Re: in place list modification necessary? What's a better idiom?

2009-04-08 Thread MooMaster
On Apr 6, 10:43 pm, Carl Banks wrote:
 MooMaster wrote:
  So I'm reading in values from a file, and for each column I need to
  dynamically discover the range of possible values it can take and
  quantize if necessary. This is the solution I've come up with:

  def createInitialCluster(fileName):
      #get the data from the file
      points = []
      with open(fileName, 'r') as f:
          for line in f:
      #clean up the data
      fixedPoints = []
      for point in points:
          dimensions = [quantize(i, points, point.split(,).index(i))
  for i in point.split(,)]
          print dimensions
      #return an initial cluster of all the points
      return Cluster(fixedPoints)

  def quantize(stringToQuantize, pointList, columnIndex):
      #if it's numeric, no need to quantize
          return float(stringToQuantize)
      #first we need to discover all the possible values of this column
      domain = []
      for point in pointList:
      #make it a set to remove duplicates
      domain = list(Set(domain))
      #use the index into the domain as the number representing this
      return float(domain.index(stringToQuantize))

  #harvested from
  def isNumeric(string):
          i = float(string)
      except ValueError:
          return False
      return True

 Big problem with this.  I'm guessing you never ran it on a really big
 file yet.  Your quantize function does a lot of unnecessary work: it
 rebuilds the list of indices for every single line, every single non-
 numeric entry, in fact.  (Tech-speak: that is N^2 behavior in both the
 number of lines and number of non-numeric columns.  Not good.)  This
 will work ok for a small file, but will take forever on a large file
 (perhaps literally).

 So, forgetting about column indexing for a moment, we can improve this
 vastly simply by generating the list of indices once.  Do that in a
 separete function, have it return the list, and then pass that list to
 the quantize function.  So replace the midportion of your
 createInitialCluster function with something like this:

     for i in xrange(len(points[0])): # number of columns
     fixedPoints = []
     for point in points:
         dimensions = [quantize(s, column_indices[i], point.split
                 for (i,s) in enumerate(point.split(,))] # need index
 as well as entry here
         print dimensions

 And the two functions would be something like this:

 def quantize_columns(point_list,column_index):
     # this assumes if the first column is numeric the whole column
 would be
         return None # don't quantize this column
     #first we need to discover all the possible values of this column
     domain = []
     for point in point_list:
     #make it a set to remove duplicates
     return list(set(domain))

 def quantize(i,domain,s):
     if domain is None:
         return float(s)
     return float(domain.index(s))

 This (once debugged :) will run much, much faster on a large dataset.

 Now back to your question.

  It works, but it feels a little ugly, and not exactly Pythonic. Using
  two lists I need the original point list to read in the data, then the
  dimensions one to hold the processed point, and a fixedPoint list to
  make objects out of the processed data. If my dataset is in the order
  of millions, this'll nuke the memory. I tried something like:

  for point in points:
     point = Point([quantize(i, points, point.split(,).index(i)) for i
  in point.split(,)])
  but when I print out the points afterward, it doesn't keep the

 It's because the order of items in a set is undefined.  The order of
 the items in list(set([a,b,c,d])) might be very different from
 the order in list(set([a,b,c,d,e])).  You were passing
 quantize incomplete an incomplete list of points, so as the points
 grew, the items in the set changed, and it messed up the order.  In
 fact,  you should never rely on the order being the same, even if you
 created the set with the very same arguments.

 What you are trying to do should be done with dictionaries: create a
 dict that maps a value to a number.

 Now, based on your quantize function, it would seem that the number
 associated with the value is arbitrary (doesn't matter what it is, as
 long as it's distinct), so it isn't necessary to read the whole csv
 file in before assigning numbers; just build the dict as you go.

 I suggest collections.defaultdict for this task.  It's like a regular
 dict, but it creates a new

Re: in place list modification necessary? What's a better idiom?

