On Jun 19, 1:39 pm, Tom Gur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> which IDE would you recommend for a python ?

pydev (http://pydev.sourceforge.net) for Eclipse is Ok and has
everything you will expect in  a commercial IDE, including code
refactoring, code intelligence, and a Python debugger. Being a Java
SWT application it maybe slow, and make take a long time to start.

Nowadays, when I need a quick and dirty solution, or when I need to
test some code snippets interactively WITH _code completion_ I
typically use PyScripter http://mmm-experts.com/Downloads.aspx?ProductId=4

JEdit (www.jedit.org) is another free and robust alternative with
support for Python, if you install all the necessary plugins. I could
not get the jPyDebug plugin to work, yet it is the only "IDE" that I
know of which has support and syntax highlighting for PSP (Python
Server Pages).

To sum it up, here are some Python IDEs in my order of preference:

PyScripter http://mmm-experts.com/Downloads.aspx?ProductId=4
JEdit (www.jedit.org) + jPyDebug plugin
pydev (http://pydev.sourceforge.net) requires Eclipse
WingIDE http://www.wingware.com/wingide
ActiveState Komodo IDE (commercial) http://www.activestate.com/Products/Komodo/
ActiveState Komodo Edit (freeware, no debugger)
DrPython http://drpython.sourceforge.net/
PyPE http://pype.sourceforge.net/
BOA Constructor http://boa-constructor.sourceforge.net/


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