Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-01 Thread David
On 1 February 2014 14:17, David wrote:

 Scott's message quoted above did not reach me, only Chris's quote of
 it, so I say: Scott once you begin a discussion on a mailing list like
 this one, please make sure that every reply you make goes to and not to the individual. That way we can
 all participate in the discussion, that is best for everyone
 especially you.

Please disregard the above paragraph Scott. Because 8 messages from
you were just delivered to me, including that one, all via  the list,
some were 5 hours old. Sorry for any confusion I caused due to that

Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-02-01 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 09:51 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 15:35:17 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

The two methods could have been done as a single method, __construct__,
in which you get passed a cls instead of a self, and you call
self=super().__construct__() and then initialize stuff.

That would be called __new__ in Python. There's no *need* to use __init__
for anything (except old-style classic classes in Python 2).

While there may not be a /need/ for two, having two is quite handy.  Having __new__ take care of the nuts and bolts (or 
foundation, as Terry put it), and being able to further customize with __init__ (where the kitchen goes, how many 
bedrooms, to follow along with Terry) is quite useful.  One of my favorite Enum recipes uses that pattern to have some 
basic behavior, with some other behavior that is easily overridable/extendable [1].



Re: Python shell wont open idle or an exisiting py file

2014-02-01 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/1/2014 2:26 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 4:46 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 1/31/2014 10:36 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 1:54 PM, MRAB wrote:

I think that some years ago I heard about a variation on UTF-8
(Microsoft?) where codepoint U+ is encoded as 0xC0 0x80 so that the
null byte can be used as the string terminator.

I had a look on Wikipedia found this:

Yeah, it's a common abuse of UTF-8. It's a violation of spec, but an
understandable one. However, I don't understand why the first part -
why should \0 become U+ but (presumably) the \a later on
(...cs\accel...) doesn't become U+0007, etc?

Because only  \0 has a special meaning in a C string,

I should have added 'to C itself', as the string terminator.

and Tk is written in C and uses C strings.

Eh? I've used \a in C programs (not often but I have used it).

It's possible that \0 is the only one that actually bombs anything
(because of C0 80 representation).

\0 can bomb C byte processing by terminating it sooner than it should. 
Its unexpected replacement bombs utf-8 decoding.

 But since \7 and \a both represent

0x07 in a C string, I would expect there to be other problems, if it's
interpreting it as source. Ah well! Weird weird.

While other control codes may have special meaning to a terminal or 
other device, to do not have special meaning to the operation of C 
string functions themselves (except possible for a 'getline' function 
looking for n -- but I do not remember is the C stdlib has any such 

I am speaking from my memory of C. I have not looked at the Tk C code to 
see just what it did where to create the exception. I am just happy that 
Serhiy was able to fixed tkinter without causing another test to fail.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Python shell wont open idle or an exisiting py file

2014-02-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 I should have added 'to C itself', as the string terminator.

Oh, right. Yes, in that sense \0 is special. It's still wrong that an
incoming text string gets interpreted as code, but that's probably
just a consequence of the jump from Python to Tcl.


Re: fseek In Compressed Files

2014-02-01 Thread Dave Angel
 Ayushi Dalmia Wrote in message:

 The size of this file will be 10 GB. The version of Python I am using is 
 2.7.2. Yes, performance is an important issue. 

Then the only viable option is to extract the entire file and
 write it to a temp location. Perhaps as you extract it, you could
 also build a list of offsets,  so the seeking by line number can
 be efficient. 


C++ to python for LED Matrix

2014-02-01 Thread Liam Knott
Hey folks,

So the last week or so I've been searching this site for information on how to 
control and program a LED Matrix (or a number of them) for a project. A few 
Topics have caught my eye, with me originally having in mind using a Maxim 
MAX7221 to control the matrix, but none more than Klaas's:
This was almost perfect for me, until I saw the code was in C++ and from the 
title all I know is Python. So after checking the code out and trying to figure 
how this language works I just couldn't break it down and Unfortunately I don't 
have a lot of time to learn C++ ( would be great if I could but I don't have 
that luxury right now).
So if anyone is willing to check Klaas's topic and code and convert it into 
python that would be awesome, even if someone would explain how the code is 
working that would be great, oh and don't be scared to comment on ways of going 
about this project.

Note: Hoping I could achieve something like this but with the Pi:


Lknott :-D

piping with subprocess

2014-02-01 Thread Rick Dooling
I spent half a day trying to convert this bash script (on Mac)

textutil -convert html $1 -stdout | pandoc -f html -t markdown -o $2

into Python using subprocess pipes.

It works if I save the above into a shell script called and then do

subprocess.check_call([, file, markdown_file]) 

where file and markdown_file are variables.

But otherwise my piping attempts fail.

Could someone show me how to pipe in subprocess. Yes, I've read the doc, 

But I'm a feeble hobbyist, not a computer scientist.



Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-02-01 Thread Ned Batchelder

On 1/31/14 10:42 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 14:52:15 -0500, Ned Batchelder wrote:

Why can't we call __init__ the constructor and __new__ the allocator?

__new__ constructs the object, and __init__ initialises it. What's wrong
with calling them the constructor and initialiser? Is this such a
difficult concept that the average programmer can't learn it?

I've met people who have difficulty with OOP principles, at least at
first. But once you understand the idea of objects, it isn't that hard to
understand the idea that:

- first, the object has to be created, or constructed, or allocated
   if you will;

- only then can it be initialised.

Thus, two methods. __new__ constructs (creates, allocates) a new object;
__init__ initialises it after the event.

(In hindsight, it was probably a mistake for Python to define two create-
an-object methods, although I expect it was deemed necessary for
historical reasons. Most other languages make do with a single method,
Objective-C being an exception with alloc and init methods.)

Earlier in this post, you wrote:

But that distinction [between __new__ and __init__] isn't useful in
most programs.

Well, I don't know about that. I guess it depends on what sort of objects
you're creating. If you're creating immutable objects, then the
distinction is vital. If you're subclassing from immutable built-ins, of
which there are a few, the distinction may be important. If you're using
the object-pool design pattern, the distinction is also vital. It's not
*rare* to care about these things.

The thing most people mean by constructor is the method that gets
invoked right at the beginning of the object's lifetime, where you can
add code to initialize it properly.  That describes __init__.

Most people. I presume you've done a statistically valid survey then

It *better* describes __new__, because it is *not true* that __init__
gets invoked right at the beginning of the object's lifetime. Before
__init__ is invoked, the object's lifetime has already begun, inside the
call to __new__. Excluding metaclass shenanigans, the object lifetime

Prior to the object existing:
- static method __new__ called on the class[1]
- __new__ creates the object[2]  === start of object lifetime

Within the object's lifetime:
- the rest of the __new__ method runs, which may perform arbitrarily
   complex manipulations of the object;
- __new__ exits, returning the object
- __init__ runs

So __init__ does not occur *right at the beginning*, and it is completely
legitimate to write your classes using only __new__. You must use __new__
for immutable objects, and you may use __new__ for mutable ones. __init__
may be used by convention, but it is entirely redundant.

I do not buy the argument made by some people that Python ought to follow
whatever (possibly inaccurate or misleading) terminology other languages
use. Java and Ruby have the exact same argument passing conventions as
Python, but one calls it call by value and the other call by
reference, and neither is the same meaning of call by value/reference
as used by Pascal, C, Visual Basic, or other languages. So which
terminology should Python use? Both C++ and Haskell have functors, but
they are completely different things. What Python calls a class method,
Java calls a static method. We could go on for days, just listing
differences in terminology.

In Python circles, using constructor for __new__ and initialiser for
__init__ are well-established. In the context of Python, they make good
sense: __new__ creates (constructs) the object, and __init__
_init_ialises it. Missing the opportunity to link the method name
__init__ to *initialise* would be a mistake.

We can decry the fact that computer science has not standardised on a
sensible set of names for concepts, but on the other hand since the
semantics of languages differ slightly, it would be more confusing to try
to force all languages to use the same words for slightly different

The reality is, if you're coming to Python from another language, you're
going to have to learn a whole lot of new stuff anyway, so having to
learn a few language-specific terms is just a small incremental cost. And
if you have no idea about other languages, then it is no harder to learn
that __new__ / __init__ are the constructor/initialiser than it would be
to learn that they are the allocator/constructor or preformulator/

I care about using the right terminology that will cause the least amount
of cognitive dissonance to users' understanding of Python, not whether
they have to learn new terminology, and in the context of Python's object
module, constructor and initialiser best describe what __new__ and
__init__ do.

