Am 21.02.2019 um 16:26 schrieb Dennis Lee Bieber:

        If I were coding something, I'd likely use the native style to reduce
the cost of conversion overhead. Relatively speaking, that name extraction
code is /slow/ -- it splits the query on :, then loops over each character
looking for something (non-alphanumeric and not _) on which to terminate
the resulting name... and that loop is done at Python source code level (it
doesn't even use a

                for i,c in enumerate(chunk):

which would exit the loop on the end of the chunk; instead it manually
increments the counter to be "next character" [which fails when there is no
next character].

Well - I started to write my application without much thought about execution speed, because the database tables concerned are small to very small. If I can use a dictionary for query parameters then the function producing the parameters doesn't need to know much about the SQL query using them. That's why I like pyformat and named. Looking at the apibase code I think pyformat might be a little bit faster?

But when I saw things didn't work as expected that had to be cleared up in any case.

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