Re: The mod_python wiki has materialized!

2006-10-16 Thread Graham Dumpleton
solo turn wrote ..
> why would you use jira/confluence, if there is edgewall trac and
> moinmoin? these two would benefit from mod_python, while
> jira/confluence has nothing to do with it.
> -solo

JIRA is the official bug/issue tracking system used by the Apache software
foundation and what is already used by mod_python. It is much better than
Trac for tracking and managing issues. The web address for the current JIRA
site for mod_python is:

The ASF provides both MoinMoin and Confluence wiki sites for the use of ASF
projects. The important distinction is that the MoinMoin site is open access
with modifications being able to be made by anyone. This is fine for public
contributions to FAQs or sample code, but is no good for any official
mod_python documentation.

The issue is that the policy of the ASF is that any official documentation
which forms a part of the release of a package must only be modifiable by
individuals who have provided to the ASF a signed contributor licence
agreement. Because the MoinMoin wikis run by the ASF are open access, then this
cannot be policed easily. The Confluence wikis on the other hand have a better
permissions regime in place which means that changes can be restricted to just
those who have the rights to modify the documentation.

Confluence is also much better in other respects for managing the official
mod_python documentation. One reason is that it has builtin the ability to
export individual as well as complete sets of pages in the wiki as HTML or PDF.
This makes it easy for us to generate the HTML documentation needed to be
placed on the mod_python web site and also with the mod_python source
code. Performing such an export with MoinMoin is not so simple and
requires third party plugins which are as far as I know not part of the ASF
MoinMoin wiki installations.

So JIRA and Confluence have everything to do with it, because they are
tools already used by the ASF and are also better products than Trac
and MoinMoin as well for what the ASF does, whereby the need to manage
many projects and not just one, and with strict access requirements.


> On 10/12/06, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Its late here now, so time for me to sleep. You being on the PMC might
> > also carry more weight in getting the Confluence wiki space setup. If
> > we follow suggested convention, should be called MODPYTHON to
> > match JIRA tag. You being on the PMC means you can probably be
> > given admin rights over the wiki space. I have created a user called
> > "grahamd", so perhaps you can make the request and ask for me to
> > be added, or get the rights so you can give me the write privileges.
> > They
> > should have it record that I have signed the required agreement.
> >
> > Might be about time for me to finally accept the PMC invite. ;-)
> >
> > This is actually good timing finding this, as have been trying to get
> > work interested in getting JIRA/Confluence for our own stuff, so if can
> > show them how it works will be good.
> >
> > Till tomorrow ...
> >
> > Graham
> >
> > On 12/10/2006, at 11:04 PM, Jim Gallacher wrote:
> >
> > > +1
> > >
> > > Sounds like a good plan.
> > >
> > > Jim
> > >
> > > Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> > >> Doing some digging into the Confluence wiki site, it seems we may
> be
> > >> better off getting a wiki space created in there for mod_python which
> > >> would be specifically for developing the official documentation. This
> > >> could have restricted write access for core developers. That wiki
> > >> space
> > >> can then be exported as HTML/PDF to get a snapshot for inclusion in
> > >> the release. Comments could be allowed for general Confluence users,
> > >> but not actual page edits. The comments can be left out of any
> > >> export.
> > >> The comments would be as triggers for us to make amendments
> > >> to the documentation.
> > >> The MoinMoin site could be kept for general community contributions.
> > >> Ie., the FAQ, examples of handlers, links to other resources etc etc.
> > >> Graham
> > >> On 12/10/2006, at 10:29 PM, Jim Gallacher wrote:
> > >>> Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> >  Anyone had any thoughts on how we are going to use the wiki?
> > >>>
> > >>> Sections 4, 5 and 6 (API, Apache Configuration Directives and
> > >>> Standard Handlers) of the current docs stay with in the source
> > >>> distribution. Everything else would be a candidate for the wiki.
> > >>> (We should likely decide which should go in the wiki vs the
> > >>> website vs the
> > >>> website).
> > >>>
> > >>> In no particular order:
> > >>>
> > >>> News
> > >>> Roadmap
> > >>> Installation help for various OS platforms
> > >>> FAQ
> > >>> Tutorials
> > >>> Examples
> > >>> Security considerations
> > >>> Troubleshooting applications
> > >>> Mailing list information
> > >>> Developer information
> > >>> Bug reporting information
> > >>>
> > >>> Jim
> >

Re: The mod_python wiki has materialized!

2006-10-16 Thread solo turn

why would you use jira/confluence, if there is edgewall trac and
moinmoin? these two would benefit from mod_python, while
jira/confluence has nothing to do with it.


On 10/12/06, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Its late here now, so time for me to sleep. You being on the PMC might
also carry more weight in getting the Confluence wiki space setup. If
we follow suggested convention, should be called MODPYTHON to
match JIRA tag. You being on the PMC means you can probably be
given admin rights over the wiki space. I have created a user called
"grahamd", so perhaps you can make the request and ask for me to
be added, or get the rights so you can give me the write privileges.
should have it record that I have signed the required agreement.

