Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-14 Thread Rustom Mody
On Friday, October 14, 2016 at 10:31:36 AM UTC+5:30, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
> Gregory Ewing :
> > Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
> >> This suggests even the promoters of functional programming
> >> intuitively prefer imperative programming, but that's ok as long as
> >> it's all functional under the hood.
> >
> > You make it sound like functional programmers like functional
> > programming because it gives them a warm fuzzy feeling. I don't think
> > that's true -- there are specific reasons they like it, and those
> > reason still apply when I/O is expressed using a monadic structure.
> >
> > Read Part 2 - I have something to say about that at the end.
> I've read it. This looks awfully imperative to me:

You are an assembly language programmer.
You've mastered interrupts, instruction formats, IO nitty gritties,
protection modes and all the other good stuff

Up comes this ‘structured programming' kid believing his new religion will save
the world.
You ask him about all the stuff youve spent your life on
1st answer: none of thats available
You scratch your head: So the kewlest paradigm is the poweroff button
2nd answer: Well if you must have all that there's
- separate compilation
- inline assembly
- intrinsics
- etc
- etc

You: (scratching the head harder): Every solution you are giving me makes my 
life worse.
You want to qualify as sadist? Be by guest!
Programmers messiah? Not mine. Thank you!

FP is not much more than structured programming carried to its logical limit:

Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-13 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Gregory Ewing :

> Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
>> This suggests even the promoters of functional programming
>> intuitively prefer imperative programming, but that's ok as long as
>> it's all functional under the hood.
> You make it sound like functional programmers like functional
> programming because it gives them a warm fuzzy feeling. I don't think
> that's true -- there are specific reasons they like it, and those
> reason still apply when I/O is expressed using a monadic structure.
> Read Part 2 - I have something to say about that at the end.

I've read it. This looks awfully imperative to me:

   main = do
 putStrLn "Hi, what's your name?"
 name <- getLine
 putStrLn ("Aren't monads great, " ++ name ++ "?")

Scheme programmers have (begin ...) for sequential blocks and (do ...)
and (for-each ...) for loops.

As your Part 2 indicates, Haskell's use of monads to implement I/O is
not pure functional programming. The order of execution is significant
and functions have side effects.

Nothing wrong with any of this. I'm all for mixed paradigms.


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-13 Thread Gregory Ewing

Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

This suggests even the promoters of functional programming intuitively
prefer imperative programming, but that's ok as long as it's all
functional under the hood.

You make it sound like functional programmers like functional
programming because it gives them a warm fuzzy feeling. I don't
think that's true -- there are specific reasons they like
it, and those reason still apply when I/O is expressed using
a monadic structure.

Read Part 2 - I have something to say about that at the end.


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-13 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Gregory Ewing :
> Steve D'Aprano wrote:
>> The way you can usually tell your functional language has given up
>> purity in favour of mutating implementations is that your code
>> actually runs with non-toy amounts of data :-)
> Hmmm. Your argument here seems to be: "Everyone knows that functional
> languages are impractical, so if it's practical, then it can't be
> functional."
> If she weighs the same as a duck, she's a witch!

>From you essay:

   What's more, it's starting to look a lot like a sequential program.
   We can read it fairly clearly as "add the first element to the set,
   then add the rest of the elements to the set, unless the list is
   empty, in which case turn the set into a list and stop."

It is interesting that right after introducing lambda calculus or pure
functional programming to students, textbooks quickly proceed to
demonstrate how the functional paradigm can emulate the imperative
paradigm, as you have done above.

This suggests even the promoters of functional programming intuitively
prefer imperative programming, but that's ok as long as it's all
functional under the hood.


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-13 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steve D'Aprano wrote:

The way you can usually tell your functional language has given up purity in
favour of mutating implementations is that your code actually runs with
non-toy amounts of data :-)

Hmmm. Your argument here seems to be: "Everyone knows
that functional languages are impractical, so if it's
practical, then it can't be functional."

If she weighs the same as a duck, she's a witch!

More seriously, saying "given up purity in favour of
mutating implementations" implies that the two are
mutually exclusive. I don't agree that they are.

At least as far as in-memory data structure are
concerned, in-place mutation is a form of garbage
collection. You notice that the old version of the
data is going to immediately become garbage, so it
might as well be replaced by the new version.

The observable behaviour of the program remains the
same. That's what I mean by "impossible to tell".


