Em quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011 08:50:34, Steven D'Aprano escreveu:
On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:15:46 +0000, Chris Withers wrote:

Hi All,

What's the general consensus on supporting Python 2.5 nowadays?

Do people still have to use this in commercial environments or is
everyone on 2.6+ nowadays?

Centos and Red Hat production systems still use Python 2.4, so yes,
absolutely, 2.5 and 2.4 still need to be supported.

Not necessarily by package authors though -- that's a matter for them to
decide. I'm presently writing a small library which will support 2.4
through 3.2, which isn't as hard as it sounds like, but still isn't
exactly fun. If the project were much bigger, I'd drop support for 2.4
and only support 2.5. At least then I could use conditional expressions
and __future__ imports.

I'm finally getting some continuous integration set up for my packages
and it's highlighting some 2.5 compatibility issues. I'm wondering
whether to fix those (lots of ugly "from __future__ import
with_statement" everywhere) or just to drop Python 2.5 support.

What do people feel?

It really depends on *your* users, not arbitrary developers. How many of
your users are using 2.5?

There are still people on 2.5. ESRIs customers (www.esri.com) that rely heavily on Python 2.5, because it ships with a popular ArcGIS release (9.31). The new ArcGIS release uses 2.6, but I can see 9.31 lurking around for another year, at least.



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