Re: Clarification of notation

2010-09-29 Thread alex23
Bruce Whealton wrote: For lists, when would you use what appears to be nested lists, like: [[], [], []] a list of lists? Well, you'd use it when you'd want a list of lists ;) There's nothing magical about a list of lists, it's just a list with objects inside like

Re: Learning inheritance

2010-09-20 Thread alex23
Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid wrote: alex23 a écrit : Python only actually executes a module the first time it's imported, Beware of multithreading and modules imported under different names... There can be issues with both in some web frameowrks. Good

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread alex23
AK wrote: When I was reading The book of the new sun, though, I could stop and read a single sentence a few times over and reflect on it for a minute. Totally understandable, Wolfe is a far, far greater writer than Rowling :) --

Re: Learning inheritance

2010-09-18 Thread alex23
Niklasro wrote: I got 2 files and i18n both with webapp request handlers which I would like access the variable. I'd probably use a module for this. Create a third file, called something like, containing the line that bruno gave above: url =

Re: WMI in Python

2010-09-17 Thread alex23
Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote: Because machine-generated code has no place in a source file to be maintained by a human. Endlessly repeating your bigotry doesn't make it any more true. --

Re: WMI in Python

2010-09-16 Thread alex23
Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote: Why not just call Scriptomatic directly from within the Python script, then? Because Scriptomatic _generates scripts to access WMI_, that's what it _does_. Are you _seriously_ advocating writing Python code to fire up a Windows

Re: WMI in Python

2010-09-15 Thread alex23
KING LABS wrote: The following information is exactly what I am trying to collect for the inventory. I can find vb scripts with googling. I want to do the same with Python Win32. Use Server/Client architecture . Client(agent) updates the information to server. I highly

Re: PyPy and RPython

2010-09-01 Thread alex23
On Sep 2, 3:49 am, sarvi wrote: Yet I see this forum relatively quite on PyPy or Rpython ?  Any reasons??? For me, it's two major ones: 1. PyPy only recently hit a stability/performance point that makes it worth checking out, 2. Using non-pure-python modules wasn't

Re: dirty problem 3 lines

2010-09-01 Thread alex23
bussiere bussiere wrote: it's just as it seems : i want to know how does ti works to get back an object from a string in python : pickle.loads(b'\x80\x03]q\x00(K\x00K\x01e.') #doesn't work Repeating the question without providing any further information doesn't really

Re: How to convert (unicode) text to image?

2010-08-29 Thread alex23
kj wrote: Example: I went to the docs page for ImageDraw.  There I find that the constructor for an ImageDraw.Draw object takes an argument, but *what* this argument should be (integer? object? string?) is left entirely undefined.  From the examples given I *guessed* that

Re: Python why questions

2010-08-23 Thread alex23
Russ P. wrote: However, I've switched from Python to Scala, so I really don't care. Really? Your endless whining in this thread would seem to indicate otherwise. --

Re: expression in an if statement

2010-08-21 Thread alex23
John Nagle wrote: I was talking to the Facebook guys doing the compiler for PHP, and they said that it was a huge win for them that PHP doesn't allow dynamically replacing a function. I'm not sure if I call all that effort for a 50% speed increase a win. PyPy is seeing speed

Re: extra rows in a CSV module output when viewed in excel 2007

2010-08-13 Thread alex23
On Aug 13, 4:22 pm, JonathanB wrote:         writer = csv.writer(open(output, 'w'), dialect='excel') I think - not able to test atm - that if you open the file in 'wb' mode instead it should be fine. --

Re: I need a starter ptr writing python embedded in html.

2010-08-09 Thread alex23
Steven W. Orr wrote: I'm ok in python but I haven't done too much with web pages. I have a web page that is hand written in html that has about 1000 entries in a table and I want to convert the table [into html] Is the data coming from somewhere like a file or db? If so, I'd

Re: GUI automation tool (windows)

2010-08-09 Thread alex23
Alex Barna wrote: So what happens to this field (Windows GUI automation) ? Either someone cares enough to do something about it, or everyone just defaults to using AutoIT-like tools. Which Python implementation are you planning on contributing to? --

Re: Python Portability

2010-08-08 Thread alex23
W. eWatson wrote: I now have the answer I need, and I do not care one more wit about a one character change. I'm done here. That's a fantastic response to give to people who were actually willing to sacrifice their time to help you with your problems. I'm always stunned

Re: Why is there no platform independent way of clearing a terminal?

