Hi all,

release of python-mode.el-6.0.5 is done at


Please send bug reports resp. request features to


Changes coming with this version:

- Menu is reworked and extended

-  commands combine executing statement/block... with dedicated/switch... etc. 
This may remove some need of customization.

- local environments support started
  If calls to common `py-shell' should use local executable
  instead of default system Python set
  `py-use-local-default' alongside wit

- `py-toggle-shells' alias of more powerful `py-switch-shells'
  Toggles between the interpreter customized in `py-shell-toggle-1' resp. 
Was hard-coded CPython and Jython in earlier versions, now starts with Python2 
and Python3 by default.

- `py-shell-name' accepts PATH/TO/EXECUTABLE
  in addition to name of an installed default Python-Shell.
  Permits installing commands like
  (defun python-XYZ-shell (&optional argprompt)
    "Start an Python-XYZ interpreter ... "
    (let ((py-shell-name "PATH/TO/PYTHON-XYZ"))
      (py-shell argprompt)))

-  new commands `indent-tabs-mode', `toggle-indent-tabs-mode',
  `indent-tabs-mode-on', `indent-tabs-mode-off'

  feature after a request at Stack Exchange asked Jul
  13 '11 at 13:23 saying
  `tab-width' now follows `py-indent-offset'

- new command `py-execute-region-default' forces the
  systems default Python interpreter to execute, ignores

- new `py-number-face',
  visible only when customized and `py-use-number-face-p' is `t',
  inherits default face
  With large files fontifying numbers may cause a delay
  Credits to github.com/fgallina/python.el/issues42

- new boolean `py-verbose-p'
  if `t', reached indent level etc. is messaged

- `toggle-py-smart-indentation' new command
   also `py-smart-indentation-on', -off



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