Re: Why Python 3?

2014-05-06 Thread Thomas Lehmann

I can't give you the advise for a concrete version anyway there are lot of 
arguments given by the other posters. BUT there is a way how you can circumvent 
the problem to some extend:

Are you intending to use Jenkins? I don't want to convince you here why to use 
Jenkins but maybe I don't need to and THEN you just install the ShiningPanda 
plugin and each time your project is build automatically because of a change 
all tests are running across multiple Python versions. This way you won't have 
too many problems to switch to another newer Python version. Keep the build 

 What is the general feel of /this/ community? I'm about to start a
 large scale Python project. Should it be done in 2 or 3? What are the
 benefits, aside from the 'it's the future' argument?

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-22 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

As it
is, we have the case that most lowish integers have equivalent floats
(all integers within the range that most people use them), and beyond
that, you have problems.

No, I don't. I'm not talking about representing ints using
floats, I'm talking about representing floats using ints.
*Every* possible integer-valued float value can be written
exactly as a Python int.

It doesn't matter that there are some ints that can't be
represented as floats, because when I'm writing an int literal
as a shorthand for a float, I'm not going to be using any of
those values -- or if I do, I'm willing to accept the
resulting loss of precision, because in my mind they're
*not* ints, they're floats.

would you rather have to deal with the problem straight away, or when
your program is some day given a much bigger number to swallow, and it
quietly rounds it off to the nearest multiple of 8?

I don't understand what problem you're imagining here.
Any program that needs to do exact calculations with integer
values should work with ints throughout and use // or
divmod() if it needs to do any division. Nothing will get
unexpectedly rounded off then.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-21 Thread wxjmfauth
The funny side of wxPhoenix is, that it *also* has its
own understanding of unicode and it finally only
succeeds to produce mojibakes.

I've tried to explained...

(I was an early wxPython user from wxPython 2.0 (!).
I used, tested, reported about, all wxPython versions up to
the shift to the wxPython 2.9 unicode only versions, then
I gave up).


Something else.

I'm ready to bet, the unicode related bugs I found in Python 3
(core Python) are still here in five years from now.


Something else, part 2.

IDLE. Ten seconds to make it crashing, just by using unicode.


Working with Python 2.7 + third party libs (even in iso-8859-1) *in*
a pure cp1252 mode, including source code is a very, very solid


The Microsoft, Adobe, foundries... , and in the open software,
the golang, ruby2, TeX unicode engines, all are working very correctly
and smoothly with unicode.


PS Yes, I'm aware such comments are not really fair play.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-21 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

Earlier it was said that having both / and // lets you explicitly
choose whether you want a float result or an int by picking an
operator. I'm saying that's not so; the operator and the type aren't
quite orthogonal, but close to.

I don't think I said that, or if I did I was using sloppy

As someone pointed out a couple of posts ago, it's not
really about types, it's about selecting which *operation*
you want to perform. Ordinary division and floor division
are very different operations, and you want to be sure
you get the right one.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-21 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

All other basic arithmetic operations on two numbers of the same type
results in another number of that type. ... There's
just one special case: dividing an integer by an integer yields a
float, if and only if you use truediv. It sticks out as an exception.

I take your point, but I think this is a case where
practicality beats purity by a large margin. The idea
that arithmetic should always give a result of the same
type is all very nice in theory, but it just isn't
practical where division is concerned.

The reason it doesn't work well is because of the
automatic promotion of ints to floats when they meet
other floats. This leads to a style where people often
use ints to stand for int-valued floats and expect
them to be promoted where necessary.

Things would be different if ints and floats were
completely separate types, like str and bytes, but
that would be extremely inconvenient. I used a language
like that once, and it wasn't a pleasant experience.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-21 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 The reason it doesn't work well is because of the
 automatic promotion of ints to floats when they meet
 other floats. This leads to a style where people often
 use ints to stand for int-valued floats and expect
 them to be promoted where necessary.

 Things would be different if ints and floats were
 completely separate types, like str and bytes, but
 that would be extremely inconvenient. I used a language
 like that once, and it wasn't a pleasant experience.

I do see that there are two sides to this. The question of Is 1.0
equal to 1? has a very obvious answer... whichever answer you go
with, it's absolutely obvious! (Yes! They're the same number, of
course they're equal! vs No! They're completely different
representations, like 1 and 1 and \1 are all different!)
Separating the types makes very good sense, and unifying them makes
very good sense, and for different reasons. Unifying them in as many
ways as possible means you don't need the syntactic salt of .0 on
every number; you should be able to add 2.5+1 and get 3.5, just as if
you'd added 2.5+1.0. And that's fine. Separating them also makes
sense, though; it means that an operation on Type X and Type Y will
behave equally sanely regardless of the values of those objects. As it
is, we have the case that most lowish integers have equivalent floats
(all integers within the range that most people use them), and beyond
that, you have problems. This is, in my opinion, analogous to a UTF-16
string type; if you work with strings of nothing but BMP characters,
everything works perfectly, but put in an astral character and things
may or may not work. A lot of operations will work fine, but just a
few will break. Python 3 has fixed that by giving us the pain of
transition *right at the beginning*; you look at Text and at Bytes as
completely separate things. People who like their ASCII like the idea
that the letter A is equivalent to the byte 0x41. It's convenient,
it's easy. But it leads to problems later.

Now, the analogy does break down a bit in that it's probably more
likely that a program will have to deal with non-ASCII characters than
with integers that can't be represented in IEEE double precision. But
would you rather have to deal with the problem straight away, or when
your program is some day given a much bigger number to swallow, and it
quietly rounds it off to the nearest multiple of 8?


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Ian Foote
Hash: SHA1

On 20/04/14 03:34, Michael Torrie wrote:
 On 04/18/2014 10:49 PM, Andrew Berg wrote:
 Python 3 is not the future; it is the present. If you're
 developing an application, just use Python 3.4 and don't look
 back unless you absolutely positively *need* one of the big
 libraries that doesn't fully support Python 3 yet.
 Depends on what OS you want to be running on.  I don't know of any 
 currently-supported Enterprise distributions (long-term support)
 that ship with Python 3.4.

I don't know if you'd count it as an Enterprise distribution, but
ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) ships with python 3.4 (and 2.7).

Ian F
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Ben Finney
Paul Rubin writes:

 [people I know] use whatever is in the OS distro, and that is
 generally still 2.6 or 2.7.

When the OS contains *both* Python 2 and Python 3, does Python 3 count
as “in the OS”?

Or will you only count Python 3 as “in the OS” when Python 2 is not
present at all in the OS?

I think your description isn't accurate. Python 3 is very likely in the
OS also, so you are using some other criterion to decide to use the
legacy Python 2 instead of the current Python 3 also supplied with the OS.

 \   Moriarty: “Forty thousand million billion dollars? That money |
  `\must be worth a fortune!” —The Goon Show, _The Sale of |
_o__)   Manhattan_ |
Ben Finney


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 18 Apr 2014 21:50:09 -0700, Ethan Furman wrote:

 Use Python 3 if you can.  The best reason not to is if you have some
 critical library that you absolutely need and it's not yet available on

That's good advice, but it isn't just applicable to Python 3, it applies 
to *any* critical library that does not support recent versions of 
Python. Suppose you have a library that only supports Python 2.2, 2.3 and 
2.4, and you cannot do without that library or reinvent it yourself. Then 
you would surely use Python 2.4. That shouldn't be seen as a rejection of 
all the versions from 2.5 onwards, but a painful and necessary decision 
due to the requirement to use that library.

In practice, most libraries that don't support 2.5 and better are more or 
less abandoned. But you might still choose to use an abandoned library 
because it works and you don't need to worry about security updates.

So really the advice comes down to:

- if you can, use the latest version of Python, which is 3.4;

- if you must, use the version of Python provided by your operating
  system, which could be anything from Python 2.3 to 3.3;

- if you have no choice except to use a library that only supports 
  version X, then use version X, no matter what X happens to be.

None of this should be controversial. It should be common sense.

(There are, of course, a few difficult questions relating to what counts 
as must. You may weigh up the cost of doing without that annoyingly old 
library versus the benefit of using a more recent Python version, and 
decide that maybe you can do without it. Or not.)

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 18 Apr 2014 23:40:18 -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:

 It's just that the improvement
 from 2 to 3 is rather small, and 2 works perfectly well and people are
 used to it, so they keep using it.

Spoken like a true ASCII user :-)

The killer feature of Python 3 is improved handling of Unicode, which 
now brings Python 3 firmly into the (very small) group of programming 
languages with first-class support for more than 128 different characters 
by default.

Unfortunately, that made handling byte strings a bit more painful, but 
3.4 improves that, and 3.5 ought to fix it. People doing a lot of mixed 
Unicode text + bytes handling should pay attention to what goes on over 
the next 18 months, because the Python core developers are looking to fix 
the text/byte pain points. Your feedback is wanted.

 There are nice tools that help port
 your codebase from 2 to 3 with fairly little effort. But, you can also
 keep your codebase on 2 with zero effort. So people choose zero over
 fairly little.

True. But for anyone wanting long term language support, a little bit of 
effort today will save them a lot of effort in six years time.

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 19 Apr 2014 09:26:53 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

 One of the problems is you don't know in advance if something is going
 to stop you.  By committing to P3 now, you are eliminating from possible
 future use, all of those third-party modules which only support P2.  And
 you don't know which of those you'll need until you sometime in the

I believe this is more of an issue in theory than in practice. My on-line 
web portal app could potentially use any of a thousand different Python 
2.x only libraries, but in practice I'm probably only going to use half a 
dozen libraries, or fewer, and know very early in the design phase what I 
need (web templating software, yes, library to control radio telescopes, 
probably not). And I'm likely to eliminate from contention most libraries 
that seem unsupported or abandoned, and if they only support Python 2 
five years since the introduction of Python 3, they better have a good 
reason for it.

Steven D'Aprano

Integer and float division [was Re: Why Python 3?]

2014-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 19 Apr 2014 19:37:31 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Ian Kelly
 The change from / denoting classic
 division to true division really only affects the case where both
 operands are integers, so far as I'm aware.  If you want to divide two
 integers and get a decimal result, then convert one or both of them to
 decimals first; you would have needed to do the same with classic
 If float were a perfect superset of int, and the only logical superset
 when you want non-integers, then it'd be fine. But if you're mixing int
 and Decimal, you have to explicitly convert, 

I don't think so. Operations on mixed int/Decimal arguments return 
Decimal. There's no conversion needed except to get the original Decimal 
number in the first place. (Decimal is not a built-in and there's no 
literal syntax for them.)

py from decimal import Decimal as D
py x, y = 1, D(2)
py x/y
py x//y

 whereas if you're mixing
 int and float, you don't. Why is it required to be explicit with Decimal
 but not float? Of all the possible alternate types, why float? Only

Because float is built-in and Decimal is not. Because Decimal wasn't 
introduced until Python 2.4 while the change to the division operator was 
first begun back in Python 2.2.

