Hello world !

a week after BETA1 i'm releasing BETA2, changes go fast ;]

what changed in this version:

* RSS plugin can now push to xmpp clients .. add cmnd...@appspot.com
to your jabber client and do 1) rss-add to add a feed 2) use rss-start
to make the bot start sending you feed updates.

* a gadget plugin that enables you to load gadgets with one command
(well two if you need to add the gadgets url)

* a iframe gadget was made that loads the bots web interface into wave
and other gadget containers

* focus of the command box is now off when loading the gadget

* a plugin dedicated to wave functionality was made. currently it has
commands to get the id of the wave, getting the url redirecting to the
wave and one to get a list of the wave's participants

* lots of other bug fixes .. running from one to the other ;]



CMNDBOT is an IRC like command bot for wave, web and xmpp, and has a
plugin structure to allow users to program there own plugins. CMNDBOT
is free code (BSD) so you can clone it and run a CMNDBOT yourself.

Source is available at http://cmndbot.googlecode.com/

For a live example of CMNDBOT see cmnd...@appspot.com for jabber and
wave and http://cmndbot.appspot.com for web. You can also try the new
iframe gadget at http://cmndbot.appspot.com/iframe.xml or ... invite
the bot to your wave and run !load cmndbot ;]

feedback is very much appriciated, i made a wave where we can meet:


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