My summary of our two views is this:  I am trying to look at things from 
a typical programmer's point of view.  The existence of __new__ is an 
advanced topic that many programmers never encounter.  Taking a quick 
scan through some 

Re: piping with subprocess

2014-02-01 Thread Peter Otten
Rick Dooling wrote:

 I spent half a day trying to convert this bash script (on Mac)
 textutil -convert html $1 -stdout | pandoc -f html -t markdown -o $2
 into Python using subprocess pipes.
 It works if I save the above into a shell script called and
 then do
 subprocess.check_call([, file, markdown_file])
 where file and markdown_file are variables.
 But otherwise my piping attempts fail.

It is always a good idea to post your best effort failed attempt, if only 
to give us an idea of your level of expertise.

 Could someone show me how to pipe in subprocess. Yes, I've read the doc,
 But I'm a feeble hobbyist, not a computer scientist.

Try to convert the example from the above page

output=`dmesg | grep hda`
# becomes
p1 = Popen([dmesg], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen([grep, hda], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
output = p2.communicate()[0]

to your usecase. Namely, replace

[dmesg] -- [textutil, -convert, html, infile, -stdout]
[grep, hda] -- [pandoc, -f, html, -t, marktown, -o,

Don't forget to set

infile = ... 
outfile = ... 

to filenames (with absolute paths, to avoid one source of error).
If that doesn't work post the code you wrote along with the error messages.


Re: piping with subprocess

2014-02-01 Thread Daniel da Silva
Try this:

from subprocess import check_output
import sys
check_output(textutil -convert html %s -stdout | pandoc -f html -t
markdown -o %s % sys.argv[1:3], shell=True)

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 7:19 AM, Rick Dooling wrote:

 I spent half a day trying to convert this bash script (on Mac)

 textutil -convert html $1 -stdout | pandoc -f html -t markdown -o $2

 into Python using subprocess pipes.

 It works if I save the above into a shell script called and
 then do

 subprocess.check_call([, file, markdown_file])

 where file and markdown_file are variables.

 But otherwise my piping attempts fail.

 Could someone show me how to pipe in subprocess. Yes, I've read the doc,

 But I'm a feeble hobbyist, not a computer scientist.




Re: piping with subprocess

2014-02-01 Thread Rick Dooling
On Saturday, February 1, 2014 6:54:09 AM UTC-6, Peter Otten wrote:
 Rick Dooling wrote:
  I spent half a day trying to convert this bash script (on Mac)
  textutil -convert html $1 -stdout | pandoc -f html -t markdown -o $2
  into Python using subprocess pipes.
  It works if I save the above into a shell script called and
  then do
  subprocess.check_call([, file, markdown_file])
  where file and markdown_file are variables.
  But otherwise my piping attempts fail.
 It is always a good idea to post your best effort failed attempt, if only 
 to give us an idea of your level of expertise.
  Could someone show me how to pipe in subprocess. Yes, I've read the doc,
  But I'm a feeble hobbyist, not a computer scientist.
 Try to convert the example from the above page
 output=`dmesg | grep hda`
 # becomes
 p1 = Popen([dmesg], stdout=PIPE)
 p2 = Popen([grep, hda], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
 p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
 output = p2.communicate()[0]
 to your usecase. Namely, replace
 [dmesg] -- [textutil, -convert, html, infile, -stdout]
 [grep, hda] -- [pandoc, -f, html, -t, marktown, -o,
 Don't forget to set
 infile = ... 
 outfile = ... 
 to filenames (with absolute paths, to avoid one source of error).
 If that doesn't work post the code you wrote along with the error messages.

p1 = subprocess.Popen([textutil, -convert, html, file], 
p2 = subprocess.check_call([pandoc, -f, html, -t, markdown, -o, 
markdown_file], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
output = p2.communicate()[0]


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/me/Python/, line 70, in module
convert_word_file(file, markdown_file)
  File /Users/me/Python/, line 59, in convert_word_file
output = p2.communicate()[0]
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'communicate'

I get a markdown_file created but it's empty.



ps - Daniel's works fine but I still don't learn to pipe :)


Re: piping with subprocess

2014-02-01 Thread Rick Dooling
On Saturday, February 1, 2014 7:54:34 AM UTC-6, Rick Dooling wrote:
 On Saturday, February 1, 2014 6:54:09 AM UTC-6, Peter Otten wrote:
  Rick Dooling wrote:
   I spent half a day trying to convert this bash script (on Mac)
   textutil -convert html $1 -stdout | pandoc -f html -t markdown -o $2
   into Python using subprocess pipes.
   It works if I save the above into a shell script called and
   then do
   subprocess.check_call([, file, markdown_file])
   where file and markdown_file are variables.
   But otherwise my piping attempts fail.
  It is always a good idea to post your best effort failed attempt, if only 
  to give us an idea of your level of expertise.
   Could someone show me how to pipe in subprocess. Yes, I've read the doc,

   But I'm a feeble hobbyist, not a computer scientist.
  Try to convert the example from the above page
  output=`dmesg | grep hda`
  # becomes
  p1 = Popen([dmesg], stdout=PIPE)
  p2 = Popen([grep, hda], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
  p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
  output = p2.communicate()[0]
  to your usecase. Namely, replace
  [dmesg] -- [textutil, -convert, html, infile, -stdout]
  [grep, hda] -- [pandoc, -f, html, -t, marktown, -o,
  Don't forget to set
  infile = ... 
  outfile = ... 
  to filenames (with absolute paths, to avoid one source of error).
  If that doesn't work post the code you wrote along with the error messages.
 p1 = subprocess.Popen([textutil, -convert, html, file], 
 p2 = subprocess.check_call([pandoc, -f, html, -t, markdown, -o, 
 markdown_file], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
 p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
 output = p2.communicate()[0]
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /Users/me/Python/, line 70, in module
 convert_word_file(file, markdown_file)
   File /Users/me/Python/, line 59, in convert_word_file
 output = p2.communicate()[0]
 AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'communicate'
 I get a markdown_file created but it's empty.
 ps - Daniel's works fine but I still don't learn to pipe :)

Okay, sorry. I fixed that obvious goof

p1 = subprocess.Popen([textutil, -convert, html, file], 
p2 = subprocess.Popen([pandoc, -f, html, -t, markdown, -o, 
markdown_file], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
output = p2.communicate()[0]

Now I get no errors, but I still get a blank markdown file.

generator slides review

2014-02-01 Thread andrea crotti
I'm giving a talk tomorrow @Fosdem about generators/iterators/iterables..

The slides are here (forgive the strange Chinese characters):

and the code I'm using is:
and the tests:

If anyone has any feedback or want to point out I'm saying something
stupid I'd love to hear it before tomorrow (or also later I might give
this talk again).

Re: piping with subprocess

2014-02-01 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 01/02/2014 13:54, Rick Dooling wrote:

On Saturday, February 1, 2014 6:54:09 AM UTC-6, Peter Otten wrote:

Rick Dooling wrote:

I spent half a day trying to convert this bash script (on Mac)

textutil -convert html $1 -stdout | pandoc -f html -t markdown -o $2

into Python using subprocess pipes.

It works if I save the above into a shell script called and

then do

subprocess.check_call([, file, markdown_file])

where file and markdown_file are variables.

But otherwise my piping attempts fail.

It is always a good idea to post your best effort failed attempt, if only

to give us an idea of your level of expertise.

Could someone show me how to pipe in subprocess. Yes, I've read the doc,


But I'm a feeble hobbyist, not a computer scientist.

Try to convert the example from the above page

output=`dmesg | grep hda`

# becomes

p1 = Popen([dmesg], stdout=PIPE)

p2 = Popen([grep, hda], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)

p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.

output = p2.communicate()[0]

to your usecase. Namely, replace

[dmesg] -- [textutil, -convert, html, infile, -stdout]

[grep, hda] -- [pandoc, -f, html, -t, marktown, -o,


Don't forget to set

infile = ...

outfile = ...

to filenames (with absolute paths, to avoid one source of error).

