2006-11-09 Thread David Fraser

Hi Jeff

We use Apache on Windows too, but we haven't spent time tracking down 
these leaks, so I'm really glad you're doing it :-)


Jeff Robbins wrote:


Your version works well.




I know you're not testing on windows, but I found another leak in 
mpm_winnt.c.  I'm reporting it on jira.  Am I the only guy using 
apache on windows???

- Original Message - From: "Jeff Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Graham Dumpleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 06:07
Subject: Re: MODPYTHON-195


You placed the fix in a better spot than I did.  I had placed it 
after the apr_pool_userdata stuff due to not understanding what that 
was all about. It makes better sense to simply test and exit the 
python_init() routine as quickly as possible in the Win32 parent 
process.  Your comment is good, too. I will test your version and 


- Original Message - From: "Graham Dumpleton" 

To: "Jeff Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "python-dev list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 05:38
Subject: Re: MODPYTHON-195

On 07/11/2006, at 10:51 PM, Jeff Robbins wrote:


The problem on Win32 is that (I believe) we never want to  
initialize Python in the persistent parent process.  All the web  
action is in the child process which is long-lived and it is this  
child process that maintains the thread pool which services web  

FWIW, in UNIX the initialisation of Python in the parent process is 
a good thing
as it means it is only done once no matter how many child processes 
are. This is because child processes are created as a fork of the  
parent process
and so they inherit the already initialised Python interpreter,  
thereby meaning

initialisation of the child process is quicker.

Since Win32 doesn't have an equivalent of fork, when the child process
is created the full Python initialisation is done anyway. Thus  
avoiding the

initialisation of Python in the parent is probably reasonable.

The parent process as far as I can tell sits there to support 
restarting the child process and support the Win32 Service Control 
Manager (SCM) which has a protocol for how a process must respond  
to certain messages in order to be a service on Win32.

I do not know how to use flags alone to distinguish the two  
processes. The code I put in is not trying to restrict a call to  
python_init() to only happen once in the parent process.  It is  
preventing python_init() from initializing Python in the parent  

I hope this clarifies things somewhat.

I want to note here that mpm_winnt.c line 1108 looks like this:

/* AP_PARENT_PID is only valid in the child */
pid = getenv("AP_PARENT_PID");
if (pid)
/* This is the child */

This environmental is how it knows to run certain code only in the 
child process.

In summary,

if we do not want to run python_init() in the special Win32 parent 
process, we need a way to distinguish this parent process from the 
child process in which we DO want to run python_init().   The code 
which maintains this dual process architecture (undoubtedly in  
support of the Win32 service architecture) uses an environmental  
that it purposefull creates and injects into the child process  
"AP_PARENT_PID". I don't see how we can do better than use this  
same distinguishing characterisic to know not to run python_init()  
in the parent process.

As it stands I just may have to take you word on this as I don't 
have first hand
access to Win32 platform (and don't want to) to experiment. The 
environment variable is at least present in all Apache 2.0 and 2.2 
versions that
we support, so at least okay for a while if we rely on that. In the 
future, if Apache
changes this, we will just need to accommodate any new/official way  
of determining


Anyway, is the following what you are expecting and is it placed  
where you expect

it within the python_init() function?

static int initialized = 0;

#ifdef WIN32
/* No need to run python_init() in Win32 parent processes as
 * the lack of fork on Win32 means we get no benefit as far as
 * inheriting a preinitialized Python interpreter. Further,
 * upon a restart on Win32 platform the python_init() function
 * will be called again in the parent process but without some
 * resources allocated by the previous call having being
 * released properly, resulting in memory and Win32 resource
 * leaks.
if (!getenv("AP_PARENT_PID"))
return OK;
#endif /* WIN32 */

apr_pool_userdata_get(&data, userdata_key, s->process->pool);
if (!data) {
apr_pool_userdata_set((const void *)1, userdata_key,
  apr_pool_cleanup_null, s->process->pool);
return OK;



2006-11-08 Thread Jeff Robbins


Your version works well.




I know you're not testing on windows, but I found another leak in 
mpm_winnt.c.  I'm reporting it on jira.  Am I the only guy using apache on 
- Original Message - 
From: "Jeff Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Graham Dumpleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 06:07
Subject: Re: MODPYTHON-195


You placed the fix in a better spot than I did.  I had placed it after the 
apr_pool_userdata stuff due to not understanding what that was all about. 
It makes better sense to simply test and exit the python_init() routine as 
quickly as possible in the Win32 parent process.  Your comment is good, 
too. I will test your version and confirm.


