Django is great

On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 12:55:07 AM UTC-7, CM wrote:
> On Monday, January 6, 2014 8:57:22 PM UTC-5, Roy Smith wrote:
> > Yes, exactly.  There's nothing magic about a django view.  It's just a 
> > function which is passed an instance of HttpRequest (and possibly a few 
> > other things, depending on your url mapping), and which is expected to 
> > return an instance of HttpResponse.  Within that framework, it can call 
> > any other functions it wants.
> > 
> > For example, is a silly little site I built in 
> > django.  Here's the view for the home page:
> Nice!
> > Notice how the view knows nothing about generating the actual markov 
> > text.  That's in another module, which lives somewhere on my PYTHONPATH.  
> > ALso, the view knows nothing about how the page is laid out; only the 
> > templates know that.  If I decided to redo this in tornado or flask, 
> > whatever, I would need to rewrite my view, but there's not much to 
> > rewrite.  Most of the logic is in the Markov chainer, and that would 
> > cary over to the new implementation unchanged.
> >  
> > BTW, my suggestion to keep business logic and presentation code distinct 
> > isn't unique to django, it's a good idea in pretty much all systems.
> Thanks for these points, helpful to see in practice.  I'm trying to be
> more mindful of good coding practices, and this will be helpful as I continue
> to learn Django and making web applications generally.


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