Spring Python 1.0.0-RC2 has been released

2009-06-03 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python takes the concepts implemented by the Java-based Spring Framework, and applies them to Python. This provides a powerful library of functionality to help you get back to writing the code that makes you money. It includes features like data access, transaction management, remoting,

Spring Python 1.0.0 (RC1) is released

2009-01-22 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python takes the concepts implemented by the Java-based Spring Framework, and applies them to Python. This provides a powerful library of functionality to help you get back to writing the code that makes you money. It includes features like data access, transaction management, remoting,

Spring Python 0 .9.1 has been released

2008-12-09 Thread Goldfish
I just released Spring Python 0.9.1. One of our users spotted an error in the a href=http://springpython.webfactional.com/reference/html/ objects.htmlIoC container/a involving constructor arguments, and I was able to reproduce the problem, patch it, and get it released quickly to the user

Spring Python 0.9.0 is released

2008-12-01 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python, the python version of the Spring Framework, has just released version 0.9.0. This release includes a key update to springpython.security.web module, where authorization has been patched to support CherryPy 3.1. To download the 0.9.0 release, or an archived release, and for access

Spring Python 0.8.0 has been released/Spring Python goes green

2008-11-06 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python, the python version of the Spring Framework, has just released version 0.8.0. This release contains a refactored IoC container supporting four formats (XMLConfig, PythonConfig/@Object, PyContainerConfig, and SpringJavaConfig); replacement of the term component with object in all

Re: Spring Python 0.8.0 has been released/Spring Python goes green

2008-11-06 Thread Goldfish
The Links section has some faults in it. Here is a corrected copy: Links: For more information, please visit the website at http://springpython.webfactional.com Framework download at

Re: wrapping a method function call?

2008-11-04 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python provides an AOP solution (http:// springpython.webfactional.com/reference/html/aop.html). You can define regexp patterns of what you want to intercept. Imagine having this service: class SampleService: def method(self, data): return You sent me '%s' % data def

Spring Python 0.7.1 has been released

2008-10-17 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python, the python version of the Spring Framework, has just released version 0.7.1. This patch includes integration with S3, Spring's new service used to distribute binaries. Key Features of Spring Python include: * Inversion Of Control - The idea is to decouple two classes at the

Re: Spring Python 0.7.0 is released

2008-09-29 Thread Goldfish
Key Features The following features have been implemented: * Inversion Of Control - The idea is to decouple two classes at the interface level. This lets you build many reusable parts in your software, and your whole application becomes more pluggable. You can use either the

Spring Python 0.7.0 is released

2008-09-25 Thread Goldfish
Release 0.7.0 was completed last night, and released to sourceforge.net. NOTE: This release included a lot of API scrubbing, in order to bring things more in tune with PEP-0008 (python's style guide). You're existing apps PROBABLY were impacted, if you used any of Spring Python's utility classes.

Spring Python 0.6.0 has been released

2008-09-05 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python 0.6.0, the python offshoot of the Spring framework and Spring Security, has been released (http:// springpython.webfactional.com). See http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=184275package_id=214366release_id=624328 for more details. BTW, if you click on the release

Spring Python version 0.5.0 is released

2008-05-30 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python (http://springpython.webfactional.com) version 0.5.0 was released today. It contains updates to DatabaseTemplate and DatabaseTransactions, along with more testing underneath MySQL, PostGreSQL, and Sqlite. Support for Oracle has been added, but only minimally tested so far. Spring

Re: virtualpython / workingenv / virtualenv ... shouldn't this be part of python

2008-01-11 Thread Goldfish
On Jan 11, 11:45 am, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Damjan wrote: My question is, shoudn't it be enough to set PYTHONPATH and everything automagically to work then? Is there some work done on this for python 3.0 or 2.6 perhaps? I'm working on a PEP for a per user site dir for

Spring Python 0.3.2 is release!