2010-08-05 Thread alex23
Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote: You’ve got to be kidding. Look at the number of Windows-specific questions this groups is already full of. Are you really unable to tell the difference between questions about Windows-related modules and snarky, off-topic sniping at

Re: parsing tab and newline delimited text

2010-08-04 Thread alex23
On Aug 4, 12:14 pm, elsa wrote: So, an individual entry might have this form (in printed form): Title    date   position   data with each field separated by tabs, and a newline at the end of data. As James posted, the csv module is ideal for this sort of thing.

Re: python namespace question

2010-07-13 Thread alex23
chad wrote: I could care less about the extra blank line. I guess I was just more concerned about the namespace question. Which is why Steven spent far more time answering that question than commenting on newline handling. Now say 'thank you'. --

Re: Is This Open To SQL Injection?

2010-07-07 Thread alex23
Stephen Hansen me+list/ wrote: You're doing string formatting to construct your SQL, which is where the trouble comes from. You're wasting your breath, this topic has been discussed ad nauseum with Victor for well over a year now. He appears to be teaching himself relational db

Re: Need instruction on how to use isinstance

2010-06-30 Thread alex23
Hans Mulder wrote: There's also: hasattr(object, '__call__').  It works in both 2.x and 3.x. Good work, Hans. I do find that to be a more pythonic approach, personally, being more concerned with an object's ability than its abstract type. --

Re: Need instruction on how to use isinstance

2010-06-27 Thread alex23
Stephen Hansen me+list/ wrote: P.S. The removal of callable is something I don't understand in Python 3: while generally speaking I do really believe and use duck typing, I too have on occassion wanted to dispatch based on 'is callable? do x'. Sometimes its not convenient to do

Re: Need instruction on how to use isinstance

2010-06-27 Thread alex23
Stephen Hansen me+list/ wrote: What the hell? When did that show up? o.O (Did I not pay attention enough during the ABC conversations? It seemed so boring). The PEPs post-release docs detailing Py3 changes were worth reading, it's noted in the sections on changes to built-ins:

Re: Book review / advise

2010-06-22 Thread alex23
John Bokma wrote: Now let's hope that your asshat behaviour doesn't stop companies like this to continue to print those books. I have considered to buy the complete set a few times. And I hope you're not calling me naive... Given the current propensity for people to scrape

Re: setup server from scratch (with or without apache?)

2010-06-21 Thread alex23
Paul Rubin no.em...@nospam.invalid wrote: mod_python is pretty dead. It's now totally dead[1]. (Not pining for the fjords, either.) 1: --

Re: Is this make sence? Dynamic assembler for python

2010-06-21 Thread alex23
DivX wrote: Another thing is that when you have assembler now you can write some small C compiler so that you don’t have to write assembly language. That has to be the most paradoxical argument I've ever heard: when you use assembler you have the ability to not use assembler

Re: Removing anti-Jewish postings from Python list

2010-06-16 Thread alex23
Stephen Hansen me+list/ wrote: P.S. This is something which confuses me greatly. Considering how *great* the spam filters are on Gmail-- I literally get virtually nothing in my inbox-- how in world are Google Groups so full of junk? The cynic in me thinks it has a lot to do

Re: Removing anti-Jewish postings from Python list

2010-06-16 Thread alex23
geremy condra wrote: I have a hard time believing that any major company in the world wants to be associated with this kind of crap. I'm ashamed even to have it in my inbox. I can just as easily imagine the furor that would spring up over Google's evil censorship if they

Re: a +b ?

2010-06-15 Thread alex23
Steven D'Aprano wrote: Perhaps you need to spend some more time helping beginners then, and less time hanging around Lisp gurus *wink* I've never used map/reduce outside of Python, this is where I first encountered it. And I _have_ worked in organisations

Re: a +b ?