2009-04-08 Thread MooMaster
On Apr 7, 12:40 am, Peter Otten wrote:
 Peter Otten wrote:
  MooMaster wrote:

  Now we can't calculate a meaningful Euclidean distance for something
  like Iris-setosa and Iris-versicolor unless we use string-edit
  distance or something overly complicated, so instead we'll use a
  simple quantization scheme of enumerating the set of values within the
  column domain and replacing the strings with numbers (i.e. Iris-setosa
  = 1, iris-versicolor=2).

  I'd calculate the distance as

  def string_dist(x, y, weight=1):
      return weight * (x == y)

 oops, this must of course be (x != y).

  You don't get a high resolution in that dimension, but you don't introduce
  an element of randomness, either.


The randomness doesn't matter too much, all K-means cares about is a
distance between two points in a coordinate space and as long as that
space is invariant it doesn't matter too much (i.e. we don't want
(1,1) becoming (3,1) on the next iteration, or the value for a
quantized column changing). With that in mind, I was hoping to be lazy
and just go with an enumeration approach...

Nevertheless, it does introduce a subtle ordering for nominal data, as
if Iris-Setosa =1, Iris-Versicolor=2, and Iris-Virginica=3 then on
that scale Iris-Versicolor is intuitively closer to virginica than
setosa is, when in fact such distances don't mean anything on a
nominal scale. I hadn't thought about a function like that, but it
makes a lot of sense. Thanks!

in place list modification necessary? What's a better idiom?

2009-04-06 Thread MooMaster
A similar discussion has already occurred, over 4 years ago:

Nevertheless, I have a use-case where such a discussion comes up. For
my data mining class I'm writing an implementation of the bisecting
KMeans clustering algorithm (if you're not familiar with clustering
and are interested, this gives a decent example based overview: Given a
CSV dataset of n records, we are to cluster them accordingly.

The dataset is generalizable enough to have any kind of data-type
(strings, floats, booleans, etc) for each of the record's columnar
values, for example here's a couple of  records from the famous iris


Now we can't calculate a meaningful Euclidean distance for something
like Iris-setosa and Iris-versicolor unless we use string-edit
distance or something overly complicated, so instead we'll use a
simple quantization scheme of enumerating the set of values within the
column domain and replacing the strings with numbers (i.e. Iris-setosa
= 1, iris-versicolor=2).

So I'm reading in values from a file, and for each column I need to
dynamically discover the range of possible values it can take and
quantize if necessary. This is the solution I've come up with:

def createInitialCluster(fileName):
#get the data from the file
points = []
with open(fileName, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
#clean up the data
fixedPoints = []
for point in points:
dimensions = [quantize(i, points, point.split(,).index(i))
for i in point.split(,)]
print dimensions
#return an initial cluster of all the points
return Cluster(fixedPoints)

def quantize(stringToQuantize, pointList, columnIndex):
#if it's numeric, no need to quantize
return float(stringToQuantize)
#first we need to discover all the possible values of this column
domain = []
for point in pointList:
#make it a set to remove duplicates
domain = list(Set(domain))
#use the index into the domain as the number representing this
return float(domain.index(stringToQuantize))

#harvested from
def isNumeric(string):
i = float(string)
except ValueError:
return False
return True


It works, but it feels a little ugly, and not exactly Pythonic. Using
two lists I need the original point list to read in the data, then the
dimensions one to hold the processed point, and a fixedPoint list to
make objects out of the processed data. If my dataset is in the order
of millions, this'll nuke the memory. I tried something like:

for point in points:
   point = Point([quantize(i, points, point.split(,).index(i)) for i
in point.split(,)])

but when I print out the points afterward, it doesn't keep the

What's a more efficient way of doing this?


We have string.isdigit(), why not string.isNumber()?

2008-04-30 Thread MooMaster
N00b question alert! I did a search for isdigit() in the group
discussion, and it didn't look like the question had been asked in the
first 2 pages, so sorry if it was...