Guido writes about why his decision to emulate C's division operator was 
a mistake:

 As for why float specifically, the division __future__ import has
 been around since 2.2, longer than either decimals or fractions.
 ... it already existed. There's no particular reason to up-cast to
 float, specifically, and it can cause problems with large integers -
 either by losing accuracy, or by outright overflowing.

If you reject C integer division, you have to do *something* with 1/2. 
Ideally you'll get a number numerically equal to one half. It can't be a 
Decimal, or a Fraction, because back in 2001 there were no Decimal or 
Fraction types, and even now in 2014 they aren't built-ins.

(Besides, both of those choices have other disadvantages. Fractions are 
potentially slow and painful, with excessive accuracy. See Guido's 
comments in his blog post above. And Decimal uses base 10 floating point, 
which is less suitable for serious numeric work than base 2 floats.)

 Suppose you take an integer, multiply it by 10, and divide it by 5. In
 theory, that's the same as multiplying by 2, right? 

That's a bit of a contrived example. But go on.

 Mathematically it
 is. In C it might not be, because the multiplication might overflow; but
 Python, like a number of other modern languages, has an integer type
 that won't overflow. 

Only since, um, version 2.2 I think. I don't have 2.1 easily available, 
but here's 1.5:

[steve@ando ~]$ python1.5
Python 1.5.2 (#1, Aug 27 2012, 09:09:18)  [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 
4.1.2-52)] on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
Traceback (innermost last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
OverflowError: integer pow()

So don't forget the historical context of what you are discussing.

 In Python 2, doing the obvious thing works:
 x * 10 / 5 == x * 2

Ignoring old versions of Python 2.x, correct. But that is a contrived 
example. Mathematically x/5*10 also equals 2*x, but not with C division 
semantics. This is with Python 2.7:

 x = 7
 x/5*10, x*10/5, x*2
(10, 14, 14)

Let's try it with true (calculator) division:

 x/5*10, x*10/5, x*2
(14.0, 14.0, 14)

With a bit of effort, I'm sure you can find values of x where they are 
not all equal, but that's because floats only have a finite precision. In
general, true division is less surprising and causes fewer unexpected
truncation errors.

 In Python 3, you have to say Oh but I want my integer division to
 result in an integer:
 x * 10 // 5 == x * 2

No, // doesn't mean divide and coerce to an integer, it is 
*truncating* division. The type being truncated may choose to return
an int, but that's not compulsory:

 from decimal import Decimal as D
 x = D(23.5)
 x/4, x//4
(Decimal('5.875'), Decimal('5'))

 Yes, I can see that it's nice for simple interactive use. You type 1/2
 and you get back 0.5. But doesn't it just exchange one set of problems
 (dividing integers by integers rounds) 

It doesn't round, it truncates.

[steve@ando ~]$ python2.7 -c print round(799.0/100)
[steve@ando ~]$ python2.7 -c print 799/100

 for another set (floating
 point arithmetic isn't real number arithmetic)?

It's not like that avoiding that problem is an option.

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Tim Chase
On 2014-04-20 09:43, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 So really the advice comes down to:
 - if you can, use the latest version of Python, which is 3.4;
 - if you must, use the version of Python provided by your operating
   system, which could be anything from Python 2.3 to 3.3;
 - if you have no choice except to use a library that only supports 
   version X, then use version X, no matter what X happens to be.
 None of this should be controversial. It should be common sense.

This. Except for the fact that what should be common sense often ends
up being controversial on c.l.p ;-)



Re: Integer and float division [was Re: Why Python 3?]

2014-04-20 Thread Jussi Piitulainen
Steven D'Aprano writes:

 It doesn't round, it truncates.
 [steve@ando ~]$ python2.7 -c print round(799.0/100)
 [steve@ando ~]$ python2.7 -c print 799/100

Seems it floors rather than truncates:

$ python2.7 -c from math import trunc;print trunc(799./-100)
$ python2.7 -c from math import floor;print floor(799./-100)
$ python2.7 -c print 799/-100

$ python3.2 -c print(799//-100)

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Michael Torrie
On 04/20/2014 02:47 AM, Ian Foote wrote:
 Depends on what OS you want to be running on.  I don't know of any 
 currently-supported Enterprise distributions (long-term support)
 that ship with Python 3.4.
 I don't know if you'd count it as an Enterprise distribution, but
 ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) ships with python 3.4 (and 2.7).

And I hope RHEL 7 will also ship Python 3.3 or 3.4 when it's finished.
Of course if it does, it will be stuck with that version for the next
5-10 years. But that's the nature of software in this space.

I say this as I work on a server that's running RHEL 5 still.  :)


Re: Integer and float division [was Re: Why Python 3?]

2014-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 20 Apr 2014 15:38:03 +0300, Jussi Piitulainen wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano writes:
 It doesn't round, it truncates.
 [steve@ando ~]$ python2.7 -c print round(799.0/100) 8.0
 [steve@ando ~]$ python2.7 -c print 799/100 7
 Seems it floors rather than truncates:
 $ python2.7 -c from math import trunc;print trunc(799./-100) -7
 $ python2.7 -c from math import floor;print floor(799./-100) -8.0
 $ python2.7 -c print 799/-100
 $ python3.2 -c print(799//-100)

Ah yes, so it does. Sorry for the confusion. This has been reported as a 
bug at least twice, but it is actually working as intended. // floors, 
not truncates towards zero.

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Ian Kelly
On Apr 19, 2014 2:54 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 6:38 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
  Or you just cast one of them to float. That way you're sure you're
  working with floats.
  Which is inappropriate if the type passed in was a Decimal or a complex.

 In that case, you already have a special case in your code, so whether
 that special case is handled by the language or by your code makes
 little difference. Is your function so generic that it has to be able
 to handle float, Decimal, or complex, and not care about the
 difference, and yet has to ensure that int divided by int doesn't
 yield int? Then say so; put in that special check. Personally, I've
 yet to meet any non-toy example of a function that needs that exact
 handling; most code doesn't ever think about complex numbers, and a
 lot of things look for one specific type:

When I'm writing a generic average function, I probably don't know whether
it will ever be used to average complex numbers. That shouldn't matter,
because I should be able to rely on this code working for whatever numeric
type I pass in:

def average(values):
return sum(values) / len(values)

This works for decimals, it works for fractions, it works for complex
numbers, it works for numpy types, and in Python 3 it works for ints.

 Maybe it's not your code that should be caring about what happens when
 you divide two integers, but the calling code. If you're asking for
 the average of a list of numbers, and they're all integers, and the
 avg() function truncates to integer, then the solution is to use sum()
 and explicitly cast to floating point before dividing.

First, that's not equivalent.  Try the following in Python 3:

values = [int(sys.float_info.max / 10)] * 20

Now try this:

print(average(map(float, values)))

I don't have an interpreter handy to test, but I expect the former to
produce the correct result and the latter to raise OverflowError on the
call to sum.

Second, why should the calling code have to worry about this implementation
detail anyway? The point of a generic function is that it's generic.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread MRAB

On 2014-04-20 17:22, Ian Kelly wrote:

On Apr 19, 2014 2:54 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
  On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 6:38 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
   Or you just cast one of them to float. That way you're sure you're
   working with floats.
   Which is inappropriate if the type passed in was a Decimal or a
  In that case, you already have a special case in your code, so whether
  that special case is handled by the language or by your code makes
  little difference. Is your function so generic that it has to be able
  to handle float, Decimal, or complex, and not care about the
  difference, and yet has to ensure that int divided by int doesn't
  yield int? Then say so; put in that special check. Personally, I've
  yet to meet any non-toy example of a function that needs that exact
  handling; most code doesn't ever think about complex numbers, and a
  lot of things look for one specific type:

When I'm writing a generic average function, I probably don't know
whether it will ever be used to average complex numbers. That shouldn't
matter, because I should be able to rely on this code working for
whatever numeric type I pass in:

def average(values):
 return sum(values) / len(values)

This works for decimals, it works for fractions, it works for complex
numbers, it works for numpy types, and in Python 3 it works for ints.

  Maybe it's not your code that should be caring about what happens when
  you divide two integers, but the calling code. If you're asking for
  the average of a list of numbers, and they're all integers, and the
  avg() function truncates to integer, then the solution is to use sum()
  and explicitly cast to floating point before dividing.

First, that's not equivalent.  Try the following in Python 3:

values = [int(sys.float_info.max / 10)] * 20

Now try this:

print(average(map(float, values)))

I don't have an interpreter handy to test, but I expect the former to
produce the correct result and the latter to raise OverflowError on the
call to sum.

Python 3.4.0 (v3.4.0:04f714765c13, Mar 16 2014, 19:25:23) [MSC v.1600 64 
bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import sys
 def average(values):
... return sum(values) / len(values)
 values = [int(sys.float_info.max / 10)] * 20
 print(average(map(float, values)))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File stdin, line 2, in average
TypeError: object of type 'map' has no len()
 print(average(list(map(float, values

In fact, that's true back to Python 3.1

Second, why should the calling code have to worry about this
implementation detail anyway? The point of a generic function is that
it's generic.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 2:22 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 When I'm writing a generic average function, I probably don't know whether
 it will ever be used to average complex numbers.

This keeps coming up in these discussions. How often do you really
write a function that generic? And if you do, isn't it doing something
so simple that it's then the caller's responsibility (not the
function's, and not the language's) to ensure that it gets the right


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread CHIN Dihedral
On Saturday, April 19, 2014 12:50:09 PM UTC+8, Ethan Furman wrote:
 On 04/18/2014 08:28 PM, Anthony Papillion wrote:
  What is the general feel of /this/ community? I'm about to start a
  large scale Python project. Should it be done in 2 or 3? What are the
  benefits, aside from the 'it's the future' argument?
 This community is also split.  ;)
 Use Python 3 if you can.  The best reason not to is if you have some critical 
 library that you absolutely need and it's 
 not yet available on 3.  In which case, program as if your code base was 
 going to run on both 2 and 3 so you can update 
 easily once your dependency upgrades.

OK, I'll suggest to use Python 2.7X with pytoexe buldled as an executable 
to be called by the shell from Python 3.X for programs that need to mix Python 
2.X and Python 3.X together.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Bernd Waterkamp
Michael Torrie schrieb:

 For example, RHEL 6 is Red Hat's most current enterprise distribution and
 it does not yet even ship Python 2.7, to say nothing of Python 3.  RHEL
 7 has python 2.7 as the default system dependency, and currently does
 not yet have any python3 packages in the official main repo, 

python2.7 and python3.3 are availabe in RedHat Software Collections:

So there is at least a chance if you want to (or have to) use official
packages from the distributor. 


