Re: should i move on to python3

2009-03-07 Thread R. David Murray
made the switch yet. Of course, that will be a big issue for some time to come for many people. -- R. David Murray --

Re: Packaging Survey

2009-03-09 Thread R. David Murray
providing you an https channel over which to talk to me securely. I fault the designers of https for this oversight. -- R. David Murray --

Re: Set Frozenset?

2009-03-10 Thread R. David Murray
lookup. Three in the first example, two in the second, and one in the third. -- R. David Murray --

Is this type of forward referencing possible?

2009-03-15 Thread R. David Murray
/PythonScopesandNameSpaces.html -- R. David Murray --

Re: Style question - defining immutable class data members

2009-03-15 Thread R. David Murray
.) Augmented assignments which don't support in-place operations behave like normal assignments (binding). For example: my_int = 0 my_int += 1 behaves like: my_int = 0 my_int = my_int + 1 -- R. David Murray --

Re: Style question - defining immutable class data members

2009-03-15 Thread R. David Murray
writer in my day job ... oh wait, I forgot ... I got laid off from my day job in December.) I'll look into what the standard Python doc set says on this matter. Doc patches are always welcome, and from what I hear easier to get accepted than code patches ;) -- R. David Murray http

Re: print - bug or feature - concatenated format strings in a print statement

2009-03-16 Thread R. David Murray
, that is avoided by the 'format' method in 3.x. -- R. David Murray --

setattr() on object instance

2009-03-16 Thread R. David Murray
occasionally wanted to use instances of object as holders of arbitrary attributes and wondered why I couldn't (from a language design perspective). But that was only for testing. In real code I think I'd always want a fully defined class. -- R. David Murray -- http

error writing str to binary stream - fails in Python 3.0.1, works in 2.x

2009-03-16 Thread R. David Murray
write str to binary stream In 3.x the 'str' type is unicode. If you want to work with binary byte streams, you want to use the 'bytes' type. Bytes contstants are written with a leading 'b', so the code snipped above would become self.out.write(b'BM') -- R. David Murray http

Re: error writing str to binary stream - fails in Python 3.0.1, works in 2.x

2009-03-16 Thread R. David Murray
write_int(out, n): bytesout=bytes(([n255), (n8)255, (n16)255, (n24)255]) out.write(bytesout) write_int(out, 125) -- R. David Murray --

urllib2 (py2.6) vs urllib.request (py3)

2009-03-17 Thread R. David Murray
to the file object. The thing to keep in mind is that print converts its argument to string before writing it anywhere (that's the point of using it), and that bytes (or buffer) and string are very different types in python3. -- R. David Murray -- http

Re: download x bytes at a time over network

2009-03-17 Thread R. David Murray
it into a unicode string object. -- R. David Murray --

Re: download x bytes at a time over network

2009-03-17 Thread R. David Murray
in urllib in Python 3.0. What makes you say that's a bug? Did I miss something? (Which is entirely possible!) -- R. David Murray --

Re: urllib2 (py2.6) vs urllib.request (py3)

2009-03-17 Thread R. David Murray
mattia wrote: Il Tue, 17 Mar 2009 10:55:21 +, R. David Murray ha scritto: mattia wrote: Hi all, can you tell me why the module urllib.request (py3) add extra characters (b'fef\r\n and \r\n0\r\n\r\n') in a simple example like the following

Keyword same in right hand side of assignments (rev)

2009-03-17 Thread R. David Murray
misunderstanding you, the second one is trivially expressed as: immutable = immutable*(immutable+1) I'm afraid I'm -1 on this proposal even without the issue of the keyword. -- R. David Murray --

Re: Keyword same in right hand side of assignments (rev)

2009-03-17 Thread R. David Murray
to make a really, _really_ compelling case to get a new keyword added. Something you can't do any other way, or at least not without an awful lot of hassle. -- R. David Murray --

Re: Keyword same in right hand side of assignments (rev)

2009-03-17 Thread R. David Murray
Arg, my apologies, I posted my replies to the wrong group :( -- R. David Murray --

Re: download x bytes at a time over network

2009-03-17 Thread R. David Murray
Jean-Paul Calderone wrote: On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:17:56 + (UTC), R. David Murray wrote: Jean-Paul Calderone wrote: On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 12:15:23 +0530, Saurabh wrote: This isn't exactly how things work

Re: array next pointer

2009-03-17 Thread R. David Murray
() doesn't have a sentinel argument. It's iter() which does, and that's in 2.x also. But it does have a 'default' argument, and you can pass that a sentinel, so it amounts to the same thing ;) -- R. David Murray --

Re: Mangle function name with decorator?

