Re: OT: Meaning of "monkey"

2010-03-29 Thread Gib Bogle

I prefer to think of myself as a code-ape - I look down on code-monkeys.

Re: python to exe

2010-03-13 Thread Gib Bogle

Mark Lawrence wrote:

I'm certain that members of the Guinea Pig Club might have something to 
say on that one, see :-

You mean, something like: "That's not funny"?

Re: python to exe

2010-03-13 Thread Gib Bogle

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

As the old proverb goes: give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. 
Teach him how to fish, and he has food forever.

I like this version:

Light a man a fire, and you keep him warm for hours.  Set a man on fire, and you 
keep him warm for the rest of his life.


Re: running a program on many processors

2010-03-07 Thread Gib Bogle

Paweł Banyś wrote:
How can it be achieved?

Very carefully.

Re: PyQt4.7 and PyQwt5.2.0

2010-03-01 Thread Gib Bogle

Gib Bogle wrote:
I installed the latest PyQt (4.7-1), then PyQwt 5.2.0, which was built 
with PyQt4.5.4.  This line

import PyQt4.Qwt5 as Qwt

fails to load the DLL.  Could this be the result of not using PyQt4 4.5.4?

I guess I can answer my own question.  As far as I can determine, PyQwt 5.2.0 
needs PyQt 4.5.4 to work.


PyQt4.7 and PyQwt5.2.0

2010-02-28 Thread Gib Bogle
I installed the latest PyQt (4.7-1), then PyQwt 5.2.0, which was built with 
PyQt4.5.4.  This line

import PyQt4.Qwt5 as Qwt

fails to load the DLL.  Could this be the result of not using PyQt4 4.5.4?

Re: A more specific query ...

2010-02-26 Thread Gib Bogle

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 13:00:32 +1300, Gib Bogle
 declaimed the following in

The PyQt4 problem results from having copies of the Qt DLLs in directories that 
are in the PATH, as Doug Bell discovered.  In my case I have two programs that 
use Qt, AMD CodeAnalyst and Matlab.  If I rename BOTH these directories I can 
import the PyQt4 modules.

And where are those PATH entries relative to the Python ones? You
may have to add the Python location to PATH /before/ the AMD and Matlab
entries. {I routinely -- once a year or so -- copy the PATH environment
variable to an editor, and reorder it so that the stuff I use most
occurs earlier in the list}

Well diagnosed!  The others were all system environment variables, while the 
PyQt4 PATH is mine, and therefore it was placed at the end.  I've taken the AMD 
and Matlab PATH entries out of the system list and put them after PyQt4 in my 
PATH.  Now peace and harmony are restored to my Python world.


Re: A more specific query ...

2010-02-26 Thread Gib Bogle
The PyQt4 problem results from having copies of the Qt DLLs in directories that 
are in the PATH, as Doug Bell discovered.  In my case I have two programs that 
use Qt, AMD CodeAnalyst and Matlab.  If I rename BOTH these directories I can 
import the PyQt4 modules.

Since this behaviour did not occur with Python 2.5 and the previous PyQt I was 
using (4.5, I think), it seems that something has changed either with Python 2.6 
or with PyQt 4.7.

It would be very nice to learn how to fix this without renaming directories, 
since I use Matlab frequently.


Re: A more specific query ...

2010-02-26 Thread Gib Bogle
The PyQt4 problem results from having copies of the Qt DLLs in directories that 
are in the PATH, as Doug Bell discovered.  In my case I have two programs that 
use Qt, AMD CodeAnalyst and Matlab.  If I rename BOTH these directories I can 
import the PyQt4 modules.

Since this behaviour did not occur with Python 2.5 and the previous PyQt I was 
using (4.5, I think), it seems that something has changed either with Python 2.6 
or with PyQt 4.7.

It would be very nice to learn how to fix this without renaming directories, 
since I use Matlab frequently.


Re: A more specific query ...

2010-02-26 Thread Gib Bogle
The point of my question was that sys.path is clearly not being used in this 
case.  When I start Python sys.path includes D:\python26\lib\site-packages which 
seems to be the Python default.  Using sys.path.append I have tried adding both 
D:\python26\lib\site-packages\PyQt4 and D:\python26\lib\site-packages\PyQt4\bin 
to the path, but this has no effect.  So far the only way I've found to make the 
PyQt4 DLLs visible to Python is by copying them from PyQt4\bin into PyQt4.

I've tried adding stuff to the Windows PATH, but that has no effect.


Chris Rebert wrote:

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Gib Bogle

How can I interrogate Python to find out where it is looking to find the
PyQt4 DLLs in a Windows installation?

import sys



Re: A more specific query ...

2010-02-26 Thread Gib Bogle

Chris Rebert wrote:

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Gib Bogle

How can I interrogate Python to find out where it is looking to find the
PyQt4 DLLs in a Windows installation?

import sys

Note this thread:

I'm starting to get the impression that Windows is the 'poor relation' in the 
Python family ...


A more specific query ...

2010-02-26 Thread Gib Bogle
How can I interrogate Python to find out where it is looking to find the PyQt4 
DLLs in a Windows installation?  Secondarily, how is this search path set?


PyQt 4.7 installation on Windows

2010-02-26 Thread Gib Bogle
I've just installed Python 2.6.4 and PyQt 4.7 on my Windows machine, on which I 
was using Python 2.5 and PyQt 4.5.  Now 'from PyQt4 import QtGui'
fails to find the DLL.  Some googling shows that others have encountered the 
same problem, and a workaround is to copy QtGui4.dll (for example) from

This is obviously not a solution, just a clue.  Another clue is that the Python 
2.5 installation didn't have the \bin subdirectory, instead all the DLLs were in 
PyQt4.  It looks as if for 2.6 the DLLs have been moved but the search path 
hasn't been changed.  sys.path includes D:\python26\lib\site-packages, and the 
Windows PATH environment variable includes D:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\bin

For some reason I have a sense of deja vu.  Can anyone help?

Re: Executable problem - socket?

2010-02-25 Thread Gib Bogle

MRAB wrote:

You could try Dependency Walker:

I have (belatedly) read the py2exe tutorial:
and learned about the msvcr90.dll issue.  I haven't finished sorting this out 
yet, but I did find that running vcredist_x86.exe (the right version!) on box 1 
fixed things there.  I also tried (naively) manually adding 
dist\Microsoft.VC90.CRT with the manifest file and msvcr90.dll, but this doesn't 
seem to work - it seems that p2exe must do the file copying.


Re: Executable problem - correction

2010-02-24 Thread Gib Bogle

Sean DiZazzo wrote:

On Feb 24, 9:22 pm, Gib Bogle  wrote:

The program doesn't fail with the write error on the other XP machine, it
actually fails to execute at all, complaining about the configuration
information.  Therefore I'm seeing different behaviour on three XP machines:

Box 1 (SP2): runs OK
Box 2 (SP3): fails to start
Box 3 (SP3): starts up, all Qt stuff works, fails after invoking the Fortran DLL

Just to add to the confusion, execution is successful on a Windows 7 box.

I forgot to mention that the laptop on which the program was built (and where it
runs OK) is using Vista.  I now see that it will probably be necessary to build
separate Vista and XP versions - I should have realized this earlier, but was
misled by the fact that the Vista-built program runs OK on my XP SP2 box.

Did you compile the program with python 2.6?  Try compiling with 2.5.


I'll have to check with Helvin, but I believe 2.6 was needed for the version of 
PyQt that she has installed.


Re: Executable problem - correction

2010-02-24 Thread Gib Bogle
The program doesn't fail with the write error on the other XP machine, it 
actually fails to execute at all, complaining about the configuration 
information.  Therefore I'm seeing different behaviour on three XP machines:

Box 1 (SP2): runs OK
Box 2 (SP3): fails to start
Box 3 (SP3): starts up, all Qt stuff works, fails after invoking the Fortran DLL

Just to add to the confusion, execution is successful on a Windows 7 box.

I forgot to mention that the laptop on which the program was built (and where it 
runs OK) is using Vista.  I now see that it will probably be necessary to build 
separate Vista and XP versions - I should have realized this earlier, but was 
misled by the fact that the Vista-built program runs OK on my XP SP2 box.


Re: Executable problem - socket?

2010-02-24 Thread Gib Bogle

MRAB wrote:

Gib Bogle wrote:

My student has been developing a GUI (using PyQt and PyQwt) that runs 
a model written in Fortran and built as a DLL.  She has to present on 
this work tomorrow.  She makes an executable version of the Python 
code with py2exe, and the executable runs fine on her Vista laptop and 
my XP machine.  It doesn't run on the PC that she must use for her 
talk tomorrow.  The Fortran DLL code is started up, it writes some 
text output to a couple of log files, then it fails with a 
WindowsError (01d) which is a write error.  I suspect that this is 
the first attempt to write to a socket (communication from the DLL to 
Python is via sockets).  The only clue is that the machines that her 
program runs on have Python installed, while the one that fails 
doesn't.  Therefore I suspect that py2exe has omitted a necessary 
Python DLL.  How can I track down what might be missing?

You could try Dependency Walker:

Wow!  I've heard of it, but never used it.  The result is intriguing, but 
baffling.  When I look at the executable ABM15.exe on my machine (where it runs 
OK), I see a couple of harmless messages, but interestingly the program shows up 
with a checksum inconsistency, between Link Checksum and Real Checksum. 
Apparently this causes no issues on my machine.

On another XP machine, where the program fails with the write error, there is 
first a pop-up with this message:

"Errors were detected when processing ABM15.exe.  See the log for details."

In the log there are two significant messages:

"Error: The side-by-side configuration information for ABM15.exe contains 
errors.  The application has failed to start because the application 
configuration is incorrect.  Reinstalling the application may fix this problem 

(the checksum discrepancy is there also)

"MSJAVA.DLL  Error opening file.  The system cannot find the file specified 
(needless to say, I'm not using Java, and MSJAVA.dll is not on the other machine 

I find it very puzzling that the "configuration information" (whatever that is) 
is OK on one machine and erroneous on another.  DependencyWalker is obviously 
onto something - but what?

(At this stage snide comments about Windows will be received without comment.)

Executable problem - socket?