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Michael Torrie
On 04/20/2014 12:02 PM, Bernd Waterkamp wrote:
 Michael Torrie schrieb:
 For example, RHEL 6 is Red Hat's most current enterprise distribution and
 it does not yet even ship Python 2.7, to say nothing of Python 3.  RHEL
 7 has python 2.7 as the default system dependency, and currently does
 not yet have any python3 packages in the official main repo, 
 python2.7 and python3.3 are availabe in RedHat Software Collections:
 So there is at least a chance if you want to (or have to) use official
 packages from the distributor. 

Brilliant!  Thanks.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 2:22 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
  When I'm writing a generic average function, I probably don't know whether
  it will ever be used to average complex numbers.
 This keeps coming up in these discussions. How often do you really
 write a function that generic? And if you do, isn't it doing something
 so simple that it's then the caller's responsibility (not the
 function's, and not the language's) to ensure that it gets the right

Hmmm.  Taking the average of a set of complex numbers has a reasonable 
physical meaning.  But, once you start down that path, I'm not sure how 
far you can go before things no long make sense.  What's the standard 
deviation of a set of complex numbers?  Does that even have any meaning?

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Terry Reedy

On 4/20/2014 5:40 PM, Roy Smith wrote:

In article,
  Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 2:22 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:

When I'm writing a generic average function, I probably don't know whether
it will ever be used to average complex numbers.

This keeps coming up in these discussions. How often do you really
write a function that generic? And if you do, isn't it doing something
so simple that it's then the caller's responsibility (not the
function's, and not the language's) to ensure that it gets the right


Hmmm.  Taking the average of a set of complex numbers has a reasonable
physical meaning.  But, once you start down that path, I'm not sure how
far you can go before things no long make sense.  What's the standard
deviation of a set of complex numbers?  Does that even have any meaning?

One can either calculate variance from the sum of squared distances from 
the mean point, or calculate x and y deviations separately and calculate 
the covariance matrix thereof.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Richard Damon
On 4/20/14, 5:40 PM, Roy Smith wrote:
 In article,
  Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 2:22 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 When I'm writing a generic average function, I probably don't know whether
 it will ever be used to average complex numbers.

 This keeps coming up in these discussions. How often do you really
 write a function that generic? And if you do, isn't it doing something
 so simple that it's then the caller's responsibility (not the
 function's, and not the language's) to ensure that it gets the right

 Hmmm.  Taking the average of a set of complex numbers has a reasonable 
 physical meaning.  But, once you start down that path, I'm not sure how 
 far you can go before things no long make sense.  What's the standard 
 deviation of a set of complex numbers?  Does that even have any meaning?

If you thing of the Standard Deviation being the Root Mean Norm2 of the
deviations, it has a very similar meaning as to over the reals, a
measure of the spread of the values.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

Truncating vs true is not the same as int vs float. If you mean to
explicitly request float division, you call float() on one or both
arguments. You're being explicit about something different.

If you know you're dealing with either ints or floats,
which is true in the vast majority of cases, then you
know that / will always perform float division.

As for why int/int should yield float and not some
other type, float is alreay special -- it's built-in
and has syntactic support in the form of literals.
It's the most obvious choice.

If a version of Python were ever to exist in which
floating-point literals produced Decimals instead of
floats, then int/int would produce a Decimal.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 4/19/2014 9:06 PM, Gregory Ewing wrote:

Similarly, when you write // you're explicitly requesting
integer division.

One is requesting 'floor division'


In general that's true, but I'm talking about a context
in which you have some expectations as to the types of the

Most of the time, there are two possible scenarios:

1) The algorithm operates on integers, and the contract is
that you only get passed ints. In that case, you use //
and know that the result will be an int.

2) The algorithm operates on non-integers, and the contract
is that you get passed either ints or floats, with ints being
understood as standing in for floats. In that case, you
use / and know that it will perform float division and
return a float.

If someone passes you a float in case (1) it's true that
// won't return an int, but then they've violated the


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 8:52 AM, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 Chris Angelico wrote:

 Truncating vs true is not the same as int vs float. If you mean to
 explicitly request float division, you call float() on one or both
 arguments. You're being explicit about something different.

 If you know you're dealing with either ints or floats,
 which is true in the vast majority of cases, then you
 know that / will always perform float division.

And that's what I mean about the common non-trivial case. It's easy
enough to come up with contrived or trivial cases that use any types,
but in most cases, it'd be fine to explicitly call float() on one of
the operands to explicitly request floating-point division. Choosing
between two division operators is not the same thing as choosing a
data type.

Explicitly choosing float division:

x / float(y)

Explicitly choosing to truncate:

math.trunc(x / y)

Both explicit forms can be done cleanly without empowering the
language with the magic of int/int-float.


Re: Integer and float division [was Re: Why Python 3?]

2014-04-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

On Sat, 19 Apr 2014 19:37:31 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

In Python 3, you have to say Oh but I want my integer division to
result in an integer:

I don't see why that's such a big hardship.

There are clear advantages to having an explicit way to
request non-floor division. Whatever way is chosen for
that, some other way has to be chosen to request floor

One could debate whether it would have been better to make
/ mean floor division and invent something else for
non-floor division, but then some people would complain
Oh, but I have to say I want my float division to return
a float!

Either way requires people to make some changes in their


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Walter Hurry
On Sat, 19 Apr 2014 20:25:32 -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:

 Terry Reedy writes:
 LibreOffice bundles 3.3. So anyone who does Python scripting in
 LibreOffice is using Python 3. Actually, I believe LO uses Python
 internally for some of its scripting. If so, everyone using LO is
 indirectly using 3.3.
 I didn't even know LO supported Python scripting, but I wouldn't count
 such indirect use anyway.  I meant I don't know any Python programmers
 (at least in person) who use Python 3 for their daily coding.  I think
 this is mostly because they (and I) use whatever is in the OS distro,
 and that is generally still 2.6 or 2.7.

I would use Python 3 in a flash if only wxPython would support it.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ian Kelly wrote:

def average(values):
return sum(values) / len(values)

This works for decimals, it works for fractions, it works for complex 
numbers, it works for numpy types, and in Python 3 it works for ints.

That depends on what you mean by works. I would actually
find it rather disturbing if an average() function implicitly
used floor division when given all ints.

The reason is that people often use ints as stand-ins for
floats in computations that are conceptually non-integer.
So a general-purpose function like average(), given a list
of ints, has no way of knowing whether they're intended
to be interpreted as ints or floats.

To my way of thinking, floor division is a specialised
operation that is only wanted in particular circumstances.
It's rare that I would actually want it done in the
context of taking an average, and if I do, I would rather
be explicit about it using e.g. int(floor(average(...))
or a specialised int_average() function.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Walter Hurry wrote:
 I would use Python 3 in a flash if only wxPython would support it.

There seems to be a Project Phoenix (found it at the other end of a
Google search) with that goal. I've no idea what its status is, but
you could help that project along by expressing interest and maybe
helping with their bug tracker, or hosting a buildbot (they seem to
use the same buildbot software that Python uses), or something like
that. If you're really serious about wanting Python 3 support, go the
whole way and actually help to port it!


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Terry Reedy

On 4/20/2014 7:13 PM, Gregory Ewing wrote:

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 4/19/2014 9:06 PM, Gregory Ewing wrote:

Similarly, when you write // you're explicitly requesting
integer division.

One is requesting 'floor division'


The name 'floor division' and the float result are intentional, not 

In general that's true, but I'm talking about a context
in which you have some expectations as to the types of the

Most of the time, there are two possible scenarios:

1) The algorithm operates on integers, and the contract is
that you only get passed ints. In that case, you use //
and know that the result will be an int.

2) The algorithm operates on non-integers, and the contract
is that you get passed either ints or floats, with ints being
understood as standing in for floats. In that case, you
use / and know that it will perform float division and
return a float.

If someone passes you a float in case (1) it's true that
// won't return an int, but then they've violated the

Not necessarily if the float has an integer value. The intention of the 
change was to make the value of number operations less dependent on the 
type of the operands. Where the result type does matter is if the result 
is used, for example, in indexing

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 21/04/2014 00:50, Walter Hurry wrote:

On Sat, 19 Apr 2014 20:25:32 -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:

Terry Reedy writes:

LibreOffice bundles 3.3. So anyone who does Python scripting in
LibreOffice is using Python 3. Actually, I believe LO uses Python
internally for some of its scripting. If so, everyone using LO is
indirectly using 3.3.

I didn't even know LO supported Python scripting, but I wouldn't count
such indirect use anyway.  I meant I don't know any Python programmers
(at least in person) who use Python 3 for their daily coding.  I think
this is mostly because they (and I) use whatever is in the OS distro,
and that is generally still 2.6 or 2.7.

I would use Python 3 in a flash if only wxPython would support it.

It's getting there with the Phoenix project.  Snapshots available here

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

Richard Damon wrote:

If you thing of the Standard Deviation being the Root Mean Norm2 of the
deviations, it has a very similar meaning as to over the reals, a
measure of the spread of the values.

NumPy appears to handle this:

See the comment on that page about complex numbers.

So yes, it is meaningful and apparently people use it.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Ian Kelly
On Apr 20, 2014 8:01 PM, Gregory Ewing

 Ian Kelly wrote:

 def average(values):
 return sum(values) / len(values)

 This works for decimals, it works for fractions, it works for complex
numbers, it works for numpy types, and in Python 3 it works for ints.

 That depends on what you mean by works. I would actually
 find it rather disturbing if an average() function implicitly
 used floor division when given all ints.

The code above never uses floor division in Python 3.  Therefore it works.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 20 Apr 2014 14:40:38 -0700, Roy Smith wrote:

 In article,
  Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 2:22 AM, Ian Kelly
  When I'm writing a generic average function, I probably don't know
  whether it will ever be used to average complex numbers.
 This keeps coming up in these discussions. How often do you really
 write a function that generic? And if you do, isn't it doing something
 so simple that it's then the caller's responsibility (not the
 function's, and not the language's) to ensure that it gets the right
 Hmmm.  Taking the average of a set of complex numbers has a reasonable
 physical meaning.  But, once you start down that path, I'm not sure how
 far you can go before things no long make sense.  What's the standard
 deviation of a set of complex numbers?  Does that even have any meaning?

Yes it does. Stdev is a measure of scale of the distribution, and is 
always real and non-negative. For complex values, you can calculate it 

(abs(x - mean))**2

which is how numpy does it, or from the complex conjugate:

x1 = x-mean

which is how Matlab does it.

Hence the variance is always non-negative, and the standard deviation is 
always real. See also:

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 21 Apr 2014 09:24:09 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 8:52 AM, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 Chris Angelico wrote:

 Truncating vs true is not the same as int vs float. If you mean to
 explicitly request float division, you call float() on one or both
 arguments. You're being explicit about something different.