2009-03-18 Thread R. David Murray
GET_foo(self): pass def POST_foo(self): pass It's even one less character of typing (the cr :) -- R. David Murray --

Re: 2to3 does not fix FileType from types Module; no replacement?

2009-03-18 Thread R. David Murray
better if you include a suggested patch. -- R. David Murray --

Re: array next pointer

2009-03-18 Thread R. David Murray
, but probably not a huge number of them. Certainly not as many as using the parameter as a default. -- R. David Murray --

Re: Mangle function name with decorator?

2009-03-18 Thread R. David Murray
. Extending it to handle multiple classes is left as an exercise for the reader :) As is extending it to handle stacking the decorators. -- R. David Murray registry = {} def

Disable automatic interning

2009-03-18 Thread R. David Murray
an implementation detail. What use case do you have for wanting to disable it? -- R. David Murray --

read web page that requires javascript on client

2009-03-18 Thread R. David Murray
remember clearly and did not record the reference. Perhaps the person who posted that info will answer you, or you will be able to figure out from these clues. Unfortunately I'm not 100% sure it was Webkit. -- R. David Murray --

Re: alias method definitions / syntactic sugar suggestion

2009-03-18 Thread R. David Murray
also next methods, can't think of anything else off the top of my head) What we really need is a 3to2 script. This has been suggested before and even worked on, but as far as I can see there currently is no such tool. -- R. David Murray -- http

Tuple passed to function recognised as string

2009-03-18 Thread R. David Murray
the parenthesis as well: test_func(val=('val1',)) -- R. David Murray --

Re: Can I rely on...

2009-03-19 Thread R. David Murray
better be a good reason for it :) In summary, 'in' is the thing to use if you want to know if your sample object is _equal to_ any of the objects in the container. As long as equality is meaningful for the objects involved, there's no reason to switch to a loop. -- R. David Murray http

Concrete Factory Pattern syntax?

2009-03-19 Thread R. David Murray
parserFactory myparser = parserFactory('one') From your class heavy patterns I am guessing you are coming from Java or some similar languageyou don't have to work as hard to get things done in Python. -- R. David Murray -- doesn't read the whole file

2009-03-20 Thread R. David Murray
might want to read the docs for the 'read' method, paying particular attention to the optional argument and its meaning. -- R. David Murray --

Re: Lambda forms and scoping

2009-03-20 Thread R. David Murray
come across. -- R. David Murray --

Re: Can I rely on...

2009-03-20 Thread R. David Murray
. (The difference is re adds a type token to the front of the key.) -- R. David Murray --

Re: doesn't read the whole file

2009-03-20 Thread R. David Murray
On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 at 07:09, Sreejith K wrote: On Mar 20, 4:43?pm, R. David Murray wrote: Sreejith K wrote: Hi, snapdir = './mango.txt_snaps' snap_cnt = 1 block = 0 import os os.chdir('/mnt/gfs_local') snap = open(snapdir + '/snap%s/%s' % (repr

Re: doesn't read the whole file

2009-03-20 Thread R. David Murray
rev_snap_list contains only 0? You didn't log it. Same for the read. How do you know the read didn't read the whole file? You didn't log it. Both your statements might be true, but until you show the logging output proving it, you don't _know_ that your assumptions are true. -- R. David Murray

Re: How complex is complex?

2009-03-21 Thread R. David Murray
of code, they are individual replacements for individual lines in two different previous examples, one of which updates the dict in place and the other of which creates a new dict. I think bearophile left out too much context :) -- R. David Murray -- http

Re: Preparing teaching materials

2009-03-21 Thread R. David Murray
print_function'. So it is probably best to teach print-as-function regardless. -- R. David Murray --

Script for a project inside own directory

2009-03-22 Thread R. David Murray
of the many possible ways to make this work will serve you best. -- R. David Murray --

Using python 3 for scripting?

2009-03-22 Thread R. David Murray
performance issue. -- R. David Murray --


2009-03-22 Thread R. David Murray
item will be treated again the next time through the loop. As you can see, your case is covered explicitly there. If you want next(g) to yield 3, you'd have to do something like: g = (x for x in s[:]) where s[:] makes a copy of s that is then iterated over. -- R. David Murray

Re: Using python 3 for scripting?

2009-03-22 Thread R. David Murray
of servers that are still running 2.5 :( -- R. David Murray --

Re: python 3, subclassing TextIOWrapper.

2009-03-22 Thread R. David Murray
. David Murray --

Re: Lambda forms and scoping

2009-03-22 Thread R. David Murray
in Python by using mutable objects...which is exactly parallel to the difference between passing mutable or immutable objects in a function call. -- R. David Murray --

Re: python 3, subclassing TextIOWrapper.

