Hi everyone!

I’ve just released the first version (0.1) of RSD, which is a proof-of-concept to rewrite the qemu-storage-daemon (QSD) and thus the qemu block layer in Rust:


We’ve been talking for quite a long time about adding Rust into qemu and the qemu block layer, and usually ended it with “Could be nice, we just need someone to start.”  After we’ve had discussion last year about maybe adding C++ for language-supported coroutines, I thought if the time isn’t now, it’s never.

In the process, I’ve gathered some insights into obstacles and benefits that Rust could bring us, which I’ve summed up in two blog posts:

Part 1 (Overview): https://czenczek.de/blog/rsd-overview.html
Part 2 (Performance): https://czenczek.de/blog/rsd-performance.html

The bottom line so far is that Rust could bring us valuable benefits, but likely only if we rewrote everything.  A middle ground is possible, by keeping RSD focused on a specific subset of functionality, the one that is most valuable for it.  In any case, this (v0.1) is as far as is reasonable to go with RSD as an experiment – any further work we’d need to do in earnest and define what exactly we actually want.  And that’s an important part of what this announcement is for, to see whether anyone has this interest!


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