 If you know you're dealing with either ints or floats, which is true in
 the vast majority of cases, then you know that / will always perform
 float division.
 And that's what I mean about the common non-trivial case. It's easy
 enough to come up with contrived or trivial cases that use any types,
 but in most cases, it'd be fine to explicitly call float() on one of the
 operands to explicitly request floating-point division. Choosing between
 two division operators is not the same thing as choosing a data type.

Nobody says that they are. Choosing between / and // means to choose 
between two different operator. / performs true division, the sort that 
you learn about in school (modulo the usual floating point issues -- 
floats are not mathematical reals). // performs division which floors 
towards negative infinity. (For positive values, that's equivalent to 

Hence the two special methods: __truediv__ and __floordiv__ (plus the 
reversed __r*__ versions). 

I think you need to stop thinking about integer division, because (1) 
integer division is not well-defined, and (2) in the general case, // 
doesn't return an int, although it should return a value that is integer 

Why is integer division not well-defined? Because division of integers 
doesn't necessarily return an integer: the integers are not closed with 
the division operator. Cases like 10/5 are easy, that's just 2. What 
about 11/5 or -7/3? I can think of at least six things that integer 
division might do in those cases:

- round to nearest, ties round to even (banker's rounding);
- round to nearest, ties round to odd;
- round towards positive infinity (ceiling);
- round towards negative infinity (floor);
- round towards zero (truncate);
- raise an exception;

so before talking about integer division we have to decide which of 
those apply. Python doesn't talk about integer division, well not 
officially, but talks about *floor division*. The nice thing about this 
is that there's no requirement that it return an actual int:

py 11.0//2

just an integer-valued value. It's up to the class to decide how it works.

 Explicitly choosing float division:
 x / float(y)

But here you're not choosing an *operator*, you're choosing a *type*. 
With this model, how do I distinguish between floor division and true 
division using, say, Fractions?

py from fractions import Fraction as F
py F(1799, 27)/F(3)  # True division.
Fraction(1799, 81)
py F(1799, 27)//F(3)  # Floor division.

Converting to floats is not an option, since (1) it returns a float, not 
a Fraction, and (2) it introduces rounding errors:

py F(1799, 27)/F(3) == F(1799, 27)/3.0

 Both explicit forms can be done cleanly without empowering the language
 with the magic of int/int-float.

It's hardly magic, and I really am having difficult in working out 
exactly what your objection to it is. Is it really as simple as 
operations on ints should only return ints, like in C?

Steven D'Aprano

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread HoneyMonster
On Mon, 21 Apr 2014 10:00:01 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Walter Hurry
 I would use Python 3 in a flash if only wxPython would support it.
 There seems to be a Project Phoenix (found it at the other end of a
 Google search) with that goal. I've no idea what its status is, but you
 could help that project along by expressing interest and maybe helping
 with their bug tracker, or hosting a buildbot (they seem to use the same
 buildbot software that Python uses), or something like that. If you're
 really serious about wanting Python 3 support, go the whole way and
 actually help to port it!

Yes, I'm keeping an eye on Fawkes*.
Alas, my skillset is not up to your other suggestions, but thanks.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Explicitly choosing float division:

 x / float(y)

 But here you're not choosing an *operator*, you're choosing a *type*.
 With this model, how do I distinguish between floor division and true
 division using, say, Fractions?

Earlier it was said that having both / and // lets you explicitly
choose whether you want a float result or an int by picking an
operator. I'm saying that's not so; the operator and the type aren't
quite orthogonal, but close to.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Both explicit forms can be done cleanly without empowering the language
 with the magic of int/int-float.

 It's hardly magic, and I really am having difficult in working out
 exactly what your objection to it is. Is it really as simple as
 operations on ints should only return ints, like in C?

All other basic arithmetic operations on two numbers of the same type
results in another number of that type. You wouldn't expect the
product of two Fractions to be a Decimal, nor the sum of two complex
numbers be a float (even if it results in an imaginary part of zero,
it'll still be a complex: (1+2j) + (2-2j) -- (3+0j) not 3.0). There's
just one special case: dividing an integer by an integer yields a
float, if and only if you use truediv. It sticks out as an exception.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Paul Rubin
Anthony Papillion writes:
 Some say 'Python 3 is the future, use it for everything now' and other
 say 'Python 3 is the future but you can't do everything in it now so
 use Python 2'.

Python 3 is generally better than Python 2, except for a few packages
that haven't been ported.

That said, I don't know anyone who actually uses Python 3.  I don't
think it's a matter of wanting to use some problematic package, or
having particular technical concerns.  It's just that the improvement
from 2 to 3 is rather small, and 2 works perfectly well and people are
used to it, so they keep using it.  There are nice tools that
help port your codebase from 2 to 3 with fairly little effort.
But, you can also keep your codebase on 2 with zero effort.
So people choose zero over fairly little.

If you're starting a new project and you get to choose between 2 and 3,
other things equal I'd say use 3.  I've kept using 2 basically because
it's the path of least resistance.  I'm somewhat following the 3
situation and of course I'd use 3 if I were doing something that
benefited from it, but so far it hasn't been an issue.

Eventually the main Linux distros will include 3 instead of 2 by
default, and we'll probably see more migration then.  Right now I type
python and get 2, so I use it.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:
 If you're starting a new project and you get to choose between 2 and 3,
 other things equal I'd say use 3.  I've kept using 2 basically because
 it's the path of least resistance.  I'm somewhat following the 3
 situation and of course I'd use 3 if I were doing something that
 benefited from it, but so far it hasn't been an issue.

 Eventually the main Linux distros will include 3 instead of 2 by
 default, and we'll probably see more migration then.  Right now I type
 python and get 2, so I use it.

Several of the main distros are already including Python 3 by default
(eg Ubuntu), but when you type python, you still get Python 2, for
reasons of compatibility. (See PEP 394.) As long as you set your
shebang to say python3, it'll work just fine.

I strongly recommend going for Python 3 unless something actually
stops you from doing so. If you absolutely must use Python 2, try to
aim for a minimum of 2.6 or 2.7, and start your program with this

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division

That'll make Python 2.6/2.7 behave like Python 3.x in three ways:
firstly, print will be a function instead of a statement (and it's
more powerful than the statement form, as well as being more
flexible); secondly, quoted strings will be Unicode strings, not byte
strings (that'll help you to start thinking about what's bytes and
what's text, which is an important distinction in Python 3); and
thirdly, though less important than the others, the division of two
integers will result in a floating point, not an integer. I personally
think the last one was a mistake on Python 3's part (why bless float
specifically? what if you're working with integers and
decimal.Decimals?), but if you're going to move to Python 3, you may
as well have your code start working that way, so you get used to
typing // to divide integers and get an integer (floor division).

But if you possibly can, aim for Python 3. Every new version adds
features, and new versions within the 3.x line break very little
(generally only what would have been working with a bug anyway, like
narrow Unicode builds of 3.2 becoming universal on 3.3). If you aim
for 3.2 today, and tomorrow try to run your code on 3.4, chances are
it'll work. The main thing is, know what's a text string and what's a
string of bytes; that's critical in 3.x, but not in 2.x. Force
yourself to think about that, and your code will be more reliable -
regardless of even what language you write it in.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Ian Kelly
On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 That'll make Python 2.6/2.7 behave like Python 3.x in three ways:
 firstly, print will be a function instead of a statement (and it's
 more powerful than the statement form, as well as being more
 flexible); secondly, quoted strings will be Unicode strings, not byte
 strings (that'll help you to start thinking about what's bytes and
 what's text, which is an important distinction in Python 3); and
 thirdly, though less important than the others, the division of two
 integers will result in a floating point, not an integer. I personally
 think the last one was a mistake on Python 3's part (why bless float
 specifically? what if you're working with integers and
 decimal.Decimals?), but if you're going to move to Python 3, you may
 as well have your code start working that way, so you get used to
 typing // to divide integers and get an integer (floor division).

If you're working with decimals, then the result is a decimal.  If one
side is an integer and the other is a decimal, then the result is
still a decimal.  Similarly if one of the operands is a fraction, then
the result is a fraction.  The change from / denoting classic
division to true division really only affects the case where both
operands are integers, so far as I'm aware.  If you want to divide two
integers and get a decimal result, then convert one or both of them to
decimals first; you would have needed to do the same with classic

We also gained a consistent and explicit way to differentiate between
the two different styles of division that classic division
represented, as opposed to picking at run-time based on type.

As for why float specifically, the division __future__ import has
been around since 2.2, longer than either decimals or fractions.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 The change from / denoting classic
 division to true division really only affects the case where both
 operands are integers, so far as I'm aware.  If you want to divide two
 integers and get a decimal result, then convert one or both of them to
 decimals first; you would have needed to do the same with classic

If float were a perfect superset of int, and the only logical superset
when you want non-integers, then it'd be fine. But if you're mixing
int and Decimal, you have to explicitly convert, whereas if you're
mixing int and float, you don't. Why is it required to be explicit
with Decimal but not float? Of all the possible alternate types, why
float? Only because...

 As for why float specifically, the division __future__ import has
 been around since 2.2, longer than either decimals or fractions.

... it already existed. There's no particular reason to up-cast to
float, specifically, and it can cause problems with large integers -
either by losing accuracy, or by outright overflowing.

Suppose you take an integer, multiply it by 10, and divide it by 5. In
theory, that's the same as multiplying by 2, right? Mathematically it
is. In C it might not be, because the multiplication might overflow;
but Python, like a number of other modern languages, has an integer
type that won't overflow. In Python 2, doing the obvious thing works:

x * 10 / 5 == x * 2

In Python 3, you have to say Oh but I want my integer division to
result in an integer:

x * 10 // 5 == x * 2

Yes, I can see that it's nice for simple interactive use. You type
1/2 and you get back 0.5. But doesn't it just exchange one set of
problems (dividing integers by integers rounds) for another set
(floating point arithmetic isn't real number arithmetic)?

Anyway. While I think it was a mistake to bless float in that way, I'm
aware that it isn't going to change. Which is why, for anyone who's
looking at starting a project fresh, I recommend from __future__
import division, as it'll make the port to Py3 that much easier.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Ian Kelly

 On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 if you're going to move to Python 3, you may as well have your code
 start working that way, so you get used to typing // to divide
 integers and get an integer (floor division).


 We also gained a consistent and explicit way to differentiate between
 the two different styles of division that classic division
 represented, as opposed to picking at run-time based on type.

Very often when integer division is needed, so is the remainder. Then,
it is good to remember the builtin divmod() function:

In fact, divmod() goes a long way toward removing the need for // and %
in Python code.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Ben Finney
Anthony Papillion writes:

 So I've been working with Python for a while and I'm starting to take
 on more and more serious projects with it. I've been reading a lot
 about Python 2 vs Python 3 and the community kind of seems split on
 which should be used.