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-12 Thread Steve D'Aprano
On Wed, 12 Oct 2016 11:52 pm, Gregory Ewing wrote:

> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> "the implementation is free to use in-place mutations of the state object
>> – ... without letting anyone know that the implementation has given up
>> any functional purity."
> If it's impossible to tell that functional purity has
> been given up, then in what sense has it been given up
> at all?

Did I say it was impossible to tell?

Just because Donald Trump doesn't admit to wearing a hairpiece doesn't mean
that nobody can tell that he does. *wink*

The way you can usually tell your functional language has given up purity in
favour of mutating implementations is that your code actually runs with
non-toy amounts of data :-)

“Cheer up,” they said, “things could be worse.” So I cheered up, and sure
enough, things got worse.


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-12 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
"the implementation is free to use in-place mutations of the state object – 
... without letting anyone know that the implementation has given up 
any functional purity."

If it's impossible to tell that functional purity has
been given up, then in what sense has it been given up
at all?


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-12 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sunday 09 October 2016 18:48, Gregory Ewing wrote:

> Here's the first part of the essay I said I'd write about
> monads:

Quoting from the essay:

"the implementation is free to use in-place mutations of the state object – 
which obviously allows considerable gains in efficiency, both in time and 
memory usage – without giving up any functional purity."

Surely that should be as follows?

"the implementation is free to use in-place mutations of the state object – 
which obviously allows considerable gains in efficiency, both in time and 
memory usage – without letting anyone know that the implementation has given up 
any functional purity."

I'm inclined to agree with James Hague (via John Cook): functional programming 
is great, until you try to be strict about it. The closer you get to 100% 
functional, the less you can use it. He reckons the sweet spot is about 85% 

git gets easier once you get the basic idea that branches are homeomorphic 
endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space.


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-11 Thread Gregory Ewing

Paul Rubin wrote:

Also if this operation is what it looks like, it's usually called
"bind".  seq is something else entirely.

Ah, I hadn't realised there was already a function in
Haskell called seq -- sorry about that!

I don't really want to call the Python version 'bind',
because it seems a bit obscure. Also, the way I'm using
it there, it's not actually binding anything (it
corresponds to >> rather than >>=), so calling it
'bind' would just confuse matters.

I'll see if I can come up with a better name for it
that doesn't clash with anything.


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-11 Thread Gregory Ewing

Anuradha Laxminarayan wrote:

seq f g h = f (\s1 -> g h s1)

better be written as

seq f g x = f (\s1 -> g x s1)

because naming conventions imply that h is function.

Well, for the subset of monads I'm talking about, it
always is a function -- it's the continuation to be
run after f and g.


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-11 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 9:53:25 PM UTC+5:30, Anuradha Laxminarayan 
> On Sunday, 9 October 2016 13:18:32 UTC+5:30, Gregory Ewing  wrote:
> > Here's the first part of the essay I said I'd write about
> > monads:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Hope it's useful,
> > Greg
> Thanks, that made a very interesting read.

Yeah agreed!

Just got it running in ghc.
Some small modifications needed:

import Data.Set

add x f s = f (insert x s)
listify f s = f (toList s) s
seqq f g x = f (\s1 -> g x s1)

dedup (x:t) = seqq (add x) (dedup t)
dedup [] = listify

run_smf f a = f a (\r s -> r) empty

> seq f g h = f (\s1 -> g h s1)

> better be written as

> seq f g x = f (\s1 -> g x s1)

> because naming conventions imply that h is function.

I think it would be good to make state and adhere to a name-convention eg
c for continuation
f,g for general function
s for state

Otherwise excellent work! V useful

Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Anuradha Laxminarayan  writes:
> seq f g x = f (\s1 -> g x s1)
> because naming conventions imply that h is function.

Also if this operation is what it looks like, it's usually called
"bind".  seq is something else entirely.

Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-11 Thread Anuradha Laxminarayan
On Sunday, 9 October 2016 13:18:32 UTC+5:30, Gregory Ewing  wrote:
> Here's the first part of the essay I said I'd write about
> monads:
> Hope it's useful,
> Greg

Thanks, that made a very interesting read.

In Haskell, the type M a -> M b-> M b tells a good deal of the story of seq

In a Pythonic context, continuations seem to be an effective way to carry that 

Small minor haskell suggestions from a pedagodic pov
[related to Ben Finney's suggestion?]

seq f g h = f (\s1 -> g h s1)

better be written as

seq f g x = f (\s1 -> g x s1)

because naming conventions imply that h is function.