The manual documentation says:
isdigit( )

Return true if all characters in the string are digits and there is at
least one character, false otherwise.
For 8-bit strings, this method is locale-dependent. 

So it makes sense that something like 5.6 would return false. But what
if we want to make sure that our string is a valid number, ie decimals

I know how to write a regexp or method or whatever to do this, my main
question is *why* something like an isNumber() method is not baked
into the class. Does such functionality exist somewhere else in the
standard library that I'm just missing?


Inheritance issue...

2008-03-03 Thread MooMaster
I'm trying to use inheritance to create a simple binary tree, but it's
not going so well... here's what I pull from the documentation for
super( type[, object-or-type])

Return the superclass of type. If the second argument is omitted the
super object returned is unbound. If the second argument is an object,
isinstance(obj, type) must be true. If the second argument is a type,
issubclass(type2, type) must be true. super() only works for new-style
A typical use for calling a cooperative superclass method is:

class C(B):
def meth(self, arg):
super(C, self).meth(arg)

So here's what I do:

class Node:
def __init__(self, val=0, prnt = None):
self.value = val
self.parent = prnt

class Tree(Node):
def __init__(self, val=0):
self.root = super(Tree, self).__init__(val)
self.leftChild = None
self.rightChild = None

def addChild(self, value):
if self.root == None:
n = self.root
while(n is not None):
if(n.leftChild == None and n.rightChild == None):
n.leftChild = Node(value, n)
elif(n.rightChild == None):
n.rightChild = Node(value, n)
if(n.leftChild.leftChild is not None and
n.leftChild.rightChild is not None):
n = n.rightChild
n = n.leftChild

def printTree(self):
if self.root == None:
print None
n = self.root
print n.value
while(n is not None):
if(n.leftChild is None):
print str(n.value) + 's left child is None
elif(n.rightChild is None):
print str(n.value) + 's right child is None
if(n.leftChild.leftChild is not None and
n.leftChild.rightChild is not None):
n = n.rightChild
n = n.leftChild
def main():
play = Tree(1)

if __name__ == __main__:

...and here's what I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:/Users/The_N_Channel/Desktop/, line 53, in
  File C:/Users/The_N_Channel/Desktop/, line 45, in
play = Tree(1)
  File C:/Users/The_N_Channel/Desktop/, line 8, in
self.root = super(Tree, self).__init__(val)
TypeError: super() argument 1 must be type, not classobj

Looks to me like the super(Tree, self)__init__(val) follows the
example in the documentation, but I may be a witch. Anyone know why
this doesn't work?

Re: Inheritance issue...

2008-03-03 Thread MooMaster
On Mar 3, 11:49 am, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 MooMaster schrieb:

  I'm trying to use inheritance to create a simple binary tree, but it's
  not going so well... here's what I pull from the documentation for
  super( type[, object-or-type])

  Return the superclass of type. If the second argument is omitted the
  super object returned is unbound. If the second argument is an object,
  isinstance(obj, type) must be true. If the second argument is a type,
  issubclass(type2, type) must be true. super() only works for new-style

 The last sentence contains the important bit. You need to use
 new-style-classes, which means they have to have the ancestor object
 somewhere in their inheritance-graph.

 Like this:

 class Foo(object): pass

 Certainly one of the somewhat uglier corners of Python...


Thanks guys, I hadn't even heard of the distinction between old and
new style this in the tutorial somewhere? I didn't see
it in Classes...

Color Segmentation w/ PIL?

2007-03-22 Thread MooMaster
I'm trying to write a Digital Image Processing program using the PIL
library, and upon consultation of the Handbook I see that it seems to
have built in functions to run Edge Detection (in the ImageFilter
module), but I don't see anything about Segmentation. Are there any
built-in tools to do this operation? Has anyone done this operation
with PIL in the past that can lead me in the right direction?


decimal and context objects!

