Hello,Iam trying to send an email through outlook 2010 on a win 7 64 bit oswith 
python 2.7 32 bit and win32com 32 bit. I am using the same codeexample found in 
many Google search results. This chunk of code willrun fine if I rem out the 
attachment, but once I try adding theattachment, I get an error about 'no data 
source provided'. Thissame sample of code appears to work fine in many 
instances, but I'vealso seen this error appear on the net since 2002. I've also 
changedthe attachment line use this format, and have tried it myself, butno 
luck#newMail.Attachments.Add('Location', olByValue, 1, 'Description')

I've named changed the name of the attachment every way possible (r'c:\test.txt 
  c:\test.txt c:\\test.txt) and I've placed it in other directories, but still 
the same error.  
Any suggestions

importwin32com.clientolMailItem = 0x0
obj = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
newMail = obj.CreateItem(olMailItem)
newMail.Subject = "I AM SUBJECT!!"
newMail.Body = "I AM IN THE BODY\nSO AM I!!!"
newMail.To = "them...@mail.org"
#newMail.CC = "moreaddresses here"
#newMail.BCC = "aaa"
attachment1 = r'c:\test.txt'
 pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (4096, 'Microsoft 
 Outlook', 'Cannot add the attachment; no data source was provided.', 
 None, 0, -2147352567), None)
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