- Anuradha

Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-10 Thread Paul Rubin
Paul Rubin  writes:

Whoops, url changed:

Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-10 Thread Paul Rubin
Gregory Ewing  writes:
> Oh, undoubtedly. I just don't think it helps understand how burritos
> are used in prog... er, that is, how monads... well, you know what I
> mean.

How about in math?


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-09 Thread Gregory Ewing

Paul Rubin wrote:

Well, at least I refrained from saying that monads are like burritos!

But they are!  See:

Oh, undoubtedly. I just don't think it helps understand
how burritos are used in prog... er, that is, how
monads... well, you know what I mean.


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-09 Thread Rustom Mody
On Sunday, October 9, 2016 at 1:18:32 PM UTC+5:30, Gregory Ewing wrote:
> Here's the first part of the essay I said I'd write about
> monads:
> Hope it's useful,
> Greg

Thanks Greg... looks v useful... the continuation-oriented approach.
Will say more after a more careful study

Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-09 Thread Paul Rubin
> Well, at least I refrained from saying that monads are like burritos!

But they are!  See:

Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-09 Thread Ben Finney
Gregory Ewing  writes:

> Here's the first part of the essay I said I'd write about
> monads:

Thank you for tackling this.


You appreciate an important feature of this:

Often it is presented in a very abstract and mathematical way, which
tends to have an eye-glazing effect on people who aren't hard-core
mathematicians. This is an attempt to convey the basic ideas behind
monads to someone who is a programmer rather than a mathematician.

One important lack that I often see in essays written by mathematicians
about programming, is the tendency to use opaque single-character
symbols., such as might be easy to write in chalk on a blackboard.

In a programming language, though, we do not have the constraint of
writing them with chalk on a blackboard. Symbols can be given
*descriptive names*, that communicate the semantic meaning of the

Can you re-write the code examples, for example::

def add(x, f, s):
  return f(s)

so that they are PEP 8 conformant? That means (in addition to 4-column
indentation at each level) that you should *choose descriptive
names* and use them consistently, to help the reader understand the

 \“Telling pious lies to trusting children is a form of abuse, |
  `\plain and simple.” —Daniel Dennett, 2010-01-12 |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-09 Thread Paul Rubin
Gregory Ewing  writes:
> Not sure where I got [h|t] from -- maybe I was thinking of Prolog?)

I've never used Prolog.  Erlang is said to have Prolog-like syntax and
it uses [h|t], so maybe Prolog uses it too.  (Erlang was originally
written in Prolog).

Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-09 Thread BartC

On 09/10/2016 11:35, Gregory Ewing wrote:

Paul Rubin wrote:

Gregory Ewing  writes:

Well, at least I refrained from saying that monads are
like burritos!

I don't claim that everyone will suddenly understand
everything there is to know about monads after reading
my essay. But maybe it will help some people understand
a little bit. It certainly couldn't help anyone if I
didn't write it.

I think the easiest way to deal with monads is pretend they don't exist. 
(I've no idea what they are, but from glancing at your essay, they look 

Even if someone did struggle for a week to figure out what they mean and 
how to use them, how is anyone else supposed to understand their code? 
How is anyone going to have confidence that any such code will work?

And Python (suddenly remembering which group this is) is supposed to be 
more accessible than other languages. It's not Haskell.


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-09 Thread Gregory Ewing

Paul Rubin wrote:

Gregory Ewing  writes:

Well, at least I refrained from saying that monads are
like burritos!

I don't claim that everyone will suddenly understand
everything there is to know about monads after reading
my essay. But maybe it will help some people understand
a little bit. It certainly couldn't help anyone if I
didn't write it.


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-09 Thread Gregory Ewing

Paul Rubin wrote:

[h|t] should say h:t .

Thanks, corrected. (You can probably tell I'm not a regular
Haskell user. Not sure where I got [h|t] from -- maybe I
was thinking of Prolog?)


Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-09 Thread Paul Rubin
Gregory Ewing  writes:

Erratum in Haskell section:

Lists in Haskell are linked lists, and [h|t] represents a list
whose first element is h and the rest of the list is t.

[h|t] should say h:t .

Re: Python-based monads essay (Re: Assignment versus binding)

2016-10-09 Thread Paul Rubin
Gregory Ewing  writes: