Re: Ordering Products

2005-07-19 Thread Kay Schluehr
Ron Adam wrote:
 Kay Schluehr wrote:
  Here might be an interesting puzzle for people who like sorting
  algorithms ( and no I'm not a student anymore and the problem is not a
  students 'homework' but a particular question associated with a
  computer algebra system in Python I'm currently developing in my
  sparetime ).
  For motivation lets define some expression class first:

 This works for (simple) expressions with mixed multiplication and addition.

 class F(list):
  def __init__(self,*x):
  #print '\nF:',x
  def __add__(self, other):
  return A(self,other)
  def __radd__(self, other):
  return A(other,self)
  def __mul__(self, other):
  return M(self,other)
  def __rmul__(self, other):
  return M(other,self)
  def __repr__(self):
  return str(self[0])
  def __order__(self):
  for i in self:
  if isinstance(i,A) \
  or isinstance(i,M):

 class A(F):
  def __init__(self, *x):
  #print '\nA:',x
  list.__init__(self, x)
  def __repr__(self):
  return +.join([str(x) for x in self])

 class M(F):
  def __init__(self,*x):
  #print '\nM:',x
  def __repr__(self):
  return *.join([str(x) for x in self])

 a = F('a')
 b = F('b')
 c = F('c')
 d = F('d')

 print '\n a =', a

 print '\n b+a+2 =', b+a+2

 print '\n c*b+d*a+2 =', c*b+d*a+2

 print '\n 7*a*8*9+b =', 7*a*8*9+b


   a = a

   b+a+2 = 2+a+b

   c*b+d*a+2 = 2+a*d+b*c

   7*a*8*9+b = 9*8*7*a+b  --  reverse sorted digits?

 The digits sort in reverse for some strange reason I haven't figured out
 yet, but they are grouped together.  And expressions of the type a*(c+b)
 don't work in this example.

 It probably needs some better logic to merge adjacent like groups.  I
 think the reverse sorting my be a side effect of the nesting that takes
 place when the expressions are built.

 Having the digits first might be an advantage as you can use a for loop
 to add or multiply them until you get to a not digit.

 Anyway, interesting stuff. ;-)


Hi Ron,

I really don't want to discourage you in doing your own CAS but the
stuff I'm working on is already a bit more advanced than my
mono-operational multiplicative algebra ;)

Mixing operators is not really a problem, but one has to make initial
decisions ( e.g about associativity i.e. flattening the parse-tree )
and sub-algebra generation by means of inheritance:

 a,b = seq(2,Expr)
class '__main__.Expr'

 class X(Expr):pass
 x,y = seq(2,X)
class '__main__.X'

This is not particular hard. It is harder to determine correspondence
rules between operations on different levels. On subalgebras the
operations of the parent algebra are induced. But what happens if one
mixes objects of different algebras that interoperate with each other?
It would be wise to find a unified approach to make distinctive
operations visually distinctive too. Infix operators may be
re-introduced just for convenience ( e.g. if we can assume that all
algebras supporting __mul__ that are relevant in some computation have
certain properties e.g. being associative ).


After thinking about M ( or Expr ;) a little more I come up with a
solution of the problem of central elements of an algebra ( at least
the identity element e is always central ) that commute with all other

Here is my approach:

# Define a subclass of list, that provides the same interface as list
# a customized sorting algorithm

import sets

class Factors(list):
def __init__(self,li):
self.elems   = sets.Set(li)   # raw set of factors used in the
self._center = () # storing central elements
commuting with
  # with all others

def _get_center(self):
return self._center

def _set_center(self,center):
Center = sets.Set(center)
if not Center=self.elems:
raise ValueError,Subset required
self._center = Center

center = property(_get_center, _set_center)

def __add__(self,li):
return Factors(list.__add__(self,li))

def sort(self):
center = list(
def commutator(x,y):
if isinstance(x,(int,float,long)):  # numeral literals
return -1   # always commute
if isinstance(y,(int,float,long)):
return 1
if x == y:
return 0
if x in center:
if y in center:
if center.index(x)center.index(y):   # induce an
return -1 

WG: creating new process with pipes under win xp -troubles

2005-07-19 Thread Michael Lieschnegg


I wrote a python parent script which starts a
separate script in a new process (under Windows XP Pro SP2, Python 2.4.1).
Through anonymous pipes I have a bidirectional communication to the
child. Now I embedded the parent script in a CPP program, but when I start the
cpp dummy application it seems as the application is producing copies of itself
(like a recursive function - in the windows task manager the number of the
same process is increasing) and the child process is not working! But when i
start the parent script directly, it works well. Maybe you can tell me the
reason why it does not work in CPP.

Below you can find the the part of the code which is
starting the client process.

I hope you can help me. Thank you!

Michael Lieschnegg

I took following code from a closed forum to create
the child process:

class Process:

 def __init__(self, command, args,
environment, path):

 # security
attributes for pipes

 sAttrs =

sAttrs.bInheritHandle = 1

 # create

hStdin_r, self.hStdin_w = win32pipe.CreatePipe(sAttrs, 0)

self.hStdout_r, hStdout_w = win32pipe.CreatePipe(sAttrs, 0)

 # set the
info structure for the new process.

StartupInfo = win32process.STARTUPINFO()

StartupInfo.hStdInput = hStdin_r

StartupInfo.hStdOutput = hStdout_w

StartupInfo.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES


 # Create new
output read handles and the input write handle. Set

 # the
inheritance properties to FALSE. Otherwise, the child inherits

 # the
these handles; resulting in non-closeable handles to the pipes

 # being

 pid =

 tmp =





0, # non-inheritable!!


 # Close
the inhertible version of the handle


self.hStdin_w = tmp


 tmp =





0, #


 # Close
the inhertible version of the handle


self.hStdout_r = tmp


 # start
the process.

creating process

 cmdline =
%s %s % (command, string.join(args, ' '))

hThread, dwPid, dwTid = win32process.CreateProcess(

None, # program

cmdline,# command line

None, # process security attributes

None, # thread attributes

1, # inherit handles, or USESTDHANDLES won't

# creation
flags. Don't access the console.

0, # Don't need anything here.

# If you're in a GUI app, you should use

# CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE here, or any subprocesses

# might fall
victim to the problem described in:

# KB article: Q156755, cmd.exe requires

# an NT console in order to perform redirection.. 

environment, # new environment

# new directory


 # Child is
launched. Close the parents copy of those pipe handles

 # that
only the child should have open.



self.outQueue = Queue.Queue()

self.closed = 0

self.stdoutClosed = 0


 def write(self, data):



 def closeStdin(self):



 def connectionLost(self):

 if not

print connection lost

self.closed = 1




 def doWrite(self):

 while 1:

data = "">

if data == None:



win32file.WriteFile(self.hStdin_w, data, None)

except win32api.error:

print error




 def doReadOut(self):


hr, data = "" 8192, None)


self.stdoutClosed = 1





 def handleData(self, data):

Got, repr(data)


if __name__ == '__main__':

 exe =

 print exe

 p = Process(exe, ['-u',
'', ''], None, None)

 print ok, made process

 while 1:

p.write(hello, world! Who you are?\n)


When I run this script directly, the client process
( will be started correctly. But when I create a
instance of the class Process in my cpp application, the client does not start
and the cpp application is producing and starting copies of itself (it
seems so).


Re: Python IDE

2005-07-19 Thread ncf
Honestly, I'm just using Python's own IDLE to do it all. It works
rather well for my tastes :)


Could anyone write a small program to log the Signal-to-Noise figures for a Netgear DG834 router?

2005-07-19 Thread Chris
Could anyone write a small program to log the Signal-to-Noise figures 
for a Netgear DG834 router?

I have been getting very variable SNR readings - and I would like to 
collect some evidence to analyse.

What is needed is a program that logs into the router's html page every 
minute, and then extracts the time and the SNR figure, and writes a line 
of a text file.

I reckon it would be useful to many people.

Re: Xah's edu corner: on Microsoft hatred

2005-07-19 Thread Malcolm

John Bokma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 A typical Xah Lee posting... wake me up when he is able to write a single
 post that makes and sense, and doesn't contain fuck or similar words.

Obscene language isn't acceptable on comp.lang.c.

It is an international group, and what might be acceptable in America may be 
considered totally offensive, maybe even illegal, elsewhere. 


Re: retrieving https pages

2005-07-19 Thread ncf
It might be checking the browser's User-agent. My best bet for you
would to be to use something to record the headers your browser sends
out, and mimic those in Python.

If you look at the source code for urlopener (I think you can press
Alt+M and type in urlopener), under the FancyURLopener definition,
you should see something like self.add_headers (not on a box to check
it right now, but it's in the constructer, I remember that much).

Just set all the headers to send out (like your browser would) by
setting that value from your script. i.e.:

import urlopener
urlopener = FancyURLopener()
urlopener.add_headers =
# do the other stuff here :P




Re: main window in tkinter app

2005-07-19 Thread Eric Brunel
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 16:57:51 GMT, William Gill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A short while ago someone posted that(unlike the examples) you should
 use Tk as the base for your main window in tkinter apps, not Frame.   Thus :

class MyMain(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
self.root = master
def createWidgets():
root = Tk()
app = MyMain(root)
app.master.title(Object Editor)

 would become:

 class MyMain(Tk):
 app = MyMain()
 app.title(My App)

 When I try converting to this approach I run into a problem with the
 __init__() method.  It appears to go into an infinite loop in

I never ran into this problem. Can you please post a short script showing this 
behavior? Without knowing what you exactly do in your __init__ and 
createWidgets method, it's quite hard to figure out what happens...
python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in 

Out of Office AutoReply: Returned mail: Data format error

2005-07-19 Thread Romascanu, Dan (Dan)
Title: Out of Office AutoReply: Returned mail: Data format error

I am out-of-office, on a business trip, untill July 23, 2005, and may be able to read your e-mail only after this date. If you need to contact me urgently, please call the mobile phone number +1-917-957-0270.