If that doesn't work post the code you wrote along with the error messages.

Would you please read and action this to prevent us seeing the 
double line spacing above, thanks.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-02-01 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Ned Batchelder wrote:

 The existence of __new__ is an 
 advanced topic that many programmers never encounter.  Taking a quick 
 scan through some large projects (Django, edX, SQLAlchemy, mako), the 
 ratio of __new__ implementations to __init__ implementations ranges from 
 0% to 1.5%, which falls into rare territory for me. 

From our own codebase:

$ find . -name '*.py' | xargs grep 'def.*__new__' | wc -l
$ find . -name '*.py' | xargs grep 'def.*__init__' | wc -l

Doing the same searches over all the .py files in our virtualenv, I get 
2830 (__init__) vs. 50 (__new__).

Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-02-01 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 01/02/2014 14:40, Roy Smith wrote:

In article,
  Ned Batchelder wrote:

The existence of __new__ is an
advanced topic that many programmers never encounter.  Taking a quick
scan through some large projects (Django, edX, SQLAlchemy, mako), the
ratio of __new__ implementations to __init__ implementations ranges from
0% to 1.5%, which falls into rare territory for me.

 From our own codebase:

$ find . -name '*.py' | xargs grep 'def.*__new__' | wc -l
$ find . -name '*.py' | xargs grep 'def.*__init__' | wc -l

Doing the same searches over all the .py files in our virtualenv, I get
2830 (__init__) vs. 50 (__new__).

You could remove all 228 __init__ and still get your code to work by 
scattering object attributes anywhere you like, something I believe you 
can't do in C++/Java.  I doubt that you could remove the single __new__ 
and get your code to work.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Python prime numbers

2014-02-01 Thread Panagiotis Anastasiou
Hi i'm new in programming and in python and i have an assignment that i cant 
complete. I have to Write a Python program to compute and print the first 200 
prime numbers. The output must be formatted with a title and the prime numbers 
must be printed in 5 properly aligned columns . I have used this code so far :

numprimes = raw_input('Prime Numbers  ')
count = 0
potentialprime = 2

def primetest(potentialprime):
divisor = 2
while divisor = potentialprime:
if potentialprime == 2:
return True
elif potentialprime % divisor == 0:
return False
while potentialprime % divisor != 0:
if potentialprime - divisor  1:
divisor += 1
return True

while count  int(numprimes):
if primetest(potentialprime) == True:
print potentialprime
count += 1
potentialprime += 1
potentialprime += 1

but i get the result in a single column . How can i get it in 5 rows? Can 
someone help please

Re: piping with subprocess

2014-02-01 Thread Rick Dooling
On Saturday, February 1, 2014 8:00:59 AM UTC-6, Rick Dooling wrote:
 On Saturday, February 1, 2014 7:54:34 AM UTC-6, Rick Dooling wrote:
  On Saturday, February 1, 2014 6:54:09 AM UTC-6, Peter Otten wrote:
   Rick Dooling wrote:
I spent half a day trying to convert this bash script (on Mac)
textutil -convert html $1 -stdout | pandoc -f html -t markdown -o $2
into Python using subprocess pipes.
It works if I save the above into a shell script called and
then do
subprocess.check_call([, file, markdown_file])
where file and markdown_file are variables.
But otherwise my piping attempts fail.
   It is always a good idea to post your best effort failed attempt, if 
   only to give us an idea of your level of expertise.
Could someone show me how to pipe in subprocess. Yes, I've read the doc,
But I'm a feeble hobbyist, not a computer scientist.
   Try to convert the example from the above page
   output=`dmesg | grep hda`
   # becomes
   p1 = Popen([dmesg], stdout=PIPE)
   p2 = Popen([grep, hda], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
   p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
   output = p2.communicate()[0]
   to your usecase. Namely, replace
   [dmesg] -- [textutil, -convert, html, infile, -stdout]
   [grep, hda] -- [pandoc, -f, html, -t, marktown, -o
   Don't forget to set
   infile = ... 
   outfile = ... 
   to filenames (with absolute paths, to avoid one source of error).
   If that doesn't work post the code you wrote along with the error 
  p1 = subprocess.Popen([textutil, -convert, html, file], 
  p2 = subprocess.check_call([pandoc, -f, html, -t, markdown, -o, 
  markdown_file], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.

  output = p2.communicate()[0]
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File /Users/me/Python/, line 70, in module
  convert_word_file(file, markdown_file)
File /Users/me/Python/, line 59, in convert_word_file
  output = p2.communicate()[0]
  AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'communicate'
  I get a markdown_file created but it's empty.
  ps - Daniel's works fine but I still don't learn to pipe :)
 Okay, sorry. I fixed that obvious goof

 p1 = subprocess.Popen([textutil, -convert, html, file], 
 p2 = subprocess.Popen([pandoc, -f, html, -t, markdown, -o, 
 markdown_file], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
 p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
 output = p2.communicate()[0]
 Now I get no errors, but I still get a blank markdown file.

Okay, blank lines removed. Apologies. I didn't know Google inserted them.


Re: Python prime numbers

2014-02-01 Thread Larry Martell
On Saturday, February 1, 2014, Panagiotis Anastasiou

 Hi i'm new in programming and in python and i have an assignment that i
 cant complete. I have to Write a Python program to compute and print the
 first 200 prime numbers. The output must be formatted with a title and the
 prime numbers must be printed in 5 properly aligned columns . I have used
 this code so far :

 numprimes = raw_input('Prime Numbers  ')
 count = 0
 potentialprime = 2

 def primetest(potentialprime):
 divisor = 2
 while divisor = potentialprime:
 if potentialprime == 2:
 return True
 elif potentialprime % divisor == 0:
 return False
 while potentialprime % divisor != 0:
 if potentialprime - divisor  1:
 divisor += 1
 return True

 while count  int(numprimes):
 if primetest(potentialprime) == True:
 print potentialprime
 count += 1
 potentialprime += 1
 potentialprime += 1

 but i get the result in a single column . How can i get it in 5 rows? Can
 someone help please

If you put a comma at the end of the print statement it will suppress the

Re: piping with subprocess

2014-02-01 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 01/02/2014 15:35, Rick Dooling wrote:

Okay, blank lines removed. Apologies. I didn't know Google inserted them.


No problem, the whole snag is people don't know about this flaw in this 
tool until they're told about it.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-02-01 Thread Roy Smith
 On 01/02/2014 14:40, Roy Smith wrote:
  In article,
Ned Batchelder wrote:
  The existence of __new__ is an
  advanced topic that many programmers never encounter.  Taking a quick
  scan through some large projects (Django, edX, SQLAlchemy, mako), the
  ratio of __new__ implementations to __init__ implementations ranges from
  0% to 1.5%, which falls into rare territory for me.
   From our own codebase:
  $ find . -name '*.py' | xargs grep 'def.*__new__' | wc -l
  $ find . -name '*.py' | xargs grep 'def.*__init__' | wc -l
  Doing the same searches over all the .py files in our virtualenv, I get
  2830 (__init__) vs. 50 (__new__).

In article,
 Mark Lawrence wrote:

 You could remove all 228 __init__ and still get your code to work by 
 scattering object attributes anywhere you like, something I believe you 
 can't do in C++/Java.

Why not?  Here's a simple C++ program which uses a constructor:

#include stdio.h

class Foo {
int i;

Foo() : i(42) {}

int main(int, char**) {
Foo foo;
printf(foo.i = %d\n, foo.i);

If I wanted to, I could remove the constructor and still get my code to 
work by scattering object attributes anywhere I like:

#include stdio.h

class Foo {
int i;

int main(int, char**) {
Foo foo;
foo.i = 42;
printf(foo.i = %d\n, foo.i);

 I doubt that you could remove the single __new__ and get your code to work.

Perhaps.  Looking at our own code, the one place we use __new__ is in a 
metaclass, which I think pretty well reinforces Ned's assertion that 
__new__ is an advanced topic.

Re: generator slides review

2014-02-01 Thread Miki Tebeka
On Saturday, February 1, 2014 6:12:28 AM UTC-8, andrea crotti wrote:
 I'm giving a talk tomorrow @Fosdem about generators/iterators/iterables..
 The slides are here (forgive the strange Chinese characters):
 and the code I'm using is:
 and the tests:
 If anyone has any feedback or want to point out I'm saying something
 stupid I'd love to hear it before tomorrow (or also later I might give
 this talk again).