2010-06-15 Thread alex23
Ben Finney wrote: No, it wasn't clear at all. That's why I asked, rather than making assumptions. Thanks for clarifying. No problem. Thank you for another pleasant exchange. --

Re: a +b ?

2010-06-15 Thread alex23
Ben Finney wrote: It should go without saying, but unfortunately the tenor of this forum has been worsened (temporarily, I hope) by certain interminable threads of late. So, to be clear: Thanks for clarifying that you were not expressing the attitude I inferred.

Re: python local web server

2010-06-14 Thread alex23
shanti bhushan wrote: Please guide me the design or direct me the best approach to do all this. The best approach? 1. Study 2. Learn 3. Apply There you go, the advice that keeps on giving. --

Re: a +b ?

2010-06-14 Thread alex23
Ben Finney wrote: alex23 writes: (Although I have to say, I have little sympathy for Steven's hypothetical new programmer who isn't familiar with map and reduce. With ‘reduce’ gone in Python 3 [0], I can only interpret that as “I have little

Re: a +b ?

2010-06-13 Thread alex23
Steven D'Aprano wrote: No, I think your code is very simple. You can save a few lines by writing it like this: s = input('enter two numbers: ') t = s.split() print(int(t[0]) + int(t[1])) # no need for temporary variables a and b Not that we're playing a

Re: a +b ?

2010-06-13 Thread alex23 wrote: Fore!     print(sum(map(int, input('enter two numbers: ').split( Well, I _was_ trying to stick to Steven's more simple map-less form :) (Although I have to say, I have little sympathy for Steven's hypothetical new programmer who isn't familiar with map and

Re: introducing Lettuce, BDD tool for python with Django integration

2010-06-13 Thread alex23 (Aahz) wrote: If a new-ish term is being introduced, expecting each person to search for the meaning is rude. The question then becomes how does one determine whether a term one is using needs defining? Does OO? How about FP? Or TDD? Is there a metric for how many years or

Re: Syntax problem - cannot solve it by myself

2010-06-08 Thread alex23
Deadly Dirk d...@plfn.invalid wrote: The book covers Python3 but my understanding was that it should also cover Python 2.5 and 2.6. The SECOND EDITION Covers Python 3 banner across the top of the cover would seem to indicate otherwise. The first line of the About section confirms it: This book

Re: capitalize() NOT the same as var[0].upper _ var[1:]

2010-06-08 Thread alex23
James Mills wrote: The behavior you've demonstrated is exactly what the documentation says the .capitalize() method does. Look on the plus side, at least it's not yet another question on SQL parameters Python string substitutions. I'm amazed at the endless

Re: introducing Lettuce, BDD tool for python with Django integration

2010-06-08 Thread alex23
On Jun 9, 3:29 am, Terry Reedy wrote: On 6/8/2010 2:26 AM, Gabriel Falcão wrote: There is not much to say, except to explain 'BDD'. If only there was some kind of way to quickly look up the meaning of definitions, preferably one known to people of the programming

Re: Syntax problem - cannot solve it by myself

2010-06-08 Thread alex23
Deadly Dirk d...@pfln.invalid wrote: From what I see, most of the people are still using Python 2.x. My reason for learning Python is the fact that my CTO decided that the new company standard for scripting languages will be Python. I've been using Perl for 15 years and it was completely

Re: introducing Lettuce, BDD tool for python with Django integration

2010-06-08 Thread alex23
Tycho Andersen wrote: I think his point may have been that there could be more than one meaning. My first guess would have been binary decision diagram. Ah, good point. My apologies for the dig, Terry :) --

Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-07 Thread alex23
rantingrick wrote: The problem is getting a large enough group of Python users to agree on anything about GUIs. No, the problem is it's a lot easier to find fault than it is to provide a solution. And that maybe, just maybe, other people don't want to have to do your dirty

Re: plac, the easiest command line arguments parser in the world

2010-06-02 Thread alex23
Michele Simionato wrote: It seems I have to take that claim back. A few hours after the announce I was pointed out to which, I must concede, is even easier to use than plac. It seems everybody has written its own command line

Re: Kohonen neural network

2010-05-26 Thread alex23
On May 26, 7:21 pm, Lex Lebedeff l...@from.hell wrote: Has anyone tried to build an implementation of subject in Python? Any help is appreciated! Seriously, though, any reason why you couldn't just type kohonen neural network python into Google?