2005-07-19 Thread Hua
Hi, you should write in English, otherwise there is nobody understand
your question.


Re: Ordering Products

2005-07-19 Thread Kay Schluehr
Diez B.Roggisch wrote:
  I have to admit that I don't understand what you mean with the
  'constant parts' of an expression?

 From what I percieved of your example it seemed to me that you wanted to
 evaluate the constants like 7*9 first, so that an expression like

 a * 7 * 9 * b

 with variables a,b is evaluated like this:

 a * 63 * b

 So my suggestion was simply to make the *-operator more precedent when
 in between two constants. What I mean with constants here are  of course
 integer/float literals. The concept of a differing operator precedence
 can be extended to arbitray elements when their types are known - which
 should be possible when variable values are known at parsing


  The associativity of __mul__ is trivially fullfilled for the dummy
  class M if an additional __eq__ method is defined by comparing factor
  lists because those lists are always flat:

 I don't care about that, as my approach deosn't use python's built-in parser
  - it can't, as that wouldn't allow to re-define operator  precedence.

Diez, I try not to care too much about global operator precedence of
builtin infix operators. The hard problems in designing a CAS beyond
Mathematica are related to a bunch of interoperating algebras all
defining their own operations. Finally only local precedences exist
that are characteristic for certain patterns of expressions with a lot
of tangled operators ( e.g. 'geometric algebra' with vector products,
wedge products, inner products, additions and subtractions ). I don't
want a system defining a syntactically extendable language with 10
custom punctuations per module that no one ( at least not me ) can
remind and which looks as awkward as regular expressions.

 What you do is to
 simply collect the factors as list. But what you need (IMHO) is a parsing
 tree (AST) that reflects your desired behaviour by introducing a different
 precedence thus that the expression

 a * 7 *9 * b

 is not evaluated like


 (which is a tree, and the standard way of evaluationg due to built-in parsers
 precedence rules) but as


 which is also a tree.

Yes, but I tend to use __mul__ just for convenience. It is reflecting
an associative and non-commutative operator whereas __add__ is a
convenient way to fix an associative and commutative operator. In an
idealized mathematical interpretation they represent nothing specific
but as language elements they shall be fixed somehow.

For more general operations one may define functional operators e.g.
r_assoc and l_assoc where following (in)equations hold:

l_assoc(a,b,c) == l_assoc(l_assoc(a,b),c)
l_assoc(a,b,c) != l_assoc(a, l_assoc(b,c))

r_assoc(a,b,c) == r_assoc(a,r_assoc(b,c))
r_assoc(a,b,c) != r_assoc(r_assoc(a,b),c)

This kind of pattern can be used to define rules about l_assoc and

Nevertheless, there is no loss of generality. The system lacks
prevention from deriving some class providing __mul__ and overwrite the
implementation of __mul__ using l_assoc. People may do this on their
own risk. 



Re: Could anyone write a small program to log the Signal-to-Noise figures for a Netgear DG834 router?

2005-07-19 Thread jkn
Hi Chris

 Could anyone write a small program to log the Signal-to-Noise figures
 for a Netgear DG834 router?

many people could, I'm sure, if not quite _anyone_

 I have been getting very variable SNR readings - and I would like to
 collect some evidence to analyse.

I see.

 What is needed is a program that logs into the router's html page every
 minute, and then extracts the time and the SNR figure, and writes a line
 of a text file.

Good, you've got the 'top level' of what you need. How would you break
that down into smaller steps?

 I reckon it would be useful to many people.

great - thanks!

Jon N


How to write at a sppecific location

2005-07-19 Thread Pooja
Hi All

I have one csv file which has some data related to test results.

It has following information

If I want to write ActualRes value in the file , How to do that.

I tried using seek but its not working. I am not able to write at a
specific location.

Please tell me what is the rght way. I have chked all the docs but was
not able to find any good solution.


Re: Could anyone write a small program to log the Signal-to-Noise figures for a Netgear DG834 router?

2005-07-19 Thread ncf
I'm sure that nobody here is willing to write it for you. However, I
believe that jkn was right in trying to get you to solve the problem.

You know what you need to do, but how are you going to do it? Create a
flow chart ;)


RE: How to write at a sppecific location

2005-07-19 Thread Vishnu
Hi Pooja,

Check the fileinput module's input function.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 12:29 PM
Subject: How to write at a sppecific location

Hi All

I have one csv file which has some data related to test results.

It has following information

If I want to write ActualRes value in the file , How to do that.

I tried using seek but its not working. I am not able to write at a
specific location.

Please tell me what is the rght way. I have chked all the docs but was
not able to find any good solution.



Re: goto

2005-07-19 Thread Sybren Stuvel
rbt enlightened us with:
 Many of the world's most profitable software companies (MS for
 example) have thousands of goto statements in their code... oh the
 horror of it all. Why aren't these enlightened-by-the-gods
 know-it-alls as profitable as these obviously ignorant companies?

They write software with huge security holes. Direct3D still isn't as
stable as OpenGL. It takes ages for them to create security patches.

The things I mention are *not* caused by their nice and clean way of

As a matter of fact, they use goto to jump from one function to
another! And to make sure a 'return' doesn't return to the last call,
but to some other, they combine this awful use of goto with manual
stack manipulation. And they do all of this in C (or some derivative)
so if one function changes it's parameters, all the manual stack
modifications and gotos need to be checked for correctness.

I'd rather use an exception, or better even - write small functions so
I can call 'return' instead of doing 'goto EXIT'.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Windows command line problem

2005-07-19 Thread MarkE
I'm using getopt. I doubt getopt recognises \x96 as a command line
parameter prefix. I suppose I could iterate over sys.argv doing a
replace but that seems messy. I'd rather understand the problem.

That said, and me not understanding code pages that much, I chcp'd the
machines it works on both coming back with 850, chcp'd the machine it
wasn't working on which also came back with 850, but then again the
machine where it wasn't working now works. So now it's an intermittent
bug. Great. I'll try messing with code pages later and report back if I
get anywhere.

I need more coffee before I can do anything remotely clever. Damn you
windows and your lack of a need for coffee


BOUNCE [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Non-member submission from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-07-19 Thread owner-discussion
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Re: Dictionary, keys and alias

2005-07-19 Thread Glauco
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 12:17:37 +0200, Glauco wrote:
I want to insert a concept of alias in a dict_based class.

The idea  is to have a facoltative name in the same dict that correspond 
at the same value. With this alias i can change original value.


mydict['a'] = 1
I must define an alias  example: myFunctAlias( mydict, 'a', 'b')
print mydict
{'a':1, 'b':1}
mydict['b'] = 2
print mydict
{'a':2, 'b':2}

The only idea i have is to implement two dictionary one for convert 
name, alias in two keys with the same value (eg.numeric) in the first 
dict. The second for store only one time the k, v .
 You need some sort of redirection, something like this (untested):
 class Doubledict:
 def __init__(self, **kargs): = {}
 self.aliases = {}
 for key in kargs:
 # Point the key to a hash.
 self.aliases[key] = hash(key)
 # And point the hash at the value.[hash(key)] = kargs[key]
 def setalias(self, key, alias):
 # Point the alias to the same hash as the real key.
 self.aliases[alias] = hash(key)
 def __getitem__(self, key):
 def __setitem__(self, key, value):[self.aliases[key]] = value
 The only niggly worry I have is I'm not sure when hash can be used, when
 it is unique, or even if is it guaranteed to be unique.

Thank Steve, the idea was the same...
but yours using hash is much elegant.

Thank you


\\  - -  //
 (  @ @  )
+-oOOo-( )-oOOo--+
| I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and   |
|   live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these   |
|   truths to be self-evident:that all men are created equal.|
| I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia|
|   the sons of former slaves and the sons of former |
|   slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table |
|   of brotherhood.  |
| I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, |
|   a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice|
|   and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of |
|   freedom and justice. |
| I have a dream that my four children will one day live in  |
|   a nation where they will not be judged by the color of   |
|   their skin but by the content of their character.|
| I have a dream today.  |
|Martin Luther King, Jr  28 Ago 1963 |
|  .oooOICQ: 115323690   |
+- (   )-- Oooo.-+
 \ ((   )
  \_)) /

Re: Filtering out non-readable characters

2005-07-19 Thread Ross
On 15 Jul 2005 17:33:39 -0700, MKoool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a file with binary and ascii characters in it.  I massage the
data and convert it to a more readable format, however it still comes
up with some binary characters mixed in.  I'd like to write something
to just replace all non-printable characters with '' (I want to delete
non-printable characters).

I am having trouble figuring out an easy python way to do this... is
the easiest way to just write some regular expression that does
something like replace [^\p] with ''?

Or is it better to go through every character and do ord(character),
check the ascii values?

What's the easiest way to do something like this?


Easiest way is open the file with EdXor (freeware editor), select all,
Format  Wipe Non-Ascii.

Ok it's not python, but it's the easiest.

Re: Windows command line problem

2005-07-19 Thread MarkE
This was discovered after consultation with a colleague who shall
remain nameless but, well, nailed it basically.
The answer appears to be:
An example command line for running the script was written in a word
document. The Autocorrect (sic) feature in word replaces a normal
dash at least as I know it with the character Jeff Epler showed above,
u'\N{en dash}' which is a nice big long dash in the Arial font.

