Dear Pythoners,


I need to access data in an MS Access 2003 database using Python 2.5 or 2.6
running in Windows7.  Windows7 doesn't seem to have appropriate drivers for
ODBC.  My error messages consistently contain the phrase, "Data source name
not found and no default driver specified."


While I see that others have run into the same problem, my web searches have
only deepened my confusion - questions are routinely answered with
suggestions that turn out to not work in Windows7.  


Suggestions such as SQL Alchemy or pyODBC don't solve the problem, because
it still boils down to the missing drivers. 


This is a volunteer effort, so even the Egenix product, mxODBC, at $69 is a
little much.


Are there suitable open-source codes to get at Access 2003 data in Windows7?
Please point me in a productive direction, or, it it's just not possible,
put me out of my misery.


Cheers, Gary Smith

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