The community is in transition; the direction is clear, but different
people have different situations.

 Some say 'Python 3 is the future, use it for everything now' and other
 say 'Python 3 is the future but you can't do everything in it now so
 use Python 2'.

Well, it's clear: Python 3 is uncontroversially the future :-) Also:
Python 3 is the only path which is currently being maintained as a
target for new code.

Python 2 is in bug-fix mode only, has been for years, will not be
supported indefinitely, and will never get new features.

Python 3 support is already excellent now, is getting better all the
time, and Python 2 is losing ground and will continue to do so.

 What is the general feel of /this/ community?

I'd advise: that's less important than the specific needs of what *you*
will be doing. If you can drop Python 2 for your specific project, do
so; if you can't yet, set yourself up such that you can drop Python 2 as
soon as feasible, and agitate for the blockers to be removed ASAP.

 I'm about to start a large scale Python project. Should it be done in
 2 or 3? What are the benefits, aside from the 'it's the future'

* Python 3 (unlike Python 2) gets Unicode right. This makes it almost
  unique among today's programming languages, and has become essential
  for 21st century programming.

  Any programs you begin today – in any programming language – can
  expect to be used with international text, and increasingly so as time
  goes on. Unicode is the only game in town for freely mixing all
  writing systems of the world. You need Unicode to be correct to the
  core of the language.

* Python 3 (unlike Python 2) comes with support for virtual Python
  environments, namespace packages, third-party package installation,
  and other improvements that make it much simpler to deploy complex
  projects (which you'll likely need sooner than you think with any new

* Python 3 (unlike Python 2) has more secure and efficient parallel and
  concurrent processing: multiprocessing, asynchronous processing,
  generator delegation, and “futures” all make it a more capable,
  reliable, and expressive language for distributed programming.

* Python 3 (unlike Python 2) has a better-kept house: its standard
  library, exception hierarchy, bytecode files and extension modules,
  and import mechanics, have all undergone consolidation and are more
  predictable and uniform across implementations.

There are URL: many other benefits.
See URL: for a discussion
of how to determine whether it's yet time for you to go with Python 3.

In brief though, from that last document:

Short version: Python 2.x is legacy, Python 3.x is the present and
future of the language
Which version you ought to use is mostly dependent on what you want
to get done.

If you can do exactly what you want with Python 3.x, great!

 \“Spam will be a thing of the past in two years' time.” —Bill |
  `\ Gates, 2004-01-24 |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Rustom Mody
On Saturday, April 19, 2014 4:35:41 PM UTC+5:30, Ben Finney wrote:
 Well, it's clear: Python 3 is uncontroversially the future :-) Also:

  \Spam will be a thing of the past in two years' time. --Bill |
   `\ Gates, 2004-01-24 |
 _o__)  |


I wonder if the main content of your post was the post or this footer?!?!

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Steve Hayes
On Fri, 18 Apr 2014 22:28:05 -0500, Anthony Papillion

Hello Everyone,

So I've been working with Python for a while and I'm starting to take
on more and more serious projects with it. I've been reading a lot
about Python 2 vs Python 3 and the community kind of seems split on
which should be used.

Some say 'Python 3 is the future, use it for everything now' and other
say 'Python 3 is the future but you can't do everything in it now so
use Python 2'.

Yes, that made me more or less abandon my attempt to learn Python.

I had Python 3 on my computer (came on one of those freebie discs you get with
magazines, I think) and my son had a book on it, so I thought with the program
and the instructions I should be able to learn something. 

It took me a week, with some help from this forum, to get the Print statement
to work. 

Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 9:53 PM, Steve Hayes wrote:
Some say 'Python 3 is the future, use it for everything now' and other
say 'Python 3 is the future but you can't do everything in it now so
use Python 2'.

 Yes, that made me more or less abandon my attempt to learn Python.

 I had Python 3 on my computer (came on one of those freebie discs you get with
 magazines, I think) and my son had a book on it, so I thought with the program
 and the instructions I should be able to learn something.

 It took me a week, with some help from this forum, to get the Print statement
 to work.

If your book and your interpreter didn't match, then that's a problem,
just as if you were working with different versions of any other
software. (Can you imagine reading through a Microsoft Excel tutorial
and trying to do the exercises in a different version of Excel?) The
print statement wouldn't work because there isn't one; the print
*function* will work quite happily, though. All you need is for
someone to explain it to you as a function, and you'll be fine.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Ian Foote
Hash: SHA1

On 19/04/14 05:49, Andrew Berg wrote:
 On 2014.04.18 22:28, Anthony Papillion wrote:
 What is the general feel of /this/ community? I'm about to start
 a large scale Python project. Should it be done in 2 or 3? What
 are the benefits, aside from the 'it's the future' argument?
 Python 3 is not the future; it is the present. If you're developing
 an application, just use Python 3.4 and don't look back unless you 
 absolutely positively *need* one of the big libraries that doesn't
 fully support Python 3 yet. The smaller ones either support it or
 have been replaced, and the few remaining (e.g., Twisted, Django)
 are getting there.

Django has been there since 1.5. My company has been using python3 in
production since 1.6 was released. There have been a few other third
party libraries we've wanted to use but can't, but we've been able to
work around that.

Ian F

Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Andrew Berg
On 2014.04.19 07:58, Ian Foote wrote:
 Django has been there since 1.5. My company has been using python3 in
 production since 1.6 was released. There have been a few other third
 party libraries we've wanted to use but can't, but we've been able to
 work around that.
I guess I'm a bit behind the times then. Last I checked, only certain parts of 
it were working on Python 3. Nice to hear that it fully
supports Python 3 now. :)

CPython 3.4.0 | Windows NT 6.2.9200 / FreeBSD 10.0

converting old project to Python 3 was: Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Eric S. Johansson

On 4/19/2014 12:04 AM, Ryan Hiebert wrote:
If you are starting a new project, I'd highly encourage you to use 
Python 3. It is a stable, well supported, and beautiful language, and 
gives you the full power of the innovation that is current in the 
Python world. Python 2 is still well supported (for a while to come), 
but you won't have the same access to new features and ideas that you 
would on Python 3.

The only reason that I'd still be on Python 2 is if I absolutely had 
to use a library that for some reason is not yet working on Python 3. 
Even then, I'd work hard to try and write it in Python 3 style Python 
2, because I'd want to be on Python 3 as soon as possible.

The Python extensions to NaturallySpeaking are combination of C++ for a 
COM interface and Python for grammar management.

How hard is it to convert from C++ extensions for 2.x to 3.x? are there 
any tools to help with the process?

Thanks for any insights.

--- eric


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Roy Smith
Chris Angelico wrote:

 I strongly recommend going for Python 3 unless something actually
 stops you from doing so.

One of the problems is you don't know in advance if something is going 
to stop you.  By committing to P3 now, you are eliminating from possible 
future use, all of those third-party modules which only support P2.  And 
you don't know which of those you'll need until you sometime in the 

It's rare to find a modern, actively maintained module which doesn't 
either support P3 already, or at least has that on its roadmap, but 
there's a lot of old stuff out there which is still very useful.

 If you absolutely must use Python 2, try to
 aim for a minimum of 2.6 or 2.7

That I absolutely agree with.  Unless I had some specific legacy use 
case I needed to continue to support, I wouldn't waste any time worrying 
about 2.5 support, and we're quickly reaching the point where the same 
can be said about 2.6.

 and start your program with this line:
 from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division

That seems reasonable, but be prepared for possible unicode issues.  
There is code out there in third party modules which makes 
unicode-unfriendly assumptions about strings.  For example:

I'm not saying don't use unicode_literals (we do), just we aware that 
you might have to explicitly cast things to str() once in a while.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 11:26 PM, Roy Smith wrote:
 Chris Angelico wrote:

 I strongly recommend going for Python 3 unless something actually
 stops you from doing so.

 One of the problems is you don't know in advance if something is going
 to stop you.  By committing to P3 now, you are eliminating from possible
 future use, all of those third-party modules which only support P2.  And
 you don't know which of those you'll need until you sometime in the

Conversely, committing to Py2 now eliminates from possible future use
all modules which support only Py3. Is there strong evidence that one
of those groups is larger than the other?

 If you absolutely must use Python 2, try to
 aim for a minimum of 2.6 or 2.7

 That I absolutely agree with.  Unless I had some specific legacy use
 case I needed to continue to support, I wouldn't waste any time worrying
 about 2.5 support, and we're quickly reaching the point where the same
 can be said about 2.6.

Red Hat? :) Though that's likely to be the last bastion of ancient
Python out there, soon. Debian Squeeze (oldstable) ships with 2.6, so
if you aim for 2.6+, you should catch all the distros that derive from
Debian (the current Debian stable, Wheezy, ships with 2.7). But Red
Hat will be supporting older Pythons for a good while.

 and start your program with this line:

 from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division

 That seems reasonable, but be prepared for possible unicode issues.
 There is code out there in third party modules which makes
 unicode-unfriendly assumptions about strings.

Right. It's not the magic line that fixes everything; if it were,
Python 3 wouldn't be a big deal at all. Go Py3 if you can, but if you
can't, at least make your double-quoted strings Unicode strings, and
then you have a chance to find problems.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Rick Johnson
On Friday, April 18, 2014 10:28:05 PM UTC-5, Anthony Papillion wrote:
 Hello Everyone,
 So I've been working with Python for a while and I'm starting to take
 on more and more serious projects with it. I've been reading a lot
 about Python 2 vs Python 3 and the community kind of seems split on
 which should be used.
 Some say 'Python 3 is the future, use it for everything now' and other
 say 'Python 3 is the future but you can't do everything in it now so
 use Python 2'.
 What is the general feel of /this/ community? I'm about to start a
 large scale Python project. Should it be done in 2 or 3? What are the
 benefits, aside from the 'it's the future' argument?

Python 3000 is the direct result of a hubris that even
surpasses Hitler's boneheaded attempt to fight the war on two
fronts. Yes, most of us agree that the changes are positive
evolution HOWEVER, are these minor repairs REALLY worth
polarizing a vibrant community and causing Python's
propagation to stagnate?


Who would want to choose Python for a scripting language for
their project when EVEN the community cannot agree on which
version is best to use? But even *IF* every respected member
was a total high-knee smooching tool of GvR parroting off
that Python 3000 is the best!, we cannot ignore the
functionality concerns that will result from choosing
between 2x or 3x.


Python is destined to destroy itself internally JUST like
the American society is currently destroying itself, and
what a travesty, since Python was the shining light of what
a program should be.


Python is set to become extinct because GvR bought his time
machine AFTER infecting the code base with a print
statement -- thanks Guido, thanks for everything! Maybe next
time you should consider buying bean stalk beans instead!