If you cut and paste that onto the command line, bad things can happen
although when I do this on my machine I actually get a u with an ^
on top. For whatever reason it must have looked ok on my colleagues
machine (or possibly this isn't the answer but I seriously doubt that)
and when he ran the Python script things went awry.

Thanks Jeff (and nameless colleague). And beware Word autocorrection.


Re: Python Programming Contest

2005-07-19 Thread Brian Quinlan
ThanhNam Nguyen wrote:
 Since my NNTP server doesnt allow posting, I'll ask you directly
 Must I start from the first day?


 For example:
 1st day: A -- B 100 bucks
 2nd day: A -- B 60 bucks
 3rd day: A -- B 40 bucks
 What would the solution be? And for how much in total?

There are two correct solutions:

[A, B] # spend one night in A, then fly to B on day two (cost 80)
[A, A, B] # spend two nights in A, then fly to B on day two
  (cost 80)


Re: Python Programming Contest

2005-07-19 Thread Brian Quinlan
ThanhNam Nguyen wrote:
1st day: A -- B 100 bucks
2nd day: A -- B 60 bucks
3rd day: A -- B 40 bucks
What would the solution be? And for how much in total?

There are two correct solutions:

[A, B] # spend one night in A, then fly to B on day two (cost 80)
[A, A, B] # spend two nights in A, then fly to B on day two
(cost 80)
 They all mean I must start from the first day.
 The best solution would be, I fly from A to B for 40 bucks on day 3,
 assuming I live in the current city A.

Then you should assume that you don't live in city A, because the actual 
cost in this case is 80.


Documentation bug: Python console behaviour changed

2005-07-19 Thread Kay Schluehr
The documentation of the Python console behaviour is not correct
anymore for Python 2.4.1. At least for the Win2K system I'm working on
'Ctrl-Z' does not shut down the console but 'Ctrl-D' etc.

The Python interpreter tells me instead:

'Use Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit.'

Nah, 'Ctrl-Z' is now undo :-)

Side remark: IDLE closes the console either with Ctrl-D or Ctrl-Q. But
IDLEs configure dialog window showing the key combinations is so tight
and nothing is recognizable without scrolling back and forth that it is
discouring to use it at all ;)

IPython closes with 'Ctrl-D'. Thanks to IPython I also determined this
as the correct shutdown keys for Python too.



Re: Documentation bug: Python console behaviour changed

2005-07-19 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
My console follows documentation:

ActivePython 2.4.1 Build 245 (ActiveState Corp.) based on
Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:33:37) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

ActivePython 2.4.1 Build 245 (ActiveState Corp.) based on
Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:33:37) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  File stdin, line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


OO design

2005-07-19 Thread chris
I've been scripting with python for a while now. Basically writing a few
functions and running in the ipython shell. That's been very useful. But the
more I do this the more I see that I'm doing more or less the same thing
over and over again. So its feels like I need to get into class programming
with all its attendant benefits. However my biggest problem is a conceptual
one. I just can't get my head around defining suitable classes, how they
aquire data and communicate with each other. I'm hoping some of you python
lamas out there might be able to share some of your wisdom on the subject.

What I basically do is a lot of the following::

1. get arbitrary numerical data (typically large data sets in columnar
format or even via COM from other packages. I generally have to deal with
one or more sets of X,Y data)
2. manipulate the data (scaling, least squares fitting, means, peaks,
add/subtract one XY set from another etc)
3. plot data (original set, results of manipulation, scatterplot, histograms
etc  - I use matplotlib)
4. export data (print, csv, shelve)

I have no problem writing bits of functional code to do any of the above.
But for the life of me I can't see how I can hook them altogether in an OO
based framework that I can build and extend (with more data formats,
manipulations, GUI etc).

When I think about what I should do I end up with a class XY that has a
method for everything I want to do eg.

class XY:
  def read_file
  def scale_data
  def plot_data
  def shelve_data

But somehow that doesn't feel right, especially when I expect the number of
methods will grow and grow, which would make the class very unwieldy.

Even if that was a legitimate option, I don't understand conceptualy how I
would, for example, plot two different XY objects on the same graph or add
them together point by point. How do two different XY objects communicate
and how do you deal with the thing that they must have in common (the plot
screen for example).

Clearly I'm having some conceptualisation problems here. Hope someone can
shed some light on the subject



Re: goto

2005-07-19 Thread Robert Kern
rbt wrote:

 IMO, most of the people who deride goto do so because they heard or read
 where someone else did. 

Or perhaps, like me, they have had to maintain FORTRAN code written by a 
scientist who apparently hadn't heard of subroutines. Spaghetti 
doesn't quite describe it. I've settled on Lovecraftian: reading the 
code, you can't help but get the impression of writhing tentacles and 
impossible angles.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: OO design

2005-07-19 Thread Chris Smith
 chris == chris  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

chris I have no problem writing bits of functional code to do any
chris of the above.  But for the life of me I can't see how I can
chris hook them altogether in an OO based framework that I can
chris build and extend (with more data formats, manipulations,
chris GUI etc).

I echo your sentiment. 
My little pet project has recently grown to include a bit of an object
hierarchy.  I've always felt that the Java-esque byzantine pedigree
for everything last class a trifle over-done.
What I used to trigger factorization was whether or not I needed to
branch based on data type:

if input_data.type == this:

meant I should factor my code to:

class input_data_base()

class input_data_this(input_data_base)

class input_data_that(input_data_base)

With this, my project has a modest number of sensible inheritance
hierarchies (two) and the code that wouldn't benefit from such retains
its procedural character.
OO is a great organizer, but every paradigm runs afoul of Sturgeons
Law if over-driven.


Re: Python IDE

2005-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A lot of people swear by WingIDE and as an IDE I think it's the best
one there is. (Personally I prefer jed or xjed but that's because I
like to work that way)


Re: Building Python with Tcl/Tk on Cygwin_NT-5.1

2005-07-19 Thread Jason Tishler

On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 05:59:20AM -0700, Dean N. Williams wrote:
 Thanks for fixing this problem.

You are quite welcome.  Thanks for your patience.


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Re: Python IDE

2005-07-19 Thread Mage
linuxfreak wrote:

Hi guys,
   Got going with python...and i must say its a pretty cool language.
Been using Xemacs to write me programs. But I want an IDE that would
give me auto-completion, online help and the like... Tried SPE and
Dr.Pyhton but the former crashes regulary and the latter is quite
unweildy and does not have a great many features. I quite like the UML
feature found in SPE but the damn thing crashes way too often. What are
you guys using and what do you think is the best IDE...or should i
stick with Xemacs/emacs???


I use Eclipse with the python plugin. It never crashed. I set it to 
display tabs as two spaces and Eclipse tells if I type spaces instead of 
tabs by accident. I like it.
I had no luck with the code completion, but do you really need that for 
writing python programs?



Re: Windows command line problem

2005-07-19 Thread Benji York
MarkE wrote:
 The answer appears to be:
 An example command line for running the script was written in a word
 document. The Autocorrect (sic) feature in word replaces a normal

There is a lesson there I wish more people would learn: Word is not a 
text editor. :)
Benji York


Finding # prefixing numbers

2005-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In a text that contains references to numbers like this: #583 I want to
find them with a regular expression but I'm having problems with the
hash. Hopefully this code explains where I'm stuck:

 import re
 re.compile(r'\b(\d\d\d)\b').findall('#123 x (#234) or:#456 #6789')
['123', '234', '456']
 re.compile(r'\b(X\d\d\d)\b').findall('X123 x (X234) or:X456 X6789')
['X123', 'X234', 'X456']
 re.compile(r'\b(#\d\d\d)\b').findall('#123 x (#234) or:#456 #6789')
 re.compile(r'\b(\#\d\d\d)\b').findall('#123 x (#234) or:#456 #6789')

As you can guess, I'm trying to find a hash followed by 3 digits word
bounded. As in the example above, it wouldn't have been a problem if
the prefix was an 'X' but that's not the case here.


Re: Documentation bug: Python console behaviour changed

2005-07-19 Thread Peter Hansen
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 The documentation of the Python console behaviour is not correct
 anymore for Python 2.4.1. At least for the Win2K system I'm working on
 'Ctrl-Z' does not shut down the console but 'Ctrl-D' etc.
 The Python interpreter tells me instead:
 'Use Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit.'
 Nah, 'Ctrl-Z' is now undo :-)

Are you really using the console, started with the Command Prompt icon 
from the Start Menu (or some equivalent)?  And are you sure you haven't 
installed something else that magically changed the behaviour of Ctrl-Z?

(I get the documented behaviour with Python 2.4.1, under Win XP.)


Re: Could anyone write a small program to log the Signal-to-Noise figures for a Netgear DG834 router?

2005-07-19 Thread Peter Hansen
Chris wrote:
 Could anyone write a small program to log the Signal-to-Noise figures 
 for a Netgear DG834 router?

Sure, though I don't have a Netgear DG834.

Maybe you could, uh, enable remote administration and publish the admin 
password here, and those of us without that equipment could access yours 
in order to test out the script as we write it. ;-)


Re: Python IDE

2005-07-19 Thread Chris Lambacher
I use Vim.  It does code completion and jump to variable/function definition.
Emacs does this too.  You just need to read the documentation about on how to
set this up to your liking.  The only feature that Vim does not have that I
would like is the function argument pop up, but I want that more for C than
Python.  It looks like Vim 7 is supposed to have this. 

