Hi Tim,

Thanks very much for your help!  I'm still just learning Python and really 
appreciate seeing other peoples examples on how they work with Python.  Thanks 
again for taking the time to share this.


>> I'd like to be able to get the path to the oldest folder in whatever 
>> directory 
>> I'm currently in.  Is there a simple way to go about this?  
>> I'd like it to run on both OS X and Windows XP.  
>> I found this example but was curious if there's a better way to do this?

>Better: I don't know. Alternative, certainly:

>import os, glob

>PATH = "c:/python25/lib/site-packages"
>print min ((f for f in glob.glob (os.path.join (PATH, "*")) if os.path.isdir 
>(f)), key=os.path.getctime)



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