I’m sorry if this was already posted to the list; I’ve been having major e-mail problems lately.


Hi All,


I’ve already done a large amount of searching on Google to find out this information, but to no avale.


Does anyone here know of a list of operators in python and there counterparts in php, or a website with this information?


I’m going to be trying to port some php and perl stuff to python, and this information would be extremely useful, rather than going through all the documentation

and reinventing the wheel.


Thanks Much,





Brandon McGinty

Aim:brandonmcginty0 (Not currently available.)
Cell:4802025790 (Weekends and nights only, please.)
Languages:python, php, autoit; Currently Learning:perl

"Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
Mark Twain



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