Re: Looking for matlab to python converter.

2010-05-26 Thread alex23
On May 26, 10:52 pm, Steven W. Orr wrote: I found something on sourceforge called mat2py, but there's nothing there. (It seems to be just a placeholder.) I figure that if anyone would know of something useful, this would be the place to try.

Re: Kohonen neural network

2010-05-26 Thread alex23
Lex Lebedeff l...@from.hell wrote: Thanx, I've already googled this stuff. Rather unreadable and freaky code. Then please remember to mention what you've already seen tried when asking in the future, it saves us all from wasting each others time. --

Re: Chatroom

2010-05-24 Thread alex23
Martin P. Hellwig wrote: What have you tried so far? Alternatively, how much is it worth to you? --

Re: where are the program that are written in python?

2010-05-23 Thread alex23
Gregory Ewing wrote: I came across a game on Big Fish Games recently (it was The Moonstone IIRC) that appeared to have been built using Python and py2app. Python tends to be used more for scripting internal game logic than for every aspect of a game (which is, IMO,

Re: optional argument to a subclass of a class

2010-05-20 Thread alex23
Patrick Maupin wrote: One thing you can do is in battleship, you can accept additional keyword arguments:     def __init__(self, name, ..., **kw): Then you could invoke the superclass's init:     Craft.__init__(self, name, **kw) _All_ of which is covered in the tutorial.

Re: help need to write a python spell checker

2010-05-19 Thread alex23
Patrick Maupin wrote: Although it makes perfect sense, I never really thought much about the possibility that the school year would be upside down down under... Yes, having the school year run within the actual year instead of across two is such a topsy-turvy concept, it's

Re: Teaching Programming

2010-05-04 Thread alex23
Ed Keith wrote: For more information on Literate Programming in general see the following links. None of which address the question of what you found problematic about generating Python code. Was it issues with indentation? --

Re: Django as exemplary design

2010-05-04 Thread alex23
TomF wrote: I'm interested in improving my python design by studying a large, well-designed codebase.  Someone (not a python programmer) suggested Django.  I realize that Django is popular, but can someone comment on whether its code is well-designed and worth studying?

Re: Teaching Programming

2010-05-04 Thread alex23
Ed Keith wrote: Tabs are always a problem when writing Python. I get around this problem by setting my text editor to expand all tabs with spaces when editing Python, but I have had problems when coworkers have not done this. It's best not to trust others to do the right

Re: Generating nested code with context managers

2010-05-04 Thread alex23
On May 5, 6:36 am, Terry Reedy wrote: The relatively new with statement and associated context managers are designed, among other things, for this situation, where one needs to alter and restore a global context. So here is my updated (3.1) proof-of-concept version. This is

Re: Teaching Programming

2010-05-04 Thread alex23
Ed Keith wrote: Knuth wanted the generated source to be unreadable, so people would not be tempted to edit the generated code. This is my biggest issue with Knuth's view of literate programming. If the generated source isn't readable, am I just supposed to trust it? How can I

Re: HTTP server + SQLite?

2010-05-03 Thread alex23
Gilles Ganault wrote: I'm no Python expert, so would appreciate any information on how to combine a web server and SQLite into a single Python application. Hey Gilles, I'm a fan of the http framework, CherryPy[1]. Very quick and easy to get something up and running. The site

Re: Komodo Edit: Editor settings?

2010-04-29 Thread alex23
On Apr 30, 8:43 am, John Doe j...@usenetlove.invalid wrote: I would very much like to stop code from expanding automatically. Like when several consecutive lines of code have a plus sigh in the left margin, meaning they are collapsed, when I go to copy or cut one of those collapsed lines, the

Re: dll errors in compiled python program

2010-04-29 Thread alex23
Alex Hall wrote: I am stumped. The compiled version of my project works on my pc, but when I put it on a thumb drive and try it on a laptop without python installed I get this: ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found. Are you using py2exe? If

Re: How to use a class property to store function variables?