2009-03-22 Thread R. David Murray
Gabriel Genellina wrote: En Sun, 22 Mar 2009 15:11:37 -0300, R. David Murray escribió: Gabriel Genellina wrote: En Sat, 21 Mar 2009 23:58:07 -0300, escribió: class file(io.TextIOWrapper

loading program's global variables in ipython

2009-03-22 Thread R. David Murray
into python's interactive namespace. i'd like them too -- how can i do this? (note my file does not contain a __name__ == '__main__' clause.) I'm not familiar with IPython, but perhaps 'from myfile import *' would do what you want? -- R. David Murray -- http

Re: Generator

2009-03-22 Thread R. David Murray
mattia wrote: Il Sun, 22 Mar 2009 16:52:02 +, R. David Murray ha scritto: mattia wrote: Can you explain me this behaviour: s = [1,2,3,4,5] g = (x for x in s) next(g) 1 s [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] del s[0] s [2, 3, 4, 5] next(g) 3

Re: safely rename a method with a decorator

2009-03-22 Thread R. David Murray
engine instead. -- R. David Murray --

Re: doesn't read the whole file

2009-03-23 Thread R. David Murray
that the python read must be failing, yet you still (as far as you have told us) not _proven_ that by logging the value returned from the read. Until you do that, you can't even be sure where your problem is. If you have done it, show us the logging output, please. -- R. David Murray http

Re: Lambda forms and scoping

2009-03-23 Thread R. David Murray
(10) pr() 11 sub(5) pr() 6 So, as the wikipedia article says, we could, if we wanted to, use python 3 closures to reimplement objects, in a very confusing fashion :) -- R. David Murray --

Re: Generator

2009-03-23 Thread R. David Murray
presumes that in the real code that prompted the OP's question he wasn't just returning 'x'. -- R. David Murray --

Re: doesn't read the whole file

2009-03-23 Thread R. David Murray
chooses to display them -- R. David Murray --

udp package header

2009-03-23 Thread R. David Murray
. David Murray --

Re: script files with python (instead of tcsh/bash)?

2009-03-23 Thread R. David Murray
in to.) -- R. David Murray --

importing modules from alternate path

2009-03-24 Thread R. David Murray
, but you haven't put that directory onto the PYTHONPATH. -- R. David Murray --

Re: doesn't read the whole file

2009-03-24 Thread R. David Murray
. Repeat until success :) -- R. David Murray --

Re: Relative Imports, why the hell is it so hard?

2009-03-24 Thread R. David Murray
_can't_ be shared across multiple projects, because all that project code would have to be in one monster package, and not be separate projects at all. So now you'll know better where it makes Pythonic (as opposed to C++) sense to use it and where not. -- R. David Murray http

user site-packages, --prefix, --home and friends

2009-03-24 Thread R. David Murray
. David Murray --

Re: fft of a dat file?

2009-03-25 Thread R. David Murray
as appropriate to your actual needs. -- R. David Murray --

split string at commas respecting quotes when string not in csv format

2009-03-26 Thread R. David Murray
be greatful. (This has to be stdlib only, by the way, I can't introduce any new modules into the application so pyparsing is not an option.) The challenge is to turn a string like this: a=1,b=0234,)#($)@, k=7 into this: [(a, 1), (b, 0234,)#($)#), (k, 7)] -- R. David Murray http

Re: split string at commas respecting quotes when string not in csv format

2009-03-26 Thread R. David Murray
=123456') would require a slightly smarter parser. Thank you thank you. I owe you a dinner if we are ever in the same town (are you at Pycon?). I'm not going to worry about the internal quotes unless it shows up in the real data. I'm pretty sure it's now allowed by the spec. -- R. David

Re: split string at commas respecting quotes when string not in csv format

2009-03-26 Thread R. David Murray
John Machin wrote: On Mar 27, 6:51 am, R. David Murray wrote: OK, I've got a little problem that I'd like to ask the assembled minds for help with.  I can write code to parse this, but I'm thinking it may be possible to do it with regexes.  My

Re: split string at commas respecting quotes when string not in csv format

2009-03-26 Thread R. David Murray
Paul McGuire wrote: On Mar 26, 2:51 pm, R. David Murray wrote: OK, I've got a little problem that I'd like to ask the assembled minds for help with.  I can write code to parse this, but I'm thinking it may be possible to do it with regexes.  My

object knows which object called it?

