> > > Now, since we maintain task-dockerautotest, it should go into
> > > qa.*,
> > 
> > Agreed. Once we have dist-git checks implemented, we can ask docker
> > maintainers to keep it and maintain it in their repo. If they don't
> > want, we can keep it in our domain (same as anyone will be able to
> > run any test against any package in their personal space).
> It seems really weird to have one effectively package-specific in qa.*
> but there are worse things.

I mentioned that just for the case where docker maintainers would not want to 
maintain it. A slight variation would be `qa.pkg.docker.autotest`, to make 
things look more structured.

Of course, if we lift up the restriction "namespace should denote ownership" 
(which I assumed and you didn't), we can easily add our task-dockerautotest git 
repo to the trusted list for `pkg.docker` and then report to 
`pkg.docker.autotest`. Sounds reasonable?

> > > 2. create additional dist.* namespace where tasks like abicheck
> > >    and/or rpmgrill would be, or
> > 
> > What is the use case for "dist."? Which tasks would go there and
> > which would not? Is this just about "scratch" not sounding that good?
> I'm pretty anti-fas-name on the release blocking checks (will detail
> below) so in my mind, dist.* is a good place to put things which need
> to be run on all the packages/updates/composes etc. - something that is
> pretty much global. Other ideas on how to split that stuff up are
> welcome, though.

OK, I see the point, considering your aversion to putting those tests under 
`fas.user/group`. But there is a difference. While we can make sure nobody 
messes up your `fas.user/group` namespace and results, we can't do that in 
`dist` (unless we introduce subnames). So `dist` will be a shared namespace 
among everyone who we'll grant access to. It's like a public FTP dir - I'm a 
bit wary about that.

> Having scratch.* be the catch-all also allows us to say "scratch.*
> probably isn't important" while having another option for where to put
> results. I think of it as kinda similar to the concept of a scratch
> build in koji.

Yes, I see it as the same concept.

> > Personally, I always considered our namespaces to have two functions:
> > 1. show ownership - it's clear who owns qa.depcheck, or
> > fas.ksinny.abicheck, or group.workstation.gnome-startup
> Why is it important to show ownership? In some cases (mostly
> non-release-blocking stuff), I can kind of see a case for this but for
> abicheck in particular, I don't see the point. We don't encode the
> maintainer(s) into package names for fedora, why should we for
> checks/tests/tasks?

We're hoping to be running tens and hundreds of tasks for tens and hundreds 
different people. I'd like to make it obvious which task is whose and where to 
direct any feedback, questions, bug reports, etc. I don't want to receive bug 
reports for tasks we don't even know they exist. When I make an analogy with 
github - you have repos named as person_name/repo_name and all your feedback 
goes either to the repo or to the person, you don't send it to the github team.

If we don't encode it in the namespace, how do you envisage people will learn 
the task maintainer? For packages in Fedora we have a packagedb to learn about 
the maintainers, and we have a separate component in Bugzilla for each of the 
package. What are we going to do for taskotron tasks? Are we going to have a 
task database and point to the database from the result details page from 
ResultsDB? If the task details shows you the git url as plain 
http://myserver/task.git, how do you learn who owns/maintains the repo? How do 
we pair FAS usernames with it? How do we even pair git source url with result 
namespace (currently we only submit result namespace when reporting, but do not 
submit git source url).

This is the problem I'm interested in and I assumed solving it with namespaces 
is easy and elegant. I have no problem with solving it in a different way (e.g. 
task database), but it seems it's going to be harder. (But maybe it's a better 
solution in the long run.)

> From a more (perhaps overly) cynical PoV, I suspect that we're going to
> get the lion's share of complaints about failing tasks, no matter what
> the namespace happens to be.

Yes, I was trying to preempt this as much as possible by setting good defaults.

> I don't really have an issue with the group names. If that name changes
> or the task is handed off to some other group, I think that there will
> be bigger changes afoot where changing filters etc. aren't the biggest
> concern.
> FWIW, I don't remember the concept of ownership coming up in the
> original discussions of namespaces - mostly "security" and being able
> to tell which results are more important in terms of release blocking
> vs. package blocking.

