Hi All,

I'm pleased to announce the release of testfixtures 2.3.5. testfixtures is a collection of helpers for writing succinct unit tests including help for:

- Comparing objects and sequences

Better feedback when the results aren't as you expected along with support for comparison of objects that don't normally support comparison.

- Mocking out objects and methods

Easy to use ways of stubbing out objects, classes or individual methods for both doc tests and unit tests. Special helpers are provided for testing with dates and times.

- Testing logging

Helpers for capturing logging output in both doc tests and unit tests.

- Testing stream output

Helpers for capturing stream output, such as that from print statements, and making assertion about it.

- Testing with files and directories

Support for creating and checking files and directories in sandboxes for both doc tests and unit tests.

- Testing exceptions

Easy to use ways of checking that a certain exception is raised, even down the to the parameters the exception is raised with.

This release fixes a small bug that meant failures in dictionary comparison didn't always produce the same output. (It was correct, just partly unsorted)

The package is on PyPI and a full list of all the links to docs, issue trackers and the like can be found here:


Any questions, please do ask on the Testing in Python list or on the Simplistix open source mailing list...



Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing & Python Consulting
           - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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