
I wanted to announce here a "new" iOS app for coding Python: Pyto. It's 
available on the App Store and is open source.


The app has a file browser with scripts, a code editor with syntax coloring and 
smart code completion and a console that supports input. It also has a REPL. 
Themes can be applied for the whole app.


Scripts can be debugged with PDB and breakpoints can be set from the editor.

Apple APIs with Python

A module is pre-installed for accessing Objective-C class. An 'UIKit' module is 
written on top of it with all UIKit classes and an 'ui' module allows showing 
user interfaces created with Apple APIs.

C Extensions

iOS restrictions make impossible to load dynamic libraries outside the app 
bundle, so no module with C code can be installed, like NumPy, Pandas and 
Matplotlib. So, the main goal of this app is to provide latest versions of most 
popular libraries that have C code and cannot be installed by the user.

The app has NumPy 1.16.1, Pandas 0.24.1 and Matplotlib 0.24.1. Matplotlib 
supports displaying figures on the console.

Other pure Python modules

Other pure Python modules can be installed with a minimal version of pip.


Source code: https://github.com/ColdGrub1384/Pyto

Python IDE for iOS and macOS with, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas and UIKit support 
- ColdGrub1384/Pyto

App Store: 
Home page: https://develobile.com/pyto/

‎Pyto - Python IDE on the App Store - 
Pyto is a Python 3.7 IDE for iPhone an iPad. You can run code directly on your 
device and offline. Features: - Python 3.7 with all default libraries like "sys"


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