Python3 http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler static files

2016-03-02 Thread Tal Bar-Or
Hello All, I need to create simple web server i am using following http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler The class along with the web content is as follows structure main folder | |_httplocal

SSL over TCP Client\server

2015-12-24 Thread Tal Bar-Or
Hi All , I need to write some basic tcp client/server that communicate over SSL Its seems i managed to run the server side listen with SSL but i am missing the client part. If someone could advice me how to saet the client will be appreciated Thanks Server side class

Write list to new column in existent csv

2014-10-17 Thread Tal Bar-Or
Hello Group, I am tryin to figure how to write a list i have as follows ['info', '19987→445 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=256 SACK_PERM=1\n', '445→19987 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=64 SACK_PERM=1\n', '19987→445 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=65536 Len=0\n',

Cant get my tshark pharse to work

2014-10-09 Thread Tal Bar-Or
Hello All, I am writing some code to get captured wiresahrk pcap file , using popen.subprocess and extract some table csv format related to SMB, but for some reason i can get the csv when using off-course regular cmd line its work The code as follow below , maybe someone with exprience with

How to get time (milisecond) of a python IO execution

2013-09-14 Thread Tal Bar-Or
Hi All i am trying to test measure some IO execution in milliseconds , but bit confuse about best method achive that under windows 7 i am using following code but not sure if its best or correct way since i have two different results, which one should i take as results and which is best way