2010-04-27 Thread alex23
GZ wrote: I do not think it will help me. I am not trying to define a function fn() in the class, but rather I want to make it a function reference so that I can initialize it any way I like later. It always helps to try an idea out before dismissing it out of hand.

Re: dict.keys() and dict.values() are always the same order, is it?

2010-04-20 Thread alex23
Steven D'Aprano wrote: if you don't trust the language to behave correctly in this case: pairs = zip(d.values(), d.items()) what makes you think you can trust d.iteritems(), list comprehensions, or even tuple packing and unpacking? Because .iteritems()

Re: dict.keys() and dict.values() are always the same order, is it?

2010-04-19 Thread alex23
On Apr 20, 1:03 pm, Menghan Zheng wrote: Is it assured the following statement is always True? If it is always True, in which version, python2.x or python3.x? I believe its an implementation detail and should not be relied on. If you need consistent ordering, use an

Re: dict.keys() and dict.values() are always the same order, is it?

2010-04-19 Thread alex23
Cameron Simpson wrote:   If items(), keys(), values(), iteritems(), iterkeys(), and   itervalues() are called with no intervening modifications to the   dictionary, the lists will directly correspond. This allows the   creation of (value, key) pairs using zip(): pairs =

Re: Default paranmeter for packed values

2010-04-18 Thread alex23
Xavier Ho wrote: I ran into a strange problem today: why does Python not allow default paranmeters for packed arguments in a function def? def t(a, *b = (3, 4)):   File input, line 1     def t(a, *b = (3, 4)):                 ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax What was the rationale behind

Re: py2exe saga continues...

2010-04-15 Thread alex23
? Every time you start a new thread, you make it harder for those helping you to keep track of the situation, as well as annoying those who chose to ignore the original post. Keeping all of your posts in one large related thread is a better fit for the way newsreaders email clients work. Cheers, alex23

Re: feature request for a wget -r like implementation in python3

2010-04-15 Thread alex23
On Apr 16, 5:37 am, gert wrote: So I can make a recursive http download script My goal is a one click instruction to install and launch my project Here's Guido's take on wget: import sys, urllib def reporthook(*a): print a

Re: 2.7 beta 1

2010-04-12 Thread alex23
Mensanator wrote: You think the right thing to do is just quietly work around the problem and sit back and laugh knowing sooner or later someone else will get burned by it? Haven't we covered argument from fallacy enough in this group by now? Reporting the bug was exactly

Re: 2.7 beta 1

2010-04-11 Thread alex23
Mensanator wrote: Planning to buy a Toyota? Did we just start playing Questions? --

Re: Pythonic list reordering

2010-04-10 Thread alex23
On Apr 9, 8:52 am, Ben Racine wrote: I have a list... ['dir_0_error.dat', 'dir_120_error.dat', 'dir_30_error.dat', 'dir_330_error.dat'] I want to sort it based upon the numerical value only. Does someone have an elegant solution to this? This approach doesn't rely on

Re: Pythonic list reordering

2010-04-10 Thread alex23
MRAB wrote: The string module still exists in Python 3.x, but the string functions which have been superseded by string methods have been removed. Awesome, thanks for the heads up. --

Re: 2.7 beta 1

2010-04-10 Thread alex23
Mensanator wrote: 3.x won't be adopted by WINDOWS developers WHO USE IDLE until it's fixed. I think you left your hyperbole level too high so I turned it down for you. I don't know of _anyone_ who uses IDLE to run production code, nor do I follow how one errant IDE shows that

Re: def method with variable no of parameters file.writeStuff(n, a1, a2,

2010-04-04 Thread alex23
vlad_fig wrote: file.writeStuff(2,a1,a2) file.writeStuff(3,a1,a2,a3) file.writeStuff(n,a1,a2, --- so i want a method i can call based on the number of parameters n , and that allows me to add these extra parameters based on n It's not necessary to have to

Re: Super() function

2010-03-24 Thread alex23
Alan Harris-Reid wrote: Is there any way of writing the code so that the super() call is generic and automatically recognises the name of the current method (ie. something like super().thismethod()) or do I always have to repeat the method name after super()? To the