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Rustom Mody
On Saturday, April 19, 2014 5:23:01 PM UTC+5:30, Steve Hayes wrote:
 It took me a week, with some help from this forum, to get the Print statement
 to work. 

How long does it take one to learn to drive a car?
To play the piano? To become a brain surgeon?

No I am not exactly in the gung-ho over python 3 camp
However if you dont start out learning programming with an estimate of work 
somewhere between learning to:
- drive-a-car
- play-the-piano
you are setting yourself up for failure.
But its equally unreasonable to expect to learn programming more easy than to 
drive a car.

Re: converting old project to Python 3 was: Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 19/04/2014 14:06, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

On 4/19/2014 12:04 AM, Ryan Hiebert wrote:

If you are starting a new project, I'd highly encourage you to use
Python 3. It is a stable, well supported, and beautiful language, and
gives you the full power of the innovation that is current in the
Python world. Python 2 is still well supported (for a while to come),
but you won't have the same access to new features and ideas that you
would on Python 3.

The only reason that I'd still be on Python 2 is if I absolutely had
to use a library that for some reason is not yet working on Python 3.
Even then, I'd work hard to try and write it in Python 3 style Python
2, because I'd want to be on Python 3 as soon as possible.

The Python extensions to NaturallySpeaking are combination of C++ for a
COM interface and Python for grammar management.

How hard is it to convert from C++ extensions for 2.x to 3.x? are there
any tools to help with the process?

Thanks for any insights.

--- eric

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Terry Reedy

On 4/19/2014 2:40 AM, Paul Rubin wrote:

That said, I don't know anyone who actually uses Python 3.

I have no idea who you know ;-)

LibreOffice bundles 3.3. So anyone who does Python scripting in 
LibreOffice is using Python 3. Actually, I believe LO uses Python 
internally for some of its scripting. If so, everyone using LO is 
indirectly using 3.3.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 19/04/2014 07:40, Paul Rubin wrote:

That said, I don't know anyone who actually uses Python 3.

You do now :)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 3:23 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 LibreOffice bundles 3.3. So anyone who does Python scripting in LibreOffice
 is using Python 3.

This much I agree with...

 Actually, I believe LO uses Python internally for some of
 its scripting. If so, everyone using LO is indirectly using 3.3.

... but this is kinda pushing it, I think. You're not *using* it any
more than you're using Python whenever you post to Savoynet [1] -
after all, Savoynet is a Mailman list, and Mailman runs on Python. But
all those theatre people don't become Python users because of that.
I'd have to say that using Python 3 means writing code that runs in
Python 3. So the LO people would, by your statement, be using Py3.3,
as would anyone who actually writes LO scripts; but someone who just
fires up LO, edits a document in the WYSIWYG editor, and goes about
his business, isn't really using Python.

Though the broader definition does have its uses. It's fun to explain
to someone how that little device that shows him a map and where he is
on it is depending on both special and general relativity. (GPS
signals are strongly based on time, and the satellites are moving
relative to the observer, and gravity is weaker up there.) But you're
not really making use of the science yourself, you're depending on
someone else having made use of it - same as you can hop on an
airliner without understanding the physics of flight, much less the
effects of birdstrike on jet engines. You're just glad that someone,
somewhere, has worked all that out :)



Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Albert-Jan Roskam

- Original Message -

 From: Chris Angelico
 Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2014 3:42 PM
 Subject: Re: Why Python 3?


 Right. It's not the magic line that fixes everything; if it were,
 Python 3 wouldn't be a big deal at all. Go Py3 if you can, but if you
 can't, at least make your double-quoted strings Unicode strings, and
 then you have a chance to find problems.

Totally agree. It's not that hard at all. I consider it true craftmanship that 
Guido had the guts break backward compatibility and clean up some mistakes. 
Compare this with CRAN R, where so much illogical S-plus stuff is present (word 
count for historical anomaly: 1000+ ;-). 

Am I the only one who always thinks of Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations curve 
with these Python2/3 debates? source:

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Ian Kelly
On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 3:37 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 The change from / denoting classic
 division to true division really only affects the case where both
 operands are integers, so far as I'm aware.  If you want to divide two
 integers and get a decimal result, then convert one or both of them to
 decimals first; you would have needed to do the same with classic

 If float were a perfect superset of int, and the only logical superset
 when you want non-integers, then it'd be fine.

Decimal is also not a perfect superset of int (although I believe it
is a superset of the intersection of int and float).  Even if it were,
I'm not sure it would be appropriate to bless Decimal in this way
either, because they have no place in Python's number type hierarchy:

 from decimal import Decimal
 from numbers import Real
 isinstance(Decimal('1.23'), Real)

 But if you're mixing
 int and Decimal, you have to explicitly convert, whereas if you're
 mixing int and float, you don't. Why is it required to be explicit
 with Decimal but not float? Of all the possible alternate types, why
 float? Only because...

 As for why float specifically, the division __future__ import has
 been around since 2.2, longer than either decimals or fractions.

 ... it already existed. There's no particular reason to up-cast to
 float, specifically, and it can cause problems with large integers -
 either by losing accuracy, or by outright overflowing.

The authors of PEP 238 expressed their hope that when a rational type
(i.e. Fraction) was implemented, it would become the result type for
true division on two integers.  I don't know why that never came to
pass; perhaps performance considerations won out.

 In Python 3, you have to say Oh but I want my integer division to
 result in an integer:

 x * 10 // 5 == x * 2

Technically this says I want the result of floor division, not I
want the result as an integer.  If you apply the floor division
operator to a non-int type, you'll get a non-int result.  It just so
happens that the result of floor division of two integers can be given
as an integer, whereas the result of true division cannot.

Considering that Fraction and Decimal did not exist yet, what type do
you think the PEP 238 implementers should have chosen for the result
of dividing two ints?  If float is not acceptable, and int is not
acceptable (which was the whole point of the PEP), then the only
alternative I can see would have been to raise a TypeError and force
the user to upcast explicitly.  In that case, dividing arbitrary ints
using floating-point math would not be possible for those ints that
are outside the range of floats; you would get OverflowError on the
upcast operation, regardless of whether the result of division would
be within the range of a float.

 Yes, I can see that it's nice for simple interactive use.

More importantly, it's useful for implementers of generic mathematical
routines.  If you're passed arbitrary inputs, you don't have to check
the types of the values you were given and then branch if both of the
values you were about to divide happened to be ints just because the
division operator arbitrarily does something different on ints.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 5:58 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 Considering that Fraction and Decimal did not exist yet, what type do
 you think the PEP 238 implementers should have chosen for the result
 of dividing two ints?  If float is not acceptable, and int is not
 acceptable (which was the whole point of the PEP), then the only
 alternative I can see would have been to raise a TypeError and force
 the user to upcast explicitly.  In that case, dividing arbitrary ints
 using floating-point math would not be possible for those ints that
 are outside the range of floats; you would get OverflowError on the
 upcast operation, regardless of whether the result of division would
 be within the range of a float.

 Yes, I can see that it's nice for simple interactive use.

 More importantly, it's useful for implementers of generic mathematical
 routines.  If you're passed arbitrary inputs, you don't have to check
 the types of the values you were given and then branch if both of the
 values you were about to divide happened to be ints just because the
 division operator arbitrarily does something different on ints.

Or you just cast one of them to float. That way you're sure you're
working with floats.

The main trouble is that float is not a perfect superset of int. If it
were, then it really would be upcasting, same as turning a float into
a complex is; there's no downside, other than performance.

If I'd been in charge, I would have simply let int/int continue to
return an int, as that's the one thing that is guaranteed not to
behave differently on different input values. Python 3 fixed Unicode
handling by ensuring that mixing text and bytes would cause problems
straight away, rather than waiting until you get a character with a
codepoint higher than U+00FF; 3.3 went further and made sure you
wouldn't get problems by going past U+ even on Windows. I think we
all agree (well, all bar the trolls) that that was a good thing. So
why do we have this sort of thing go weird?

def always_true(x):
assert type(x) is int
return x*10/2 == x*5

In Python 2, I believe that will indeed be always true, for any
integer x. (Yeah, there's a naughty type check in there. I'm talking
about integers, mmkay?) In Python 3, it might not be.


(32-bit Windows, because I'm on the laptop. Other Pythons, other CPUs,
etc, may have different points where that happens, but the same will

So either you keep a very close eye on everything to make sure you
don't have floats infecting your calculations, or you ignore the
problem and then start seeing odd stuff happen with specific numbers.
I'd rather have to explicitly request floating-point division; that
way, you get issues a lot sooner and more simply. Why is 34/10 equal
to 3? is a lot easier to explain than Why does my program not work
when I give it numbers with lots of data encoded in them, when it
works fine with sequential numbers from zero?. (Imagine if you work
with invoice numbers, for instance, and your code is fine; but if you
encode the date into the first eight digits, then put the store number
in the next three, register number in the next three, and then the
last three are sequential. Should work the same, right?)

Anyway, way too late to change now. That ship sailed in 2.2 or thereabouts.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Ian Kelly
On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 5:58 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 Considering that Fraction and Decimal did not exist yet, what type do
 you think the PEP 238 implementers should have chosen for the result
 of dividing two ints?  If float is not acceptable, and int is not
 acceptable (which was the whole point of the PEP), then the only
 alternative I can see would have been to raise a TypeError and force
 the user to upcast explicitly.  In that case, dividing arbitrary ints
 using floating-point math would not be possible for those ints that
 are outside the range of floats; you would get OverflowError on the
 upcast operation, regardless of whether the result of division would
 be within the range of a float.

 Yes, I can see that it's nice for simple interactive use.

 More importantly, it's useful for implementers of generic mathematical
 routines.  If you're passed arbitrary inputs, you don't have to check
 the types of the values you were given and then branch if both of the
 values you were about to divide happened to be ints just because the
 division operator arbitrarily does something different on ints.

 Or you just cast one of them to float. That way you're sure you're
 working with floats.

Which is inappropriate if the type passed in was a Decimal or a complex.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 6:38 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 Or you just cast one of them to float. That way you're sure you're
 working with floats.

 Which is inappropriate if the type passed in was a Decimal or a complex.