2007-03-02 Thread MooMaster
Hey guys, I'm trying to do some black magic voodoo and it's a little
late, so forgive me if this question seems obvious or has been asked
before. I tried doing a search on context objects and didn't find
anything that popped out, and I'm too tired to keep digging.

I'm making a little program that is trying to do weird and sexy things
by fully leveraging the power of all the built-in beauty of Python. I
was trying to play around with the new features added into Python 2.5,
and ran into an unexpected issue...check this out:

 moo = lambda x, y : decimal.Context(3).sqrt(decimal.Context(3).power(x,2) + 
function lambda at 0x02CD0EB0
 row = [1,2,3,4,5]
 weight_vector = .00556
 moo(sum(row), weight_vector)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#5, line 1, in module
moo(sum(row), weight_vector)
  File pyshell#1, line 1, in lambda
moo = lambda x, y :
decimal.Context(3).sqrt(decimal.Context(3).power(x,2) +
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 2662, in power
return a.__pow__(b, modulo, context=self)
TypeError: wrapper __pow__ doesn't take keyword arguments

I have no idea what keyword argument is getting passed to __pow__,
anyone know what's going on?

This should compute sqrt(5^2 + 3^2)


Re: decimal and context objects!

2007-03-02 Thread MooMaster
On Mar 2, 3:08 am, MooMaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey guys, I'm trying to do some black magic voodoo and it's a little
 late, so forgive me if this question seems obvious or has been asked
 before. I tried doing a search on context objects and didn't find
 anything that popped out, and I'm too tired to keep digging.

 I'm making a little program that is trying to do weird and sexy things
 by fully leveraging the power of all the built-in beauty of Python. I
 was trying to play around with the new features added into Python 2.5,
 and ran into an unexpected issue...check this out:

  moo = lambda x, y : decimal.Context(3).sqrt(decimal.Context(3).power(x,2) 
  + decimal.Context(3).power(y,2))

 function lambda at 0x02CD0EB0 row = [1,2,3,4,5]
  weight_vector = .00556
  moo(sum(row), weight_vector)

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#5, line 1, in module
 moo(sum(row), weight_vector)
   File pyshell#1, line 1, in lambda
 moo = lambda x, y :
 decimal.Context(3).sqrt(decimal.Context(3).power(x,2) +
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 2662, in power
 return a.__pow__(b, modulo, context=self)
 TypeError: wrapper __pow__ doesn't take keyword arguments

 I have no idea what keyword argument is getting passed to __pow__,
 anyone know what's going on?

 This should compute sqrt(5^2 + 3^2)

Oh sorry, ignore that last line, that was a copy/paste from another
example I forgot to remove...OBVIOUSLY it's going to compute something
else, that's not what I'm asking about...stupid late night hacking! XD


Regex help...pretty please?

2006-08-23 Thread MooMaster
I'm trying to develop a little script that does some string
manipulation. I have some few hundred strings that currently look like


and I want them to look like this:


but it gets a little more complicated because the conds themselves may
have conds within, like the following:


What I want to do in this case is move the last parameter to the front
and then work backwards all the way out (if you're thinking recursion
too, I'm vindicated) so that it ends up looking like this:

cond((a1), 0, cond((ab),c,cond((ad), e, cond((af), g, h

futhermore, the conds may be multiplied by an expression, such as the


Here, all I want to do is switch the parameters of the conds without
touching the expression, like so:


