> I tried installing a microsoft security patch for XP using os.system
> method on windows 2000 professional. The installtion failed because of
> incompatibility, but it still returned an exit code of ' 0 '.I also
> tried using os.popen2,3,4 methods but didnt work.Any Inputson how i
> can get the correct exit error code?..
> I tried the following commands
> os.system('patch_name /q/z/m')
> and
> os.popen2('patch_name /q/z/m')
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-
> us/msi/setup/error_codes.asp

My guess is that the process is simply always returning zero.  You can
confirm this by writing a batch file and using "if errorlevel" - eg:

patch_name /q/z/m
if errorlevel 1 echo Failed

And seeing if you see "Failed" printed when running the .bat file from a


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