If you are afraid of Vim, you might want to try cream:

On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 10:32:43PM -0700, linuxfreak wrote:
 Hi guys,
Got going with python...and i must say its a pretty cool language.
 Been using Xemacs to write me programs. But I want an IDE that would
 give me auto-completion, online help and the like... Tried SPE and
 Dr.Pyhton but the former crashes regulary and the latter is quite
 unweildy and does not have a great many features. I quite like the UML
 feature found in SPE but the damn thing crashes way too often. What are
 you guys using and what do you think is the best IDE...or should i
 stick with Xemacs/emacs???

Re: Python IDE

2005-07-19 Thread JZ
Dnia Tue, 19 Jul 2005 13:26:38 +0200, Mage napisał(a):

 I had no luck with the code completion, 

It works. Just type sys. and wait a while. But you have to set up pydev
first. Check PyDev-Builder-Use Builders and PyDev-CodeCompletion-...


Re: Finding # prefixing numbers

2005-07-19 Thread Duncan Booth

 In a text that contains references to numbers like this: #583 I want
 to find them with a regular expression but I'm having problems with
 the hash. Hopefully this code explains where I'm stuck:
 import re
 re.compile(r'\b(\d\d\d)\b').findall('#123 x (#234) or:#456 #6789')
 ['123', '234', '456']
 re.compile(r'\b(X\d\d\d)\b').findall('X123 x (X234) or:X456 X6789')
 ['X123', 'X234', 'X456']
 re.compile(r'\b(#\d\d\d)\b').findall('#123 x (#234) or:#456 #6789')
 re.compile(r'\b(\#\d\d\d)\b').findall('#123 x (#234) or:#456
 As you can guess, I'm trying to find a hash followed by 3 digits word
 bounded. As in the example above, it wouldn't have been a problem if
 the prefix was an 'X' but that's not the case here.

From the re documentation:

 Matches the empty string, but only at the beginning or end of a word.
 A word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric or underscore
 characters, so the end of a word is indicated by whitespace or a
 non-alphanumeric, non-underscore character. Note that \b is defined as
 the boundary between \w and \ W, so the precise set of characters
 deemed to be alphanumeric depends on the values of the UNICODE and
 LOCALE flags. Inside a character range, \b represents the backspace
 character, for compatibility with Python's string literals. 

# is not a letter or digit, so \b# will match only if the # is directly 
preceded by a letter or digit which isn't the case in any of your examples.
Use \B (which is the opposite of \b) instead:

 re.compile(r'\B(#\d\d\d)\b').findall('#123 x (#234) or:#456 #6789')
['#123', '#234', '#456']


Re: Finding # prefixing numbers

2005-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thank you! That solved my problem.


How to send a query to the browser from time to time?

2005-07-19 Thread Admin
I am creating a chat application like Messenger for the web (using the  
browser) and I'm wondering if there is a way to receive new messages from  
time to time from the server other than refreshing the page each 5 sec.

If there were a way to have the server-side application send new messages  
to the browser this would be awesome because it would save dramatically on  
bandwidth. The application would consume bandwidth only when there are new  
messages. There would be no communication client-server until people write  
a new message.

Do you know if it's possible?


Want to buy me a book? :)

Re: Documentation bug: Python console behaviour changed

2005-07-19 Thread Lucas Raab
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Kay Schluehr wrote:
 The documentation of the Python console behaviour is not correct
 anymore for Python 2.4.1. At least for the Win2K system I'm working on
 'Ctrl-Z' does not shut down the console but 'Ctrl-D' etc.

 The Python interpreter tells me instead:


 'Use Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit.'

 Nah, 'Ctrl-Z' is now undo :-)
 Are you really using the console, started with the Command Prompt icon 
 from the Start Menu (or some equivalent)?  And are you sure you haven't 
 installed something else that magically changed the behaviour of Ctrl-Z?
 (I get the documented behaviour with Python 2.4.1, under Win XP.)

I'm getting the same behavior as Kay.

Lucas Raab
MSN:dotpyfe @
Yahoo:  Phoenix11890

Re: Python IDE

2005-07-19 Thread gene tani
you have an embarassment of riches (i think that's the phrase)

also try Eric and Komodo (the other $30 IDE with free trial).


Re: How to send a query to the browser from time to time?

2005-07-19 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Short answer: Not using HTTP.

However, you can use something like AJAX to just load new data from
time to time and not the entire page.

Or you might be able to keep the connection alive and occationally send
stuff to the client using chunked transfer.

I'd go for the ajax route if you don't need to support old browsers.


RE: Documentation bug: Python console behaviour changed

2005-07-19 Thread Tim Golden
[Lucas Raab]
| Peter Hansen wrote:
|  Kay Schluehr wrote:
|  The documentation of the Python console behaviour is not correct
|  anymore for Python 2.4.1. At least for the Win2K system 
| I'm working on
|  'Ctrl-Z' does not shut down the console but 'Ctrl-D' etc.
|  The Python interpreter tells me instead:
|  quit
|  'Use Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit.'
|  Nah, 'Ctrl-Z' is now undo :-)
|  Are you really using the console, started with the Command 
| Prompt icon 
|  from the Start Menu (or some equivalent)?  And are you sure 
| you haven't 
|  installed something else that magically changed the 
| behaviour of Ctrl-Z?
|  (I get the documented behaviour with Python 2.4.1, under Win XP.)
|  -Peter
| I'm getting the same behavior as Kay.

Usually means you have a readline package installed:

I know that this one gives the effect described:

Don't know about this one:


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Re: How to send a query to the browser from time to time?

2005-07-19 Thread gene tani
not clear if you're asking about XMLHttpRequest

or custom browser object:


Re: Documentation bug: Python console behaviour changed

2005-07-19 Thread Kay Schluehr

Peter Hansen schrieb:
 Kay Schluehr wrote:
  The documentation of the Python console behaviour is not correct
  anymore for Python 2.4.1. At least for the Win2K system I'm working on
  'Ctrl-Z' does not shut down the console but 'Ctrl-D' etc.
  The Python interpreter tells me instead:
  'Use Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit.'
  Nah, 'Ctrl-Z' is now undo :-)

 Are you really using the console, started with the Command Prompt icon
 from the Start Menu (or some equivalent)?
 And are you sure you haven't
 installed something else that magically changed the behaviour of Ctrl-Z?

 (I get the documented behaviour with Python 2.4.1, under Win XP.)


Well, Peter, I indeed changed the system magically but yet it was not
Windows, but Python! In my description I told You that I installed
IPython and IPython requires the readline package. If I rename the
readline package ( e.g. _readline ) in the site-packages directory the
console behaves as expected. Otherwise it shows the termination
behaviour of IPython namely it shuts down with Ctrl-D.

It's really sucking...



Re: Could anyone write a small program to log the Signal-to-Noise figures for a Netgear DG834 router?

2005-07-19 Thread gene tani
ok, i don't see URL and password here, so try: urllib2 (maybe
mechanize), then beautiful soup. maybe another HTML parser ...


Re: How to send a query to the browser from time to time?

2005-07-19 Thread phr
Admin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If there were a way to have the server-side application send new
 messages  to the browser this would be awesome because it would save
 dramatically on  bandwidth. The application would consume bandwidth
 only when there are new  messages. There would be no communication
 client-server until people write  a new message.
 Do you know if it's possible?

Some people have done stuff like that with multipart mime encodings
and chunked transfers.  I've looked into it but I'm not sure of the
exact mechanism any more.  It's kind of messy.

The other usual way is to open a tcp connection from a java applet.
I don't like that since it means you need java in your browser.

There's a chat app called arsc that you might look at:

Warning, last time I looked at it, it had some security bugs.

Re: goto

2005-07-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 02:33:02 +, Leif K-Brooks wrote:

 rbt wrote:
 IMO, most of the people who deride goto do so because they heard or read
 where someone else did. 
 1  GOTO 17
 2  mean,GOTO 5
 3  couldGOTO 6


That's great, but not a patch on the power of COMEFROM!

Or, to put it another way:

2 readability   COMEFROM 4
3 that'sCOMEFROM 6
4 hurt  COMEFROM 7
6 but   COMEFROM 2
7 might COMEFROM 9
8 nothing   COMEFROM 3
9 goto  COMEFROM 12
10 compared COMEFROM 8
11 comefrom COMEFROM 5
12 usingCOMEFROM 1



Re: Dictionary, keys and alias

2005-07-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 10:20:04 +0200, Glauco wrote:

 The only niggly worry I have is I'm not sure when hash can be used, when
 it is unique, or even if is it guaranteed to be unique.
 Thank Steve, the idea was the same...
 but yours using hash is much elegant.

I'm still worried about hash of two unrelated objects returning the same

Another implementation is to keep a hidden attribute of the object, and
initialise it to the integer 0. Instead of using hash(key), you use the
current value of the integer, then increment the integer by one.

This is guaranteed to be unique, no matter what.



Re: How to send a query to the browser from time to time?

2005-07-19 Thread Admin
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 10:03:48 -0300, Simon Dahlbacka  

 I'd go for the ajax route if you don't need to support old browsers.

I already use AJAX on several applications, but I don't want to use it in  
this one because it would poll the server a lot and it may bring the  
server down if there are many people using the chat application at the  
same time (too many queries to the database).


Want to buy me a book? :)

Re: main window in tkinter app

2005-07-19 Thread William Gill
  I never ran into this problem. ...

O.K. That, means I probably have something else wrong.  I will need to 
start with a 'clean slate' instead of trying to modify existing code. 
It's getting to convoluted to follow anyway after all the cobbling I've 

If I get a repeat of the original problem I will post the code and the 
exact error message, but at least now I know It SHOULD work.