In that case, you already have a special case in your code, so whether
that special case is handled by the language or by your code makes
little difference. Is your function so generic that it has to be able
to handle float, Decimal, or complex, and not care about the
difference, and yet has to ensure that int divided by int doesn't
yield int? Then say so; put in that special check. Personally, I've
yet to meet any non-toy example of a function that needs that exact
handling; most code doesn't ever think about complex numbers, and a
lot of things look for one specific type:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#19, line 1, in module
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

Maybe it's not your code that should be caring about what happens when
you divide two integers, but the calling code. If you're asking for
the average of a list of numbers, and they're all integers, and the
avg() function truncates to integer, then the solution is to use sum()
and explicitly cast to floating point before dividing. Why should the
language handle that? It's no different from trying to sum a bunch of
different numeric types:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#25, line 1, in module
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'float' and 'decimal.Decimal'

The language doesn't specify a means of resolving the conflict between
float and Decimal, but for some reason the division of two integers is
blessed with a language feature. Again, it would make perfect sense if
float were a perfect superset of int, so that you could simply declare
that 1.0 and 1 behave absolutely identically in all arithmetic (they
already hash and compare equally), but that's not the case, so I don't
see that division should try to pretend they are.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

I'd rather have to explicitly request floating-point division;

When you write / in Python 3, you *are* explicitly requesting
floating-point division.

Similarly, when you write // you're explicitly requesting
integer division.

I don't see the problem. You write whatever you mean and it
does what you tell it to do.

So either you keep a very close eye on everything to make sure you
don't have floats infecting your calculations,

If you have something that works exclusively on ints and someone
passes you a float, and you don't check for that, you'll have
problems anyway even if no division is involved at all.

There's no way that Python 3 division can *introduce* a float
into an integer calculation unless you write / somewhere where
you really meant //. But that's the same kind of mistake as
calling foo() when you meant to call bar(). You can't blame
the language for that.

but if you
encode the date into the first eight digits, then put the store number
in the next three, register number in the next three, and then the
last three are sequential. Should work the same, right?)

It'll work fine as long as you use // when extracting the parts.
If you use / then you're *explicitly* saying to do the calculation
in floating point, which would not be a sane thing to do.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 Chris Angelico wrote:

 I'd rather have to explicitly request floating-point division;

 When you write / in Python 3, you *are* explicitly requesting
 floating-point division.

 Similarly, when you write // you're explicitly requesting
 integer division.

 I don't see the problem. You write whatever you mean and it
 does what you tell it to do.

Truncating vs true is not the same as int vs float. If you mean to
explicitly request float division, you call float() on one or both
arguments. You're being explicit about something different.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

Is your function so generic that it has to be able
to handle float, Decimal, or complex, and not care about the
difference, and yet has to ensure that int divided by int doesn't
yield int?

It doesn't have to be that generic to cause pain. Even if
you're only dealing with floats, the old way meant you had
to stick float() calls all over the place in order to be
sure your divisions do what you want. Not only does that
clutter up and obscure the code, it's needlessy inefficient,
since *most* of the time they don't do anything.

There's also the annoyance that there's more than one
obvious way to do it. Do you write float(x)/y or
x/float(y)? Or do you go for a more symmetrical look
and write float(x)/float(y), even though it's redundant?

The new way makes *all* of that go away. The only downside
is that you need to keep your wits about you and select
the appropriate operator whenever you write a division.
But you had to think about that *anyway* under the old
system, or risk having your divisions silently do the
wrong thing under some circumstances -- and the remedy
for that was very clunky and inefficient.

I'm thoroughly convinced that the *old* way was the
mistake, and changing it was the right thing to do.

The language doesn't specify a means of resolving the conflict between
float and Decimal, but for some reason the division of two integers is
blessed with a language feature.

No, it's not. What the language does is recognise that
there are two kinds of division frequently used, and that
the vast majority of the time you know *when you write the
code* which one you intend. To support this, it provides two
operators. It's still up to the types concerned to implement
those operators in a useful way.

The built-in int and float types cooperate to make // mean
integer division and / mean float division, because that's
the most convenient meanings for them on those types.
Other types are free to do what makes the most sense for


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Michael Torrie
On 04/18/2014 10:49 PM, Andrew Berg wrote:
 Python 3 is not the future; it is the present. If you're developing
 an application, just use Python 3.4 and don't look back unless you 
 absolutely positively *need* one of the big libraries that doesn't
 fully support Python 3 yet. 

Depends on what OS you want to be running on.  I don't know of any
currently-supported Enterprise distributions (long-term support) that
ship with Python 3.4.  Few ship Python 3.3 yet.  For example, RHEL 6 is
Red Hat's most current enterprise distribution and it does not yet even
ship Python 2.7, to say nothing of Python 3.  RHEL 7 has python 2.7 as
the default system dependency, and currently does not yet have any
python3 packages in the official main repo, though I imagine it will
probably show up, as it is in Fedora 19, which RHEL7 is based on.  Of
course you can easily install Python3 on most any distro, either from
third-party repos or source, neither of which would be allowed in the
enterprise I last worked in, unless the repo was trusted and vetted.
One could ship a compiled python 3.[34] interpreter with one's package I

With Windows it's quite different. There's no system python to start
with so you can either bundle python with your app, or require one of
the official python 3.[34] packages as a prerequisite.

It's the conservative nature of LTS distributions that slows the
adoption of Python 3.  Especially in server space.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Paul Rubin
Terry Reedy writes:
 LibreOffice bundles 3.3. So anyone who does Python scripting in
 LibreOffice is using Python 3. Actually, I believe LO uses Python
 internally for some of its scripting. If so, everyone using LO is
 indirectly using 3.3.

I didn't even know LO supported Python scripting, but I wouldn't count
such indirect use anyway.  I meant I don't know any Python programmers
(at least in person) who use Python 3 for their daily coding.  I think
this is mostly because they (and I) use whatever is in the OS distro,
and that is generally still 2.6 or 2.7.

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Terry Reedy

On 4/19/2014 9:06 PM, Gregory Ewing wrote:

Chris Angelico wrote:

I'd rather have to explicitly request floating-point division;

When you write / in Python 3, you *are* explicitly requesting
floating-point division.

Similarly, when you write // you're explicitly requesting
integer division.

One is requesting 'floor division'


To me, calling that integer division is a bit misleading in that one 
might expect the result, at least, to be an int rather than a float. 
(Yes, it is an integer-valued float.)

Terry Jan Reedy


Why Python 3?

2014-04-18 Thread Anthony Papillion
Hello Everyone,

So I've been working with Python for a while and I'm starting to take
on more and more serious projects with it. I've been reading a lot
about Python 2 vs Python 3 and the community kind of seems split on
which should be used.

Some say 'Python 3 is the future, use it for everything now' and other
say 'Python 3 is the future but you can't do everything in it now so
use Python 2'.

What is the general feel of /this/ community? I'm about to start a
large scale Python project. Should it be done in 2 or 3? What are the
benefits, aside from the 'it's the future' argument?


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-18 Thread Ryan Hiebert
If you are starting a new project, I'd highly encourage you to use Python
3. It is a stable, well supported, and beautiful language, and gives you
the full power of the innovation that is current in the Python world.
Python 2 is still well supported (for a while to come), but you won't have
the same access to new features and ideas that you would on Python 3.

The only reason that I'd still be on Python 2 is if I absolutely had to use
a library that for some reason is not yet working on Python 3. Even then,
I'd work hard to try and write it in Python 3 style Python 2, because I'd
want to be on Python 3 as soon as possible.

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Anthony Papillion papill...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hello Everyone,

 So I've been working with Python for a while and I'm starting to take
 on more and more serious projects with it. I've been reading a lot
 about Python 2 vs Python 3 and the community kind of seems split on
 which should be used.

 Some say 'Python 3 is the future, use it for everything now' and other
 say 'Python 3 is the future but you can't do everything in it now so
 use Python 2'.

 What is the general feel of /this/ community? I'm about to start a
 large scale Python project. Should it be done in 2 or 3? What are the
 benefits, aside from the 'it's the future' argument?



Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-18 Thread Andrew Berg
On 2014.04.18 22:28, Anthony Papillion wrote:
 What is the general feel of /this/ community? I'm about to start a
 large scale Python project. Should it be done in 2 or 3? What are the
 benefits, aside from the 'it's the future' argument?
Python 3 is not the future; it is the present. If you're developing an 
application, just use Python 3.4 and don't look back unless you
absolutely positively *need* one of the big libraries that doesn't fully 
support Python 3 yet. The smaller ones either support it or have
been replaced, and the few remaining (e.g., Twisted, Django) are getting there. 
Python 2 still exists because there are very large existing
projects (some public, some private) that are not able to use Python 3 for some 
reason (like heavy dependence on a third-party that doesn't
support Python 3). If you are developing a new library, the decision is not 
likely going to be easy, but in general, I'd say the larger it
is, the more you should lean toward not having Python 2 support. Of course, 
there are going to be other factors such as your audience and
what, if any, third-party libraries you will need yourself. It's an awkward 
time to write a new library since supporting both 2 and 3 is a
major pain, and Python 2 is eventually going away, but you will still have a 
significant amount of people who will want to use the library
with things that can't support Python 3.

Use Python 2 if you must, but know that you will end up needing to migrate to 
Python 3 eventually.
It used to be that support for Python 3 among third-party libraries was small, 
but that is no longer true:
CPython 3.4.0 | Windows NT 6.2.9200 / FreeBSD 10.0

Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-18 Thread Ethan Furman

On 04/18/2014 08:28 PM, Anthony Papillion wrote:

What is the general feel of /this/ community? I'm about to start a
large scale Python project. Should it be done in 2 or 3? What are the
benefits, aside from the 'it's the future' argument?

This community is also split.  ;)

Use Python 3 if you can.  The best reason not to is if you have some critical library that you absolutely need and it's 
not yet available on 3.  In which case, program as if your code base was going to run on both 2 and 3 so you can update 
easily once your dependency upgrades.


Re: Why Python 3?

2007-12-05 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
On 2007-12-05, Chris Gonnerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I spent some time today reading about Python 3, and specifically the 
 differences between Python 3 and Python 2, and I was left with a 
 question... why?  Why bother to change to Python 3, when the CPython 
 implementation is slower, and probably will be for a while?

I think to preserve the smoothness of switching versions, like you do now.

As user, you can smoothly 'upgrade' to using new Python features in the pace
that you like. Unfortunately for the developers, not all users do that at the
same rate and switch to the same sub-set (and that is good, I think). As a
result, the developers have to be very backwards compatible. In other words,
you can probably run a lot of the Python 1.5.2 code you wrote several years ago
using today's Python 2.5. To make that possible, all 1.5.2 stuff is still in
today's Python 2.5 interpreter, even though there are not many users that code
in 1.5.2 style any more.

As you can imagine, this old stuff piles up as we progress in Python versions.
Python 3 is the breaking point where the old stuff (that (almost) nobody uses
any more, since everybody is using new coding styles) is really gone.
That gives room for a new design of the interpreter from the ground up, using
today's coding practices and ideas as starting point.

For you as user, the transition to Python 3 will probably be smooth too. Unless
you stopped reading about new Python versions after 1.5.2, and are still using
that old 1.5.2 book as ultimate Python reference, your coding style has changed
too towards newer Python versions (and ultimately towards Python 3).

