    We currently use VC6.0 and Python 2.2 for our project. 
As part of porting our project to VC2005 when i try to compile our application, 
it gives the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 20, in <module>
import IL_setget
File "\Component\DS\scripts\messagebuilder\IL_messagebuilder\IL_setget.py", 
line 22, in <module>
import IL_IEbuilder
File "\Component\DS\scripts\messagebuilder\IL_messagebuilder\IL_IEbuilder.py", 
line 11, in <module>
from MessageDictionary import *
File "\Component\LS\LSPythonFiles\MessageDictionary.py", line 3, in <module>
import ScriptInterpreter
ImportError: No module named ScriptInterpreter
 Basically, we are trying to import a VC compiled DLL into python script which 
generates another Python file. This issue doesnt occur in VC6.0 setup
I have tried setting path variables and options like copying 
scriptInterpreter.dll to python installation path and so on. HOwever it doesnt 
Are there any compatibility issues between VC2005 and python 2.2? HOw can i 
resolve this.
Your help is highly appreciated.
Best Regards

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