py.log using decorators for DRY

2005-10-29 Thread yoda
I'm using py.log for logging and I find that I end up having the following pattern emerge within my code (influenced by def foo(**kwargs): #body form This led me to believe that I could

Re: py.log using decorators for DRY

2005-10-29 Thread yoda
I feel so stupid... lol... now why didn't I think of that? Thanks Alex. --

Re: setuptools, ez_setup over http proxy

2005-10-14 Thread yoda
Thanks guys, Incidentally, I had already tried setting the env variable $http_proxy but that didn't seem to work. That being said, I'm moving this discussion to the distutils-SIG mailing list while I carry out some tests. Thanks again. --

Re: setuptools, ez_setup over http proxy

2005-10-14 Thread yoda
It appears that it was my proxy config that was flakey. setup tools works like a charm. :$ --

setuptools, ez_setup over http proxy

2005-10-13 Thread yoda
I've recently configured my network such that I use squid as a http proxy. I'd now like to be able to use setuptools and ez_setup via this proxy. Is this possible? If so, how do I do it? The most that the setuptools documentation says is (

Automating, Building, Testing and Deploying to Production Server

2005-10-02 Thread yoda
Hi Guys, I've been used to deploying code to the production server by checking out of subversion and manually sorting out any kinks. (yes, I know, it sounds primitive) I realize I'm losing so much time I could spend more productively. I'd therefore like to know the different approaches you guys

Re: 1 Million users.. I can't Scale!!

2005-09-29 Thread yoda
1. How are you transmitting your SMSs? Currently, a number of different gateways are being used: 2 provide a SOAP web service interface, 1 other provides a REST based web service. A transaction using the SOAP web services takes 3-5 seconds to complete (from the point of calling the method to

Re: 1 Million users.. I can't Scale!!

2005-09-29 Thread yoda
Thanks for the whitepapers and incredibly useful advice. I'm beginning to get a picture of what I should be thinking about and implementing to achieve this kind of scalability. Before I go down any particular route here's a synopsis of the application. 1)User requests are received only during

1 Million users.. I can't Scale!!

2005-09-28 Thread yoda
Hi guys, My situation is as follows: 1)I've developed a service that generates content for a mobile service. 2)The content is sent through an SMS gateway (currently we only send text messages). 3)I've got a million users (and climbing). 4)The users need to get the data a minimum of 5 seconds

Re: Chronological Processing of Files

2005-09-26 Thread yoda
I've tried using the path module and it works like a *charm*.. plus my code is cleaner and clearer.. :) The list comprehension using os.stat() works well though I had to call an additional reverse() on the resultant list so that I could get the list in order of newest first. So, in conclusion,

Re: Chronological Processing of Files

2005-09-22 Thread yoda
Just to clarify: Newest== modified last The processing\sorting should apply to all the files found recursively during the entire walk. That being said, thanks for all the responses. I'll test the code shortly and get back to everyone. ps. This is why comp.lang.python is truly the greatest list

Chronological Processing of Files

2005-09-21 Thread yoda
This feels like a stupid question but I'll ask it anyway. How can I process files chronologically (newest last) when using os.walk()? --

Re: Language Work Benches in Py

2005-09-06 Thread yoda
I realize that I forgot to post the sample code:). Below is my implementation: #DSL data #123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890, dsldata=( 'SVCLFOWLER 10101MS0120050313.', 'SVCLHOHPE 10201DX0320050315',

Language Work Benches in Py

2005-09-03 Thread yoda
Hi, I recently read Martin Fowler's article on language workbenches and domain specific languages( I then had the pleasure of reading Rainer Jowsig's implementation of the sample in

Py: a very dangerous language

2005-08-01 Thread yoda
It was 2a.m I was writing my first enterprise scale application in Python the logic just flowed from my mind onto the keyboard and was congealed into the most beautiful terse lines of code I had ever seen... It was 3a.m I knew I had to sleep work the next day or rather, in a few

Standard Threads vs Weightless Threads

2005-08-01 Thread yoda
Recently I read Charming Python: Implementing Weightless Threads ( by David D. I'm not an authority on threading architectures so I'd like to ask the following: 1)What is the difference (in terms of performance,

Re: Listing Processes Running on Remote Machines

2005-08-01 Thread yoda
Thanks. I'll definitely look into it. I actually got distracted while investigating Pyro( to see if I could achieve the same results... It seems like a lighter weight more accessible solution than STAF (at least for my immediate needs).. I'll update you with my

Listing Processes Running on Remote Machines

2005-07-21 Thread yoda
Hello Hackers, I'm developing a large scale distributed service and part of the requirement is that I be able to monitor clients in a very granular way. To this end, I'd like to know if there is any way to get a list of all the processes running on a remote client\machine. I need to be able to