
I'm having a git project which contains functionality, that I use in many of my projects.

For this posts sake let's call it mylib.

if mylib is in the python path, it can be used for quite some convenience function in many of my projects.

from mylib.logging import setupLoggingForMyProjects

The directory structure of my git project is at the moment:

mylib/               # base directory of the git repository
mylib/.git           # all git related information
mylib/__init__.py    # file to mark the directory as a pkg
mylib/logging.py     # helper for logging to import as mylib.logging
mylib/collections.py # MY custom collections
mylib/helper1.py     # helper1 to import as mylib.helper1
. . .

Many of my projects use the git repository of mylib as a git submodule and everything works as expected. All changes in this repository are backwards compatible, so that I can update the submodule at any time and put it to the new head of the master branch

Now I'd like to change my project such, that it can be installed with pip install

However I'd like to perform the changes such, that none of my old projects will be broken even if I update the sub module.

The normal approach would be to change the directory structure to:

mylib/ # the base directory of the git repository
mylib/setup.py    # the setup script as intended one level up
. . .

This would however break all of my currently existing projects if I update the submodule mylib.
So what I think  need is something like:
mylib/ #
mylib/setpup.py   # setup script in same level as module
. . .

Is this possible?
The problem seems to be, that setup.py wants to import logging and collections, but imports mylib.collections.
Any tips / tricks?

I thought about changing the python path and the current wrokig directory in the head of the setup.py script but am not sure, this will work without any trouble.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions


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