Then it means it was just my assumption developed over the course of time :)

> > 2. increase
> > security and eliminate mistakes - by allowing certain people or
> > groups to write results only into their own namespace, we reduce
> > attack vectors (random people can't send fake results for
> > qa.depcheck) and we eliminate mistakes (people will not create a
> > thousand test cases in "qa." by accident)
> I think this is the primary use case for namespaces, honestly.
> > I didn't intend namespaces to reflect task importance in any way,
> > e.g. to put all gating tasks into "qa.". It sounds tempting, but it's
> > likely to violate the two functions mentioned above. For release
> > critical tasks, it's possible that we will take their ownership and
> > maintain them, but I don't think it's going to happen for all of
> > them. I don't see a problem in Bodhi or some releng tools monitoring
> > qa.depcheck, qa.upgradepath and fas.ksinny.abicheck. It's all about
> > trust, and the exact testcase name doesn't matter. You can't trust a
> > random person that he/she will maintain the task and quickly fix all
> > issues, but once you know who you're dealing with and that he/she is
> > willing and capable of doing that work, it doesn't matter whether the
> > namespace is "qa." or "fas.".
> Let's pretend that everyone who maintains task-abicheck decides to go on
> vacation for a month. One week into that month, task-abicheck breaks
> horribly and is no longer producing results that we can believe. If
> we're relying on results from task-abicheck to do things like gate
> non-rawhide builds moving into stable tags, I really don't think that
> the attitude will be "oh well, none of the owners are around, I guess
> we'll just turn off this check for a couple of weeks or not allow
> anything to go stable until the maintainers return".

I'm unsure how this is related to namespaces. If this happens, we can either 
disable the check in our gating system, or fix the problem (if we know how). If 
we decide to fix it and have commit access to the task git repo, we push a fix. 
If we don't have commit access, we fork the repo, push the fix, use our qa 
superpowers to grant us write access to any namespace task-abicheck is using, 
and run the task. It's the same, whether it reports to `fas.user/group`, to 
`dist`, or somewhere else. What am I missing?

> For abicheck in particular, I think that once it's integrated into
> various Fedora workflows, it's going to stay there unless libabigail
> stops being maintained for some reason and breaks horribly. We're going
> to be on the hook for that task, regardless of whether its in the qa.*
> namespace or not - I'm not saying that I think that something will
> happen, just using it as an example.
> I don't much care what the namespace ends up being, so long as it's not
> tied to a fas username and makes sense. Any suggestions?

If we expect task-abicheck to become very important, the best course of action 
seems to me to set up some group ownership right away (to keep the namespace 
consistent in the long run). So that could be something like 
`fas.group.abicheck` (if we go with FAS groups) or `group.abisig.abicheck` (if 
we set it manually inside libtaskotron config, and then maintain a list of 
abichecking tasks git urls which can be used to report to this namespace).

We could of course also use `dist.abicheck`, but that opens up the possibility 
of anyone allowed to submit to `dist` messing up task-abicheck results by 
accident. The reason is that we currently only consider namespace for access 
checking, not full "namespace.taskname". We could re-implement that and do full 
"namespace.taskname" checking, so that `dist.abicheck` would be safe from 
accidental errors, but it has some disadvantages (for example we don't know 
taskname until the task completes and produces its ResultYAML, we can't check 
that in advance as we do now).

> > Of course there's the issue of people coming and going, and it would
> > be nice to have the testcase name changing as little as possible. For
> > that reason, I imagine that really important tasks will move to some
> > group ownership, where people can maintain it and the namespace
> > doesn't need to change. Let's imagine "group.workstation" or
> > "group.dnf" (which can match fas groups, or be created manually, or
> > both - the implementation is up to discussion).
> The primary issue I have with fas usernames as namespaces is the
> churn that can represent. If task-abicheck reported to
> fas.ksinny.abicheck, what happens if ksinny hands of maintenance to
> someone else for whatever reason? Do we change the namespace for that
> check just because the maintainer changes? That would have cascading
> effects in notifications, filtering of fedmsgs/notifications by all
> users and any systems which query resultsdb for abicheck results.
> Once there's a namespace set for a certain task, that namespace
> shouldn't change unless there's a _really_ good reason and I don't
> think that change-of-maintainer is a good enough reason.

I agree, and I considered `fas.user` namespace to be of limited use for 
personal tasks only. Those tasks, which are shaping up well, but not yet 
completely ready, or they're very niche and not likely to become an "important" 
task. I'd use `fas.user` namespace for such tasks, because it's easier than to 
watch out for task name collisions in `scratch` and I can be sure nobody will 
submit a task of the same name in the future. OTOH if I had something very 
alpha and not even probably working, sure, why not use `scratch`.

For anything likely to be useful already, sure, some form of group namespaces 
or anything else guaranteeing a stable identification is much better. Maybe we 
can come up with something that doesn't encode the username and can be 
transferred or shared by many, but still can be protected from public 
write-access? What about some short UUID that people can request?