2008-01-08 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python (http://springpython.python-hosting.com) version 0.3.2 was released yesterday. It contains a patch to an error discovered 12/19/2007 in XmlApplicationContext, that broke when PROTOTYPE scoping was used. Test cases have been updated to detect this bug, and in turn the correction was

Re: matching a street address with regular expressions

2007-10-11 Thread Goldfish
Don't forget to write test cases. If you have a series of addresses, and confirm they are parsed correctly, you are in a good position to refine the pattern. You will instantly know if a change in pattern has broken another pattern. The reason I'm saying this, is because I think your pattern is

Re: determining fully qualified package class name

2007-10-11 Thread Goldfish
import myPackage f = myPackage.foo() print f.__module__ + . + f.__class__.__name__ That should do it! -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: EasyMock for python ?

2007-10-11 Thread Goldfish
I had to get the hang of jMock-style testing through the usage of the pmock library. But it seems to work out pretty well. See some of my test cases at http://springpython.python-hosting.com/browser/trunk/src/springpython/test/databaseCoreTestCases.py. That should provide a hearty sample of uses

Re: Spring Python 0.3.0 is released!

2007-09-19 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python 0.3.1 was released today. It contains a quick add-on feature: DecoratorBasedApplicationContext. This feature lets you define an IoC container using python code and decorators instead of an XML flat file. It handles things like dependency injection and fetches things in order as

Spring Python 0.3.0 is released!

2007-09-12 Thread Goldfish
Spring Python (http://springpython.python-hosting.com) version 0.3.0 was released yesterday. Key improvements include: * Make the web components WSGI-compatible, firstly working with CherryPy. * Extend PetClinic to use database accounts and have password encoding. * Add an

Re: Python Database Apps

2007-09-12 Thread Goldfish
I use MySQL and also sqlite. However, I also use Spring Python (http:// springpython.python-hosting.com) to use both its DatabaseTemplate utility class and also the remoting functionality. This way, I can have the database code sitting on the server, and then export the data access functions

Re: Creating a multi-tier client/server application

2007-08-29 Thread Goldfish
Perhaps Spring Python can help you out (http://springpython.python- hosting.com). It reuses technologies like Pyro for remoting, offers database templates, has a plugable security component, an AOP solution should the need arise, an IoC container, and has a couple of web-app demos using CherryPy.

Re: Authenticating clients and servers

2007-04-16 Thread Goldfish
On Apr 15, 2:40 pm, Chaz Ginger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thomas Krüger wrote: Chaz Ginger schrieb: I am writing a distributed server system using Python. I need to support authentication and was wondering what approaches are available under Python and what are the best practices. Spring

Re: Python and Java

2007-04-05 Thread Goldfish
On Apr 5, 7:18 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sreelatha G wrote: Hi I am new to python .I need your help in solving my problem. Is there any way to call python files in a java file .How is it possible? Your other option is to utilize a system exec call, and try and trap

Re: how to build a forum in Python?

2007-04-04 Thread Goldfish
Sounds like phpBB (http://www.phpbb.com/) would do great. I'm not sure why you want to go write another forum management tool when others are already out there for usage. I know its not in python, but not everything has to be in python. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: Newbie - needs help

2007-04-04 Thread Goldfish
Nothing beats http://diveintopython.org/toc/index.html for getting into the basics of Python. This guy's writing is great! -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: how to remove multiple occurrences of a string within a list?

2007-04-04 Thread Goldfish
I don't think I would use sets at all. They change the semantic meaning of the original list. What if you have duplicate entries that you want to keep? Converting to a set and back will strip out the duplicates of that. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: newbi question on python rpc server, how it works?

2007-03-28 Thread Goldfish
I have a need where I need to create a layer of business logic that will connect to mysql database at one end and a wxpython based thin client at the other end. Spring Python offers something similar (http://springpython.python- hosting.com/wiki/DistributedRemoting) to link up clients withs

Re: Single string print statements on multiple lines.

