Hi there,

I'm really pleased to announce the first public release of MyNewspaper.

MyNewspaper is a personal RSS Aggregator and Reader, licensed under GPL.

Why? As everybody says, I couldn't find any which fulfills all my
requirements. In fact I used liferea and was pretty happy with it, but
it eats lot of memory when you have many feeds and the program is
running for much time, but the main problem was that it's a desktop
program and I couldn't read the feeds from the work.

So I started writing my own RSS aggregator and reader. MyNewspaper is
written in Python with a bit of javascript and uses sqlite as permanent
storage for the articles.

It is installed as a CGI, so in order to use and manage it you need a
web browser and a web server. Feeds are updated by a command run by cron
or from the WebUI.

Read more and download it from:


or http://www.terra.es/personal7/inigoserna/mynewspaper

Of course, all comments, suggestions etc. are welcome.
And yes, I know code is really awful now, but I wanted to make a public
release to get some feedback while improving the code.

Best regards,

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