Hi all!
  I have a Product consisting of static files (images, QML and JSON);
you can see the base item here:


and a trivial QBS file in which it's used:


It all works fine, the static files are installed in the filesystem in
the proper location.

Now, however, I'm building the Android version and I would like to embed
the same file as a resource, but only when building for Android. So,
I've changed the base item like this:

Product {
    type: embedAsResource ? "staticlibrary" : "qmlplugin"

    property bool embedAsResource: true   // logic is TODO

    Depends { name: "Qt.core" }
    FileTagger {

        patterns: [ "*.png", "*.gif", "*.svg" ]

        fileTags: "image"


    FileTagger {
        patterns: "*.qml"
        fileTags: ["qml"]

    Group {
        fileTagsFilter: [ "qml", "image" ]
        fileTags: embedAsResource ? ["qt.core.resource_data"] : []
        qbs.install: !embedAsResource
        qbs.installDir: "share/" + project.relativePluginDir
        qbs.installSourceBase: "../"

That is, if the embedAsResource property is true (and it always is,
currently), the product should be a static library, and the
"qt.core.resource_data" tag should be added to the static files.

But the above does not work. It appears that the new tag is not being
added. It all works if I add it directly into the FileTagger items, but
I would rather avoid doing that, since I have several of them and adding
a conditional would make the QBS file harder to read.

So, in short, the question is this: why isn't it possible to use the
Group's fileTags property to add a tag in this case? Or am I doing
something else wrong here?


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