So that's the gist of my problem statement. I immediately thought that
regular expressions would provide an elegant solution. I would go
through the string by conds, stripping them  the () off, until I got
to the lowest level, then move the parameters and work backwards. That
thought process became this:
import re

def swap(left, middle, right):
left = left.replace((, )
right = right.replace(), )
temp = left
left = right
right = temp
temp = middle
middle = right
right = temp
whole = 'cond(' + left + ',' + middle + ',' + right + ')'
return whole

def condReplacer(string):
 #regex = re.compile(r'cond\(.*,.*,.+\)')
 regex = re.compile(r'cond\(.*,.*,.+?\)')
 if not
  print whole string is:  + string
  [left, middle, right] = string.split(',')
  right = right.replace('\'', ' ')
  string = swap(left.strip(), middle.strip(), right.strip())
  print the new string is: + string
  return string
  more_conds =
  temp_string =
  firstParen = temp_string.find('(')
  temp_string = temp_string[firstParen:]
  print there are more conditionals! + temp_string
def lineReader(file):
 for line in file:
 regex = r'cond\(.*,.*,.+\)?'

if __name__ == __main__:
   input_file = open(only_conds2.txt, 'r')

I think my problem lies in my regular expression... If I use the one
commented out I do a greedy search and in my test case where I have a
conditional * an expression, I grab the expression too, like so:


whole string is:
the new string

when all I really want to do is grab the part associated with the cond.
But if I do a non-greedy search I avoid that problem but stop too early
when I have an expression like this:

cond(a,b,(abs(c) = d))
whole string is: (a,b,(abs(c)
the new string is:cond((abs(c,a,b)

Can anyone help me with the regular expression? Is this even the best
approach to take? Anyone have any thoughts? 

Thanks for your time!


Re: Having problems with reading file in Python CGI

2006-06-26 Thread MooMaster
I haven't tried to use the CGI class for any CGI scripting, so I'm no
expert...but I am familiar with file objects. You want to return the
next line in the file object? Your loop will run until it hits the EOF,
at which point it'll break...once you hit that, there is *no* next

But it looks to me like you're trying to return the contents of the
file in a that the part that's not working? If so, you might
wanna try this:

def filereader(a_file):
contents = []
for line in a_file:
  print line
print contents

now if you create a file like so:
myfile = file(Moo.txt, r)

You should see the contents of the file. So in your case, you should be
able to change that horrible infinite while 1 loop with a break (which
is straight from the python docs too... my programming languages
teacher would have a fit!) into something like:

for stuff in fileStream.file:

Hope this helps!

Kiana Toufighi wrote:

 I have a simple CGI program that allows that user to upload a file.
 However, since accessing the the value of the uploaded file using the
 value attribute or the getvalue() method reads the entire file in memory
 as a string which is not what I want I'm making use of the file module.
 The problem is that all the my checks including assert fileStream.file
 in not None return true however readline() does not return the next
 line of the fileStream.file object!  What am I doing wrong? Here's my code:

 Here's my code:

 dataFile = form['data_file']
 fileproc = redrev.FileStreamProcessor()
 dataLines = fileproc.readStream(dataFile)

 def readStream(self, fileStream):
   '''readStream: reads a stream of input returns a list of lines'''

   # list to hold data lines
   fileLines = []

   # make sure that the stream has been provided
  assert fileStream.file is not None
   except Exception, e:
  No input to process

   # use filestream object to get uploaded file's lines one by one
   if fileStream.file:
  while 1:
 line = fileStream.file.readline()
 if not line:

 # process and store the line
   return fileLines


Re: cx_Oracle string problems...

2006-02-13 Thread MooMaster
Lol, that was a copy paste error into the post on my part...but the
problem has been fixed. Turns out that there was a string.replace call
somewhere else in the code that replaced all single quotes with empty
strings, which thus caused the singe quotes to disappear! Whoops!

Thanks for the look, though


Re: parse data

2005-11-09 Thread MooMaster
If you know the indices of where the data should be in your string, you
can use substrings... ie:

 stringy =  Happy Happy Cow, 50, 1234 Your Mom's House AllTheTime,USA 
' Happy Happy Cow'

If the data isn't set all the time (for example, and address doesn't
have a mandatory length), then you're probably stuck using the index
function...unless you have everything separated by a delimiter, such as
a ,...then this would work:

 listy = stringy.split(,)
 print listy
[' Happy Happy Cow', ' 50',  1234 Your Mom's House AllTheTime, 'USA

Hope this helps!