2010-02-24 Thread Gib Bogle

My student has been developing a GUI (using PyQt and PyQwt) that runs a model 
written in Fortran and built as a DLL.  She has to present on this work 
tomorrow.  She makes an executable version of the Python code with py2exe, and 
the executable runs fine on her Vista laptop and my XP machine.  It doesn't run 
on the PC that she must use for her talk tomorrow.  The Fortran DLL code is 
started up, it writes some text output to a couple of log files, then it fails 
with a WindowsError (01d) which is a write error.  I suspect that this is 
the first attempt to write to a socket (communication from the DLL to Python is 
via sockets).  The only clue is that the machines that her program runs on have 
Python installed, while the one that fails doesn't.  Therefore I suspect that 
py2exe has omitted a necessary Python DLL.  How can I track down what might be 


Re: Files required for porting python

2010-02-24 Thread Gib Bogle

KIRAN wrote:

"I see lot of code with several files."

I had to laugh at this.

Re: Problem creating executable, with PyQwt

2010-02-24 Thread Gib Bogle

David Boddie wrote:

On Tuesday 23 February 2010 05:32, Gib Bogle wrote:

David Boddie wrote:

I have previously referred people with py2exe/PyQt issues to this page on
the PyQt Wiki:

If you can somehow convince py2exe to include the QtSvg module (and
presumably the libQtSvg library as well) then perhaps that will solve
this problem.


Thanks David, that worked a treat.  :-)

If you could update the Wiki (or maybe the py2exe Wiki, if they have one)
to say what you did, that would be useful for others in the future. Then
they'll only be one search away from the answer. :-)


OK, I'll put it on the to-do list.


Re: Verifying My Troublesome Linkage Claim between Python and Win7

2010-02-23 Thread Gib Bogle

W. eWatson wrote:

On 2/23/2010 11:14 AM, Gib Bogle wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

On 2/23/2010 8:26 AM, Rick Dooling wrote:

No telling what Windows will do. :)

I am a mere hobbyist programmer, but I think real programmers will
tell you that it is a bad habit to use relative paths. Use absolute
paths instead and remove all doubt.


You may be right. The actual 300 line program just reads the folder
without specifying any path. I'm not that familiar with os path, but
have seen it used.

How do you invoke the program? Do you use a Command Prompt window?

IDLE, but I'm prett sure I tried it (300 lines) with Cprompt.

I don't know what you mean by "300 lines".  Have you opened a Command Prompt 
window, changed to the directory where you copied the files, and executed:


Re: Verifying My Troublesome Linkage Claim between Python and Win7

2010-02-23 Thread Gib Bogle

W. eWatson wrote:

On 2/23/2010 8:26 AM, Rick Dooling wrote:

No telling what Windows will do. :)

I am a mere hobbyist programmer, but I think real programmers will
tell you that it is a bad habit to use relative paths. Use absolute
paths instead and remove all doubt.

You may be right. The actual 300 line program just reads the folder 
without specifying any path. I'm not that familiar with os path, but 
have seen it used.

How do you invoke the program?  Do you use a Command Prompt window?

Re: Verifying My Troublesome Linkage Claim between Python and Win7

2010-02-23 Thread Gib Bogle

Rick Dooling wrote:

No telling what Windows will do. :)

It isn't useful to respond to a serious question with OS bigotry.

Re: What's Going on between Python and win7?

2010-02-23 Thread Gib Bogle

chris grebeldinger wrote:

Have you tried opening file explorer in administrative mode before
performing the copy?  I think if there isn't sufficient permissions,
it does something weird like that.


Re: Problem creating executable, with PyQwt

2010-02-22 Thread Gib Bogle

David Boddie wrote:

I have previously referred people with py2exe/PyQt issues to this page on
the PyQt Wiki:

If you can somehow convince py2exe to include the QtSvg module (and
presumably the libQtSvg library as well) then perhaps that will solve
this problem.


Thanks David, that worked a treat.  :-)

Re: What's Going on between Python and win7?

2010-02-22 Thread Gib Bogle

John Bokma wrote:

Gib Bogle  writes:

MRAB wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:

Last night I copied a program from folder A to folder B. It
inspects the contents of files in a folder. When I ran it in B, it
gave the results for A! Out of frustration I changed the name in A,
and fired up the program in B. Win7 went into search mode for the
file. I looked at properties for the B program, and it was clearly
pointing to folder A.

Sounds like you didn't copy it but made a shortcut to it instead.

Windows 7 has symbolic links?

   Symbolic links are designed to aid in migration and application
   compatibility with UNIX operating systems. Microsoft has implemented
   its symbolic links to function just like UNIX links.

   Symbolic links are available in NTFS starting with Windows Vista.

That explains my ignorance of this (excellent) development.  I'm still using W2K 
and XP.


Re: What's Going on between Python and win7?

2010-02-22 Thread Gib Bogle

MRAB wrote:

W. eWatson wrote:
Last night I copied a program from folder A to folder B. It inspects 
the contents of files in a folder. When I ran it in B, it gave the 
results for A! Out of frustration I changed the name in A, and fired 
up the program in B. Win7 went into search mode for the file. I looked 
at properties for the B program, and it was clearly pointing to folder A.

Sounds like you didn't copy it but made a shortcut to it instead.

Windows 7 has symbolic links?

Re: Problem creating executable, with PyQwt

2010-02-21 Thread Gib Bogle

Thanks David.

Someone asked this question on the PyQt mailing list, too:

That's my student, Helvin.

I believe it was also asked on the #pyqt IRC channel on freenode. I think
I have previously referred people with py2exe/PyQt issues to this page on
the PyQt Wiki:

If you can somehow convince py2exe to include the QtSvg module (and
presumably the libQtSvg library as well) then perhaps that will solve
this problem.