Eric Brunel wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 16:57:51 GMT, William Gill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A short while ago someone posted that(unlike the examples) you should
 use Tk as the base for your main window in tkinter apps, not Frame.   
 Thus :

class MyMain(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
self.root = master
def createWidgets():
root = Tk()
app = MyMain(root)
app.master.title(Object Editor)

 would become:

 class MyMain(Tk):
 app = MyMain()
 app.title(My App)

 When I try converting to this approach I run into a problem with the
 __init__() method.  It appears to go into an infinite loop in
 I never ran into this problem. Can you please post a short script 
 showing this behavior? Without knowing what you exactly do in your 
 __init__ and createWidgets method, it's quite hard to figure out what 

Re: goto

2005-07-19 Thread Rocco Moretti
Leif K-Brooks wrote:
 rbt wrote:
IMO, most of the people who deride goto do so because they heard or read
where someone else did. 
 1  GOTO 17
 2  mean,GOTO 5
 3  couldGOTO 6
 4  with GOTO 7
 5  what GOTO 3
 6  possibly GOTO 24
 7  you! GOTO 21
 8  that GOTO 18
 9  really,  GOTO 23
 10 understandable?
 11 neat.GOTO 16
 12 and  GOTO 25
 13 are  GOTO 9
 14 IGOTO 26
 15 wrongGOTO 20
 16 IGOTO 2
 17 Yes, GOTO 14
 18 simple   GOTO 12
 19 agreeGOTO 4
 20 with GOTO 22
 21 GotosGOTO 13
 22 somethingGOTO 8
 23 really   GOTO 11
 24 be   GOTO 15
 25 easily   GOTO 10
 26 totally  GOTO 19

I dislike gotos because it is too easy to inadvertently create infinite 
loops. 10 WINK; 20 GOTO 10

Re: Documentation bug: Python console behaviour changed

2005-07-19 Thread Rocco Moretti
Tim Golden wrote:

 Usually means you have a readline package installed:

Should the readline package be twiddled to change the quit string in 
builtins to document the correct behavior?

Python s60 Contact DB

2005-07-19 Thread xen0n
Hi, i hope the expert can help me!
I have a little problem:

This piece of code, in python console s60, before compiling will work

..db =
..names = []
..numbers = []

The problem is that, if i compile it with py2sis (pyrsc_template.tmp
replaced with the original to solve the submenus bug) it doesnt work,
when that piece of code is executed, i receive error -50 and nothing
happen! hope u can help me! 10ks a lot in advance



Re: Filtering out non-readable characters

2005-07-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 20:28:31 +1200, Ross wrote:

 On 15 Jul 2005 17:33:39 -0700, MKoool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a file with binary and ascii characters in it.  I massage the
data and convert it to a more readable format, however it still comes
up with some binary characters mixed in.  I'd like to write something
to just replace all non-printable characters with '' (I want to delete
non-printable characters).

I am having trouble figuring out an easy python way to do this... is
the easiest way to just write some regular expression that does
something like replace [^\p] with ''?

Or is it better to go through every character and do ord(character),
check the ascii values?

What's the easiest way to do something like this?

 Easiest way is open the file with EdXor (freeware editor), select all,
 Format  Wipe Non-Ascii.
 Ok it's not python, but it's the easiest.

1 Open Internet Explorer
2 Go to Google
3 Search for EdXor
4 Browser locks up
5 Force quit with ctrl-alt-del
6 Run anti-virus program
7 Download new virus definitions
8 Remove viruses
9 Run anti-spyware program
10 Download new definitions
11 Remove spyware
12 Open Internet Explorer
13 Download Firefox
14 Install Firefox
15 Open Firefox
16 Go to Google
17 Search for EdXor
18 Download application
19 Run installer
20 Reboot
21 Run EdXor
22 Open file
23 Select all
24 Select FormatWipe Non-ASCII
25 Select Save
26 Quit EdXor

Hmmm. Perhaps not *quite* the easiest way :-)



Re: Could anyone write a small program to log the Signal-to-Noise figures for a Netgear DG834 router?

2005-07-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 07:24:19 +0100, Chris wrote:

 Could anyone write a small program to log the Signal-to-Noise figures 
 for a Netgear DG834 router?

Are you offering to pay somebody to do it, or just suggesting a project
for some Python programmer who is bored and looking for a small project to
work on out of love?



Re: goto

2005-07-19 Thread George Sakkis
rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 12:27 -0600, Steven Bethard wrote:
  Hayri ERDENER wrote:
   what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
  Download the goto module:
  And you can use goto to your heart's content. And to the horror of all
  your friends/coworkers. ;)

 Shouldn't that be to the horror of all your goto-snob friends.

 IMO, most of the people who deride goto do so because they heard or read
 where someone else did.

 Many of the world's most profitable software companies (MS for example)
 have thousands of goto statements in their code... oh the horror of it
 all. Why aren't these enlightened-by-the-gods know-it-alls as profitable
 as these obviously ignorant companies?

It should not really come as a shock that the same fellow who came up with a 
brilliant efficient way
to generate all permutations ( is also in favor of 

Coming next from rbt: Pointer arithmetic in python ?.



wxPython - DB Form generator unit

2005-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi !

Is anyone know about a DB form generator unit under wxPython ?
What that's means ?

I add information about a Query, or a ListOfDict, I set some other infos 
(Lookups, others), and it is generate a Form with edit boxes, listboxes, 
Then I can fill up the form with a record's datas. User can modify them.
After I can call Apply method, and every modifications are stored in a 

That is very important thing, when you have many record editor forms. 
Don't need to create them one-to-one, not need to repeat many codes...

Is anyone have an idea ?

Thanx: ft

Re: Dictionary, keys and alias

2005-07-19 Thread Cyril Bazin

Be careful if you decide to use hash. 
There is possibility of bugs due to that approach, (if hash(x) == hash(y) and x != y).
Even if the probability of bug is near 0, your computer will certainly recall you what is the murphy law.
If I were you, I would prefer another approach. 

On 7/19/05, Glauco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Steven D'Aprano wrote: On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 12:17:37 +0200, Glauco wrote:I want to insert a concept of alias in a dict_based class.The ideais to have a facoltative name in the same dict that correspond
at the same value. With this alias i can change original value.example:mydict['a'] = 1I must define an aliasexample: myFunctAlias( mydict, 'a', 'b')
print mydict{'a':1, 'b':1}mydict['b'] = 2print mydict{'a':2, 'b':2}The only idea i have is to implement two dictionary one for convert
name, alias in two keys with the same value (eg.numeric) in the firstdict. The second for store only one time the k, v . You need some sort of redirection, something like this (untested):
 class Doubledict: def __init__(self, **kargs): = ""> self.aliases = {} for key in kargs: # Point the key to a hash.
 self.aliases[key] = hash(key) # And point the hash at the value.[hash(key)] = kargs[key] def setalias(self, key, alias): # Point the alias to the same hash as the real key.
 self.aliases[alias] = hash(key) def __getitem__(self, key): return[self.aliases[key]] def __setitem__(self, key, value):
[self.aliases[key]] = value The only niggly worry I have is I'm not sure when hash can be used, when it is unique, or even if is it guaranteed to be unique.Thank Steve, the idea was the same...
but yours using hash is much elegant.Thank youGlauco--\\\|///\\-
(@ @)+-oOOo-( )-oOOo--+||| I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and || live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these |
| truths to be self-evident:that all men are created equal.|| I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia|| the sons of former slaves and the sons of former || slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table |
brotherhood.|| I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, || a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice|| and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of |
freedom and
|| I have a dream that my four children will one day live in|| a nation where they will not be judged by the color of || their skin but by the content of their character.||
I have a dream
Luther King, Jr28 Ago 1963 |++|glauco(at)||
115323690 |+- ( )-- Oooo.-+
\ (( )\_))

Can I make the Python build use an already-installed version of Expat?

2005-07-19 Thread Steve Juranich
I'm running into problems where Python and VTK both ship with their
own distribution of the Expat parser.  As long as you never use the
Python XML package, everything is fine.  But if you try using the
Python XML parser after doing an `import vtk', a nice little message
saying Segmentation Fault is your reward.

For now, the workaround is to save the `import vtk' until after I do
all my XML parsing.  However, we're starting to build a rather large
framework using Python and VTK, and I cannot guarantee that the VTK
libraries won't be in memory when some of my XML parsing routines are

I know that the VTK build has an option for forcing it to use an
installation of Expat that's already on the system.  But after looking
at the Python build scripts, I can't find any such option for Python.

Is this at all possible?  I know that there is a way to tell Python to
link to arbitrary libraries, but I don't know how to turn off the
building of the custom Expat that comes with Python.

Thanks for any tips, pointers, and insight.
Steve Juranich
Tucson, AZ

Re: How do I send keystrokes to a console window in Windows XP?

2005-07-19 Thread RTG

This appears to be exactly what we need.
I also see that by changing Command Prompt to Notepad or another
application, the key strokes are sent there.

With this capability, other possibilities open up.
Is there a way to read the output from the from the console window?
For example, how can we capture the output of the dir command?

Thank you for your help.


Re: Can I make the Python build use an already-installed version of Expat?

2005-07-19 Thread Bernhard Herzog
Steve Juranich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm running into problems where Python and VTK both ship with their
 own distribution of the Expat parser.  As long as you never use the
 Python XML package, everything is fine.  But if you try using the
 Python XML parser after doing an `import vtk', a nice little message
 saying Segmentation Fault is your reward.