Re: os.walk restart

2010-03-17 Thread alex23
Steven D'Aprano wrote: # Untested last_visited = open(last_visited.txt, 'r').read() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(last_visited or basedir):      open(last_visited.txt, 'w').write(root)      run program Wouldn't this only walk the directory the

Re: Interacting With Another Script

2010-03-10 Thread alex23
Victor Subervi wrote: There's a program (vpopmail) that has commands which, when called, request input (email address, password, etc.) from the command line. I would like to build a TTW interface for my clients to use that interacts with these commands. The

Re: Named loops for breaking

2010-03-09 Thread alex23
Daniel Klein wrote: Basically I'm wondering if there are any plans to implemented named loops in Python, so I can tell a break command to break out of a specific loop in the case of nested loops. You should be able to do this with the goto module: But

Re: odd error

2010-03-09 Thread alex23
Alex Hall wrote: Why would the sequence matter, or does it not and I am doing something else wrong? Here is a sample of my dictionary: Showing us the code that handles the dictionary lookup + function calling would probably help us a lot more here. --

Re: Verifying My Troublesome Linkage Claim between Python and Win7

2010-03-02 Thread alex23
W. eWatson wrote: My claim is that if one creates a program in a folder that reads a file in the folder it and then copies it to another folder, it will read  the data file in the first folder, and not a changed file in the new folder. I'd appreciate it if some w7 users

Re: Docstrings considered too complicated

2010-03-01 Thread alex23
Andreas Waldenburger use...@geekmail.invalid wrote: But as I said: a) I am (we are) not in a position to impose this (We don't work with the code, we just run the software). I personally believe that the end users have _every_ right to impose quality requirements on code used within their

Re: Signature-based Function Overloading in Python

2010-02-27 Thread alex23
Michael Rudolf wrote: In Java, Method Overloading is my best friend Guido wrote a nice article[1] on multimethods using decorators, which Ian Bicking followed up on[2] with a non-global approach. 1: 2:

Re: DreamPie - The Python shell you've always dreamed about!

2010-02-26 Thread alex23
Mensanator wrote: You're not getting the point. If every link has to be accompanied by a summary of all of the information at the end of it, what point is there to linking? (Programmers are the _only_ people I know of who complain about the arduousness of tasks like typing

Re: with statement and standard library

2010-02-19 Thread alex23
nobrowser wrote: Yet there are many, many classes in the library whose use would be more elegant and readable if the with statement could be employed.  Start with the connection objects in httplib and you can probably come up with 10 others easily.  Maybe it is the case

Re: The Disappearing Program?

2010-02-19 Thread alex23
W. eWatson wrote: So maybe the only way to execute the compiled code is to [g]o to dist? Or the compiled code needs to be in a folder that's higher in your path settings than the python file. But yes, moving into the dist directory, or running 'dist/snowball' from the

Re: The Disappearing Program?

2010-02-19 Thread alex23
On Feb 20, 3:26 pm, alex23 wrote: or running 'dist/snowball' That should, of course, be: 'dist\snowball' :) --

Re: Wrap and intercept function calls

2010-02-17 Thread alex23
Terry Reedy wrote: Now wrap *every* function you are interested in. Builtin functions are no problem; methods of builtin classes cannont be wrapped without subclassing. It's a shame it's not possible to do: type.__call__ = func_wrap(type.__call__) Or even:

Re: Python 3.0 usage?

2010-02-17 Thread alex23
MRAB wrote: Python 3.0 had a relatively short run before it was superseded by Python 3.1 due to certain issues, so, IMHO, I wouldn't worry about it unless someone especially requests/requires it. And even then, I'd just tell them I accept patches :) --

Re: listing existing windows services with python

2010-02-16 Thread alex23
Alf P. Steinbach wrote: it's great that you provide the kind of help that you did, pointing out a probably very good module that it seems gives the required functionality, and giving an URL. Yes, because that's _actually helping people_ and not just contributing the usual