I just did a quick test myself, and confirmed that this works for sip.  I'm not 
at all clear what "--includes" arguments might be needed for QtSvg (and 
libQtSvg).  I'll pass this info on to Helvin.


Problem creating executable, with PyQwt

2010-02-21 Thread Gib Bogle
My student is trying to build an executable version of a program that uses PyQt 
and PyQwt, on Windows XP.  She has installed: Python 2.6.1, Qt 4.5.0, PyQt 4.5, 
and PyQwt 5.2.0.  There is a module error on running the executable produced by 
py2exe.  Here is the info I got from my student:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ABM15.pyw", line 15, in 
  File "PyQt4\Qwt5\__init__.pyc", line 32, in 
  File "PyQt4\Qwt5\Qwt.pyc", line 12, in 
  File "PyQt4\Qwt5\Qwt.pyc", line 10, in __load
ImportError: No module named QtSvg

If you Google this last line, you'll find that I've posted this to a forum, but 
no one answered me. Someone has also had this problem before, although I think 
they were using PyInstaller and not py2exe. They say that its because Qwt has a 
hidden import for QtSvg. If I can turn this off, maybe it'll work, but I don't 
know how.

I have downloaded py2exe and I run the attached file in my working 
directory. It creates two directories: 'dist' and 'build'. An executable is 
created in the 'dist' directory along with other things. When I tried running 
it, it produces a log file, in which I find the error messages.


Perhaps someone can recognize these symptoms.


Re: Shipping Executables

2010-02-20 Thread Gib Bogle

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 02:00:59 -0500, geremy condra quoted Banibrata Dutta

BTW for people who are non-believers in something being worth stealing
needing protection, need to read about the Skype client.

Pardon me for breaking threading, but the original post has not come 
through to my provider, only the reply from Geremy.

Many things are worth stealing and therefore need protection.

In any case, reverse engineering software is not theft. And even if it 
were, keeping the source code secret is no barrier to a competent, 
determined attacker or investigator. Skype is a good example: despite the 
lack of source code and the secret protocol, analysts were able to 
discover that TOM-Skype sends personally identifiable information, 
encryption keys and private messages back to central servers.

In my personal opinion, releasing closed source software is prima facie 
evidence that the software is or does something bad: leaking personal 
information, infringing somebody else's copyright or patent, or just 
being badly written. I'm not saying that every piece of closed source 
software is like that, but when you hide the source, the burden of proof 
is on you to prove that you're not hiding something unpleasant.

You are assuming that everyone who might be interested in copying your code is 
able to reverse-engineer it.  That might be true for software with a high 
commercial value, but it is by no means true for all software.  And in saying 
"when you hide the source, the burden of proof is on you to prove that you're 
not hiding something unpleasant" you are tacitly assuming that the users of the 
software care about having such a thing proven.  I submit that most users do not 
have this "guilty until proven innocent" attitude.

To give a personal example: I plan soon to distribute (free) to anyone 
interested some scientific software.  For various reasons I do not intend to 
distribute the source code at this stage.  I'm quite confident that the users 
(biologists) will have neither the desire nor the ability to reverse-engineer 
it.  Of course I'd be tremendously flattered if they did want to.  I'm also 
confident that they will not suspect me of "hiding something unpleasant".  In 
the worst case they might think the program is useless.


Re: Please help with MemoryError

2010-02-12 Thread Gib Bogle

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

def swap(a, b):
a, b = b, a

x = 1
y = 2
swap(x, y)
assert (x == 2) and (y==1)

Can't the same point be more simply made with this example:

def setval(a):
a = 12345

x = 1
print x


Re: Python 3 minor irritation

2010-02-04 Thread Gib Bogle

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

Sorry, I should have removed that line. This is just my setup; a normal 
Python install doesn't create that registry entry. It allows Desktop 
Search (or Windows Search, or whatever it is called nowadays; the F3 
key) to search inside .py files (default behavior is to just ignore 
their contents).


Is this related to the fact that when I double-click on a .py file the 
command window disappears after the execution is completed?

(I bet the "Persistent" word confused you.) No, as you can see, it's 
completely unrelated. AFAIK, there is no way (on XP and later at least) 
to keep a console window open after the program exited. Three choices:

- Open a cmd window and execute the script there. You may drag&drop the 
file over the window to avoid typing the full path (I think this last 
part does not work on Vista nor Win7)

- Add a raw_input() [2.x] or input() [3.x] line at the end of the script

- Rename it with a '.cmd' extension and add this line at the very top:

@(C:\Python26\Python -x %~f0 %* || pause) && goto:EOF

(see this post by Duncan Booth last month: )

Thanks Gabriel.  I didn't know about the drag&drop capability (learn something 
every day, forget two things).  BTW input() works for me in 2.5.


Re: Python 3 minor irritation

2010-02-04 Thread Gib Bogle

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
But the associated program might change the current directory - that's 
not the case with the default associations created by the Python 
installer, but one should verify this.

To the OP: please create this small test script

import os
print("curdir=", os.getcwd())
print("__file__=", __file__)

and post what you get when you double-click on it.

Also, from the command line, execute:

D:\temp>reg query HKCR\.py


REG_SZ  Python.File
Content TypeREG_SZ  text/plain


I'm interested in this, because I'm using Windows XP, and when I execute this 
command I see the first part but not the second (with PersistentHandler).  Is 
this related to the fact that when I double-click on a .py file the command 
window disappears after the execution is completed?


