This month's meeting (Wed 19 July, 1800 for 1830 NZST = 0600/0630 UTC) will cover more-advanced OOP Python skills. You will be most-welcome to join us...

"Using properties and descriptors" will look at a series of code-examples exploring problems and how these constructs offer solutions. The presentations are in lecture-style. If there's time (or for later study), some coding workshops will be suggested.

Prerequisite knowledge or experience for "Properties":
Object-Oriented Programming (in Python), coding custom-classes, using available decorators, some experience in data organisation/design, PEP-008 and coding styles, and reading type-hints.

Prerequisite knowledge or experience for "Descriptors":
"Properties" topic in this series, coding custom-classes with 'magic methods', implementing inheritance and composition, design-experience in data organisation, Object-Oriented Design, decent understanding of OOP philosophy.

Hints: A lab-/log-book will be useful for taking notes. A headset will ease asking questions, answering questions, and discussion. Python IDE ready for coding.

Two choices for attendance: online or in-person (Parnell, Auckland). Please RSVP to book-in and receive access information:-

- Remote attendance RSVP:
- In-person RSVP to

You are cordially invited to join us!

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