RE: What is the difference between "ws.Messagebeep(1)" and "ws.Messagebeep(-1)" ?

2019-03-21 Thread David Raymond
I'm assuming by ws you mean winsound? Check the docs: winsound.MessageBeep(type=MB_OK) Call the underlying MessageBeep() function from the Platform API. This plays a sound as specified in the registry. The type argument specifies which

Re: What is the difference between "ws.Messagebeep(1)" and "ws.Messagebeep(-1)" ?

2019-03-21 Thread Alexandre Brault
Assuming ws is winsound, MessageBeep(-1) produces a "simple beep". MessageBeep(1) doesn't seem to actually exist so it might fall back to that same "simple beep". The possible values are -1, MB_ICONASTERISK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_ICONHAND, MB_ICONQUESTION, and MB_OK, all of which are defined in