Re: Python's Reference And Internal Model Of Computing Languages

2010-02-02 Thread Gib Bogle

Paul Rubin wrote:

Ryan Kelly  writes:

I know, I know, do not feed the trolls.  But this is just so *wrong*
that I can't help myself.



Re: myths about python 3

2010-01-28 Thread Gib Bogle

Ethan Furman wrote:

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

4. Python 3 will make you irresistible to women.


What?!?  Drat!!!  Guess I'll have to learn Lisp...  ;)


Learn to say this fast, you'll impress the hell out of them:

Chaps with chapped lips lisp.

Re: python 3's adoption

2010-01-28 Thread Gib Bogle

Luis M. González wrote:

Please don't post more noise and ad hominem attacks to the group, Steve.

"Ad hominem"?
Please, operor non utor lingua non notus per vulgaris populus.
Gratias ago vos...

"ad hominem" is "lingua notus per vulgaris populus", the vulgar pop of these 
parts, anyway.


Re: python 3's adoption

2010-01-27 Thread Gib Bogle

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 27 Jan 2010 02:28:00 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Print is now a function. Great, much improvement.

Actually not, IMHO. All it does is is to provide incompatibility. They
forgot Ronald Reagan's old maxim: if it don't need fixin', don't fix it.

The aphorism needs fixing: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Re: py2exe and pydocs. Downloads?

2010-01-21 Thread Gib Bogle

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:22:19 -0300, Gib Bogle 

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

c:\temp>python -m pydoc sys
Help on built-in module sys:
[...same info...]

When I do this I get:

No module named tempfile

You found a bug. Looks like it depends on the environment, or what 
packages are installed, or something like that, because it worked on my 
other PC but not here.

Please report it at so it doesn't get forgotten.

The bug checkers are not able to reproduce the error.  What is your other PC 


Re: py2exe and pydocs. Downloads?

2010-01-21 Thread Gib Bogle

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

You found a bug. Looks like it depends on the environment, or what 
packages are installed, or something like that, because it worked on my 
other PC but not here.

Please report it at so it doesn't get forgotten.


Re: py2exe and pydocs. Downloads?

2010-01-20 Thread Gib Bogle

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

c:\temp>python -m pydoc sys
Help on built-in module sys:
[...same info...]

When I do this I get:

No module named tempfile

Re: syntax

2010-01-19 Thread Gib Bogle

Looks like homework.

Re: What is a list compression in Python?

2010-01-18 Thread Gib Bogle

Kit wrote:

Thank you so much guys.

Just out of curiosity: can I do something like this to "square all
even numbers in the range 1-10"?
print [x^2 for x in range (1,11) if x % 2 == 0]

Why not try it?

PyQwt installation

2010-01-18 Thread Gib Bogle
Should there be a problem installing PyQwt5.2.0 with PyQt4.4.4 and Python2.6 on 
Windows?  My student is saying she can't get the Windows installer to work, and 
she points out that the download site says "Binary installation of PyQwt-5.2.0 
on Windows for Python-2.6.x, PyQt-4.5.4"


Re: ctypes error

2010-01-15 Thread Gib Bogle

Gib Bogle wrote:
It has occurred to me that the error may have nothing to do with 
ctypes.  The DLL was built on one machine and copied to the other (which 
doesn't have the compiler installed).  Although both machines are 
running Windows XP, there might be some subtle differences.

I see that the build machine has XP Professional, Version 2002, Service 
Pack 2, while the machine that fails to load the DLL has XP Home 
Edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 3.  Who knows.

I'm a bit embarrassed to report that the problem has nothing to do with Python. 
 My DLL was built with dynamic library linking, and apparently there are some 
differences between the various Intel DLLs used on the two machines.  Following 
advice from the Intel Fortran forum, I created the DLL with static library 
linking, and now all works as expected.  Sorry to waste your time.


Re: ctypes error

2010-01-14 Thread Gib Bogle
It has occurred to me that the error may have nothing to do with ctypes.  The 
DLL was built on one machine and copied to the other (which doesn't have the 
compiler installed).  Although both machines are running Windows XP, there might 
be some subtle differences.

I see that the build machine has XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 2, 
while the machine that fails to load the DLL has XP Home Edition, Version 2002, 
Service Pack 3.  Who knows.


ctypes error

2010-01-14 Thread Gib Bogle
I have a simple demo program (on Windows XP) that uses the ctypes module to load 
a DLL.  This program works as expected with Python 2.5.4, but fails with Python 
2.6.4 (on a different machine, each machine has only one Python version 
installed), with these messages:

File "", line 37, in 
  mydll = windll.LoadLibrary("DEMO.DLL")
File "c:\python26\lib\ctypes\, line 431, in LoadLibrary
  return self._dlltype(name)
File "c:\python26\lib\ctypes\, line 353, in __init__
  self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
WindowsError: [Error 14001] This application has failed to start because the 
application configuration is incorrect.  Reinstalling the application may fix 
this problem

It isn't clear to me what the "application" is.  As far as I know I didn't 
install anything except Python 2.6.4.  Is it possible that ctypes doesn't work 
with 2.6.4?


