball and
ZIP archives: I guess that 240 projects don't provide a source
archive. It takes around 5,2 GB of disk space.

(2) Code search

First, I used the fast and nice "ripgrep" tool with the command "rg
-zl REGEX path/*.{zip,gz,bz2,tgz}" (-z searchs in ZIP and tarball
archives). But it doesn't show the path inside the archive and it
searchs in files generated by Cython whereas I wanted to ignore these

So I wrote a short Python script which decompress tarball and ZIP
archive in memory and looks for a regex:

Usage: search_pypi_top.py "REGEX" output_filename

The code to parse command line option is hardcoded and pypi_dir =
"PYPI-2021-12-01-TOP-5000" are hardcoded :-D

It ignores files generated by Cython and .so binary files (Linux
dynamic libraries).

While "rg" is very fast, my script is very slow. But I don't care,
once the regex is written, I only need to search for the regex once, I
can wait 10-15 min ;-) I prefer to wait longer and have a more
accurate result. Also, there is room for enhancement, like running
multiple jobs in different processes or threads.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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