Hello Pythonistas,

I've just updated pyproject-rpm-macros to 0-40 across all Fedora versions. Update for CentOS Stream 9 is planned for next week(s).

There is a backwards incompatible enhancement. The "semi-internal" %_pyproject_wheeldir and %_pyproject_builddir locations are now set relative to the source tree, not $PWD. This allows stuff like:

    cd somewhere
    cd -
    cd somewhere_else
    cd -


The backwards compatibility is only affecting projects that already tried to do this but needed some workarounds, e.g. python-flit has:

    cd flit_core
    # Move %%{_pyproject_wheeldir}/flit_core wheel to the main dir
    mv %{_pyproject_wheeldir} ..

This will now fail because %{_pyproject_wheeldir} *is* in ..

I will adapt python-flit and any other affected package in Fedora.

Other than that, there are just backwards compatible fixes.

In case you see any other problems with the upgrade, let me know.

Happy packaging!
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok
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