My 2 cents:

slide 4:
[i*2 for i in range(10)]

slide 9:
while True:
it = next(g)
except StopIteration:

slide 21:
from itertools import count, ifilterfalse

def divided_by(p):
return lambda n: n % p == 0

def primes():
nums = count(2)
while True:
p = next(nums)
yield p
nums = ifilterfalse(divided_by(p), nums)

Another resource you can point to is

Good luck.

Re: piping with subprocess

2014-02-01 Thread Peter Otten
Rick Dooling wrote:

 On Saturday, February 1, 2014 6:54:09 AM UTC-6, Peter Otten wrote:

 Try to convert the example from the above page
 output=`dmesg | grep hda`
 # becomes
 p1 = Popen([dmesg], stdout=PIPE)
 p2 = Popen([grep, hda], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
 p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
 output = p2.communicate()[0]
 to your usecase. Namely, replace
 [dmesg] -- [textutil, -convert, html, infile, -stdout]
 [grep, hda] -- [pandoc, -f, html, -t, marktown, -o,
 Don't forget to set
 infile = ...
 outfile = ...
 to filenames (with absolute paths, to avoid one source of error).
 If that doesn't work post the code you wrote along with the error
 p1 = subprocess.Popen([textutil, -convert, html, file],
 p2 = subprocess.check_call([pandoc, -f,
 html, -t, markdown, -o, markdown_file], stdin=p1.stdout,
 p1.stdout.close()  # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
 output = p2.communicate()[0]
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /Users/me/Python/, line 70, in module
 convert_word_file(file, markdown_file)
   File /Users/me/Python/, line 59, in convert_word_file
 output = p2.communicate()[0]
 AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'communicate'
 I get a markdown_file created but it's empty.

Well, you replaced the Popen() from the example with a check_call() which 
uses a Popen instance internally, but does not expose it. 

I recommend that you stick as closely to the example as possible until you 
have a working baseline version. I'd try

textutil = subprocess.Popen(
[textutil, -convert, html, file], 
pandoc = subprocess.Popen(
[pandoc, -f, html, -t, markdown, -o, markdown_file],



Chris Miles? TGBooleanFormWidget?

2014-02-01 Thread Len Conrad
trying to install zoner.

 but that's giving 502 Bad Gateway

can't find TGBooleanFormWidget anywhere else.




Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-01 Thread Denis McMahon
On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:14:31 -0700, Scott W Dunning wrote:

 little different from a few things you guys had mentioned.  For one, I
 got the correct time by calculating the number of time run and
 converting that into seconds then back out to hr:mn:sc.  I didn’t
 calculate from midnight.

 time_left_house = 6 * HOURS + 52 * MINUTES

This does actually calculate the time in seconds since midnight that you 
left the house

 miles_run_easy_pace = 2 * (8 * MINUTES + 15 * SECONDS)
 miles_run_fast_pace = 3 * (7 * MINUTES + 12 * SECONDS)
 time_returned_home = miles_run_easy_pace + miles_run_fast_pace +

And this calculates the time in seconds since midnight that you returned 

So although you don't realise it, you are actually working in seconds 
since midnight, and then converting seconds back into hours, minutes and 

Denis McMahon,

Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-01 Thread Lewis Wood
I was wandering if I could dynamically change my GUI and after a few searches 
on Google found the grid_remove() function. What I'm wandering now is if there 
is a way to group a lot of widgets up into one, and then use the one 
grid_remove function which will remove them all.

Is it possible to do this in a class like this?

class group1:
label1=Label(text=Upon clicking the button).grid(row=0,column=0)
label2=Label(text=The menu will dynamically change).grid(row=1,column=0)



Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-01 Thread Denis McMahon
On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 22:18:34 -0700, Scott W Dunning wrote:

 Any chance you guys could help with another question I have?  Below is a
 code to a different problem.  The only thing I don’t understand is why
 when calculating the 'discounted price’ you have to subtract 1?  Thanks
 again guys!

price_per_book = 24.95 
discount = .40 
quantity = 60 
discounted_price = (1-discount) * price_per_book 
shipping = 3.0 + (60 - 1) * .75
total_price = 60 * discounted_price + shipping 
print total_price, 'Total price'

You subtract 1 from the shipping price (which should be quantity - 1) to 
allow for the fact that the first book costs 3.0 snargles to ship, and 
extra books in the same shipment cost 0.75 snargles each.

So if the quantity is greater than one, the shipping cost is 3 snargles 
for the first book plus 0.75 snargles times (quantity minus one)

The discounted price needs to be the cost, not the discount.

If the discount is 0.4 (or 40%), then the cost is 0.6 (or 60%) of the 
list price. You are trying to calculate the cost, not the discount.

list_price = discounted_price + discount_amount

1.0 * list_price = 0.6 * list_price + 0.4 * list_price


discounted_price = list_price - discount_amount

0.6 * list_price = 1.0  * list_price - 0.4 * list_price

so discounted_price = ( 1.0 - 0.4 ) * list_price

where 0.4 is the decimal fraction of the discount

Denis McMahon,

Re: Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-01 Thread archie65
On Saturday, 1 February 2014 19:43:18 UTC, Lewis Wood  wrote:
 I was wandering if I could dynamically change my GUI and after a few searches 
 on Google found the grid_remove() function. What I'm wandering now is if 
 there is a way to group a lot of widgets up into one, and then use the one 
 grid_remove function which will remove them all.
 Is it possible to do this in a class like this?
 class group1:
 label1=Label(text=Upon clicking the button).grid(row=0,column=0)
 label2=Label(text=The menu will dynamically change).grid(row=1,column=0)


Re: Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-01 Thread archie65
You become less of a a faget and stop sucking granni tranni pussi
dis shud help u lewl

Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-02-01 Thread Tim Delaney
On 1 February 2014 23:28, Ned Batchelder wrote:

 You are looking at things from an accurate-down-to-the-last-footnote
 detailed point of view (and have provided some footnotes!).  That's a very
 valuable and important point of view.  It's just not how most programmers
 approach the language.

This is the *language reference* that is being discussed. It documents the
intended semantics of the language. We most certainly should strive to
ensure that it is accurate-down-to-the-last-footnote - any difference
between the reference documentation and the implementation is a bug in
either the documentation or the implementation.

Tim Delaney

Re: Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-01 Thread Lewis Wood
Oh and another question, say I make another window in the program itself using 

def secondwindow():

Would it be possible for me to use some code which would return True if one of 
these windows is currently up, or return False if the window is not up?

Re: Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-01 Thread Dave Angel
 Lewis Wood Wrote in message:
 Oh and another question, say I make another window in the program itself 
 using this:
 def secondwindow():
 Would it be possible for me to use some code which would return True if one 
 of these windows is currently up, or return False if the window is not up?

No need. Only one at a time can be running,  and you won't return
 from this function till it's done.

To put it another way, you only want one mainloop in your code.


Re:Python prime numbers

2014-02-01 Thread Dave Angel
 Panagiotis Anastasiou Wrote in message:
 Hi i'm new in programming and in python and i have an assignment that i cant 
 complete. I have to Write a Python program to compute and print the first 200 
 prime numbers. The output must be formatted with a title and the prime 
 numbers must be printed in 5 properly aligned columns . I have used this code 
 so far :
 numprimes = raw_input('Prime Numbers  ')
 count = 0
 potentialprime = 2
 def primetest(potentialprime):
 divisor = 2
 while divisor = potentialprime:
 if potentialprime == 2:
 return True
 elif potentialprime % divisor == 0:
 return False
 while potentialprime % divisor != 0:
 if potentialprime - divisor  1:
 divisor += 1
 return True
 while count  int(numprimes):
 if primetest(potentialprime) == True:
 print potentialprime
 count += 1
 potentialprime += 1
 potentialprime += 1
 but i get the result in a single column . How can i get it in 5 rows? Can 
 someone help please



Re:Python prime numbers

2014-02-01 Thread Dave Angel
 Panagiotis Anastasiou Wrote in message:
 Hi i'm new in programming and in python and i have an assignment that i cant 
 complete. I have to Write a Python program to compute and print the first 200 
 prime numbers. The output must be formatted with a title and the prime 
 numbers must be printed in 5 properly aligned columns . I have used this code 
 so far :
 numprimes = raw_input('Prime Numbers  ')
 count = 0
 potentialprime = 2
 def primetest(potentialprime):
 divisor = 2
 while divisor = potentialprime:
 if potentialprime == 2:
 return True
 elif potentialprime % divisor == 0:
 return False
 while potentialprime % divisor != 0:
 if potentialprime - divisor  1:
 divisor += 1
 return True

There are several things wrong with this function,  and it's
 redundant enough that maybe none of them matter.  I'd test it

 while count  int(numprimes):
 if primetest(potentialprime) == True:
 print potentialprime
 count += 1
 potentialprime += 1
 potentialprime += 1
 but i get the result in a single column . How can i get it in 5 rows? Can 
 someone help please

As has been pointed out,  you can use a trailing comma to suppress
 the implied newline for each print. 
Then you can add it back in every five items by checking count.