Re: A question about Python versions

2010-01-13 Thread Gib Bogle

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 1/13/2010 1:09 AM, Gib Bogle wrote:

I am learning Python, and using PyQt to develop a GUI that will be used
to run a Fortran program on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (I think Python
is great, btw). Without thinking about it I downloaded and started
working with a fairly recent Python version, 2.5.4. I've now become
aware of the existence of Python 3.1, which apparently is a major
revision of the language. Does it make sense to stick with Python 2.x at
this point, or should I be starting off with 3.1? If it is recommended
to stick with version 2, should I use the latest (2.6.4 or 2.7), and if
so why? Thanks.

My view is that if PyQt works with 3.1 (I have the impression it does 
but may be wrong) and that is the only 3rd parth library you need, or 
anything else you need works with 3.1, then strongly consider 3.1 for 
new code. The main difference between 2.6 and 3.1 is the number of old, 
obsolete things removed that you will not even be tempted to learn about.

Terry Jan Reedy

On balance I think I'll stick with 2.x - another factor I didn't mention is that 
most end-users will probably not have 3.x installed on their machines.


Re: A question about Python versions

2010-01-13 Thread Gib Bogle

Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:

On 1/12/2010 10:09 PM, Gib Bogle wrote:

I am learning Python, and using PyQt to develop a GUI that will be used
to run a Fortran program on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (I think Python
is great, btw). Without thinking about it I downloaded and started
working with a fairly recent Python version, 2.5.4.  I've now become
aware of the existence of Python 3.1, which apparently is a major
revision of the language.  Does it make sense to stick with Python 2.x
at this point, or should I be starting off with 3.1?

Stick with 2.x.

If it is
recommended to stick with version 2, should I use the latest (2.6.4 or
2.7), and if so why?  Thanks.

2.6.4 definitely (as 2.7 final is not released yet).

Also see:


Thanks, very useful.

A question about Python versions

2010-01-12 Thread Gib Bogle
I am learning Python, and using PyQt to develop a GUI that will be used to run a 
Fortran program on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (I think Python is great, btw). 
Without thinking about it I downloaded and started working with a fairly recent 
Python version, 2.5.4.  I've now become aware of the existence of Python 3.1, 
which apparently is a major revision of the language.  Does it make sense to 
stick with Python 2.x at this point, or should I be starting off with 3.1?  If 
it is recommended to stick with version 2, should I use the latest (2.6.4 or 
2.7), and if so why?  Thanks.


Re: Threading change, 2.5.4 -> 2.6.1

2010-01-07 Thread Gib Bogle

MRAB wrote:

Gib Bogle wrote:
The code below runs with Python 2.5.4, but gives the following error 
messages with Python 2.6.1.  What needs to be done to make it work?  

C:\Summer09\Tutorials>python url_queue.pyw
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "url_queue.pyw", line 3, in 
import threading
File "C:\Summer09\Tutorials\", line 9, in 
class ProcessingThread(threading.Thread, QtCore.QObject):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Thread'

url_queue.pyw is trying to import Python's "threading" module, but it's
finding the script in your "Tutorials" folder first.

Renaming your tutorial script to something other than "".

Thanks very much to you both.  It's actually not in my folder, it is 
(presumably) in my student's folder (I'm the one using 2.5.4, she has 2.6.1 and 
thought this could be the problem.)


Threading change, 2.5.4 -> 2.6.1

2010-01-07 Thread Gib Bogle
The code below runs with Python 2.5.4, but gives the following error messages 
with Python 2.6.1.  What needs to be done to make it work?  Thanks.

C:\Summer09\Tutorials>python url_queue.pyw
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "url_queue.pyw", line 3, in 
import threading
File "C:\Summer09\Tutorials\", line 9, in 
class ProcessingThread(threading.Thread, QtCore.QObject):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Thread'

#!/usr/bin/env python
import Queue
import threading
import urllib2
import time

hosts = ["";, "";, "";, 
"";, "";]

queue = Queue.Queue()

class ThreadUrl(threading.Thread):
#"""Threaded Url Grab"""
  def __init__(self, queue,i):
self.queue = queue
self.num = i
print "Thread: ",self.num

  def run(self):
while True:
  #grabs host from queue
  host = self.queue.get()
  print "num, host: ",self.num,host
  #grabs urls of hosts and prints first 1024 bytes of page
  url = urllib2.urlopen(host)

  #signals to queue job is done

start = time.time()
def main():

  #spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance
  for i in range(5):
t = ThreadUrl(queue,i)

  #populate queue with data
  for host in hosts:

 #wait on the queue until everything has been processed

print "Elapsed Time: %s" % (time.time() - start)

Re: A null program - what is it doing?

2010-01-05 Thread Gib Bogle

r0g wrote:

Gib Bogle wrote:

No doubt a dumb question from a noob:

The following program (a cut down version of some test code) uses no
CPU, and does not terminate:

import sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import *

if __name__=="__main__":
app = QCoreApplication(sys.argv)

What is the program doing?  What is the correct way to terminate the

Thanks in advance for educating me.

I've never used QT but other graphical toolkits I have used all start
their own "main loop" which is a loop that cycles round receiving,
queuing and dispatching "events". You probably need to call the
QCoreApplication's quit method to break out of this e.g.

app.exit() or something similar, have a look at some complete PyQt4
examples or google for PyQt4 mainloop.


Thanks.  I've realized that QCoreApplication (or QApplication) manages the event 
loop, and normally when it is executed you are showing a widget of some kind, 
closing which ends the application.  Alt-F4 acts like Ctrl-C to terminate from 
the keyboard.


