edit: with 1e-07 it is all ok. It is the negative -1e07 that I am getting 
with numpy that is messing things. 

El domingo, 26 de febrero de 2023 a las 0:22:53 UTC+1, Rudi Hammad escribió:

> Hello,
> I recently started updating my code from maya 2018 to 2023. 
> I converted all my code to python 3. I also installed numpy and scipy 
> successfully.
> But I am starting to get errors in my unitests that where passing 
> perfectly before and I realized the following:
> I have a scene with a curve that I passed to a MFnCurve called mfnCrv. 
> When I run this :
> *mfnCrv.getPointAtParam(-1e-07, posMPoint, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld)*
> I get the error
> * # Error: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 1: (kInvalidParameter): 
> Cannot find item of required type*
> but if I do this
> *mfnCrv.getPointAtParam(0.0000001, posMPoint, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld)*
> Everything is fine.
> Any one experienced anything like that?
> thx,
> R

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