Might be about time for me to finally accept the PMC invite. ;-)

This is actually good timing finding this, as have been trying to get
work interested in getting JIRA/Confluence for our own stuff, so if can
show them how it works will be good.

Till tomorrow ...


On 12/10/2006, at 11:04 PM, Jim Gallacher wrote:

> +1
> Sounds like a good plan.
> Jim
> Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>> Doing some digging into the Confluence wiki site, it seems we may be
>> better off getting a wiki space created in there for mod_python which
>> would be specifically for developing the official documentation. This
>> could have restricted write access for core developers. That wiki
>> space
>> can then be exported as HTML/PDF to get a snapshot for inclusion in
>> the release. Comments could be allowed for general Confluence users,
>> but not actual page edits. The comments can be left out of any
>> export.
>> The comments would be as triggers for us to make amendments
>> to the documentation.
>> The MoinMoin site could be kept for general community contributions.
>> Ie., the FAQ, examples of handlers, links to other resources etc etc.
>> Graham
>> On 12/10/2006, at 10:29 PM, Jim Gallacher wrote:
>>> Graham Dumpleton wrote:
 Anyone had any thoughts on how we are going to use the wiki?
>>> Sections 4, 5 and 6 (API, Apache Configuration Directives and
>>> Standard Handlers) of the current docs stay with in the source
>>> distribution. Everything else would be a candidate for the wiki.
>>> (We should likely decide which should go in the wiki vs the
>>> website vs the
>>> website).
>>> In no particular order:
>>> News
>>> Roadmap
>>> Installation help for various OS platforms
>>> FAQ
>>> Tutorials
>>> Examples
>>> Security considerations
>>> Troubleshooting applications
>>> Mailing list information
>>> Developer information
>>> Bug reporting information
>>> Jim
  From prior comments it looks like we can't use it for the
 documentation if we intend to then ship a snapshot of the
 documentation with a release. I am not sure we are precluded
 from still using it for the documentation, it just means that we
 not also include it in the release.
 To my mind this is possibly okay, as once the documentation was
 shifted to the wiki, wasn't thinking that a snapshot would be
 with the release anyway.
 It is just a pity that the ASF doesn't use Confluence (the
 wiki product for JIRA), as the fine grained security mechanisms in
 that could have been used to protect the core documentation and
 prevent modification by people who shouldn't. I know that MoinMoin
 has fine grained access permissions as well, but from my experience
 it is a bit harder to configure as it requires changes to a file
 configuration file to setup the default policy. Requiring this
 intervention of the ASF infrastructure people and they are possibly
 too busy as it is. How individual page access and groups are setup
 with MoinMoin is also a fiddly process. At lease with Confluence
 things are all controllable through the web interface and somewhat
 easier to manage. That MoinMoin is fiddly to setup is possibly why
 they recommend a separate wiki space for the protected
 as then the default policy can be just to let the selected users
 the pages and one doesn't have to worry about manipulating
 access on individual pages.
 On 13/09/2006, at 9:31 AM, Max Bowsher wrote:
> Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>> On 13/09/2006, at 8:45 AM, Jim Gallacher wrote:
>>> Woot Woot Woot! We have our wiki!
>>> Now comes the hard part... what the heck are we going to do
>>> with it? :)
>> Ahhh, more work. :-(
>> Obviously the FAQ stuff can go over there, but I would really
>> like to
>> see the
>> main LaTeX documentation converted and hosted there so it can
>> be updated
>> more easily. Might have to a

Re: The mod_python wiki has materialized!

2006-10-12 Thread Graham Dumpleton

Its late here now, so time for me to sleep. You being on the PMC might
also carry more weight in getting the Confluence wiki space setup. If
we follow suggested convention, should be called MODPYTHON to
match JIRA tag. You being on the PMC means you can probably be
given admin rights over the wiki space. I have created a user called
"grahamd", so perhaps you can make the request and ask for me to
be added, or get the rights so you can give me the write privileges.  

should have it record that I have signed the required agreement.

Might be about time for me to finally accept the PMC invite. ;-)

This is actually good timing finding this, as have been trying to get
work interested in getting JIRA/Confluence for our own stuff, so if can
show them how it works will be good.

Till tomorrow ...


On 12/10/2006, at 11:04 PM, Jim Gallacher wrote:


Sounds like a good plan.


Graham Dumpleton wrote:

Doing some digging into the Confluence wiki site, it seems we may be
better off getting a wiki space created in there for mod_python which
would be specifically for developing the official documentation. This
could have restricted write access for core developers. That wiki  

can then be exported as HTML/PDF to get a snapshot for inclusion in
the release. Comments could be allowed for general Confluence users,
but not actual page edits. The comments can be left out of any  

The comments would be as triggers for us to make amendments
to the documentation.
The MoinMoin site could be kept for general community contributions.
Ie., the FAQ, examples of handlers, links to other resources etc etc.
On 12/10/2006, at 10:29 PM, Jim Gallacher wrote:

Graham Dumpleton wrote:

Anyone had any thoughts on how we are going to use the wiki?

