Do you have styles attached to the text of the document in the xls? (bold, 
italic, etc)
if not, then you can just do the mapping by creating table and cells by 
yourself... (or xslt)

 {^(00)^} LiNdA OcTaLiNa

From: Jeremiah Dodds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2008 9:50:49 PM
Subject: Re: Converting a .xls file to .html

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 5:54 AM, tarun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello All,
I've a .xml file (saved as .xls) that can be opened in Microsoft excel. I want 
to write python code that converts this excel file into .html (so that it can 
be viewed as is in an explorer).
Can any one help?

A quick google search shows , and a few 
other libraries for reading xls files. I don't use excel, so I can't test it. 
There may not be a library for going straight from xls -> html, but if you can 
get xls -> text  or a list or whatnot, then you could use pretty much any html 
generation tool you want on it, python's got plenty of templating libraries 


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