Re: parse data

2005-11-09 Thread MooMaster
If you know the indices of where the data should be in your string, you
can use substrings... ie:

 stringy =  Happy Happy Cow, 50, 1234 Your Mom's House AllTheTime,USA 
' Happy Happy Cow'

If the data isn't set all the time (for example, and address doesn't
have a mandatory length), then you're probably stuck using the index
function...unless you have everything separated by a delimiter, such as
a ,...then this would work:

 listy = stringy.split(,)
 print listy
[' Happy Happy Cow', ' 50',  1234 Your Mom's House AllTheTime, 'USA

Hope this helps!


Re: Newbie - chapter 19 in How to think like a CS in python

2005-07-20 Thread MooMaster
Well, being a lowly CS student myself this sounded like fun, so I went
ahead and took the challenge. The first thing you have to consider is
how to add the new element to the list. Obviously you have to iterate
through the list, find the first element that the new one is greater
than, and insert this one before it while keeping the list structure
intact. You must also remember to update the head if necessary, and add
at the end if the element to be added is less than what is already in
the list...So this is what I came up with:

First of all, however, add this to your Improved Queue Class-
 def printQueue(self):
print Empty
pointer = self.head
while(pointer != None):
print str(pointer.cargo)
pointer =

class PriorityQueueList(ImprovedQueue):
def __init__(self):

def insert(self, cargo):
newNode = Node(cargo)
if self.length == 0:
self.head = self.last = newNode
#iterate through the list, keeping a reference to a
node and the node before it
tracker = self.head
while(tracker !=None):
copy2 = tracker.prev
if(newNode.cargo  tracker.cargo):
#add the new node by updating links, then update
head while keeping list intact
tracker.prev = newNode = tracker
self.head = newNode
newNode.prev = copy2
if(copy2 !=None): = newNode
tracker =
#if a repeat element is added
#we want to add to end to preserve the queue structure,
thus if the element hasn't
#been added at this point it should be added at the end

if(newNode.prev ==None and ==None):
last = self.last = newNode
self.last = newNode
self.length = self.length + 1

This produces the following output-
 l = PriorityQueueList()

Hope this helps!


Re: Need to interrupt to check for mouse movement

2005-07-20 Thread MooMaster
Have you tried binding EVT_MOTION(func) to your window?


linking GUI apps using different Toolkits...possible?

2005-07-14 Thread MooMaster
This is more of a wxPython centric question, but not seeing reference
to this on the wx group I thought I'd try here since many here also use
wxPython toolkit. I started learning GUI development with Tkinter, and
developed a few screens as part of an application I'm building with it.
I've recently been trying to learn wxPython because of it's additional
widgets (the wxTreeCtrl and Drag and Drop features in particular), and
I've developed an application where there is a splitter window with a
tree on the left side. My goal is to have a user double click on an
option and call up the appropiate display on the right side. I've
already developed the appropriate screens in Tkinter, and I'd like to
use those instead of having to re-write them in wx. I'd basically like
to pack the screen into the rightmost pane, but I have not been able to
find an effective means for doing so. What I have so far is this:
class MyApp(wxApp):
driver class, creates a frame to store everything, puts 2
splitter windows inside, the first holding the tree display

def OnInit(self):
#create the frame
frame = MyFrame(NULL, -1, Display)

#create the splitter windows
splitter = MySplitter(frame, -1)
self.p1 = wxWindow(splitter, style=sty)
self.p2 = wxWindow(splitter, style=sty)
self.p2.SetBackgroundColour(sky blue)
splitter.SplitVertically(self.p1, self.p2, 320)

#Create the tree and add the outermost parents
self.p1.myTree = MyTreeCtrl(self.p1, -1, wxDefaultPosition,
(400,400), wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS)
self.p1.root = self.p1.myTree.AddRoot(Subsystem)
self.p1.myTree.SetPyData(self.p1.root, None)
self.p1.child1 = self.p1.myTree.AppendItem(self.p1.root, 4
self.p1.child2 = self.p1.myTree.AppendItem(self.p1.root, East
of River)