2007-03-12 Thread Goldfish
http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html Don't post homework questions. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: New to Python

2007-03-12 Thread Goldfish
I read http://diveintopython.org/ online, and covered a lot of Python territory nicely with this. Greg -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: using python to visit web sites and print the web sites image to files

2007-03-12 Thread Goldfish
You can definitely create a web bot with python. It doesn't require that you drive A real web browser. There are libraries to open web pages, scrape their contents, and do downloading. That would make your bot platform neutral. Driving a GUI browser has the risk of being a brittle script that

Re: Interface Implementation in Python

2007-03-06 Thread Goldfish
I would like to know the interface concept in Python.How the Interface is defined and implemented in Python?. One way I have implemented interfaces, is as follows: class MyInterface(object): def someMethod(self, argument): raise NotImplementedError() If anybody ever uses that

Re: package_data question

2007-03-05 Thread Goldfish
On Mar 5, 1:56 am, bytecolor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have a simple package. I'm trying to add an examples subdirectory with distutils. I'm using Python 2.4 on Linux. My file layout and setup.py can be found here: http://www.deadbeefbabe.org/paste/3870 I've tried using data_files as well,

Re: Module trouble [newbie]

2007-02-23 Thread Goldfish
On Feb 23, 6:44 am, Boris Ozegovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Can somebody explaint this to me: I have module a.py A = 100 import b print A printing print B is %s % b.B and module b.py B = 2000 import a print B printing print A is %s % a.A I thought that output would be: B printing

Re: How to do a Decorator Here?

2007-02-20 Thread Goldfish
On Feb 20, 8:20 pm, Gregory Piñero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Need some decorator help. I have a class. And I want to add behavior to one of this class's methods to be run before the class runs the actual method. Is this what decorators are for? So the class I want to work with is

Re: Approaches of interprocess communication

2007-02-16 Thread Goldfish
On Feb 16, 5:11 am, exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, Supposing you have two separate processes running on the same box, what approach would you suggest to communicate between those two processes. Spring Python makes it easy to get processes talking to each other. You can write

Re: probably a stupid question: MatLab equivalent of diff ?

2006-12-29 Thread Marcus Goldfish
On 12/29/06, Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Does anyone know the equivalent of the MatLab diff function. The diff functions calculates the difference between 2 succeeding elements of an array. I need to detect (fast) the falling edge of a binary signal. There's derivate function in

Re: internet explorer/firefox plugin/toolbar

2005-04-23 Thread Marcus Goldfish
does anyone have any ideas as to how to go about creating a plugin/toolbar for both/either the IE/Firefox browsers? For IE, checkout Browser Helper Objects (BHOs). Sample python code can be found at: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/ctypes-users/2263094 Marcus --

help with binary file io, perhaps with generators?

2005-04-23 Thread Marcus Goldfish
I need to write a fast file reader in python for binary files structured as: x[0] y[0] z[0] x[1] y[1] z[1] where c[k] is the k-th element from sequence c. As mentioned, the file is binary -- spaces above are just for visualization. Each element, c[k], is a 16-bit int. I can assume I know

Re: pythonic use of properties?

2005-04-15 Thread Marcus Goldfish
On 4/15/05, Michael Spencer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: class SillyDecimal(object): A silly class to represent an integer from 0 - 99. def __init__(self, arg=17): if isinstance(arg, tuple): self.tens = arg[0] self.ones = arg[1] It is conventional to

Re: Using python from a browser

2005-04-15 Thread Marcus Goldfish
I read that IE had the capability to embedd Python scripts, but what about the others ? While Python can be set up as a scripting language for IE, this is normally disabled as it could be a security hole. The open call is available from Python scripts so a web site could read or destroy

pythonic use of properties?

2005-04-14 Thread Marcus Goldfish
I'd like advice/opinions on when it is appropriate to do attribute/property validation in python. I'm coming from a C#/Java background, where of course tons of wasted code is devoted to property validation. Here is a toy example illustrating my question: # Example: mixing instance attributes

Re: Finding attributes in a list

2005-04-02 Thread Marcus Goldfish
class Player(object): def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) def __repr__(self): return 'Player %s'%getattr(self, 'name', '(anonymous)') import operator [p.name for p in sorted(players, key=operator.attrgetter('attacking'), reverse=True)] Just happened to read this