I have many dll files and I would like to select them into two
different folders (PC and PPC). For this I need to know the target
platform of the dll file or any other details about its platform.

I use Python 3.1.1. I have tried the win32api which does not
compatible with this Python version. So, I try to use the
ctypes.windll with try-except method where the try is true the loaded-
in dll is "PC" and if not, unable to load the dll that is "PPC". But,
I have a problem with this idea.

There are some dll files which I know that "PC" dll but unable to load
in memory. The try-except does not work with them. So, I need to
request info from the dll file about the target platform of itself.

Do you have any idea about this problem?

Many thanks for your help.

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