Re: Union of class variables

2010-02-16 Thread alex23
On Feb 16, 6:16 pm, Joan Miller wrote: Is possible to get a third class with the class variables of another two classes? class A:     foo = 1 class B:     bar = 2 Through multiple inheritance? class C(A, B): ... pass ... 1

Re: listing existing windows services with python

2010-02-15 Thread alex23
News123 wrote: What is the best way with python to get a list of all windows services. As a start I would be glad to receive only the service names. However it would be nicer if I could get all the properties of a service as well. I highly recommend Tim Golden's fantastic

Re: listing existing windows services with python

2010-02-15 Thread alex23
On Feb 16, 1:28 pm, Alf P. Steinbach wrote: It's probably Very Good, but one Microsoft-thing one should be aware of: using WMI functionality generally starts up a background WMI service... Probably? You haven't even used the module but you felt the need to contribute anyway? And

Re: Dreaming of new generation IDE

2010-02-10 Thread alex23
catonano wrote: You know what I'm doing now ? I'm drawing the map of twisted.web.client on a paper with a pencil :-( You're a programmer. Why are you complaining about the problem instead of endeavouring to solve it? --

Re: Modifying Class Object

2010-02-10 Thread alex23
Alf P. Steinbach wrote: Telling someone to learn to read is a Steve Holden'sk way to imply that the person is an ignoramus who hasn't bothered to learn to read. Ad hominem. So, you are misrepresenting  --  again  --  and in a quite revealing way, sorry. Ad hominem. Yes, in

Re: Modifying Class Object

2010-02-07 Thread alex23
Alf P. Steinbach wrote: Hm. While most everything I've seen at has been clear and to the point, that particular article reads like a ton of obfuscation. Must. Resist. Ad hominem. Python passes pointers by value, just as e.g. Java does. There, it needed just 10

Re: Dreaming of new generation IDE

2010-02-03 Thread alex23
Adam Tauno Williams wrote: This is obvious even in the Python documentation itself where one frequently asks oneself Uhh... so what is parameter X supposed to be... a string... a list... ? Could you provide an actual example to support this? The only places I tend to

Re: equivalent of Ruby's Pathname?

2010-02-03 Thread alex23
On Feb 4, 8:47 am, Phlip wrote: Yes, calling os.path.walk() and os.path.join() all the time on raw strings is fun, but I seem to recall from my Ruby days a class called Pathname, which presented an object that behaved like a string at need, and like a filesystem path at

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-02-03 Thread alex23
Timothy N. Tsvetkov wrote: Jonathan Gardner Python is much, much cleaner. I don't know how anyone can honestly say Ruby is cleaner than Python. I developed on both (Python was first) and I think that ruby I very clean and maybe

Re: Overcoming python performance penalty for multicore CPU

2010-02-02 Thread alex23
On Feb 3, 9:02 am, John Nagle wrote:     I know there's a performance penalty for running Python on a multicore CPU, but how bad is it?  I've read the key paper (, of course. It's a shame that Python 3.x is dead to you, otherwise you'd be able to

Re: A performance issue when using default value

2010-01-31 Thread alex23
keakon wrote: def h2(x=[]):   y = x   y.append(1)   return y + [] h2() is about 42 times slower than h2([]), but h() is a litter faster than h([]). Are you aware that 'y = x' _doesn't_ make a copy of [], that it actually points to the same list as x? My guess is that the

Re: A performance issue when using default value

2010-01-31 Thread alex23
alex23 wrote: keakon wrote: def h2(x=[]):   y = x   y.append(1)   return y + [] Are you aware that 'y = x' _doesn't_ make a copy of [], that it actually points to the same list as x? Sorry, I meant to suggest trying the following instead: def h2(x

Re: A performance issue when using default value

2010-01-31 Thread alex23
keakon wrote: The default value is mutable, and can be reused by all each call. So each call it will append 1 to the default value, that's very different than C++. Being different from C++ is one of the many reasons some of us choose Python ;) This tends to bite most

Re: Python and Ruby

2010-01-31 Thread alex23
Steven D'Aprano wrote: You're using that term wrong. It looks to me that you don't actually know what a straw man argument is. A straw man argument is when somebody responds to a deliberately weakened or invalid argument as if it had been made by their

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