2009-04-06 Thread R. David Murray
you could look at generic methods, which provide a way to do multiple dispatch. -- R. David Murray --

set python default encoding

2009-04-06 Thread R. David Murray
. That doesn't look anything like a python traceback. I'm guessing you are using some sort of web framework? Perhaps you should try asking in the forum for the framework. -- R. David Murray --

Re: print from a python script.

2009-04-06 Thread R. David Murray
a '\n' to the end of that string you are writing. -- R. David Murray --

Some test fail on my new Python 2.6

2009-04-06 Thread R. David Murray
. Run 'make test' instead of running them one by one. make test will run them under regrtest, which has mechanisms for detecting tests that are expected to or may reasonably fail on a given platform. Then if you still have errors, report back :) -- R. David Murray --

Re: Some test fail on my new Python 2.6

2009-04-07 Thread R. David Murray
the make test run? I can run through them quickly for you then, and then we can focus on the ones that are the real errors. -- R. David Murray --

cgi file limit size?

2009-04-07 Thread R. David Murray
, right? maybe my connection to the server is timing out during the upload? web server is IIS 6.0. python is 2.5.2. IIS webmapping does not use -u b/c nothing works when that option is used. What are you using to do the upload? What error message do you get? -- R. David Murray http

Re: in place list modification necessary? What's a better idiom?

2009-04-07 Thread R. David Murray
: dimensions.append(float(s)) except: dimensions.append(float(quantization[s])) No, no, no; never use a bare except! :) Do it MRAB's way and catch ValueError. -- R. David Murray --

Re: in place list modification necessary? What's a better idiom?

2009-04-07 Thread R. David Murray
On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 at 09:01, andrew cooke wrote: R. David Murray wrote: [...] try: dimensions.append(float(s)) except: dimensions.append(float(quantization[s])) No, no, no; never use a bare except! :) can you explain why? i can't think of any reason why the code would

Re: Issue with subprocess Module

2009-04-07 Thread R. David Murray
in the 2.5 code since 2.5 is now in bugfix-release mode only, I think). 2.5 is in security-fix-only mode. -- R. David Murray --

Re: Some test fail on my new Python 2.6

2009-04-08 Thread R. David Murray
to find the Everything else you can ignore, unless you want to try to track them down. -- R. David Murray --

Re: genetic algorithms in Python??

2009-04-08 Thread R. David Murray
. I also remember seeing at least one package announced on python-announce that referred to genetic algorithms, so you might check the archives of that mailing list as well. -- R. David Murray --

Re: Some test fail on my new Python 2.6

2009-04-08 Thread R. David Murray
sticking prints into the tests and things like that. -- R. David Murray PS: 'issue 3111' means issue number 3111 on the Python bug tracker at --

Re: Some test fail on my new Python 2.6

2009-04-08 Thread R. David Murray
failures (different failures) when I tried running that test as root. You might try running it as a regular user, both before and after the install. I'll move on with make install. Thanks for your help; I'm progressing :-) You are welcome. Glad to be able to help out. -- R. David Murray

Re: is there a way to collect twitts with python?

2009-04-08 Thread R. David Murray
on IRC. (Or probably even earlier on the original bitnet relay chat.) -- R. David Murray --

communication between objects - help

2009-04-09 Thread R. David Murray
Murali kumar wrote: hi all.. please see my attached document.. I think you'll get more help if you post in plain text. -- R. David Murray --

xml.dom.minidom getElementsByTagName white space issue

2009-04-09 Thread R. David Murray
the escape char sequence I should be using or a work around for this? Thanks in advanced for your replies. As far as I can tell what you are getting is invalid XML. So I think the answer is you can't do that. (cf: -- R. David Murray

iPython help, Docstring [source file open failed]

2009-04-14 Thread R. David Murray
lookup at Python Doc). Can I somehow link the actual Python source code to iPython so that it can be accessed in that way? Notice that the filetype is '.so'. That means it is a compiled C module, so there is no python source to view. -- R. David Murray -- http

Help with run command + variable.

2009-04-14 Thread R. David Murray
the subprocess module instead, in which case you'd do something like this: call(['sixa', 'action', 'profile', profile]) -- R. David Murray --

Getting Newsgroup Headers

2009-04-16 Thread R. David Murray
involved in actually printing the headers if you need to deal with non-ASCII characters (encoded words) in the headers. (That's in the docs for the email module, though it took me a bit to figure out how to do it right.) -- R. David Murray --

how to know the importing file name from an imported file?

