> I'm writing a JIT compiler named cyjit using cython code as a backend. It 
> designed primarily reference numba.jit. the jitted python function will be 
> converted to cython code then compiled to c extension.
> Use decorate to specify compiled function.

> for example:
> from cyjit import jit
> @ jit ('int (int, int)')
> def add (a, b):
> return a + b
> add (1,2) # compiled
> @ jit ('int (int, int)',
> locals ='' '
> int c
> '' ')
> def add1 (a, b):
> c = add (a, b) # fast invoked
> return c
> add1 (1,2)
> Currently cyjit does not support type defer, the local variables can be 
> defined manually using C syntax.
> Jit compilation process is done inside jit decorate. I am planing to
> move compilation process into function's runtime to achieve overload like 
> numba.jit.

> Currently cyjit supports compilation cache, the compilation will happen at 
> the first run, it will take longer time. When you run it again, it will load 
> the compiled extension directly. 
> Welcome to fork, pull, and suggestions.
> https://github.com/liuzhenhai/cyjit

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