But you have a bigger problem,  lining up the columns.  Try using
 the string modulus operator, or 'format'.



Re: Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-01 Thread Lewis Wood
On Saturday, 1 February 2014 21:52:51 UTC, Dave Angel  wrote:
 Lewis Wood Wrote in message:
  Oh and another question, say I make another window in the program itself 
  using this:
  def secondwindow():
  Would it be possible for me to use some code which would return True if one 
  of these windows is currently up, or return False if the window is not up?
 No need. Only one at a time can be running,  and you won't return
  from this function till it's done.
 To put it another way, you only want one mainloop in your code.

But I can click the button Multiple times and it will create multiple windows?

Re: Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-01 Thread Dave Angel
 Lewis Wood Wrote in message:
(deleting doublespaced googlegroups trash)
 To put it another way, you only want one mainloop in your code.
 But I can click the button Multiple times and it will create multiple windows?

Not using the function you showed. 



Re: Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-01 Thread Lewis Wood
On Saturday, 1 February 2014 22:26:17 UTC, Dave Angel  wrote:
 Lewis Wood Wrote in message:
 (deleting doublespaced googlegroups trash)
  To put it another way, you only want one mainloop in your code.
  But I can click the button Multiple times and it will create multiple 
 Not using the function you showed. 

It does, this is the whole code:

from tkinter import *

root.title(Second Root Testing)

def secondwindow():




Re: Python prime numbers

2014-02-01 Thread Wiktor
On Sat, 1 Feb 2014 07:33:47 -0800 (PST), Panagiotis Anastasiou wrote:

 Hi i'm new in programming and in python and i have an assignment that
 i cant complete. I have to Write a Python program to compute and print the 
 first 200 prime numbers. The output must be formatted with a title and the 
 prime numbers must be printed in 5 properly aligned columns . I have used 
 code so far :

  try out this code:

for i in range(200):
   print '{0:5}'.format(i),
   if (i-4) % 5 == 0:

  Or maybe, if it's still unclear, try execute these lines:

print 'Hello {0}'.format('world')
print '|{0:30}|'.format('right')
print '|{0:30}|'.format('left')
print '|{0:^30}|'.format('center')
print '|{0:16}|'.format('right'),
print '|{0:16}|'.format('left'),
print '|{0:^16}|'.format('center')

  But still, it might be hard to implement this printing loop while
you're verifying primes (in another loop), so maybe think about getting first
200 primes in while loop like you do (and only storing them in a list), and
then printing them out from this list in external loop.

  Now, to your primetest() function. It may be good for small primes, but try
to verify with it, if 832475734579 is a prime. :)

 def primetest(potentialprime):
 divisor = 2
 while divisor = potentialprime:

  First of all, see that you rarely use this loop - you check this condition at
most two times. You end up for good in the second while loop.

 if potentialprime == 2:
 return True
 elif potentialprime % divisor == 0:
 return False

  'break' after return is redundant - never executes

 while potentialprime % divisor != 0:
 if potentialprime - divisor  1:
 divisor += 1
 return True

  So, this is your main loop. Very inefficient. Think about that:
a) do you really have to check divisors up to the potentialprime? 
   Maybe there is a point, where you may say, that you've checked all 
   possibilities? Remember that a * b = b * a 
b) do you really have to check every divisor? I mean, increasing 
   it by 1 in every step?

Best regards, Wiktor Matuszewski
'py{}@wu{}'.format('wkm', 'ka')

Re: Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-01 Thread albert visser
On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 00:07:00 +0100, Lewis Wood  

On Saturday, 1 February 2014 22:26:17 UTC, Dave Angel  wrote:

Lewis Wood Wrote in message:



It does, this is the whole code:

from tkinter import *

root.title(Second Root Testing)

def secondwindow():

this may seem to work, but you're starting a new event loop here instead  
of using the current one. I think you want to create another TopLevel()  
window here, not a new Tk instance.


Note that if you want to be able to actually use the button1 symbol, you  
have to break this statement up:


You can't shortcut this because grid() returns None.


Vriendelijke groeten / Kind regards,

Albert Visser

Using Opera's mail client:

Re: generator slides review

2014-02-01 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/1/2014 9:12 AM, andrea crotti wrote:

I'm giving a talk tomorrow @Fosdem about generators/iterators/iterables..

The slides are here (forgive the strange Chinese characters):

and the code I'm using is:
and the tests:

If anyone has any feedback or want to point out I'm saying something
stupid I'd love to hear it before tomorrow (or also later I might give
this talk again).


The use is assert in the first slide seem bad in a couple of different 

The use of 'gen_even' before it is defined.

A generator expression evaluates (better than 'yields') to a generator, 
not just an iterator.

The definition of 'generator' copies the wrong and confused glossary 
entry. Generator functions return generators, which are iterators with 
extra behavior.

I would leave out For loop(2). The old pseudo-getitem iterator protocol 
is seldom explicitly used any more, in the say you showed.

In 'Even numbers', I have no idea what the complication of next_even() 
is about.

'Lazyness drawbacks' overflow_list is bizarre and useless.  overflow_gen 
is bizarre and buggy. If you are intentionally writing buggy code to 
make a point, label it as such on the slide.

Iterators just produce values. Generators can consume as well as produce 
values, which is why they can act as both iterators and coroutines.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Tkinter widgets into classes.

2014-02-01 Thread Terry Reedy
Idle, which used tkinter, runs multiple windows in one process with one 
event loop. There is no reason I know of to run multiple event loops in 
one process, and if you do, the results will not be documented and might 
vary between runs or between different systems.

Idle can also be run multiple times in multiple processes, each with its 
own event loop. But there is seldom a reason to do that with the same 
version. On the other hand, I routinely have more than one version 
running in order to test code with multiple versions. I can even have 
the same file open in multiple versions.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-02-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 07:09:14 +1100, Tim Delaney wrote:

 On 1 February 2014 23:28, Ned Batchelder wrote:

 You are looking at things from an accurate-down-to-the-last-footnote
 detailed point of view (and have provided some footnotes!).  That's a
 very valuable and important point of view.  It's just not how most
 programmers approach the language.

 This is the *language reference* that is being discussed. It documents
 the intended semantics of the language. We most certainly should strive
 to ensure that it is accurate-down-to-the-last-footnote - any difference
 between the reference documentation and the implementation is a bug in
 either the documentation or the implementation.



mapping objects

2014-02-01 Thread Rita

I want to learn more about ORMs so I stumbled upon, SqlAlchemy.

If i had a JSON document (or XML, CSV, etc.._) is it possible to convert it
to a SQLAlchemy objects? I like the ability to query/filter (
data assuming I set up the proper schema.

Also, is this a valid way to use an ORM suite?

--- Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.--

Re: C++ to python for LED Matrix

2014-02-01 Thread Michael Torrie
Yes you could use Python for this sort of thing.  The link you posted is
just using a kernel spi driver that Python can write to just as well as
C++ can (via it's /dev/spidev0.0 file).  There is a python library that
can talk to SPI in Python on the pi:

You still need to know some low-level stuff though.  Like hexadecimal,
binary bit-wise operations, etc.

Definitely talk to people on the Raspberry Pi forum.  They are doing
this stuff frequently.

