On Dec 15, 1:29 pm, feba <feb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 6; can anyone think of anything else to add on to/do with this game?
> With the minr/maxr display, multiplayer, score keeping, and
> automation, I'm just about all of ideas. All I can think of left to
> add is 3 and 4 player modes, or a fork where player 2 can't win
> (kekekekeke. Though I'm not sure how to do it...), both of which I
> feel are somewhat pointless for a game like this. If I can't learn
> anything more from it, I will probably go back to reading python
> guides for a bit, and then try to make something else.

Well, if you want to aim for several more rounds of refinement, how
about having the game allow many players identified by name
and have it keep records in a file: player name,  number of times
played, best score, best elapsed time for game completion - for each
player. Can you do it in such a way that multiple people on different
PC's can all play the game at the same time and not scribble over each
other's scores?  One approach would be to insist that the player's
computers be able to  share access to a particular directory, perhaps
using a network mount of a disk from somewhere.   A fancier approach
would be to have a score keeping "service" that runs somewhere and
each player's computer uses the network to interact with that score
keeping service.  Besides the game playing front end to the score
keeping service, maybe you should have an administrative front end to
the score keeping service to allow you to delete the names of deceased
game players.  (The only thing keeping him on his perch were tiny
little nails through his feet).

Can just anyone play the game or does the administrator have to add
their name as an authorized player to the score keeping service before
they are allowed to play?  Is it "Scout's honor" that palyers are who
they say they are, or is there some kind of authentication for a
player to "prove" their identify before they are allowed to play?

I remember many years ago back in graduate school, a friend
implemented a clone of "pong" with record keeping.   People would sit
with that stupid game into the middle of the night striving to improve
their standings in the best score display.   May be more addictive
with a "harder" game than this  number guessing game but having your
score being visible to other players can be powerful motivation to
strive for better scores.  If only my friend had figured out a way to
have the little DEC GT40 demand quarters if the player wanted to play
again, he'd have had most of his tuition nicely covered.

If your mind is ready to try something completely different, another
thing you could strive to do is change the game from a "tty" interface
to something more screen oriented.  e.g. instead of having a prompt
for "play again (y or n):" you'd have buttons on the screen that the
player can click that say "quit" or "start new game".   Note that the
player might decide to click on either of those buttons at any time,
not just after they have completed a game. Python has several many
different libraries that would give you a basis for building such a
"graphical user interface" (GUI) version of your game, but I'm not
experienced enough to tell you which GUI package you should look into.

Not so much related to the business of making a niftier game, but
another area you might want to look into is change management (e.g.
"subversion") so you can track the evolution and refinement of your
source code over time.  The player-visible part of that is perhaps
just to have something that announces which revision of the game they
are running such that you can tell from that which revision of the
source code to look at if you are tracking down a fix for a problem
they have encountered and reported to you.


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