2009-04-17 Thread R. David Murray
as well? So, no, not in any useful way. -- R. David Murray --

Re: [Python-Dev] [python-committers] [RELEASED] Python 3.2 rc 1

2011-01-17 Thread R. David Murray
-- R. David Murray --

Re: Supply a plugin interface

2009-04-23 Thread R. David Murray
elegant) which returns the plugin. In 2.7 and 3.1 there will be: from importlib import import_module myname = import_module('somename') which has much more sensible semantics than __import__ does. -- R. David Murray --

Re: 4 hundred quadrillonth?

2009-05-21 Thread R. David Murray
Gary Herron wrote: MRAB wrote: Grant Edwards wrote: On 2009-05-21, Christian Heimes wrote: schrieb: The explaination in my introductory Python book is not very satisfying, and I am hoping someone can explain the following to

how to transfer my utf8 code saved in a file to gbk code

2009-06-07 Thread R. David Murray
intending to do. -- R. David Murray IT ConsultingSystem AdministrationPython Programming --

problems while using pexpect: pexcept.TIMEOUT always

2009-06-08 Thread R. David Murray
thing as ssh to my localhost.? I would suggest using the 'setlog' method of child to get more debugging information from pexpect. I've found that the best way to diagnose the source of a timeout. -- R. David Murray IT ConsultingSystem Administration

Re: pylint naming conventions?

2009-06-08 Thread R. David Murray
don't recall the right guidelines since no one else here seems to have had the same observation. Well, I for one looked at that long pylint output when I first tried it, and switched to another tool :) (pyflakes...but I don't think it does PEP 8) -- R. David Murray http

Am I doing this the python way? (list of lists + file io)

2009-06-08 Thread R. David Murray
. 1000 small CSV files should fit in a modern computer's memory with no problem...and if it does become an issue, worry about it then. One thought, though: you might want to create a list subclass to hold your data, so that you can put useful-to-you methods on the subclass... -- R. David Murray

Re: zipfile doesn't compress very good, are there other solutions?

2009-06-12 Thread R. David Murray
Chris Rebert wrote: On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Stef wrote: Peter Otten wrote: Stef Mientki wrote: Peter Otten wrote: Stef Mientki wrote: I packed all sources with zipfile, but the compression doesn't seem to be very good. If

Re: Case study: debugging failed assertRaises bug

2011-04-27 Thread R David Murray
Ben Finney ben+python at writes: (1) assertRaises REALLY needs a better error message. If not a custom message, at least it should show the result it got instead of an exception. +1 Is this one of the many improvements in Python 3.2's ‘unittest’ that Michael Foord

[issue809163] Can't add files with spaces

2010-11-19 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: Thanks for diagnosis and the test patch, and welcome to the bug weekend. Some comments: has a symbol, TESTFN, which is guaranteed to be unique for the test run and located in an appropriate writeable location. Many tests

[issue10424] better error message from argparse when positionals missing

2010-11-19 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: There are currently no tests in argparse that test the content of error messages, which is fairly standard for stdlib tests since the error messages aren't considered part of the API (only the nature of the exception is). So there's

[issue8705] shutil.rmtree with empty filepath

2010-11-20 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: Just as an FYI, a similar situation exists on Solaris. I had to fix one of the Python test suite tests once because it was naively trying to rmtree the CWD. -- nosy: +r.david.murray

[issue10466] throws exception on Windows / Non-UTF8 system

2010-11-20 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: unsupported locale setting is a message that comes from the C runtime, IIUC. Does it work on windows with 2.6? -- nosy: +lemburg, r.david.murray ___ Python tracker http

[issue10467] io.BytesIO.readinto() segfaults when used on BytesIO object seeked beyond end.

2010-11-20 Thread R. David Murray
Changes by R. David Murray -- nosy: +pitrou ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list

[issue5871] email.header.Header too lax with embeded newlines

2010-11-20 Thread R. David Murray
Changes by R. David Murray -- keywords: -easy ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list

[issue1574217] isinstance swallows exceptions

2010-11-20 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: I've committed this (with the whitespace fix) in r86577. I've made myself a note to backport it when the maint branches unfreeze. -- assignee: nnorwitz - nosy: +r.david.murray resolution: - fixed stage: patch review

[issue1574217] isinstance swallows exceptions

2010-11-20 Thread R. David Murray
Changes by R. David Murray -- versions: -Python 2.6 ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python

[issue5800] make wsgiref.headers.Headers accept empty constructor

2010-11-20 Thread R. David Murray
Changes by R. David Murray -- keywords: -patch stage: unit test needed - patch review versions: -Python 2.7 ___ Python tracker

[issue10453] Add -h/--help option to compileall

2010-11-20 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: On the other hand, the test case in test_compileall says test some aspects of compileall's CLI. Since the patch completely changes the logic of CLI parsing, having tests that cover as much as practical of the CLI would greatly increase

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