   #Bind Drag and Drop methods to the tree to support drag and drop
self.p1.myTree.Bind(EVT_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG, self.OnBeginDrag)
self.p1.myTree.Bind(EVT_TREE_END_DRAG, self.OnEndDrag)
self.p1.myTree.Bind(EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDClick)

#Fill with children
headerLabels = [TC43G, Arming, Outage, Lines, Graphs]
for label in headerLabels:
grandchild = self.p1.myTree.AppendItem(self.p1.child1,
self.p1.myTree.SetPyData(grandchild, None)
grandchild = self.p1.myTree.AppendItem(self.p1.child2,
self.p1.myTree.SetPyData(grandchild, None)

#Expand base root to get to meat of data
return true

#When a node is double clicked, it should display the corresponding
display on the right hand side
#currently, display pops up in separate window...
def OnLeftDClick(self, event):
pt = event.GetPosition();
item, flags = self.p1.myTree.HitTest(pt)
clicked = self.p1.myTree.GetItemText(item)
if(clicked == Arming):
self.p2 = ACDisplay()
elif(clicked == Graphs):
self.p2 = Display()
elif(clicked == Lines):
self.p2 = OutTable()
elif(clicked == Outage):
self.p2 = tablesum()
Where ACDisplay, Display, OutTable, and tablesum are the classes I've
written already. It runs without errors, but what currently happens is
that the main window with the tree comes up, and when I double-click an
option the screen appears in a separate window. Is there a way to pack
it into the second pane (self.p2)?


multiple checkboxes highlighted when one clicked = not good

2005-07-05 Thread MooMaster
I've been reading Deitel's Introducing Python, and Fredrik Lundh's
Introduction to Tkinter, trying to familiarize myself with Python and
GUI design in Tk, and I've run into a puzzling problem. I'm trying to
draw a column of 10 checkboxes, each with a separate variables and
commands. The easy way to do this is to hardcode it, but I was trying
to do something a little more elegant:

 self.InUse =[BooleanVar(), BooleanVar(), BooleanVar(), BooleanVar(),
BooleanVar(), BooleanVar(), BooleanVar()]

for i in range(1,11):
for t in range(7):
Checkbutton(self.frame2, variable =
self.InUse[t]).grid(row= i, column = t)

I figure since I create a separate variable for each checkbutton, the
should be independent of one another. Unfortunately, they are not, and
when I click on one, all become selected/deselected. What am I missing?



Re: multiple checkboxes highlighted when one clicked = not good

2005-07-05 Thread MooMaster
right, I'm basically drawing a table with 3 columns, and I want
checkboxes when we are at column 0. In columns 1-3 I will want Entries
and Labels, but I always want checkboxes @ column 0.


Re: multiple checkboxes highlighted when one clicked = not good

2005-07-05 Thread MooMaster
UhmI'm a dunce. Thanks James!


Re: multiple checkboxes highlighted when one clicked = not good

2005-07-05 Thread MooMaster
UhmI'm a dunce. Obviously having it only use t[0] is going to make
it cleverly look like I'm using different variables, when in fact I'm
not. Thanks James!


Lost in a sea of documentation...can you point me in the right direction?

2005-06-30 Thread MooMaster
I'm a complete beginner in Python, but I've been fooling around with
Java for a couple years, so I have decent programming experience...
Anyway, I was sitting around playing with Python, when I thought to
myself: I know! I'd like to write a program that I can pass a path to
(say: My Pictures) and at a timer interval will pick a picture from it
and set my wallpaper to that So I started reading about os, threads,
and the path for the special folders in the archives and in the Python
docs and I'm kind of lost because there aren't many concrete examples
in the documentation. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to
where I might find info that can help me write this?  

