Hi folks,

Facebook just published an interesting bit of tech that uses squashfs
to create single-file executables that don't require a pre-installed
container engine to execute, but do place some more significant
demands on the FUSE subsystem, and also require a bootstrapping
executable to set up the filesystem mounts.

I recommend taking a look at their blog post, as xar seems like quite
an interesting capability to consider offering: whereas containers and
flatpaks give you both build time and runtime component isolation, xar
files aim to behave more like a statically linked ELF binary with no
supporting data files (no runtime isolation, but no direct
dependencies on the host filesystem either).


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cooper Ry Lees <m...@cooperlees.com>
Date: 14 July 2018 at 06:51
Subject: [Distutils]Introducing XAR - SquashFS based mountable
executables - Calling OS/Distro Maintainers
To: distutils-...@python.org

Hi distutils,

Today Facebook Open Sourced a competitor to PEX and other zip based
distribution methods for Python (and potentially other languages).
Basically it's claim to fame is start up time for large modules being
similar to regular on file system modules due to extracting on read
via SquashFS mounted executables. For more information read our blog

The bdist_xar 'wheel' like plugin is also now in PyPI:

Main reason I wanted to post here was I'd love to reach out to our OS
maintainers on list (e.g. Mr Stinner) and talk about getting the
components of XAR into the OS's package repos. The main components
that make sense are:
- xarexec_fuse: https://github.com/facebookincubator/xar/
- squashfuse: a newer version with squashfuse_ll (and optionally zstd
support) https://github.com/vasi/squashfuse
- squashfs-tools: a newer version with zstd support (made optional I guess)

Once we had this, it would make building XARs as easy as building
wheels, even more so when we can define OS level dependencies for it!

Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions etc. -
Also want to note, Sumanah suggested I floated this here, I apologize
if this is a misuse of the list. If so, please ignore. I was torn
wether or not this is appropriate.


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