- Original Message - 
From: "Graham Dumpleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Jeff Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "python-dev list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 05:38
Subject: Re: MODPYTHON-195

On 07/11/2006, at 10:51 PM, Jeff Robbins wrote:


The problem on Win32 is that (I believe) we never want to  initialize 
Python in the persistent parent process.  All the web  action is in the 
child process which is long-lived and it is this  child process that 
maintains the thread pool which services web  requests.

FWIW, in UNIX the initialisation of Python in the parent process is a 
good thing
as it means it is only done once no matter how many child processes 
are. This is because child processes are created as a fork of the  parent 
and so they inherit the already initialised Python interpreter,  thereby 

initialisation of the child process is quicker.

Since Win32 doesn't have an equivalent of fork, when the child process
is created the full Python initialisation is done anyway. Thus  avoiding 

initialisation of Python in the parent is probably reasonable.

The parent process as far as I can tell sits there to support 
restarting the child process and support the Win32 Service Control 
Manager (SCM) which has a protocol for how a process must respond  to 
certain messages in order to be a service on Win32.

I do not know how to use flags alone to distinguish the two  processes. 
The code I put in is not trying to restrict a call to  python_init() to 
only happen once in the parent process.  It is  preventing python_init() 
from initializing Python in the parent  process.

I hope this clarifies things somewhat.

I want to note here that mpm_winnt.c line 1108 looks like this:

/* AP_PARENT_PID is only valid in the child */
pid = getenv("AP_PARENT_PID");
if (pid)
/* This is the child */

This environmental is how it knows to run certain code only in the 
child process.

In summary,

if we do not want to run python_init() in the special Win32 parent 
process, we need a way to distinguish this parent process from the 
child process in which we DO want to run python_init().   The code 
which maintains this dual process architecture (undoubtedly in  support 
of the Win32 service architecture) uses an environmental  that it 
purposefull creates and injects into the child process  "AP_PARENT_PID". 
I don't see how we can do better than use this  same distinguishing 
characterisic to know not to run python_init()  in the parent process.

As it stands I just may have to take you word on this as I don't have 
first hand
access to Win32 platform (and don't want to) to experiment. The 
environment variable is at least present in all Apache 2.0 and 2.2 
versions that
we support, so at least okay for a while if we rely on that. In the 
future, if Apache
changes this, we will just need to accommodate any new/official way  of 


Anyway, is the following what you are expecting and is it placed  where 
you expect

it within the python_init() function?

static int initialized = 0;

#ifdef WIN32
/* No need to run python_init() in Win32 parent processes as
 * the lack of fork on Win32 means we get no benefit as far as
 * inheriting a preinitialized Python interpreter. Further,
 * upon a restart on Win32 platform the python_init() function
 * will be called again in the parent process but without some
 * resources allocated by the previous call having being
 * released properly, resulting in memory and Win32 resource
 * leaks.
if (!getenv("AP_PARENT_PID"))
return OK;
#endif /* WIN32 */

apr_pool_userdata_get(&data, userdata_key, s->process->pool);
if (!data) {
apr_pool_userdata_set((const void *)1, userdata_key,
  apr_pool_cleanup_null, s->process->pool);
return OK;



2006-11-08 Thread Jeff Robbins


You placed the fix in a better spot than I did.  I had placed it after the 
apr_pool_userdata stuff due to not understanding what that was all about. 
It makes better sense to simply test and exit the python_init() routine as 
quickly as possible in the Win32 parent process.  Your comment is good, too. 
I will test your version and confirm.


- Original Message - 
From: "Graham Dumpleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Jeff Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "python-dev list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 05:38
Subject: Re: MODPYTHON-195

On 07/11/2006, at 10:51 PM, Jeff Robbins wrote:


The problem on Win32 is that (I believe) we never want to  initialize 
Python in the persistent parent process.  All the web  action is in the 
child process which is long-lived and it is this  child process that 
maintains the thread pool which services web  requests.

FWIW, in UNIX the initialisation of Python in the parent process is a 
good thing

as it means it is only done once no matter how many child processes  there
are. This is because child processes are created as a fork of the  parent 
and so they inherit the already initialised Python interpreter,  thereby 

initialisation of the child process is quicker.

Since Win32 doesn't have an equivalent of fork, when the child process
is created the full Python initialisation is done anyway. Thus  avoiding 

initialisation of Python in the parent is probably reasonable.

The parent process as far as I can tell sits there to support  restarting 
the child process and support the Win32 Service Control  Manager (SCM) 
which has a protocol for how a process must respond  to certain messages 
in order to be a service on Win32.

I do not know how to use flags alone to distinguish the two  processes. 
The code I put in is not trying to restrict a call to  python_init() to 
only happen once in the parent process.  It is  preventing python_init() 
from initializing Python in the parent  process.

I hope this clarifies things somewhat.

