Hello NG,

      yesterday I installed Python 2.4.1 (together with all the
site-packages I need for it, including Pythonwin, wxPython, py2exe,
etc...), but then I found that for some of my py2exe generated application
there were some problems. So, I came back and I re-installed Python 2.3.4
as before (together with all the site-packages I need for it). Now,
however, I am having some strange problems in using Pythonwin. If I do:

import wx

That is the usual import for wxPython, Python thinks that my wx is:

<module 'wx' from 'C:

so it imports VTK instead of wxPython. I know I can modify this behaviour
by doing, at the beginning of the app:

sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Python23\\lib\\site-packages\\wx-2.5.5-msw-ansi')

So that "wx" is REALLY wxPython... but in the old installation I didn't
need to da so, wx was recognised as wxPython and vtk_python as vtk.
Am I missing something?

Thanks to you all


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