A null program - what is it doing?

2010-01-05 Thread Gib Bogle

No doubt a dumb question from a noob:

The following program (a cut down version of some test code) uses no CPU, and 
does not terminate:

import sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import *

if __name__=="__main__":
app = QCoreApplication(sys.argv)

What is the program doing?  What is the correct way to terminate the execution?

Thanks in advance for educating me.

Re: Threading with queues

2009-12-23 Thread Gib Bogle

Lie Ryan wrote:

On 12/22/2009 10:47 AM, Gib Bogle wrote:

This is indented over one indentation level too much. You want it to
be at the same level as the for above. Here, its at the same level
with "t" -- meaning this entire loop gets repeated five times.

I sorta really recommend a tab width of 4 spaces, not 2 :) At 2, its
_really_ hard (especially if you're newer to Python) to see these
kinds of issues and since indentation is program logic and structure
in Python, that's bad... especially since your comment is indented to
the right level, but the code isn't :)


It turns out that this code isn't a great demo of the advantages of
threading, on my system anyway. The time taken to execute doesn't vary
much when the number of threads is set anywhere from 1 to 6.

it does in mine:

Elapsed Time: 7.4737711 (with one thread)
Elapsed Time: 1.9015041 (with five threads)

what sort of weird machine are you in?

Hmmm, interesting.  I am running Windows XP on Intel quad core hardware, Q6600. 
 And you?


Re: numpy performance and random numbers

2009-12-21 Thread Gib Bogle

David Cournapeau wrote:

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Lie Ryan  wrote:

On 12/20/2009 2:53 PM, sturlamolden wrote:

On 20 Des, 01:46, Lie Ryan  wrote:

Not necessarily, you only need to be certain that the two streams don't
overlap in any reasonable amount of time. For that purpose, you can use
a PRNG that have extremely high period like Mersenne Twister and puts
the generators to very distant states.

Except there is no way to find two very distant states and prove they
are distant enough.

Except only theoretical scientist feel the need to prove it and perhaps
perhaps for cryptographic-level security. Random number for games, random
number for tmp files, and 99.99% random number users doesn't really need
such proves.

But the OP case mostly like falls in your estimated 0.01% case. PRNG
quality is essential for reliable Monte Carlo procedures. I don't
think long period is enough to guarantee those good properties for //
random generators - at least it is not obvious to me.


My simulation program is Monte Carlo, but the complexity and variety of all the 
interactions ensure that PRNG sequence overlap will have no discernible effect.


Re: Threading with queues

2009-12-21 Thread Gib Bogle

Stephen Hansen wrote:

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Gib Bogle

 #spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance
 for i in range(5):
   t = ThreadUrl(queue,i)

 #populate queue with data
   for host in hosts:

This is indented over one indentation level too much. You want it to
be at the same level as the for above. Here, its at the same level
with "t" -- meaning this entire loop gets repeated five times.

I sorta really recommend a tab width of 4 spaces, not 2 :) At 2, its
_really_ hard (especially if you're newer to Python) to see these
kinds of issues and since indentation is program logic and structure
in Python, that's bad... especially since your comment is indented to
the right level, but the code isn't :)


It turns out that this code isn't a great demo of the advantages of threading, 
on my system anyway.  The time taken to execute doesn't vary much when the 
number of threads is set anywhere from 1 to 6.


Re: Threading with queues

2009-12-21 Thread Gib Bogle

Stephen Hansen wrote:

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Gib Bogle

 #spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance
 for i in range(5):
   t = ThreadUrl(queue,i)

 #populate queue with data
   for host in hosts:

This is indented over one indentation level too much. You want it to
be at the same level as the for above. Here, its at the same level
with "t" -- meaning this entire loop gets repeated five times.

I sorta really recommend a tab width of 4 spaces, not 2 :) At 2, its
_really_ hard (especially if you're newer to Python) to see these
kinds of issues and since indentation is program logic and structure
in Python, that's bad... especially since your comment is indented to
the right level, but the code isn't :)


Aarrh!  Caught by the obvious Python trap that everyone knows about!  In my 
defense, it's wrong on the web site.  I agree, 4 spaces is the best plan. 
Thanks very much!


Re: Using Python to Execute a C or FORTRAN Program (Windows)

2009-12-21 Thread Gib Bogle

W. eWatson wrote:

Mensanator wrote:

On Dec 14, 8:14�pm, "W. eWatson"  wrote:

I think Python is capable of executing a compiled C or FORTRAN program,

Sure, if it was compiled to an .exe file.

and maybe even getting some parameters passed back.

Sure, if the program prints to stdout.

Does anyone have a
example of how this might be done? I'm running under Win XP Pro.

Here's one. The test program is factor.exe (included in
the MIRACL library). I recompiled it (factor!.exe) to
produce consitent output.

Thanks. OK, I think I can follow that. I want to pass it along to 
someone who either missed this possibility in some coding, ignored it, 
or felt more comfortable about just writing the whole program from 
scratch in c++. His program was originally written in Python, but a new 
hardware device (capture card) had no good interface with Python, so he 
wrote it in C++, which does. From my knowledge of the Python program 
before the entry of c++, it seems he could have farmed out the hardware 
interface in much the same way he had done it before with a capture card 
well know to him.

Would the same Python interface work for a compiled C++ program?