Also don't be afraid of C.  Learn it. You'll be glad.  The code you
linked to looks more complicated than it really is. The ioctl stuff
looks complicated. But everything else is easy.  If it weren't for the
ioctl stuff, which I know can be translated to Python directly but I'm
not quite sure how at the moment, the rest of that code could be
transliterated into Python in very short order.  The trick is to make
the code more pythonic, and use classes when appropriate to encapsulate
things. I'd make a class that talks to SPI, for example. It would open
the file, set the ioctls, and then provide a basic interface for writing
to the bus.  Then from that I'd build another class that implements the
matrix abstraction, using SPI class for the low-level stuff.


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-02-01 Thread Ben Finney
Ned Batchelder writes:

 My summary of our two views is this: I am trying to look at things
 from a typical programmer's point of view.

Do you think the typical programmer will be looking in the language
reference? I don't.

 The existence of __new__ is an advanced topic that many programmers
 never encounter.

But when they do, the language reference had better be very clear on the
purpose of “__init__” and “__new__”.

 You are looking at things from an accurate-down-to-the-last-footnote
 detailed point of view (and have provided some footnotes!). That's a
 very valuable and important point of view. It's just not how most
 programmers approach the language.

Won't most programmers approach the language through (a) some example
code, (b) the tutorial, (c) the library reference? Those are appropriate
places for helpful simplifications and elisions.

 We are also both trying to reduce cognitive dissonance, but again, you
 are addressing language mavens who understand the footnotes, and I am
 trying to help the in-the-trenches people who have never encountered
 __new__ and are wondering why people are using funny words for the
 code they are writing.

Then I think your attempt to sacrifice precise terminology in the
langauge reference is misplaced. The in-the-trenches people won't see
it; and, when they go looking for it, they're likely to be wanting exact
language-maven-directed specifications.

 Finding names for things is hard, and it's impossible to please both
 ends of this spectrum.

Very true. That's why we have different documents for different
audiences. But yes, the terminology needs to hold up for both ends of
the spectrum, and naming is difficult.

 \ “If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all |
  `\others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking |
_o__)  power called an idea” —Thomas Jefferson |
Ben Finney


Re: Help with some python homework...

2014-02-01 Thread Scott W Dunning
Yeah you’re right I didn’t even notice that.  For some reason I just added the 
60 instead of using quantity which had been defined.  

On Feb 1, 2014, at 8:50 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 22:18:34 -0700, Scott W Dunning
 declaimed the following:
 Any chance you guys could help with another question I have?  Below is a 
 code to a different problem.  The only thing I don’t understand is why when 
 calculating the 'discounted price’ you have to subtract 1?  Thanks again 
   Because the discount rate you have is the amount taken OFF the price.
 But you need the price AFTER removing the discount amount 100% (1.0) - 40%
 (0.4) discount = 60% (0.6) final price
 price_per_book = 24.95
 discount = .40
 quantity = 60
 discounted_price = (1-discount) * price_per_book
 shipping = 3.0 + (60 - 1) * .75
 total_price = 60 * discounted_price + shipping
 print total_price, 'Total price'
   You defined quantity but then never used it in the shipping and
 total_price lines.
   Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN


Re: mapping objects

2014-02-01 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 01Feb2014 20:46, Rita wrote:
 I want to learn more about ORMs so I stumbled upon, SqlAlchemy.
 If i had a JSON document (or XML, CSV, etc.._) is it possible to convert it
 to a SQLAlchemy objects? I like the ability to query/filter (
 data assuming I set up the proper schema.

Well, not as directly as you might hope. As I recall, SQLAlchemy
ORMs provide an easy way to make objects representing database
entities and whose methods automatically drive the necessary SQL
actions to manipulate them.

On that basis, you won't get anywhere without loading up the
JSON/XML/etc, parsing it for relevant information (trivial with
CSV, less so for structured data like JSON or XML), and storing it
in a database. To which you then point SQLAlchemy.

So you're already doing the fiddly bit just to get stuff into the database.

The neat filter operations you cite are actually done by special
methods on the objects representing tables and columns. For example, == None

is done via the __eq__ method of And they return
strings: bare SQL. The beauty of this is that one can write almost
idiomatic python, and SQLA will generate correct SQL in the right
dialect for the database backend, and with all the values correctly

However, it does presume you _already_ have a backend that can be
queried with SQL.

 Also, is this a valid way to use an ORM suite?

Well, in principle sure. But SQLA won't do it for you directly. It really
is for data already stored in an SQL queriable database.

Your point about using SQLA's filter operations is right, _provided_
you have already loaded the original data into a database with the
right schema. If you've done that work, then SQLA may well serve
you well from that point on.

Cameron Simpson

We knew Army cadets were involved because they cut through two fences
to get to the goats, and 15 feet away there was an unlocked gate.
- a director of sports information in the Navy, regarding the theft
  of some mascots from the Naval Academy by Army rivals

[issue12915] Add inspect.locate and inspect.resolve

2014-02-01 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

Another question to consider: is inspect the best place for this? I don't think 
it is, because

(a) It's not really an inspection facility
(b) Importing inspect to get this functionality would pull in lots
of stuff which wouldn't be used in the typical use case.

I think it makes more sense for it to be in importlib. Accordingly adding Brett 
to nosy, for his thoughts.

nosy: +brett.cannon

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20471] test_signature_on_class() of test_inspect fails on AMD64 FreeBSD 9.0 3.x buildbot

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Changes by Yury Selivanov

nosy: +yselivanov

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20473] inspect.Signature no longer handles builtin classes correctly

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov added the comment:

OK, I'll take a look tomorrow. Don't think it's related  to #20471 though, as 
in there, if fails to find a signature for the 'builtin.object' (but I may be 


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18622] reset_mock on mock created by mock_open causes infinite recursion

2014-02-01 Thread Berker Peksag

Changes by Berker Peksag

nosy: +berker.peksag

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20472] test_write_pty() of test_asyncio fails on x86 Tiger 3.x buildbot

2014-02-01 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily added the comment:

FYI, besides 10.4 (Tiger), the test also fails on OS X 10.5 but appears to pass 
on 10.6 and later releases.

nosy: +ned.deily

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20473] inspect.Signature no longer handles builtin classes correctly

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov added the comment:

OK, there was no unit-test for this... looking into the problem, the first 
questing is: why is __text_signature__ is on the '_pickle.Pickler' object, not 
on '_pickle.Pickler.__init__'?


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20474] test_socket failures on OS X due to fixed expected failures

2014-02-01 Thread Ned Deily

New submission from Ned Deily:

Three send timeout test cases in test_socket were changed by a4e4facad164 for 
Issue12958 to be expected failures on OS X because of observed failures on 
the OS X buildbots running OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and earlier.

testInterruptedSendTimeout (test.test_socket.InterruptedSendTimeoutTest) ... 
unexpected success
testInterruptedSendmsgTimeout (test.test_socket.InterruptedSendTimeoutTest) ... 
unexpected success
testInterruptedSendtoTimeout (test.test_socket.InterruptedSendTimeoutTest) ... 
unexpected success

It seems that the platform bugs causing the failures were fixed in OS X 10.7 so 
that the expected failures no longer fail.  However, the change in behavior 
had not been noticed because, until the recent change to unittest in 
Issue20165, unittest did not fail when there were unexpected successes.  Now it 
does fail, causing test_socket to fail on OS X 10.7+ for 3.4.  On 3.3 the 
unexpected success failures are silently skipped.  The attached patch changes 
the test cases to be skipped for OS X versions prior to 10.7 rather than to 
always expect failure on OS X.

components: Tests
messages: 209882
nosy: larry, ncoghlan, ned.deily
priority: high
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: test_socket failures on OS X due to fixed expected failures
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue20474] test_socket failures on OS X due to fixed expected failures

2014-02-01 Thread Ned Deily

Changes by Ned Deily

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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[issue20474] test_socket failures on OS X due to fixed expected failures

2014-02-01 Thread Ned Deily

Changes by Ned Deily

Added file:

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[issue20474] test_socket failures on OS X due to fixed expected failures

2014-02-01 Thread Ned Deily

Changes by Ned Deily

Removed file:

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[issue20473] inspect.Signature no longer handles builtin classes correctly

2014-02-01 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

Because slots like tp_init and tp_call don't have docstrings.  So it has to go 
in the class's docstring.


