I am working on a task to display a wireless network nodes using
Google Earth (GE) with KML network links.  I am using a simple python
webserver (see code below) to serve up the python scripts as KML
output to GE for this.

import BaseHTTPServer
import CGIHTTPServer
class Handler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
    cgi_directories = ['/cgi-bin']
httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('',8000), Handler)

This works fine for my initial scripts, but now I thinking of
combining the python scripts into the server program and making things
more efficient.  The script file currently reads sensor data from
different I/O ports (GPS ->serial, network data -> ethernet).  I am
new to python, and was wondering if there might be a better way to run
the server side process than how I am doing it now:

1. GE client requests data through KML network link on a periodic
update interval
2. python webserver handles request and executes python script in cgi-
bin directory
3. python script reads sensor input from serial and ethernet ports and
writes data as KML output to GE client
4. repeat process at update interval

I am thinking if it would be better to make the process server-side
focussed as opposed to client side.  Have the server only update
sensor data to the client when there has been a change in sensor data,
and only send the data that has changed.  Has anyone had experience in
doing this with python that could point me in the right direction?


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