I want to note here that mpm_winnt.c line 1108 looks like this:

/* AP_PARENT_PID is only valid in the child */
pid = getenv("AP_PARENT_PID");
if (pid)
/* This is the child */

This environmental is how it knows to run certain code only in the  child 

In summary,

if we do not want to run python_init() in the special Win32 parent 
process, we need a way to distinguish this parent process from the  child 
process in which we DO want to run python_init().   The code  which 
maintains this dual process architecture (undoubtedly in  support of the 
Win32 service architecture) uses an environmental  that it purposefull 
creates and injects into the child process  "AP_PARENT_PID".  I don't see 
how we can do better than use this  same distinguishing characterisic to 
know not to run python_init()  in the parent process.

As it stands I just may have to take you word on this as I don't have 
first hand
access to Win32 platform (and don't want to) to experiment. The 
environment variable is at least present in all Apache 2.0 and 2.2 
versions that
we support, so at least okay for a while if we rely on that. In the 
future, if Apache
changes this, we will just need to accommodate any new/official way  of 


Anyway, is the following what you are expecting and is it placed  where 
you expect

it within the python_init() function?

static int initialized = 0;

#ifdef WIN32
/* No need to run python_init() in Win32 parent processes as
 * the lack of fork on Win32 means we get no benefit as far as
 * inheriting a preinitialized Python interpreter. Further,
 * upon a restart on Win32 platform the python_init() function
 * will be called again in the parent process but without some
 * resources allocated by the previous call having being
 * released properly, resulting in memory and Win32 resource
 * leaks.
if (!getenv("AP_PARENT_PID"))
return OK;
#endif /* WIN32 */

apr_pool_userdata_get(&data, userdata_key, s->process->pool);
if (!data) {
apr_pool_userdata_set((const void *)1, userdata_key,
  apr_pool_cleanup_null, s->process->pool);
return OK;



2006-11-07 Thread Jeff Robbins


The problem on Win32 is that (I believe) we never want to initialize Python 
in the persistent parent process.  All the web action is in the child 
process which is long-lived and it is this child process that maintains the 
thread pool which services web requests.

The parent process as far as I can tell sits there to support restarting the 
child process and support the Win32 Service Control Manager (SCM) which has 
a protocol for how a process must respond to certain messages in order to be 
a service on Win32.

I do not know how to use flags alone to distinguish the two processes.  The 
code I put in is not trying to restrict a call to python_init() to only 
happen once in the parent process.  It is preventing python_init() from 
initializing Python in the parent process.

I hope this clarifies things somewhat.

I want to note here that mpm_winnt.c line 1108 looks like this:

/* AP_PARENT_PID is only valid in the child */
pid = getenv("AP_PARENT_PID");
if (pid)
/* This is the child */

This environmental is how it knows to run certain code only in the child 

In summary,

if we do not want to run python_init() in the special Win32 parent process, 
we need a way to distinguish this parent process from the child process in 
which we DO want to run python_init().   The code which maintains this dual 
process architecture (undoubtedly in support of the Win32 service 
architecture) uses an environmental that it purposefull creates and injects 
into the child process "AP_PARENT_PID".  I don't see how we can do better 
than use this same distinguishing characterisic to know not to run 
python_init() in the parent process.

- Original Message - 
From: "Graham Dumpleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Jeff Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "python-dev list" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 06:02
Subject: Re: MODPYTHON-195

On 04/11/2006, at 12:34 PM, Jeff Robbins wrote:


I haven't had any new ideas about this problem.  It is clear that  on 
Windows, mod_python is initialized both in a parent process and  more 
usefully in the child process that spins up the threads that  service 
client requests.  The parent process is long-lived and the  standard hack 
to wait for the second call to the  ap_hook_post_config is useless 
because each "restart" of apache is  yet another call (third, fourth, 
fifth, etc...) and each time  there's a leak of one handle.

The fix I tested seems reasonable.  I know it is dependent on 
mpm_winnt.c, but, after all, that file is the file responsible for  the 
dual process architecture on windows to begin with.  And the  fix has an 
#ifdef win32 so it won't hurt linux users.

I'd like you to consider folding it in.  I think it is better than 
having a leak (along with spurious python initialization) on windows.

Jeff, can you see if you can come up with a test based on  'initialized' 

'child_init_pool' as I note in:

If it is only in the parent process you need to skip subsequent  calls, 

  if (child_init_pool == 0 && initialized != 0)
  return OK;

Will have to think about how this may screw up old versions of Mac OS X
though which is why initialized was added in the first place.

You might include in your debug a call to Py_IsInitialized() so it  can be
determined if Python thinks it is already initialised. Since your  fiddle 

working, I'd say it probably is.