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[issue12958] test_socket failures on Mac OS X

2014-02-01 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily added the comment:

FYI, the OS X platform bugs causing the three send timeout test failures were 
fixed in OS X 10.7 causing those test cases to have previously silently skipped 
unexpected successes.  See Issue20474 for more details.


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[issue20471] test_signature_on_class() of test_inspect fails on AMD64 FreeBSD 9.0 3.x buildbot

2014-02-01 Thread Stefan Krah

Stefan Krah added the comment:

The build is --without-doc-strings. That should do the trick.

nosy: +skrah

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[issue20473] inspect.Signature no longer handles builtin classes correctly

2014-02-01 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

I meant to say slots like tp_new and tp_init.  But fwiw it's true of tp_call 


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[issue20473] inspect.Signature no longer handles builtin classes correctly

2014-02-01 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

And, I don't see how your changes to could have caused the failures 
on the buildbot either.  But, then, I don't see how *anything* could cause the 
failures on the buildbot.  And your changes to happened at (I think) 
roughly the same time.  Correlation isn't causation, but it's all I have to go 
on right now.


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[issue20471] test_signature_on_class() of test_inspect fails on AMD64 FreeBSD 9.0 3.x buildbot

2014-02-01 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

Good thinking!  I don't know when I can get to it though, maybe Sunday.


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[issue20471] test_signature_on_class() of test_inspect fails on AMD64 FreeBSD 9.0 3.x buildbot

2014-02-01 Thread Stefan Krah

Stefan Krah added the comment:

I think you just need to use the @requires_docstrings decorator for
the test. -- To me the failure looks expected if there aren't any


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[issue20473] inspect.Signature no longer handles builtin classes correctly

2014-02-01 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

Stefan Krah suggests that the failure in 20473 is because that platform builds 
without docstrings, and the test requires them.  So that should be an easy fix.


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[issue20456] Argument Clinic rollup patch, 2014/01/31

2014-02-01 Thread Vajrasky Kok

Vajrasky Kok added the comment:

The converters argument in command line is still broken.

[sky@localhost cpython3.4]$ hg pull -u
pulling from
searching for changes
no changes found
[sky@localhost cpython3.4]$ ./python Tools/clinic/ --converters

Legacy converters:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File Tools/clinic/, line 4131, in module
  File Tools/clinic/, line 4063, in main
print('' + ' '.join(c for c in legacy if c[0].isupper()))
  File Tools/clinic/, line 4063, in genexpr
print('' + ' '.join(c for c in legacy if c[0].isupper()))
IndexError: string index out of range

Unit test for exercising Tools/clinic/ using assert_python_ok would be 
good, but that deserves a dedicated ticket.

Here is the patch to fix the bug.

nosy: +vajrasky
Added file:

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[issue2008] cookielib lacks FileCookieJar class for Safari

2014-02-01 Thread Hendrik

Hendrik added the comment:

I found a solution for reading Safari cookies, but struggling around with hg 
diff. Because always when i typ hg diff Lib/http/ it returns me the 
complete file not only my changes..

nosy: +Hendrik

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[issue12915] Add inspect.locate and inspect.resolve

2014-02-01 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

importlib.util.resolve_name() already exists for resolving an explicit relative 
import name to an absolute one, so closing this as out of date.

resolution:  - out of date
status: open - closed

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[issue20440] Use Py_REPLACE/Py_XREPLACE macros

2014-02-01 Thread Martin v . Löwis

Martin v. Löwis added the comment:

I think Raymond's original concern still applies: The macros do add to the 
learning curve. I would personally expect that Py_REPLACE(op, op2) does an 
INCREF on op2, but it does not.

Explicit is better than implicit.

nosy: +loewis

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[issue12915] Add inspect.locate and inspect.resolve

2014-02-01 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

 importlib.util.resolve_name() already exists

But that's not what the proposed functionality is for, is it? This covers 
finding values inside an imported module which can be accessed via a dotted 
path from the module globals.

resolution: out of date - 
status: closed - open

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[issue17159] Remove explicit type check from inspect.Signature.from_function()

2014-02-01 Thread Stefan Behnel

Stefan Behnel added the comment:

Hmm, I now notice that I was mistaken about this working:

import inspect

def test_isfunction():


return inspect.isfunction(test_isfunction)

It only worked in Cython's test suite because its test runner monkey patches 
inspect.isfunction, and I had completely forgotten about it. Sorry for the 

The thing is that Cython's function type isn't really a Python function 
(obviously), it inherits from PyCFunction, so it should return True for 
isbuiltin(). A problem on our side prevented that. If I fix it up, then the 
newly added duck-typing code actually ends up not being used, because 
signature() tests for isbuiltin() first and runs into Signature.from_builtin(), 
which is the Argument Clinic code path that expects a textual signature 
representation. Cython functions don't have that, because they are compatible 
with Python functions.

This situation could be helped in inspect.signature() by reversing the test 
order, i.e. by changing this code

if _signature_is_builtin(obj):
return Signature.from_builtin(obj)

if isfunction(obj) or _signature_is_functionlike(obj):
# If it's a pure Python function, or an object that is duck type
# of a Python function (Cython functions, for instance), then:
return Signature.from_function(obj)

into this:

if isfunction(obj) or _signature_is_functionlike(obj):
# If it's a pure Python function, or an object that is duck type
# of a Python function (Cython functions, for instance), then:
return Signature.from_function(obj)

if _signature_is_builtin(obj):
return Signature.from_builtin(obj)

Would this be ok?

I would also argue that the implementation of _signature_is_builtin() is, well, 
not ideal, because what it should test for according to the comment at the top 
of the function is the existance of __text_signature__. Instead, it does 
several type tests, one of which goes wrong in this case.


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[issue19683] test_minidom has many empty tests

2014-02-01 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset fed468670866 by Mark Dickinson in branch '2.7':
Issue #19683: Add __closure__ and other missing attributes to function docs.


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[issue19863] Missing function attributes in 2.7 docs.

2014-02-01 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

New changeset fed468670866 by Mark Dickinson in branch '2.7':
Issue #19683: Add __closure__ and other missing attributes to function docs.


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[issue19683] test_minidom has many empty tests

2014-02-01 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

Whoops; wrong issue number.  That commit message was for issue 19863.

nosy: +mark.dickinson

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[issue19863] Missing function attributes in 2.7 docs.

2014-02-01 Thread Mark Dickinson

Changes by Mark Dickinson

resolution:  - fixed
stage: commit review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue10740] sqlite3 module breaks transactions and potentially corrupts data

2014-02-01 Thread Ronny Pfannschmidt

Ronny Pfannschmidt added the comment:

could we please get the option to opt-out of that behaviour, as a extra 
connection option maybe

with the normal python sqlite bindings its impossible
to have database migrations work safely
which IMHO makes this a potential data-loss issue

nosy: +Ronny.Pfannschmidt

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[issue10740] sqlite3 module breaks transactions and potentially corrupts data

2014-02-01 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Opt out of what behavior?


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[issue12915] Add inspect.locate and inspect.resolve

2014-02-01 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

Importlib already has importlib.import_module() (since Python 2.7) and that's 
as far as I'm willing to go for finding a module by name. Anything past that is 
a getarr() call on the resulting module and thus not worth adding to importlib.


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[issue12915] Add inspect.locate and inspect.resolve

2014-02-01 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

 and thus not worth adding to importlib.

Okay, fair enough. It's not purely an import function, though partly related to 


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[issue17159] Remove explicit type check from inspect.Signature.from_function()

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Changes by Yury Selivanov

status: closed - open

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[issue10740] sqlite3 module breaks transactions and potentially corrupts data

2014-02-01 Thread Ronny Pfannschmidt

Ronny Pfannschmidt added the comment:

the sqlite binding deciding how to handle transactions


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[issue17444] multiprocessing.cpu_count() should use hw.availcpu on Mac OS X

2014-02-01 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

The current os.cpu_count implementation calls sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN), 
which is apparently defined under OS X, and returns the number of online CPUs 

multiprocessing has been modified to re-use os.cpu_count(), so I suggest 
closing this issue as out-of-date.

nosy: +pitrou

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[issue20473] inspect.Signature no longer handles builtin classes correctly

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov added the comment:

 Stefan Krah suggests that the failure in 20473 is because that platform 
 builds without docstrings, and the test requires them.  So that should be an 
 easy fix.