This sounds like this bugreport on sourceforge:


Intevation GmbH

Web Framework Reviews

2005-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello All,

I thought it would make sense to write up some of my experiences with
python based web frameworks:




Re: goto

2005-07-19 Thread rbt
On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 10:02 -0400, George Sakkis wrote:
 rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 12:27 -0600, Steven Bethard wrote:
   Hayri ERDENER wrote:
what is the equivalent of C languages' goto  statement in python?
   Download the goto module:
   And you can use goto to your heart's content. And to the horror of all
   your friends/coworkers. ;)
  Shouldn't that be to the horror of all your goto-snob friends.
  IMO, most of the people who deride goto do so because they heard or read
  where someone else did.
  Many of the world's most profitable software companies (MS for example)
  have thousands of goto statements in their code... oh the horror of it
  all. Why aren't these enlightened-by-the-gods know-it-alls as profitable
  as these obviously ignorant companies?
 It should not really come as a shock that the same fellow who came up with a 
 brilliant efficient way
 to generate all permutations ( is also in favor of 
 Coming next from rbt: Pointer arithmetic in python ?.

I have moments of brilliance and moments of ignorance. You must admit
though, that was a unique way of generating permutations... how many
other people would have thought of that approach? It did solve my
problem ;)


print ending with comma

2005-07-19 Thread jamesthiele . usenet
I recently ran into the issue with 'print' were, as it says on the web
page called Python Gotchas

The Python Language Reference Manual says, about the print statement,

A \n character is written at the end, unless the print statement ends
with a comma.

What it doesn't say is that if the print statement does end with a
comma, a trailing space is printed.
But this isn't exactly correct either. If you run this program:
import sys
print '+',
print '-',
the output is:
+ -=
Note that there is no space after the '-'. (Tested on Win 2000 python
2.3.4, OS X 10.3.9 python 2.3  2.4)

I know that this is not a massively important issue, but can someone
explain what's going on?


Re: Are there any decent python memory profilers available?

2005-07-19 Thread Michael Hudson

 I have a rather large python application (uses around 40MB of memory to
 start) that gradually chews up memory over many hours. I've done a
 little googling around, but it looks like I'm faced with prowling
 through the gc.get_objects() myself. I need a tool to identify where
 the memory is going. It might even be a leak in a DLL, so maybe a pure
 python profiler isn't the best, although it would certainly help
 localize the problem.

One is being written as part of Google's Summer Of Code program.


  Java sucks. [...] Java on TV set top boxes will suck so hard it
  might well inhale people from off  their sofa until their heads
  get wedged in the card slots.  --- Jon Rabone,

Re: print ending with comma

2005-07-19 Thread Duncan Booth

 I recently ran into the issue with 'print' were, as it says on the web
 page called Python Gotchas
 The Python Language Reference Manual says, about the print statement,
 A \n character is written at the end, unless the print statement ends
 with a comma.
 What it doesn't say is that if the print statement does end with a
 comma, a trailing space is printed.
 But this isn't exactly correct either. If you run this program:
 import sys
 print '+',
 print '-',
 the output is:
 + -=
 Note that there is no space after the '-'. (Tested on Win 2000 python
 2.3.4, OS X 10.3.9 python 2.3  2.4)
 I know that this is not a massively important issue, but can someone
 explain what's going on?
The space isn't appended to the value printed, it is output before the next 
value is printed.

The file object has an attribute softspace (initially 0). If this is 0 then 
printing a value simply writes the value to the file. If it is 1 then 
printing a value writes a space followed by the value.

After any value which ends with a newline character is printed the 
softspace attribute is reset to 0 otherwise it is set to 1. Also when a 
print statement ends without a trailing comma it outputs a newline and 
resets softspace.

Change your print test a little to see this:

 print +,;print -,;sys.stdout.write(=);print X
+ -= X

Or try this to suppress unwanted spaces in your output:

 def nospace(s):
sys.stdout.softspace = 0
return s

 print a,nospace(b),c
ab c


Jython Released

2005-07-19 Thread Ramza Brown
This is an update from Brian Zimmer of the Jython group, new release:

There is a new release of Jython available at Sourceforge:

This release includes many major changes since the last full release:

  - new-style classes
  - Java Collections integration
  - PEP 302 implementation
  - iterators
  - generators
  - __future__ division
  - support for running on JDK1.5
  - new installer
  - a significant number of features to bring Jython in line with CPython
  - many, many bugfixes

It was compiled a OS X with JDK1.4 but should run on JDK 1.2 +.

The full set of changes are too numerous to list in detail.  Please consult
the sourceforge tracker for all closed issues since the last release.

This version of Jython has support for most of Python 2.2 and numerous
features from Python 2.3 and beyond.  A more comprehensive list will be

Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with questions.


The Jython Development Team

Re: print ending with comma

2005-07-19 Thread André Roberge
 A \n character is written at the end, unless the print statement ends
 with a comma.
 What it doesn't say is that if the print statement does end with a
 comma, a trailing space is printed.
 But this isn't exactly correct either. If you run this program:
 import sys
 print '+',
 print '-',
 the output is:
 + -=
 I know that this is not a massively important issue, but can someone
 explain what's going on?
Actually, it is not a trailing space but a leading space
that is stored and displayed when print is called next.
  import sys
  print 'a',
  print 'b',
sys.stdout.write() does not include such a leading space.

Time to consult about the print statement.:

...A space is written before each object is (converted and) written, 
unless the output system believes it is positioned at the beginning of a 

Yep, another case of RTM :-)



Re: Web Framework Reviews

2005-07-19 Thread Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone

 I thought it would make sense to write up some of my experiences with
 python based web frameworks:

You've never used Nevow, have you?
Comparing it to Cheetah or ZPT means that you never used it.

Nevow is exactly what you define as a web framework, and it would be
quite interesting to know why you didn't put it in that section.

Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
Now Running MacOSX 10.4

Re: python certification

2005-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I haven't had a change to check it out, but has a
python certificate.


Re: Can I make the Python build use an already-installed version of Expat?

2005-07-19 Thread Steve Juranich
On 7/19/05, Bernhard Herzog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This sounds like this bugreport on sourceforge:

Thanks!  I applied the workaround posted by `bos' and things seem to work now.

Steve Juranich
Tucson, AZ

Re: Xah's edu corner: on Microsoft hatred

2005-07-19 Thread Default User
J|rgen Exner wrote:

 Just for the records at Google in case someone stumbles across
 Xah's masterpieces in the future:
 Xah is very well known as the resident troll in many NGs and his
 'contributions' are less then useless.
 Best is to just ignore him.

I already had him killfiled. I'm going to add a few of these
non-comp.lang.c newsgroups as well, not due to any animosity towards
them but because I don't read them and don't plan to, so any message
crossed to them is likely a troll.

A good newsreader and aggressive use of filtering is the best way to
handle such people.


Re: python certification

2005-07-19 Thread Luis M. Gonzalez
 i want to get a small certificate or diploma in python.
 it should be online cuz i live in pakistan and wont have teast centers
 near me.
 it should be low cost as i am not rich.
 and hopefully it would be something like a a begginer certification cuz
 i am new to python.

Hmm... I think I can help you.
By the way, how much are you willing to spend?
You know, getting a high grade is also important...:-)


Re: email format in python

2005-07-19 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 06:44:36 -0400, Benji York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to have the python equivalent function of this
 (that checks email format)
   if (ereg([[:alnum:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:alnum:]]+\.[[:alnum:]]+,

 While it is possible to translate the above code into Python (see, you should know that the 
 regex above will not validate all possible email addresses.

To be even more explicit about it, the regexp is extremely naive, and gives
the wrong results for a lot of common address formats -- not to mention for
even more uncommon formats. Do not use it, and do not try to modify it to

 In general 
 it is a fools errand to try to anyway.

Agree. In the case of user input validation, it might be ok to politely
inform the user that the address looks a bit funny, but refusing to work
with it will anger a user sooner or later.


  // Jorgen Grahn jgrahn@   Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/   R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: Xah's edu corner: on Microsoft hatred

2005-07-19 Thread John Bokma
Malcolm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John Bokma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 A typical Xah Lee posting... wake me up when he is able to write a
 single post that makes and sense, and doesn't contain fuck or similar

 Obscene language isn't acceptable on comp.lang.c.
 It is an international group, and what might be acceptable in America
 may be considered totally offensive, maybe even illegal, elsewhere. 

Then you are going to have a hard time with Xah Lee, since he thinks it 
makes the message more clear.

John   Small Perl scripts:
   Perl programmer available:
Happy Customers:


Re: Xah's edu corner: on Microsoft hatred

2005-07-19 Thread John Bokma
Default User [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A good newsreader and aggressive use of filtering is the best way to
 handle such people.

The best way is to complain with their ISP/USP and have their account 
canceled. Kill filing (filtering) is just closing your eyes.

John   Small Perl scripts:
   Perl programmer available:
Happy Customers:


Re: secure uploading

2005-07-19 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On 16 Jul 2005 18:28:33 -0700, macaronikazoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 well I want a script to upload something automatically, so i need a
 python script to do that for me.

Well, you need /something/. If you are on a Unix machine, you'd be better
off with a cron job.

 my hoster has ssl enabled on their
 server and I have generated a key.  but now I need to know how to
 upload something using ssl to the server.  how to I ftp something to
 the server using ssl?

Are you sure your hoster doesn't provide ssh access to his machines? If he
does, there is a wealth of protocols and tools for secure file transfer:
scp, sftp, tar-over-ssh, cpio-over-ssh, rsync-over-ssh, ... 

With some loss of security, you may even be able to avoid handling


  // Jorgen Grahn jgrahn@   Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/   R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

dictionary as property

2005-07-19 Thread Thanos Tsouanas

(How) can I have a class property d, such that d['foo'] = 'bar' will run
a certain function of the class with 'foo' and 'bar' as it's arguments?

