Re: [Pythonocc-users] parametric drawing in PythonOCC

2010-07-11 Thread Wangshiraz

Hi Thomas,

I use:
my_shape_list = my_context.get_shapes()

I found [0] is the object I wanted from the under 

Here are my final code:

from OCC.PAF.Context import ParametricModelingContext
from OCC.PAF.Parametric import Parameters

import time

def main():
p = Parameters()  # Create a parameters set
my_context = ParametricModelingContext(p, commit=False) # Create and 
initialize a parametric context
my_context.init_display() # start the graphic display

# we need to register the operations that are used
# for concerns of performance, _only_ operations that are registered
# are associative 
# Create parameters
p.X1, p.Y1, p.Z1 = 0,0,0
p.X2, p.Y2, p.Z2 = 30,30,30

p.X3, p.Y3, p.Z3 = 5,5,-10
p.X4, p.Y4, p.Z4 = 20,20,40

p.RADIUS = 1

# points box 1  
my_pnt1 = my_context.basic_operations.MakePointXYZ(p.X1,p.Y1,p.Z1, 
name="Pnt1")   # Create the first point box1
my_pnt2 = my_context.basic_operations.MakePointXYZ(p.X2,p.Y2,p.Z2, 
name="Pnt2")   # Create the second point box1

# points box 2
my_pnt3 = my_context.basic_operations.MakePointXYZ(p.X3,p.Y3,p.Z3, 
name="Pnt3")   # Create the first point box2
my_pnt4 = my_context.basic_operations.MakePointXYZ(p.X4,p.Y4,p.Z4, 
name="Pnt4")   # Create the second point box2

# create boxes
box1 = 
show=True)# Create the box
box2 = 
show=True)# Create the box

# boolean subtract box2 from box1 
booled_box = my_context.boolean_operations.MakeBoolean( box1, box2, 2, 
name='BooleanBox', show=False)

# add fillets to the booleaned box
fillet_box = my_context.local_operations.MakeFilletAll( booled_box, 
p.RADIUS, name='FilletBox', show=True)

# configuring presentations
pres1, pres2, pres_fillet = my_context.get_presentation(box1), 
my_context.get_presentation(box2), my_context.get_presentation(fillet_box)
pres1.SetTransparency(.8); pres1.SetColor(12) 
pres2.SetTransparency(.8); pres1.SetColor(12)

my_shape_list = my_context.get_shapes()
from OCC import IGESControl
i = IGESControl.IGESControl_Controller()
iges_writer = IGESControl.IGESControl_Writer()
print "added an object to the IGES file. "

def profile_main():
 # This is the main function for profiling 
 # We've renamed our original main() above to real_main()
 import cProfile, pstats
 prof = cProfile.Profile()
 prof = prof.runctx("main()", globals(), locals())
 print ""
 stats = pstats.Stats(prof)
 stats.sort_stats("time")  # Or cumulative
 stats.print_stats(80)  # 80 = how many to print
 # The rest is optional.
 print ""


> With 'upper bound', you mean the last element of the list, right?
> >>> a = [1,2,3,4,5]
> >>> a[-1]
> 5
> Thomas

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Pythonocc-users mailing list

Re: [Pythonocc-users] parametric drawing in PythonOCC

2010-07-10 Thread Thomas Paviot
With 'upper bound', you mean the last element of the list, right?

>>> a = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> a[-1]


2010/7/10 Wangshiraz 

>  Hi Thomas,
> I am using 0.4. I can export the IGES now. So cool.
> Just wondering is there a function to get the upper bound of the list? The
> last shape in the list is what I want to saved.
> Regards,
> Cean
> > Message: 2
> > Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 15:25:23 +0200
> > From: Thomas Paviot 
> > Subject: Re: [Pythonocc-users] parametric drawing in PythonOCC
> >
> > IGESControl (as well as STEPControl) takes TopoDS_Shape instance as a
> > parameter.
> >
> > If you run pythonOCC-0.4, use the get_shapes() method of the
> > ParametricModelingContext instance. You'll get a list of TopoDS_Shapes
> you
> > can pass to the IGES or STEP exporter.
> >
> > In the latest svn trunk revision, this method was replaced by the
> > get_shape() method: box_shape = my_context.get_shape(my_box)
> >
> > Thomas
> >
> > ***
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> Pythonocc-users mailing list
Pythonocc-users mailing list

Re: [Pythonocc-users] parametric drawing in PythonOCC

2010-07-10 Thread Wangshiraz

Hi Thomas,

I am using 0.4. I can export the IGES now. So cool.

Just wondering is there a function to get the upper bound of the list? The last 
shape in the list is what I want to saved.



> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 15:25:23 +0200
> From: Thomas Paviot 
> Subject: Re: [Pythonocc-users] parametric drawing in PythonOCC
> IGESControl (as well as STEPControl) takes TopoDS_Shape instance as a
> parameter.
> If you run pythonOCC-0.4, use the get_shapes() method of the
> ParametricModelingContext instance. You'll get a list of TopoDS_Shapes you
> can pass to the IGES or STEP exporter.
> In the latest svn trunk revision, this method was replaced by the
> get_shape() method: box_shape = my_context.get_shape(my_box)
> Thomas
> ***
Pythonocc-users mailing list

Re: [Pythonocc-users] parametric drawing in PythonOCC

2010-07-09 Thread Thomas Paviot
IGESControl (as well as STEPControl) takes TopoDS_Shape instance as a

If you run pythonOCC-0.4, use the get_shapes() method of the
ParametricModelingContext instance. You'll get a list of TopoDS_Shapes you
can pass to the IGES or STEP exporter.