I am working on a Python UI (PyQt4) to a Fortran program.  The approach I've 
taken is to build the Fortran code as a DLL (or .so).  Python can load the 
library and call a procedure that initiates execution.  I'm using sockets to 
pass data of different types back to the Python program.  This is a work in 
progress, and I'm learning Python as we go.


Re: numpy performance and random numbers

2009-12-21 Thread Gib Bogle

sturlamolden wrote:

On 19 Des, 22:58, sturlamolden  wrote:

If you pick two random states (using any PRNG), you need error-
checking that states are always unique, i.e. that each PRNG never
reaches the starting state of the other(s).

Another note on this:

Ideally, we would e.g. know how to find (analytically) MT states that
are very far apart. But to my knowledge no such equation has been

But often in Monte Carlo simulations, the PRNG is not the dominant
computational bottleneck. So we can simply start N PRNGs from N
consequtive states, and for each PRNG only use every N-th pseudorandom

OK, now I understand.  In my application I don't care about a thread's PRNG 
reaching the start of another threads.  I do understand that this is not the 
case in all applications.


Re: numpy performance and random numbers

2009-12-21 Thread Gib Bogle

sturlamolden wrote:

On 19 Des, 16:20, Carl Johan Rehn  wrote:

How about mulit-core or (perhaps more exciting) GPU and CUDA? I must
admit that I am extremely interested in trying the CUDA-alternative.

Obviously, cuBLAS is not an option here, so what is the safest route
for a novice parallel-programmer?

The problem with PRNG is that they are iterative in nature, and
maintain global states. They are therefore very hard to vectorize. A
GPU will not help. The GPU has hundreds of computational cores that
can run kernels, but you only get to utilize one.

Parallel PRNGs are an unsolved problem in computer science.

My parallel version of ziggurat works fine, with Fortran/OpenMP.

Re: numpy performance and random numbers

2009-12-21 Thread Gib Bogle

sturlamolden wrote:

On 19 Des, 14:06, Carl Johan Rehn  wrote:

Matlab and numpy have (by chance?) the exact names for the same

Common ancenstry, NumPy and Matlab borrowed the name from IDL.

LabView, Octave and SciLab uses the name randn as well.

So the basioc question is, how can I speed up random number

The obvious thing would be to compile ziggurat yourself, and turn on
optimization flags for your hardware.

P.S. Be careful if you consider using more than one processor.
Multithreading is a very difficult issue with PRNGs, becuase it is
difficult to guarrantee they are truely independent. But you can use a
producer-consumer pattern, though: one thread constantly producing
random numbers (writing into a buffer or pipe) and another thread(s)
consuming them.

In case you're interested, I've made a multi-thread version of ziggurat 
(actually in Fortran for use with OpenMP).  It is a simple enough mod, there is 
an additional argument (thread number) in each call to the ziggurat functions, 
and ziggurat maintains separate variables for each thread (not just the seed). 
There was one non-trivial issue.  To avoid cache collisions, the seed values (an 
array corresponding to jsr in the original code) need to be spaced sufficiently 
far apart.  Without this measure the performance was disappointingly slow.

I agree with your recommendation - ziggurat is really fast.

Threading with queues

2009-12-21 Thread Gib Bogle

I'm learning Python, jumping in the deep end with a threading application.  I 
came across an authoritative-looking site that recommends using queues for 
threading in Python.
The author provides example code that fetches data from several web sites, using 
threads.  I have modified his code slightly, just adding a couple of print 
statements and passing an ID number to the thread.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import Queue
import threading
import urllib2
import time

hosts = ["";, "";, "";, 
"";, "";]

queue = Queue.Queue()

class ThreadUrl(threading.Thread):
#"""Threaded Url Grab"""
  def __init__(self, queue,i):
self.queue = queue
self.num = i
print "Thread: ",self.num

  def run(self):
while True:
  #grabs host from queue
  host = self.queue.get()
  print "num, host: ",self.num,host
  #grabs urls of hosts and prints first 1024 bytes of page
  url = urllib2.urlopen(host)

  #signals to queue job is done

start = time.time()
def main():

  #spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance
  for i in range(5):
t = ThreadUrl(queue,i)

 #populate queue with data
for host in hosts:

 #wait on the queue until everything has been processed

print "Elapsed Time: %s" % (time.time() - start)

Executed on Windows with Python 2.5 this program doesn't do what you want, which 
is to fetch data from each site once.  Instead, it processes the first host in 
the list 5 times, the next 4 times, etc, and the last just once.  I don't know 
whether it is a case of the code simply being wrong (which seems unlikely), or 
the behaviour on my system being different from AIX (also seems unlikely).

Naively, I would have expected the queue to enforce processing of its members 
once only.  Is there a simple change that will make this code execute as 
required?  Or is this author out to lunch?


Re: BUSTED!!! 100% VIDEO EVIDENCE that WTC7 was controlled demolition!! NEW FOOTAGE!!! Ask yourself WHY havn't I seen this footage before?

2007-05-03 Thread Gib Bogle
Ah, so the firefighters were in on the conspiracy!

Re: Video: Professor of Physics Phd at Cal Tech says: 911 Inside Job

2007-04-24 Thread Gib Bogle
> Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> No self-respecting scientist should keep his mouth shut. Its a
> fundamental challenge to the method of science, a detective work most

When did the University of Iowa (Iowhere?) become CalTech.