Re: Packaging Python 3.4.0

2013-11-29 Thread Bohuslav Kabrda
- DONE: I've just created a copr repo for Python 3.4 [1] and built beta1
- IN PROGRESS: I'm now working on unbundling of pip and setuptools wheels, as 
mentioned in thread [2]. Progress:
-- DONE: created python-wheels package for Fedora (I'll build it in copr ASAP)
-- DONE: added logic to python-setuptools and python-pip so that they can be 
built as wheels (I'll build in copr ASAP)
-- TODO: Now that I have an idea how to build wheel RPMs, I need to:
--- wait to see if my patches to pip that enable this get accepted [3], [4] 
(and perhaps communicate with upstream to make them better)
--- once the patches are accepted, I'd like to talk to FPC about allowing 
building wheel RPMs (most likely from Fedora 21 on) and how to do that
--- once that is discussed, build setuptools and pip as wheels for F21 (this is 
really necessary, so even if Fedora as a whole distro doesn't accept wheels 
usage yet, I'll try to negotiate exception for these two packages)
-- TODO: in the meanwhile, I'll start working on the actual ensurepip patch and 
I'll propose it upstream
- TODO: also in the meanwhile, I'll be updating Python 3.4 to the newest 
prereleases, as they are released by upstream

If anyone wants to help, you can:
- help push my patches to pip upstream
- help with creating a proposal about building wheel RPMs for FPC (have a look 
at the SRPMs in the copr repo - once I've built them - to see how I'm currently 
doing it)
- help with creating the ensurepip patch
(if you want to work on any of these, please let everyone know, so that we 
don't duplicate our efforts)

Thanks a lot,

Bohuslav Slavek Kabrda.

python-devel mailing list

Re: Packaging Python 3.4.0

2013-11-06 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 11/06/2013 06:19 PM, Bohuslav Kabrda wrote:
 - Original Message -
 Do you mean minor version as in the 4 in 3.4 or as in the micro level (0
 in 3.4.0)?
 Minor as in 4. AFAIK the bytecode format only changes with major and minor 
 version (e.g. from 3.X to 3.Y, but _not_ from 3.X.y to 3.X.z).

FWIW, this ambiguity is why I tend to refer to Python feature releases
(X.Y) and maintenance releases (X.Y.Z) rather than major/minor
(incorrect, since Python version numbering is major.minor.micro) or
minor/micro (technically correct, but the major number changes so rarely
that calling Python feature releases minor releases usually confuses


Nick Coghlan
Red Hat Infrastructure Engineering  Development, Brisbane

Testing Solutions Team Lead
Beaker Development Lead (
python-devel mailing list