> If we do go the group/area route, we're going to have to figure out how
> the group names/membership will be maintained.
> > So, personally, what I would *not* do is to place task-abicheck into
> > "qa." namespace while having Dodji or Sinny still maintain it. That
> > breaks the two primary rules of namespaces (as I see it). We should
> > either move it to "qa." and start maintaining it ourselves, or put it
> > into Sinny's/Dodji's personal namespace and let them maintain it.
> > This is nothing personal against Sinny or Dodji (you two are doing
> > great work), and it's not that I don't trust them, I'm using a
> > concrete example but trying to show the principle in general.
> The primary issue I have with fas usernames as namespaces is the
> churn that can represent. If task-abicheck reported to
> fas.ksinny.abicheck, what happens if ksinny hands of maintenance to
> someone else for whatever reason? Do we change the namespace for that
> check just because the maintainer changes? That would have cascading
> effects in notifications, filtering of fedmsgs/notifications by all
> users and any systems which query resultsdb for abicheck results. Once
> there's a namespace set for a certain task, that namespace shouldn't
> change unless there's a really good reason and change-of-maintainer
> isn't a good enough reason.
> I don't really care if abicheck is in the qa.* namespace or not,
> though. It just seemed like a decent place and it's not like we
> wouldn't be on the hook if the proverbial poo hit the fan.

However, that would still break the second "increase security and eliminate 
mistakes" idea behind namespaces. I have no problem with exceptions, I'm just 
trying to figure out whether we should do it for the very first third-party 
check we deal with, or whether we should try to solve it in some more 
systematic way.

> > The only thing is that "fas." is not implemented yet and that's why
> > it is in "scratch." now. I don't see a problem with it, and we can
> > move it once we implement "fas.". Once abicheck proves to be useful
> > and reliable (or before, once we agree on what we really want), we
> > can suggest them to come up with some maintenance fas group so that
> > the namespace doesn't need to change, in case they want somebody else
> > to take it over.
> I could be wrong, but I have a hard time seeing a huge use case for fas
> username namespaces. If contributors write tasks, I really think
> they're going to be for a group/package/image/etc. and using scratch.*
> for things that don't have a group or other functional namespace works
> well enough.

See above, personally I'd see use cases for both, but I might be wrong.

Talking about composes, where will their results go? Let's say I have a compose 
metadata check. My idea was that initially you developer and run it as 
`fas.user.composemeta` task, and if it turns out to be really valuable and 
releng want to adopt it, it might go to `group.releng.composemeta`. If they 
don't want to adopt it, no biggie, I can still run it for my personal use as 
`fas.user.composemeta`. If there was not `fas` namespace, where would this task 

> > Of course you might have a different opinion on what the namespaces
> > are useful for, and what are their important a unimportant features.
> > Please feel free to disagree with me and present your views. I do not
> > feel strongly about this, I was just trying to describe what I
> > currently see as the best (safest, least error-prone, least
> > maintenance) way forward. Thanks.
> It feels like we're starting to have another of those huge discussions
> that isn't worth a huge discussion but hopefully it's just a lot of
> words around a similar goal :)

I tried to be succinct, really :) It's hard to be clear and brief at the same 

> From my PoV, the things I'd fight for are:
>  - fas username namespaced tasks cannot ever be release blocking

I wouldn't be that absolute, but yes, I'd say it's a bad practice. We should 
offer a solution to have stable namespace names even if maintainer changes.

>  - anything release-blocking should have a pretty much immutable
>    namespace and name


>  - making sure that enough people can change release blocking tasks
>    that we don't hit a bus number problem on task ACL


>  - keep things as consistent as we can so we can avoid future
>    incidents of "oh, by the way, if you have any filters for
>    results ... you'll want to change those"


> The things that I'd like to see but don't care about so much:
>  - no fas username namespacing at all

This really surprised me because I considered fas namespacing one of the major 
features we introduced namespaces for. I'm not against it, but it turns quite a 
few things on its head and I don't know how you intend to solve it. Questions 
above. I can imagine some solutions to achieve what we want even without 
personal namespaces (e.g. the ability to request and be granted a particular 
namespace that nobody else can write into, in an automated fashion). 

>  - namespace checks by functional use/area rather than "owner" even
>    though that would be similar in many cases

In that case we have to re-think access checking.

> > PS: There's one case where I can imagine we should do a different
> > solution. If we wanted to show abicheck results in Bodhi *asap* and
> > were concerned about the risks of displaying results from "scratch."
> > namespace, then it would make sense to create some separate temporary
> > namespace, place abicheck into in (and set up permissions so that
> > it's not publicly accessible) and have it there until we implement
> > "fas.".
> This involves changing the namespace and I don't think that's a good
> idea. Let's change it once and (hopefully) only once.
> Tim
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