Also see if main_server is set and not zero as well and whether its  value
is different to 's' passed as argument to function. Whether it is the 
or not may dictate where in function the check to bail out of  function 

to be. It may have to go just before the global config and mutexes are



2006-11-07 Thread Jeff Robbins


The problem on Win32 is that (I believe) we never want to initialize Python 
in the persistent parent process.  All the web action is in the child 
process which is long-lived and it is this child process that maintains the 
thread pool which services web requests.

The parent process as far as I can tell sits there to support restarting the 
child process and support the Win32 Service Control Manager (SCM) which has 
a protocol for how a process must respond to certain messages in order to be 
a service on Win32.

I do not know how to use flags alone to distinguish the two processes.  The 
code I put in is not trying to restrict a call to python_init() to only 
happen once in the parent process.  It is preventing python_init() from 
initializing Python in the parent process.

I hope this clarifies things somewhat.

I want to note here that mpm_winnt.c line 1108 looks like this:

/* AP_PARENT_PID is only valid in the child */
pid = getenv("AP_PARENT_PID");
if (pid)
/* This is the child */

This environmental is how it knows to run certain code only in the child 

In summary,

if we do not want to run python_init() in the special Win32 parent process, 
we need a way to distinguish this parent process from the child process in 
which we DO want to run python_init().   The code which maintains this dual 
process architecture (undoubtedly in support of the Win32 service 
architecture) uses an environmental that it purposefull creates and injects 
into the child process "AP_PARENT_PID".  I don't see how we can do better 
than use this same distinguishing characterisic to know not to run 
python_init() in the parent process.

- Original Message - 
From: "Graham Dumpleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Jeff Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "python-dev list" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 06:02
Subject: Re: MODPYTHON-195

On 04/11/2006, at 12:34 PM, Jeff Robbins wrote:


I haven't had any new ideas about this problem.  It is clear that  on 
Windows, mod_python is initialized both in a parent process and  more 
usefully in the child process that spins up the threads that  service 
client requests.  The parent process is long-lived and the  standard hack 
to wait for the second call to the  ap_hook_post_config is useless 
because each "restart" of apache is  yet another call (third, fourth, 
fifth, etc...) and each time  there's a leak of one handle.

The fix I tested seems reasonable.  I know it is dependent on 
mpm_winnt.c, but, after all, that file is the file responsible for  the 
dual process architecture on windows to begin with.  And the  fix has an 
#ifdef win32 so it won't hurt linux users.

I'd like you to consider folding it in.  I think it is better than 
having a leak (along with spurious python initialization) on windows.

Jeff, can you see if you can come up with a test based on  'initialized' 

'child_init_pool' as I note in:

If it is only in the parent process you need to skip subsequent  calls, 

  if (child_init_pool == 0 && initialized != 0)
  return OK;

Will have to think about how this may screw up old versions of Mac OS X
though which is why initialized was added in the first place.

You might include in your debug a call to Py_IsInitialized() so it  can be
determined if Python thinks it is already initialised. Since your  fiddle 

working, I'd say it probably is.

Also see if main_server is set and not zero as well and whether its  value
is different to 's' passed as argument to function. Whether it is the 
or not may dictate where in function the check to bail out of  function 

to be. It may have to go just before the global config and mutexes are



2006-11-07 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On 04/11/2006, at 12:34 PM, Jeff Robbins wrote:


I haven't had any new ideas about this problem.  It is clear that  
on Windows, mod_python is initialized both in a parent process and  
more usefully in the child process that spins up the threads that  
service client requests.  The parent process is long-lived and the  
standard hack to wait for the second call to the  
ap_hook_post_config is useless because each "restart" of apache is  
yet another call (third, fourth, fifth, etc...) and each time  
there's a leak of one handle.

The fix I tested seems reasonable.  I know it is dependent on  
mpm_winnt.c, but, after all, that file is the file responsible for  
the dual process architecture on windows to begin with.  And the  
fix has an #ifdef win32 so it won't hurt linux users.

I'd like you to consider folding it in.  I think it is better than  
having a leak (along with spurious python initialization) on windows.

Jeff, can you see if you can come up with a test based on  
'initialized' and

'child_init_pool' as I note in:

If it is only in the parent process you need to skip subsequent  
calls, perhaps:

  if (child_init_pool == 0 && initialized != 0)
  return OK;

Will have to think about how this may screw up old versions of Mac OS X
though which is why initialized was added in the first place.

You might include in your debug a call to Py_IsInitialized() so it  
can be
determined if Python thinks it is already initialised. Since your  
fiddle is

working, I'd say it probably is.

Also see if main_server is set and not zero as well and whether its  
is different to 's' passed as argument to function. Whether it is the  
or not may dictate where in function the check to bail out of  
function needs

to be. It may have to go just before the global config and mutexes are