Thanks in advance.

Thanos Tsouanas  .: My Music: .: Sians Music:

Re: Web Framework Reviews

2005-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have not used Nevow but I have seen a few examples of how it works
and I kept track of it over the years.

It used to be very similar to how Cheetah or ZPT does its job. You had
a template, and you filled it with data to produce an output. It seems
that it has now more features such a form submission and validation.

On the other hand I even in its current form I don't see how I would to
the simple things that I need every day. Create a session, set a
cookie, redirect to another url,  perform HTTP autentication, create
filter,  use another templating language? This is also integral part of
the  functionality that I expect from an web framework. Web specific
things exposed in some python ic way.

To avoid any negative feelings I'll remove all remarks to what I think
is not a web framework.



Re: dictionary as property

2005-07-19 Thread Gerhard Haering
On Tue, Jul 19, 2005 at 07:56:20PM +0300, Thanos Tsouanas wrote:
 (How) can I have a class property d, such that d['foo'] = 'bar' will run
 a certain function of the class with 'foo' and 'bar' as it's arguments?

You could implement a custom container type that will do what you want.
See for __setitem__.

Quick hack:

 class Foo:
... def __init__(self):
... self.d = self
... def __setitem__(self, key, value):
... getattr(self, key)(value)
... def bar(self, param):
... print bar got called with, param
 foo = Foo()
 foo.d[bar] = 42
bar got called with 42

-- Gerhard
Gerhard Häring - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Python, web  database development

Description: Digital signature

Re: goto

2005-07-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 11:29:58 -0400, rbt wrote:

 It should not really come as a shock that the same fellow who came up with a 
 brilliant efficient way
 to generate all permutations ( is also in favor of 
 Coming next from rbt: Pointer arithmetic in python ?.
 I have moments of brilliance and moments of ignorance. You must admit
 though, that was a unique way of generating permutations... how many
 other people would have thought of that approach? It did solve my
 problem ;)

Sorry rbt, but your algorithm isn't unique, nor was it clever, and in fact
your implementation wasn't very good even by the undemanding requirements
of the algorithm. It is just a minor modification of bogosort (also known
as bozo-sort) algorithm:

I quote:

...bogosort is 'the archetypal perversely awful algorithm', one example
of which is attempting to sort a deck of cards by repeatedly throwing the
deck in the air, picking the cards up at random, and then testing whether
the cards are in sorted order.

Bogosort is nothing to be proud of, except as a joke. Put it this way: of
all the many ways to generate a list of permutations, you managed to find
perhaps the least efficient algorithm possible.

This is especially ironic when you think back to your first question,
which was how to generate the combinations most efficiently.



Re: Web Framework Reviews

2005-07-19 Thread Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone

 I have not used Nevow but I have seen a few examples of how it works
 and I kept track of it over the years.
 It used to be very similar to how Cheetah or ZPT does its job. You had
 a template, and you filled it with data to produce an output. It seems
 that it has now more features such a form submission and validation.

Formless has been part of nevow since the very beginning. It has also
been part of woven (Nevow predecessor), just like liveevil (now enhanced
and called livepage). 

The only part of nevow that you can compare to ZPT or Cheetah is its
xmlfile template language. There is no way you can run Nevow on top of
any other framework.

Also you don't pass data to the templating engine. It's nevow that
parses the template and iterates over it to render the page. The
template is very stupid in nevow and everything is done in
nevow.flat.flattenFactory called by nevow.rend.Page.
 On the other hand I even in its current form I don't see how I would to
 the simple things that I need every day. Create a session, set a
 cookie, redirect to another url,  perform HTTP autentication, create
 filter,  use another templating language? This is also integral part of
 the  functionality that I expect from an web framework. Web specific
 things exposed in some python ic way.

Sessions are handled by default with twisted.web:

from twisted.application import service, strports
from nevow import appserver

from nevow import rend, loaders, tags as t, inevow

class RootPage(rend.Page):
addSlash = True
def display_session(self, ctx, data):
return inevow.ISession(ctx).uid

docFactory = loaders.stan(
t.html[t.head[t.title[Session example]],

application = service.Application('Foobar')
site = appserver.NevowSite(RootPage())
server = strports.service('8080', site)

Save this in a .py or .tac and run it with twistd -noy filename.tac/.py
and open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to see your session uid.

If you want autentication:
There are 2 examples (in the standard nevow distribution) that show how
to handle authentication in an application transparent way (you don't
have to touch your application by any means to add user authentication,
which means you can write everything without taking care of this aspect
of the app and then add it later).

To redirect to another url just call IRequest(ctx).redirect(newurl)
before the rendering begins (like in rend.Page.beforeRender) or in

HTTPAuthentication is easily handled:
just use that class as a base class for your blocked page.
(this example is part of the standard nevow distribution).

Nevow doesn't have filters because they are handled by twisted.web or
twisted.web2 (which is, hopefully soon, going to be one of the required
webservers to run nevow, the others are lighttpd, apache, any WSGI
application server, nevow was in fact the first framework to support
WSGI servers).

If you want to use a different templating language you just need to
write a custom loader. Somebody did this in the past (I don't recall the
url of the project) that used cheetah-like templates.

Then for the last point:
you can expose directories or files using

exposed objects are:
those set as a value in rend.Page.children dict, you can reach them with
an url like:
Or assign an object to a child_foobar attribute like:

p = rend.Page()
p.child_foobar = static.File('/etc/')

Or return an object from a child_foobar method.

Or override rend.Page.childFactory(self, ctx, segment) to return an
object in a dynamic way depending on the value of the segment argument.

It seems to me that you really never tracked Nevow, your information is
very incomplete. I think you should complete it before talking about
Nevow :).

Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
Now Running MacOSX 10.4

Re: Python IDE

2005-07-19 Thread Dave Cook
On 2005-07-19, linuxfreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you guys using and what do you think is the best IDE...or should i
 stick with Xemacs/emacs???

You get the stability of Eclipse with that, but also the fat.

I swear I had code completion working in this, but last time I tried to set
it up I got frustrated and gave up, so put aside some time to learn your way
around Eclipse if you intend to use this.  I still don't feel quite at home

Personally, I don't find code completion compelling enough a feature to give
up my beloved XEmacs and python-mode. 

Dave Cook


Re: goto

2005-07-19 Thread rbt
On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 03:43 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 11:29:58 -0400, rbt wrote:
  It should not really come as a shock that the same fellow who came up with 
  a brilliant efficient way
  to generate all permutations ( is also in favor 
  of goto.
  Coming next from rbt: Pointer arithmetic in python ?.
  I have moments of brilliance and moments of ignorance. You must admit
  though, that was a unique way of generating permutations... how many
  other people would have thought of that approach? It did solve my
  problem ;)
 Sorry rbt, but your algorithm isn't unique, nor was it clever, and in fact
 your implementation wasn't very good even by the undemanding requirements
 of the algorithm. It is just a minor modification of bogosort (also known
 as bozo-sort) algorithm:
 I quote:
 ...bogosort is 'the archetypal perversely awful algorithm', one example
 of which is attempting to sort a deck of cards by repeatedly throwing the
 deck in the air, picking the cards up at random, and then testing whether
 the cards are in sorted order.
 Bogosort is nothing to be proud of, except as a joke.

It *was* a joke.


Re: OO design

2005-07-19 Thread gene tani
fav DP books:


Re: Web Framework Reviews

2005-07-19 Thread Dave Cook

 On the other hand I even in its current form I don't see how I would to
 the simple things that I need every day. Create a session, set a
 cookie, redirect to another url,  perform HTTP autentication, create
 filter,  use another templating language? This is also integral part of
 the  functionality that I expect from an web framework. Web specific
 things exposed in some python ic way.

Take a look at the Nevow FAQ and examples.  Also, Nevow sits on top of
Twisted, so you have all of Twisted's features available.

Dave Cook

gdb python C API

2005-07-19 Thread derrick
I have written a c program to interface with a newly installed version
of python 2.4.1 on my system. The C program calls a module written in
python that goes on to parse an xml file and do other xml specific
operations. When I use the module in python, it seems to work alright,
but when I try to use my c program to interface, sometimes it works and
sometimes it segfaults. I tried using gdb find the segfault, but in the
C program, once the python module is called, gdb tells me that some
python compiled code has been placed on the stack and is being executed,
but i am having trouble finding what part of the python module is being
executed (which makes it hard to find the real reason for the segfault).

are there any tools / methods that others have used to get what line of
the python script is being executed while running in gdb? or if it would
actually show me the source python script (instead of the the python c
source) that would help.

my setup is:
self compiled/installed python 2.4.1
my python module calls the xml.dom.minidom module.

my problem might be refcounts, i've looked over them many times and they
seem to make sense to me but it never hurts to have someone else's opinion.


Your message to CMake awaits moderator approval

2005-07-19 Thread cmake-bounces
Your mail to 'CMake' with the subject


will be discarded.  The reason it is being discarded is:

Post by non-member to a members-only list

The mailing lists at Kitware all require membership on the list to
post.  This is to avoid SPAM.  If you are not a member on the list,
and you post to the list, your message will be discarded.  Do not take
it personally, we just do not have enough time to approve every email
posted to the list.  If you have more than one email account, you can
subscribe them all to the list, then set all but one of them to nomail
from the mailman web GUI.  Also, some mailers tend to add a few extra
characters to your return address, if you think you have subscribed,
but it is still not accepting your email, try sending yourself an
email, and then reply to it.  Look at the address that you are
replying to, and make sure that is the EXACT same address that you
subscribed to on the list.

