> most of the packages I've seen lack the python3_other bits (no 
> statistics, just my impression).

That's my impression too.

> Is this something we want? If so, are the packagers willing to adapt 
> their packages (as much as I'd like to do this, I lack the resources to 
> hack on 228 packages)?

I've done quite a few but it's in the tens, not the hundreds. However, winter 
is coming and it's a nice activity when you're down with the flu.

I've noticed that the with_python3_other variable isn't defined in the file 
shipped by python3-rpm-macros, it would help transition to set that variable as 
in the original plan. The edits I've done use that variable as a conditional. 
Or shouldn't they?

I'm interesting in having more python3.6 packages in EPEL7 since newer releases 
of Mailman3 requires Python >= 3.5, so I'm currently stuck by some missing 
dependencies. So I'm willing to help move this forward.

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