In addition, knowing the Python development cycle, as the features of Python 3
become more clear, they will first be implemented in the Python 2.x range for
testing and for giving users the chance to already pick up the new coding
styles, so by the time the last 2.x version is retired, Python 3 will have
(almost) no sudden transitions for you.

 But... almost all of my old 1.5 code ported painlessly to 2.x.  No need 
 for a 1.5to2 script, whereas I see that there is a 2to3 script for 

Well, Python 3 design is from the ground up, and aimed at the future, so they
are quite a few steps ahead of today's coding practice, let alone today's code
base (which is still 1.5 compatible as you discovered).
To run any form of practical experiments, one needs a way to quickly convert
the current code to the new conventions/ideas. Since programmers rather let the
computer do boring repetitive tasks, they write a script for the conversions.
Since Python is open source, you may also want to experiment with Python 3, and
in that case the script is very handy.

Imho, existence of such a script today does not automatically mean that you
will need to use a script at the moment you (or I) switch to Python 3.

 programming knowledge.  In fact, the things I rarely or never use in 
 Python tend to be those things I find hardest to read (like list 
 comprehensions).  Few of the changes along the way have required me to 

I use them a lot, and they are very powerful. On the other hand, I never use
generators, which is probably a loss for me.

 change how I *write* code; probably the worst was the integer division 

I think you change the way you write code continuously. I have been programming
computers for 20+ years, and are still changing the way I code.

 change, which I disagreed with, but I went along with the community.

Some changes are for your own good, even though you do not realize it now :)
For you it is the integer division. For me, I have a problem with new-style
classes, where the __eq__ method is already implemented, blurring the
difference between 'is' and '=='.

Ah well, no language is perfect, and there is probably a very good reason for
the change even if I don't see it.
(and if there is really none, the change will be undone with Python 4... :) )

 I don't see myself using Python 3 for a long time.  Probably as long as 
 I can hold out.  Where are my goodies?  What is my payoff for learning 
 how to write code the new way?  I can't see it.  Many things seem a lot 

A lot of the new goodies give you more punch per line, ie less lines to
express what you want to calculate. This is good, since the chance making an
error is a constant per line, so less lines is less errors.

 less obvious... like, what was wrong with dict.keys() returning a 
 list?  Now it returns some strange object type.

In addition, Python is generalizing programming. Why would you want to write a
for-loop yourself if you can push the loop into that strange object type? This
may look useless, but what actually happens here is that the level of
abstraction in programming is raised further (just like the main benefit of
switching from eg C to Python is the step up in abstraction (you get eg
dictionaries and lists built in, rather than having to program them yourself
from struct's for the umpteenth time).

Ultimately, when you start 

Re: Why Python 3?

2007-12-05 Thread Christian Heimes
A.T.Hofkamp wrote:
 Well, Python 3 design is from the ground up, and aimed at the future, so they
 are quite a few steps ahead of today's coding practice, let alone today's code
 base (which is still 1.5 compatible as you discovered).

Just a small note from me:

Several people think that we are rewriting Python 3.0 from the scratch.
That is *not* correct. The 3.x series shares lots of code with the 2.x
series. We are still merging changes from the trunk (2.6) into the py3k
branch and we are going to backport several features from 3.0 into 2.6.

Some parts are of Python 3.0 are new and the majority of the rest is
just cleaned up a bit. Some new features like the new immutable bytes
type in 3.0a2 are mostly based on existing code.

At Joel
explains why rewriting from the scratch is often the worst strategy.


Re: Why Python 3?

2007-12-05 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 5 Dez., 15:32, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 explains why rewriting from the scratch is often the worst strategy.

About migration strategies:

I do not exactly recollect whether it was in Eastland or Jugemanland,
but I remember that in the midst of a dreary forest I spied a terrible
wolf making after me, with all the speed of ravenous winter hunger.

He soon overtook me. There was no possibility of escape. Mechanically
I laid myself down flat in the sledge, and let my horse run for our
safety. What I wished, but hardly hoped or expected, happened
immediately after. The wolf did not mind me in the least, but took a
leap over me, and falling furiously on the horse, began instantly to
tear and devour the hind-part of the poor animal, which ran the faster
for his pain and terror.

Thus unnoticed and safe myself, I lifted my head slyly up, and with
horror I beheld that the wolf had ate his way into the horse's body;
it was not long before he had fairly forced himself into it, when I
took my advantage, and fell upon him with the butt-end of my whip.

This unexpected attack in his rear frightened him so much, that he
leaped forward with all his might: the horse's carcase dropped on the
ground, but in his place the wolf was in the harness, and I on my part
whipping him continually: we both arrived in full career safe at St.
Petersburg, contrary to our respective expectations, and very much to
the astonishment of the spectators.

Re: Why Python 3?

2007-12-05 Thread Michael Spencer
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 This unexpected attack in his rear frightened him so much, that he
 leaped forward with all his might: the horse's carcase dropped on the
 ground, but in his place the wolf was in the harness, and I on my part
 whipping him continually: we both arrived in full career safe at St.
 Petersburg, contrary to our respective expectations, and very much to
 the astonishment of the spectators.

in order, I presume, to counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor


Re: Why Python 3?

2007-12-05 Thread Terry Reedy

Chris Gonnerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|I spent some time today reading about Python 3, and specifically the
| differences between Python 3 and Python 2, and I was left with a
| question... why?

Overall, to delete accumulated stuff, much of which would have been deleted 
already if not for the prospect of Python3 and the decision to put off 
deletions until then.

|  Why bother to change to Python 3, when the CPython
| implementation is slower, and probably will be for a while?

Guido's philosophy is to get it right first and then speed it up.  I would 
not judge the future 3.0 final by the current alpha1.

| But... almost all of my old 1.5 code ported painlessly to 2.x.
| No need for a 1.5to2 script,

That is because deletion of obsolete features has been put off until 3.0 
instead of being done release by release, as was the policy once, until 
people persuaded Guido to bunch up code-breaking changes.

Also, 2.0 would have been 1.6.1 or 1.7 but for legal and political reasons 
related to the change of venue.  Similarly, 2.1 would have been 1.7 or 1.8.

2.2, with iterators and new-style classes should have been 2.0.  That was 
the real break.  But old-style classes were kept for the 2.x series even 
though they make learning, maintenance, and upgrades a bit harder.

|  whereas I see that there is a 2to3 script for converting modules.

If stuff were deleted (or incompatibly changed) every release, people would 
want a converter script for every release.  I believe the idea may have 
arisen in the discussion of redefining int/int.  Changing that from 
'future' to 'present' has been put off much longer than originally planned.

|  Python 1.5 and 2.x are executable pseudocode,
| something that can be easily read by anyone with a modicum of
| programming knowledge.

The subset of 3.0 that is basically the same as 1.4, the version for which 
I coined that phrase, still should be.

|  In fact, the things I rarely or never use in
| Python tend to be those things I find hardest to read (like list
| comprehensions).

Yes, I have thought about whether I should use l.c.s in didactic programs 
primarily meant for human readers who are not necessarily Python 

|  Few of the changes along the way have required me to
| change how I *write* code;

Because most code-breaking changes that would have required you to change 
have been put off to 3.0.

| probably the worst was the integer division
| change, which I disagreed with, but I went along with the community.

But that change has not happened yet (without a future import) -- because 
it was put off to 3.0.  Learning Python today would be easier if int/int 
did *not* still have two possible meanings, and it will be easier when the 
change is complete.

I see four possible policies with respect to replacing features with 
intended improvements.

A. Never do it, so there is never a reason to delete anything.

B. Add new versions of a feature but keep the old version also forever.

C Add new versions and delete the old soon after.

D. Add new versions but delete the old in a bunch after several additions.

Terry Jan Reedy


Why Python 3?

2007-12-04 Thread Chris Gonnerman
I spent some time today reading about Python 3, and specifically the 
differences between Python 3 and Python 2, and I was left with a 
question... why?  Why bother to change to Python 3, when the CPython 
implementation is slower, and probably will be for a while?

When I learned Python, 1.5 was the current version.  Each new version 
from 2.0 on brought goodies to the table... I think I have made use of 
about half of the advancements that have come along since.  But I was 
swayed into taking Python seriously by Eric Raymond's article in Linux 
Journal, where he talked about how much easier it was to read his old 
code in Python than in Perl, and how the whole white space thing wasn't 
so bad.  I discovered I agreed with him.  Python has been my favorite 
language ever since.

But... almost all of my old 1.5 code ported painlessly to 2.x.  No need 
for a 1.5to2 script, whereas I see that there is a 2to3 script for 
converting modules.  Python 1.5 and 2.x are executable pseudocode, 
something that can be easily read by anyone with a modicum of 
programming knowledge.  In fact, the things I rarely or never use in 
Python tend to be those things I find hardest to read (like list 
comprehensions).  Few of the changes along the way have required me to 
change how I *write* code; probably the worst was the integer division 
change, which I disagreed with, but I went along with the community.

I don't see myself using Python 3 for a long time.  Probably as long as 
I can hold out.  Where are my goodies?  What is my payoff for learning 
how to write code the new way?  I can't see it.  Many things seem a lot 
less obvious... like, what was wrong with dict.keys() returning a 
list?  Now it returns some strange object type.

I don't think I can surely be the only one.  Certainly, I'm nobody 
important; it's not as if my opinion has any real bearing on the 
situation.  I suspect that many Python coders will stay with 2.x; after 
all, this is Open Source... there is no Micro$oft forcing us to upgrade 
to get more licenses.  If enough people stay with 2.x... will the 
project fork?  Will there be enough of us to maintain Python 2 
indefinitely?  Will module maintainers have to choose which version of 
Python to support?  It's already a pain for me to keep the GDmodule up 
with the current Python release... and it's a pretty small module.

I just don't see the point.  I feel like we already have all we need in 
Python 2.  I feel like the language is becoming less and less friendly 
and readable as it evolves.

Just my two cents, I guess.

-- Chris Gonnerman


Re: Why Python 3?

2007-12-04 Thread Carl Banks
On Dec 4, 11:39 pm, Chris Gonnerman
 I don't think I can surely be the only one.  Certainly, I'm nobody
 important; it's not as if my opinion has any real bearing on the
 situation.  I suspect that many Python coders will stay with 2.x; after
 all, this is Open Source... there is no Micro$oft forcing us to upgrade
 to get more licenses.  If enough people stay with 2.x... will the
 project fork?

There's no need to get that concerned; Python 2.x will exist and be
maintained alongside Python 3.x for quite a while, probably 10 years.

FWIW: I think the Python 3 effort has done well to keep things from
getting out of hand; I expect transitions to be mostly smooth.
Probably the trickiest aspect of transition will be getting Unicode
and byte strings straight.

Carl Banks