You can join the list here:

If the message is too large, it will also be discarded, try putting
the large file on a web server and using a link in your message.

Bugs can be reported here:

Re: Documentation bug: Python console behaviour changed

2005-07-19 Thread Claudio Grondi
Lucas Raab [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
 Peter Hansen wrote:
  Kay Schluehr wrote:
  The documentation of the Python console behaviour is not correct
  anymore for Python 2.4.1. At least for the Win2K system I'm working on
  'Ctrl-Z' does not shut down the console but 'Ctrl-D' etc.
  The Python interpreter tells me instead:
  'Use Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit.'
  Nah, 'Ctrl-Z' is now undo :-)
  Are you really using the console, started with the Command Prompt icon
  from the Start Menu (or some equivalent)?  And are you sure you haven't
  installed something else that magically changed the behaviour of Ctrl-Z?
  (I get the documented behaviour with Python 2.4.1, under Win XP.)

 I'm getting the same behavior as Kay.

 Lucas Raab

I'm getting the same behaviour, too.
What is non-standard is, that I am using english
international keyboard on German version of
Windows 2000 Professional 5.0.2195 SP 4,
Build 2195.



Read only files

2005-07-19 Thread Pranav Bagora

I am getting a permission Denied error when i am
trying to make changes in some read only files in a
directory. How do we check and change the read only
attributes of files in python.

Please Help,

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.

Re: Dictionary, keys and alias

2005-07-19 Thread Terry Reedy

Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 10:20:04 +0200, Glauco wrote:

 The only niggly worry I have is I'm not sure when hash can be used, 
 it is unique, or even if is it guaranteed to be unique.

 Thank Steve, the idea was the same...
 but yours using hash is much elegant.

 I'm still worried about hash of two unrelated objects returning the same

 Another implementation is to keep a hidden attribute of the object, and
 initialise it to the integer 0. Instead of using hash(key), you use the
 current value of the integer, then increment the integer by one.

 This is guaranteed to be unique, no matter what.

id(ob) is already guaranteed to be a unique integer while ob exists.  So, 
if I understand the goal, map possibly-multiple-keys each to id and id to 

Terry J. Reedy


Re: main window in tkinter app

2005-07-19 Thread William Gill
O.K. I tried from scratch, and the following snippet produces an 
infinite loop saying:

   File C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\, line 1647, in __getattr__
   return getattr(, attr)

If I comment out the __init__ method, I get the titled window, and print 
out self.var ('1')

import  os
from Tkinter import *

class MyApp(Tk):
 def __init__(self):
 def getval(self):
   return self.var

app = MyApp()

app.title(An App)
print app.getval()

Eric Brunel wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 16:57:51 GMT, William Gill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A short while ago someone posted that(unlike the examples) you should
 use Tk as the base for your main window in tkinter apps, not Frame.   
 Thus :

class MyMain(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
self.root = master
def createWidgets():
root = Tk()
app = MyMain(root)
app.master.title(Object Editor)

 would become:

 class MyMain(Tk):
 app = MyMain()
 app.title(My App)

 When I try converting to this approach I run into a problem with the
 __init__() method.  It appears to go into an infinite loop in
 I never ran into this problem. Can you please post a short script 
 showing this behavior? Without knowing what you exactly do in your 
 __init__ and createWidgets method, it's quite hard to figure out what 

Re: Jython Released

2005-07-19 Thread Dave Benjamin
Ramza Brown wrote:
 This is an update from Brian Zimmer of the Jython group, new release:

Great news!

  - new installer

How do I use it?


Re: Jython Released

2005-07-19 Thread Dave Benjamin
Dave Benjamin wrote:
 Ramza Brown wrote:
 This is an update from Brian Zimmer of the Jython group, new release:
 Great news!
  - new installer
 How do I use it?

I figured it out. You might want to document this somewhere. ;)
java -cp jython_Release_2_2alpha1.jar org.python.util.install.Installation


Re: goto

2005-07-19 Thread Fernando Perez
Steven Bethard wrote:

 Fernando Perez wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:
Download the goto module:
And you can use goto to your heart's content. And to the horror of all
your friends/coworkers. ;)
 That is actually a _really_ cool piece of code, in terms of showing off the
 kind of things which are possible in python if you're willing to be a little
 Yeah, it's pretty slick.  I think most people who see the link don't
 realize that it's actually *working code* for gotos in Python.

For a second I didn't think it was, but the page looked too serious to be just
a mockup (regardless of the April's fool warning at the top).  So I actually
donwloaded the code to see how he did it,  because it wasn't quite obvious to
me after the standard 3 seconds of thought.  It was quite fun the read how he
got it to work.




Re: main window in tkinter app

2005-07-19 Thread William Gill
It also seems to operate the same with or without  app.mainloop().  Is 
an explicit call to mainloop needed?

William Gill wrote:
 O.K. I tried from scratch, and the following snippet produces an 
 infinite loop saying:
   File C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\, line 1647, in __getattr__
   return getattr(, attr)
 If I comment out the __init__ method, I get the titled window, and print 
 out self.var ('1')
 import  os
 from Tkinter import *
 class MyApp(Tk):
 def __init__(self):
 def getval(self):
   return self.var
 app = MyApp()
 app.title(An App)
 print app.getval()
 Eric Brunel wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 16:57:51 GMT, William Gill [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 A short while ago someone posted that(unlike the examples) you should
 use Tk as the base for your main window in tkinter apps, not Frame.   
 Thus :

class MyMain(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
self.root = master
def createWidgets():
root = Tk()
app = MyMain(root)
app.master.title(Object Editor)

 would become:

 class MyMain(Tk):
 app = MyMain()
 app.title(My App)

 When I try converting to this approach I run into a problem with the
 __init__() method.  It appears to go into an infinite loop in


 I never ran into this problem. Can you please post a short script 
 showing this behavior? Without knowing what you exactly do in your 
 __init__ and createWidgets method, it's quite hard to figure out what 

Re: Web Framework Reviews

2005-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It seems to me that you really never tracked Nevow, your information is
 very incomplete. I think you should complete it before talking about  Nevow

I think you should take what you posted above and put it up on your
main site, because right now there is no way to find any information
like this.  Your entire intro is about templating and leaves one with
no clues as to what else is there.

One remark regarding stan. For me it is inconceivable that one would
build (and debug) any complicated webpage as stan does it, one element
at a time:

 docFactory = loaders.stan(
t.html[t.head[t.title[Session example]],

The pages that I have to build invariably contain multiple nested html
tables etc. I shudder to think that I would ever have to build them
like that. I know you have an inverse ZPT like templates those are a
lot friendlier on the eyes. For someone who is does not know what Nevow
is seeing an example of Stan is very scary  because IMO it does not
scale at all. This again is just an opinion.

Thanks for the explanations. 


Re: dictionary as property

2005-07-19 Thread Thanos Tsouanas
On Tue, Jul 19, 2005 at 07:00:10PM +0200, Gerhard Haering wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 19, 2005 at 07:56:20PM +0300, Thanos Tsouanas wrote:
  (How) can I have a class property d, such that d['foo'] = 'bar' will run
  a certain function of the class with 'foo' and 'bar' as it's arguments?
 You could implement a custom container type that will do what you want.
 See for __setitem__.

Thanks, that doc had all I needed :)

Thanos Tsouanas  .: My Music: .: Sians Music:

Re: Web Framework Reviews

2005-07-19 Thread Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone

 I think you should take what you posted above and put it up on your
 main site, because right now there is no way to find any information
 like this.  Your entire intro is about templating and leaves one with
 no clues as to what else is there.

Right now there are at least 2 web sites:   + file in nevow.

And a new one:

And the page I linked in my previous post: 
this is a living site with the living examples distributed with nevow.
at least one example of formless does not work right now because of
changes that we are doing in trunk right now (only formless has some
problems, all the others work pretty well).

There are really a lot of examples, and you can learn a lot of stuff
from them. More documentation will be useful for sure, but by just
coming in the irc channel #twisted.web on freenode you would have
obtained all the answers you wanted to write a better review paper :).

 One remark regarding stan. For me it is inconceivable that one would
 build (and debug) any complicated webpage as stan does it, one element
 at a time:
  docFactory = loaders.stan(
 t.html[t.head[t.title[Session example]],
 The pages that I have to build invariably contain multiple nested html
 tables etc. I shudder to think that I would ever have to build them
 like that. I know you have an inverse ZPT like templates those are a
 lot friendlier on the eyes. For someone who is does not know what Nevow
 is seeing an example of Stan is very scary  because IMO it does not
 scale at all. This again is just an opinion.

I have a little project, developed during my little free time that is
linked in my signature (weever). It has over 2000 lines of xhtml
templates and you can see a living example here:

I can guarantee you that when templates begin to be a bit too complex
stan is what saves the day. I usually use xhtml for everything (and
nevow has the best templating engine out there thanks to its flexibility
and simplicity, there are only 3 special tags and 3 attributes, and we
are working to make it even easier than that) but when xhtml gets
complicated stan is incredibly useful.

Anyway stan is also incredibly useful to write little examples without
requiring a new xhtml file (ok... you may use loaders.xmlstr but...)

And it does scale well anyway (Quotient is entirely built using stan and
it's very big).
Templating engines like ZPT prefer to put some code in the template,
Nevow prefers to put code in python and allow you to write some xhtml in
python too. python is easier to manage and less likely to be screwed by
any designer that doesn't know what python is.

 Thanks for the explanations. 

np :)

Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
Now Running MacOSX 10.4

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