In the latest svn trunk revision, this method was replaced by the
get_shape() method: box_shape = my_context.get_shape(my_box)


2010/7/9 Wangshiraz 

>  Hi,
> I am looking at this PAF sample - But have no idea how to
> export the box in STEP or IGES file. It seems the box can't be added with
> IGESControl.IGESControl_Writer().AddShape().
> Any help?
> Thanks
> >
> > An example of how to use both parametric and meshing frameworks using
> > callbacks is available at:
> >
> >
> > ***
> --
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> Pythonocc-users mailing list
Pythonocc-users mailing list

Re: [Pythonocc-users] parametric drawing in PythonOCC

2010-07-09 Thread Wangshiraz


I am looking at this PAF sample - But have no idea how to export 
the box in STEP or IGES file. It seems the box can't be added with 

Any help?


> An example of how to use both parametric and meshing frameworks using
> callbacks is available at:
> ***
Pythonocc-users mailing list

Re: [Pythonocc-users] parametric drawing in PythonOCC

2010-07-09 Thread Thomas Paviot
Hi Pierre,

The parametric framework has been made interoperable with other packages by
adding two callbacks:
- a 'pre-solver' callback, which is called before the geometric solver is
- a 'post-solver' callback, which is called just after the new geometry is

You can register as many functions as you want into these callbacks. You can
get the current state of the TopoDS_Shape.

An example of how to use both parametric and meshing frameworks using
callbacks is available at:

The most important line of this example is the line 118:


The 'mesh_and_display' function will be called each time a parameter is

Best Regards,


2010/7/6 Pierre JUILLARD 

> Dear all,
> May I know what is the current status of the pythonOCC parametric
> framework?
> I have read in this email last year that it was a hard work going on, and
> that the next step would be to link this framework with solvers (constraint
> programming, evolutionary computing etc.).
> May I know if this step has begun, and if some constraint solvers have been
> evaluated?
> Thanks in advance for the news.
> Bests,
> Pierre
> Posted by *Thomas Paviot* on July 05, 2009 - 10:36:
> Hi all,
> Based on the SalomeGEOM library, which was included a few weeks ago in
> pythonOCC (see the subversion trunk), a pure python prametric framework is
> currently being (actively) developped.
> This parametric framework is based on four main classes:
> - the Parameter class: creation of parameters,
> - the Facotry class: creation of geometry based on the parameters,
> - the Rule class: enable to attach one or more rules to a Parameter. The
> rule consists of a function that returns a boolean: True if the rule is
> validated, false otherwise,
> - the Relation class: create relations between parameters. This class is
> based on sympy (, a Python library for
> symbolic mathematics.
> Then, each time a parameter is changed (which can be done from a ipython
> -wthread interactive console):
> - the new values of parameters are computed according to the different
> Relations that have been set up,
> - the Rules are checked.
> It's not finished yet, and the result has not yet been uploaded to the
> subversion trunk, but it should be done in a few days (weeks?), once the API
> is stable (it's still moving almost every day). It's mostly based on python
> descriptors (, with an
> intensive use of callbacks and operator overloading. Of course, thanks to
> the magic of Python, this framework is currently only 500 lines of
> pythoncode.
> Although it's not available yet, here is a small sample I made, called the
> 'gears' sample. The diameter of the gears and the relative position are
> driven by two parameters: the velocity ratio (r) and the distance between
> axis (a). Every change in those parameters modifies the geometry in
> consequence, if the rules are validated. The syntax could change in the
> future, but the architecture is defined and should be stable.
> The work that still have to be done:
> - simplify the API (there's still a possible confusion with the handle of
> parameters by strings "p.X" or attributes p.X),
> - check the stability of the API, in case, for instance, of cyclic
> references between parameters,
> - and, in a mid term, link this framework with solvers (constraint
> programming, evolutionary computing etc.) in order to find solutions to
> engineering problems as defined by the (Rules,Relations).
> Of course, I'll let you know about the future developments of this project.
> Best Regards,
> Thomas
> ##Copyright 2009 Thomas Paviot (tpav...@x)
> ##
> ##This file is part of pythonOCC.
> ##
> ##pythonOCC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> ##it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> ##the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
> ##(at your option) any later version.
> ##
> ##pythonOCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> ##but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> ##GNU General Public License for more details.
> ##
> ##You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> ##along with pythonOCC.  If not, see .
> # A sample that shows how to generate the gear geometry according
> # to knowledge
> from Context import Context
> import Parametric
> from Parametric import Parameters, symb, Relation
> import Factory
> import Presentation
> from math import pi
> from sympy import *
> #
> # Initialization
> #
> my_context = Context()
> my_context.Init()
> my_presentation = Presentation.Presentation(my_context)
> p = Parameters(my_context)
> p.