Title: ANNOUNCE: SiGeFi v0.3.1

We're proud to announce the 0.3.1 version of SiGeFi, which you can find


What is SiGeFi?

SiGeFi is a Financial Management System, with focus in the needs of
the administration of the money in each personal life and house.

Always keeping the easy usage and concepts, SiGeFi has features of a
complex Management system:

- Complies with Double Entry Accounting

- Has a Budget-based Money Distribution system

- Allow to make Loans between accounts (with associated financial

And of course, it's completely written in Python (didn't decided the
GUI yet).

What is in this version?

- Main window, with the full menu structure.
- Opening of a database and accounts' tree loading.

Internal changes:
- Specified the start-up procedure.
- Implemented consistency controls in the Persistence layer.
- Bugfixing (mainly with exchange rates constraints).

Created a "demo" application that shows how to work with the core by hand,
useful as documentation, and allows to create datasets for GUI testing.

See roadmap.txt to find out the milestone for each version, and TODO.txt
for more detail.

Be aware that most of the documentation is not translated yet, it's only
in Spanish.

What can I expect for the next version?

More work in the GUI:

- Finish the main windows, the interaction core of the program.
- Add shortcuts.
- Integrate a toolbar.

How can I help?

In a thousand ways, there's a lot of things to do: documentation,
fixing code, translations, set up the web page, etc...

If you want to participate, send us a mail to the list
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or directly to us.

Thank you.

.    Facundo

Bitácora De Vuelo: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog
PyAr - Python Argentina: http://pyar.decode.com.ar/

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Muchas Gracias.


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