Good news ;) OK, I'll decorate the test.

 Because slots like tp_init and tp_call don't have docstrings.  So it has to 
 go in the class's docstring.

So what's going on and why is it broken:

- from_builtin wasn't checking the incoming 'func' argument's type, it started 
to work with its '__text_signature__' right away. That was fixed.

- in 'inspect.signature' we checked 

 (isinstance(obj, _NonUserDefinedCallables) or ismethoddescriptor(obj) or
isinstance(obj, type))

  so *classes* were tried in 'from_builtin' too.

And that's why it worked.  Any class (even used-defined in pure Python) that 
had '__text_signature__' was passed to the 'Signature.from_builtin' and it did 
the right job.

Now, I don't want to completely rollback my commits, as I still think that 
'from_builtin' should strictly check what object is it working with, and raise 
appropriate exceptions. What we need to do is to separate parsing of 
'__text_signature__' into a private inspect module helper, so that 
'from_builtin' becomes a tiny wrapper.  Then, in 'signature.inspect' we need to 
find a way of testing if the given object is a builtin class, and call the 
parsing helper on it if it has the '__text_signature__' attribute.

I'm looking into this.

BTW, are you sure we can't somehow add '__text_signature__' to builtin class' 


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[issue17159] Remove explicit type check from inspect.Signature.from_function()

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov added the comment:

 Would this be ok?

Probably. I need to take a closer look.

I'm not sure I like the idea that Cython functions are chimeras of some sort, 
i.e. they have a type of python builtin functions, hence, logically, 
Signature.from_builtin should work on them (and they have to follow 
__text_signature__ API), and on the other hand, they try to mimic pure python 
functions (being a builtin type) with all its guts like '__code__' object etc.  

Perhaps, what we need to do, is to modify 'Signature.from_builtin' to check for 
pure-python function duck type too, and fallback to 'Signature.from_function' 
in this case. Larry, Nick, what do you think?

 I would also argue that the implementation of _signature_is_builtin() is, 
 well, not ideal, because what it should test for according to the comment at 
 the top of the function is the existance of __text_signature__. Instead, it 
 does several type tests, one of which goes wrong in this case.

'from_builtin' needs to have those type checks. Duck typing is good, but some 
minimal type safety is good too.


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[issue20471] test_signature_on_class() of test_inspect fails on AMD64 FreeBSD 9.0 3.x buildbot

2014-02-01 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset b1f214165471 by Yury Selivanov in branch 'default':
inspect.tests: Fix tests to work on python built with '--without-doc-strings' 

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue20471] test_signature_on_class() of test_inspect fails on AMD64 FreeBSD 9.0 3.x buildbot

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Changes by Yury Selivanov

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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[issue20471] test_signature_on_class() of test_inspect fails on AMD64 FreeBSD 9.0 3.x buildbot

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov added the comment:

Should be OK now. Thank you guys for the report and for the hint of what was 
going on ;)


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[issue20473] inspect.Signature no longer handles builtin classes correctly

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Changes by Yury Selivanov

nosy: +ncoghlan

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[issue17159] Remove explicit type check from inspect.Signature.from_function()

2014-02-01 Thread Stefan Behnel

Stefan Behnel added the comment:

 I'm not sure I like the idea that Cython functions are chimeras of
 some sort, i.e. they have a type of python builtin functions, hence,
 logically, Signature.from_builtin should work on them (and they have to
 follow __text_signature__ API), and on the other hand, they try to mimic
 pure python functions (being a builtin type) with all its guts like
 '__code__' object etc.

That's one way of looking at it. The way I see it is that CPython's builtin
functions should rather behave exactly like Python functions. The fact that
there is such a thing as a __text_signature__ and general special casing
of builtins is IMHO a rather annoying but truly long standing bug. The only
necessary difference is that one of them contains byte code and the other
doesn't, everything else should eventually be aligned.

 Perhaps, what we need to do, is to modify 'Signature.from_builtin' to
 check for pure-python function duck type too, and fallback to
 'Signature.from_function' in this case.

In any case, I think that a complete Python function(-like) interface
should always be preferred to work-arounds like __text_signature__,
regardless of where it comes from.

 'from_builtin' needs to have those type checks. Duck typing is good, but
 some minimal type safety is good too.

I don't really see why. The code doesn't seem to be doing that much more
than text processing of the __text_signature__, plus a tiny bit of
optional(!) attribute checking (__module__ and __self__).

The restrictive type checks appear to be the only thing that prevents users
from doing this:

class myfunc:
__text_signature__ = '(a,b,c,d)'

sig = Signature.from_builtin(myfunc())

Granted, the name of that method doesn't really fit well in that case, and
a simpler interface than having to define a class would also not hurt.


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[issue20288] HTMLParse handing of non-numeric charrefs broken

2014-02-01 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

Here's a patch against 2.7.

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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[issue20445] HAVE_BROKEN_NICE detected incorrectly due to typo

2014-02-01 Thread George Kouryachy

George Kouryachy added the comment:

Oops, looks like my local build system artifact.

Thank you for your attention, all-clear.

resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17159] Remove explicit type check from inspect.Signature.from_function()

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov added the comment:

 That's one way of looking at it. The way I see it is that CPython's builtin
 functions should rather behave exactly like Python functions. The fact that
 there is such a thing as a __text_signature__ and general special casing
 of builtins is IMHO a rather annoying but truly long standing bug. The only
 necessary difference is that one of them contains byte code and the other
 doesn't, everything else should eventually be aligned.

I see your point. I think that modifying 'from_builtin' as I suggested in my 
previous comment is the right thing to do. I'll make a new patch soon.


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[issue20288] HTMLParse handing of non-numeric charrefs broken

2014-02-01 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 0d50b5851f38 by Ezio Melotti in branch '2.7':
#20288: fix handling of invalid numeric charrefs in HTMLParser.

New changeset 32097f193892 by Ezio Melotti in branch '3.3':
#20288: fix handling of invalid numeric charrefs in HTMLParser.

New changeset 92b3928bfde1 by Ezio Melotti in branch 'default':
#20288: merge with 3.3.

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17159] Remove explicit type check from inspect.Signature.from_function()

2014-02-01 Thread Stefan Behnel

Stefan Behnel added the comment:

Attached is a minimal patch that does what I think you meant.

Added file:

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[issue20475] in 3.4 still uses time.clock(), even though it's marked as deprecated since 3.3

2014-02-01 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky: says that it's 
deprecated, but in Python-3.4.0b3 tarball still uses it. 

Please kindly consider switching it to plain time.time() and not to some other 

My usecase is: I'm working on alternative Python implementation, I of course 
want to benchmark it, and of course want to claim that I ran unmodified Now to achieve that, I need to implement deprecated function.

messages: 209916
nosy: pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: in 3.4 still uses time.clock(), even though it's marked as 
deprecated since 3.3
type: enhancement

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[issue20475] in 3.4 still uses time.clock(), even though it's marked as deprecated since 3.3

2014-02-01 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Changes by Paul Sokolovsky

components: +Benchmarks
versions: +Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue10740] sqlite3 module breaks transactions and potentially corrupts data

2014-02-01 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

As noted above you get that by setting isolation_level to None.  That feature 
has always been available.  (With isolation_level set to None, the sqlite 
wrapper module itself never issues any BEGIN statements.)


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[issue17159] Remove explicit type check from inspect.Signature.from_function()

2014-02-01 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov added the comment:

Please try the attached patch (sig_cython_01.patch)

Added file:

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[issue20475] in 3.4 still uses time.clock(), even though it's marked as deprecated since 3.3

2014-02-01 Thread STINNER Victor

Changes by STINNER Victor

nosy: +haypo

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[issue20400] Add create_read_pipe_protocol/create_write_pipe_protocol to asyncio.SubprocessProtocol

2014-02-01 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset d7ac90c0463a by Victor Stinner in branch 'default':
Issue #20400: Merge Tulip into Python: add the new asyncio.subprocess module

nosy: +python-dev

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