Sections 4, 5 and 6 (API, Apache Configuration Directives and  
Standard Handlers) of the current docs stay with in the source  
distribution. Everything else would be a candidate for the wiki.  
(We should likely decide which should go in the wiki vs the website vs the  

In no particular order:

Installation help for various OS platforms
Security considerations
Troubleshooting applications
Mailing list information
Developer information
Bug reporting information


 From prior comments it looks like we can't use it for the  

documentation if we intend to then ship a snapshot of the
documentation with a release. I am not sure we are precluded
from still using it for the documentation, it just means that we  

not also include it in the release.
To my mind this is possibly okay, as once the documentation was
shifted to the wiki, wasn't thinking that a snapshot would be  

with the release anyway.
It is just a pity that the ASF doesn't use Confluence (the  

wiki product for JIRA), as the fine grained security mechanisms in
that could have been used to protect the core documentation and
prevent modification by people who shouldn't. I know that MoinMoin
has fine grained access permissions as well, but from my experience
it is a bit harder to configure as it requires changes to a file  
configuration file to setup the default policy. Requiring this  

intervention of the ASF infrastructure people and they are possibly
too busy as it is. How individual page access and groups are setup
with MoinMoin is also a fiddly process. At lease with Confluence  

things are all controllable through the web interface and somewhat
easier to manage. That MoinMoin is fiddly to setup is possibly why
they recommend a separate wiki space for the protected  
as then the default policy can be just to let the selected users  

the pages and one doesn't have to worry about manipulating
access on individual pages.
On 13/09/2006, at 9:31 AM, Max Bowsher wrote:

Graham Dumpleton wrote:

On 13/09/2006, at 8:45 AM, Jim Gallacher wrote:

Woot Woot Woot! We have our wiki!

Now comes the hard part... what the heck are we going to do  
with it? :)

Ahhh, more work. :-(

Obviously the FAQ stuff can go over there, but I would really  
like to

see the
main LaTeX documentation converted and hosted there so it can  
be updated
more easily. Might have to ask Grisha's opinion on that, he  
might want

to see
something be able to still be downloadable with the source  
code itself. In
practice though, how many actually use the LaTeX source to  
generate their
own documentation, I would guess most go to the web site  
anyway. We would
have to be careful though to make sure we annotate features to  
show over
time at which version they were introduced, since we will not  
have parallel

snapshots of documentation for each major release.

Regarding hosting the official documentation within a wiki...

A topic that has recently come up on infra@ is that anything  
that is
editable b

Re: The mod_python wiki has materialized!

2006-09-12 Thread Max Bowsher
Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> On 13/09/2006, at 8:45 AM, Jim Gallacher wrote:
>> Woot Woot Woot! We have our wiki!
>> Now comes the hard part... what the heck are we going to do with it? :)
> Ahhh, more work. :-(
> Obviously the FAQ stuff can go over there, but I would really like to
> see the
> main LaTeX documentation converted and hosted there so it can be updated
> more easily. Might have to ask Grisha's opinion on that, he might want
> to see
> something be able to still be downloadable with the source code itself. In
> practice though, how many actually use the LaTeX source to generate their
> own documentation, I would guess most go to the web site anyway. We would
> have to be careful though to make sure we annotate features to show over
> time at which version they were introduced, since we will not have parallel
> snapshots of documentation for each major release.

Regarding hosting the official documentation within a wiki...

A topic that has recently come up on infra@ is that anything that is
editable by people without ASF CLAs on file is ineligible to be shipped
as part of an official Apache release.

Just thought I ought to call attention to that point, if wiki-fication
of the main docs is being considered.

Other projects have approached this by having two separate wikis, the
documentation one being write-access-restricted to CLA-ed people.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: The mod_python wiki has materialized!

2006-09-12 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On 13/09/2006, at 8:45 AM, Jim Gallacher wrote:

Woot Woot Woot! We have our wiki!

Now comes the hard part... what the heck are we going to do with  
it? :)

Ahhh, more work. :-(

Obviously the FAQ stuff can go over there, but I would really like to  
see the

main LaTeX documentation converted and hosted there so it can be updated
more easily. Might have to ask Grisha's opinion on that, he might  
want to see
something be able to still be downloadable with the source code  
itself. In
practice though, how many actually use the LaTeX source to generate  
own documentation, I would guess most go to the web site anyway. We  

have to be careful though to make sure we annotate features to show over
time at which version they were introduced, since we will not have  

snapshots of documentation for each major release.

In respect of my own wiki I was setting up, I would probably keep  
going with

that for my own stuff and wouldn't be dumping it on the official site.
